Styphelus Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 Having problems here as well. Also, MameUIFX doesn't work for Neo-Geo AES. Regular mame 0.172 however does. Not sure why that is. Anyway, I can't get my HLSL settings to stick. Copying them from my old mame install doesn't seem to have any effect. I also can't get it to save per game config files. I'm pulling my hairs out.
rastan Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 Having problems here as well. Also, MameUIFX doesn't work for Neo-Geo AES. Regular mame 0.172 however does. Not sure why that is. Anyway, I can't get my HLSL settings to stick. Copying them from my old mame install doesn't seem to have any effect. I also can't get it to save per game config files. I'm pulling my hairs out. with my GLSL/HLSL I was trying to copy them from my old .ini but was tired so I just used my old .ini and while this is probably not the correct way to do it with mame 172... my settings seemed to work.
rastan Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 I need to check mameDEV to see what exactly has been updated on 172
gigapig Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 with my GLSL/HLSL I was trying to copy them from my old .ini but was tired so I just used my old .ini and while this is probably not the correct way to do it with mame 172... my settings seemed to work. It's good yours copied over fine but there are differences between the two ini's. Missing from the new. hlsl_oversampling shadow_mask_tile_mode scanline_variation hum_bar_alpha Here is a new ini which I copied over and are mostly from Metalzoic's HLSL with the "Floor" set to "0" # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlsl_enable 1 hlslpath hlsl hlsl_prescale_x 4 hlsl_prescale_y 5 hlsl_write 1 hlsl_snap_width 1920 hlsl_snap_height 1080 shadow_mask_alpha 0.12 shadow_mask_texture shadow-mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 6 shadow_mask_y_count 4 shadow_mask_usize 0.1875 shadow_mask_vsize 0.25 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 curvature 0.20 round_corner 0.10 smooth_border 0.0 reflection 0.00 vignetting 0.20 scanline_alpha 1.5 scanline_size 0.95 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 1.1 scanline_bright_offset 0.6 scanline_jitter 0.00 defocus 0.005,0.005 converge_x 0.2,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.2,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 0.85,0.15,0.0 grn_ratio -0.1,1.1,0.0 blu_ratio -0.075,0.0,1.075 saturation 1.0 offset -0.15,-0.18,-0.18 scale 1.15,1.18,1.18 power 1.1,0.9,0.7 floor 0.00,0.0,0.00 phosphor_life 0.0,0.0,0.0
Metalzoic Posted April 10, 2016 Author Posted April 10, 2016 mameuifx 172.1 is up Thanks man, just updated and replaced all the old file structure/files and it seems to be running like a champ. Having problems here as well. Also, MameUIFX doesn't work for Neo-Geo AES. Regular mame 0.172 however does. Not sure why that is. Anyway, I can't get my HLSL settings to stick. Copying them from my old mame install doesn't seem to have any effect. I also can't get it to save per game config files. I'm pulling my hairs out. I need to check mameDEV to see what exactly has been updated on 172 Looks like there were big changes to 172, especially to HLSL (and possibly GLSL). Changes big enough that it looks like you need to replace everything. So I backed up then replaced all my old folders with the fresh new ones, then when through ini's side-by-side to update the settings, tested and brought over my GLSL, transfered over all the 172 sound samples it needs, made changes to my HLSL settings following Jezze's suggestions in the other thread (haven't tested them yet though), tested the multi-screen games... And so far it all looks solid. If you guys just copied over your old ini's that might be the issue as the new ini file seems to have quite a few differences and added/removed lines. HLSL has new parameters and value levels for scanlines, so old HLSL ini's probably need adjustment. GLSL settings files seem to be the same, so if you have custom versions of those settings they seem to transfer over. Didn't switching to Neo-Geo AES just happen in the bios selection before? If so I don't see an AES option there either (although I only ever use MVS anyway) so maybe AES is broken? Or maybe it was removed into MESS only since it's console?
