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Reading that thread now.  So glad they got it straightened out.  Sad about the highscore support but if I read it right that will be introduced and supported as is?  I need my highscore support!  My kid still thinks he can beat my donkeykong HS wich aint gonna happen any time soon! :)


Hopefully mamesick will add that in. I'm not sure how the new system works or if the old .hi files will still be used. Maybe keep a back up of those.



Mameuifx 0.172 is now available. Shame about the Hiscore. :(


* Changelog from 0.171

- Added support for new GAMEINIT.DAT file in the GUI
- Added support for new LUA PLUGINS core feature in the GUI
- Added support for new BGFX SCREEN CHAINS core feature in the GUI
- Added support for AUTOBOOT LUA SCRIPTS core feature in the GUI
- Removed completely SAMPLES SUPPORT for TOAPLAN games due to unresolved re-licensing
- Removed completely HISCORE.DAT support. It's now available in official MAME



Post by Mamesick re: hiscore:




I was going to create a small tutorial though in brief:
- Default Game Options--->Miscellaneous II--->List of plugins to enable---->select "hiscore" and Apply then Ok.
- Copy your old \hi\ folder to the new installation.
- All done.

- Removed completely [/size]

SAMPLES SUPPORT for TOAPLAN games due to [/size]unresolved re-licensing

Hi score I don't care at all about since it doesn't work with all games, but this samples things bothers me...

What are Toaplan games? Does this mean they will no longer sound right (or have sound at all?). Should I revert my rom set back to 171 and stay there for the rest of eternity?


Hi score is working if the plugin is selected so that's good.


I do like the points where the lines converge on the vector games, that is now pronounced but the overall image is just not bright enough for me, so I will need to figure that out.





SAMPLES SUPPORT for TOAPLAN games due to [/size]unresolved re-licensing

Hi score I don't care at all about since it doesn't work with all games, but this samples things bothers me...

What are Toaplan games? Does this mean they will no longer sound right (or have sound at all?). Should I revert my rom set back to 171 and stay there for the rest of eternity?

I think Zero Wing AKA "All your base are belong to us" was a Toaplan game. It would be a shame if Mame couldn't playback that infamous one-liner in its full glory.


I think Zero Wing AKA "All your base are belong to us" was a Toaplan game. It would be a shame if Mame couldn't playback that infamous one-liner in its full glory.

All of MAME or just MAMEUIFX?


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