Metalzoic Posted April 10, 2016 Author Posted April 10, 2016 It's good yours copied over fine but there are differences between the two ini's. Missing from the new. hlsl_oversampling shadow_mask_tile_mode scanline_variation hum_bar_alpha Here is a new ini which I copied over and are mostly from Metalzoic's HLSL with the "Floor" set to "0" # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlsl_enable 1 hlslpath hlsl hlsl_prescale_x 4 hlsl_prescale_y 5 hlsl_write 1 hlsl_snap_width 1920 hlsl_snap_height 1080 shadow_mask_alpha 0.12 shadow_mask_texture shadow-mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 6 shadow_mask_y_count 4 shadow_mask_usize 0.1875 shadow_mask_vsize 0.25 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 curvature 0.20 round_corner 0.10 smooth_border 0.0 reflection 0.00 vignetting 0.20 scanline_alpha 1.5 scanline_size 0.95 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 1.1 scanline_bright_offset 0.6 scanline_jitter 0.00 defocus 0.005,0.005 converge_x 0.2,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.2,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 0.85,0.15,0.0 grn_ratio -0.1,1.1,0.0 blu_ratio -0.075,0.0,1.075 saturation 1.0 offset -0.15,-0.18,-0.18 scale 1.15,1.18,1.18 power 1.1,0.9,0.7 floor 0.00,0.0,0.00 phosphor_life 0.0,0.0,0.0 If those are my setting sthey must be my old 162 ones? My more current ones look very different.
sevenseal Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 yes you really need to edit files from a fresh installs... it is the only way it work at it best copy files from an old install make thing unstable or broken to run. used old files at your own risk if you copy old setting over. to set directinput in the ini i believe is go into mame.ini set joystickmap to auto... i believe it will do the trick. directinput is build-in to mame, the codes there just enable ini
rastan Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 yes you really need to edit files from a fresh installs... it is the only way it work at it best copy files from an old install make thing unstable or broken to run. used old files at your own risk if you copy old setting over. to set directinput in the ini i believe is go into mame.ini set joystickmap to auto... i believe it will do the trick. directinput is build-in to mame, the codes there just enable ini yeah I basically just setup a new folder with a fresh install... do you know what the other options are for joystickmap? because I already have it set to auto and can't seem to get it working with Xpadder assigned buttons
griffin518 Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 mameuifx 172.1 is up Thanks again! Download my RocketLauncher bezels: Best of MAME HyperSpin XML: Best of MAME bezel pack: Custom MAME ini files w/HLSL settings:
sevenseal Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 yeah I basically just setup a new folder with a fresh install... do you know what the other options are for joystickmap? because I already have it set to auto and can't seem to get it working with Xpadder assigned buttons i would try mameuifx if regular mame doesnt work... mameuifx has both arcade and mess as of 172
potts43 Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 i would try mameuifx if regular mame doesnt work... mameuifx has both arcade and mess as of 172 Does your compiled version of 172 include Mame and mess?
sevenseal Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 Does your compiled version of 172 include Mame and mess?lol potts43, didnt i just mention this?
rastan Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 i would try mameuifx if regular mame doesnt work... mameuifx has both arcade and mess as of 172 mame 172 works perfectly as far as MAME it'self... the only problem is my Xpadder assigned buttons don't work.... so I can't use TAB and ESC on my controller... other than that it works perfectly. I'm thinking a lot of people are having this problem and to be honest... I don't think that much updating has been done to the actual emulation within MAME (speed wise) and every mame since the first runs the classics flawlessly and I really haven't noticed any new machines added that were worth me playing or more importantly none that I even missed if they weren't there before... so with that said I plan on just going back to 171. It's also funny because I guess they updated the command line user interface on 171 because I tried 170 today and it wasn't the same as 171 and 172. The average person would be happy with mame 149... so not much ever changes with mame.... 171 works fine for me so I'll just use it until people work out the kinks with 172 and future builds. as far as HLSL and GLSL.. 171 was pretty damn good.
Styphelus Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Still a no go here. Used the Hlsl settings posted, and they work, however I decided to change the curvature and round corners to 0 in in the slider settings. Mame.ini states both are set to 0,0 but every time I start a new game, the curvature is back. No idea where it's reading those values from now. Deleted everything, re-installed mame from scratch. Again, adjust my slider settings and exit. Start mame again and the default settings take over. Change the mame ini and hlsl is no longer working despite the settings in the mame.ini file. Delete and re-install again, hlsl is back but it won't save my settings. Games start with default settings despite what mame.ini says. What is going on?????
potts43 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 lol potts43, didnt i just mention this? I know you did. I was just checking as I need to update mess too! Thanks for the builds!!!!!
gigapig Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Still a no go here. Used the Hlsl settings posted, and they work, however I decided to change the curvature and round corners to 0 in in the slider settings. Mame.ini states both are set to 0,0 but every time I start a new game, the curvature is back. No idea where it's reading those values from now. Deleted everything, re-installed mame from scratch. Again, adjust my slider settings and exit. Start mame again and the default settings take over. Change the mame ini and hlsl is no longer working despite the settings in the mame.ini file. Delete and re-install again, hlsl is back but it won't save my settings. Games start with default settings despite what mame.ini says. What is going on????? BTW sliders do nothing other than show you the effect, the only way to change it is in the ini file itself. If you have done that then make sure there isn't an ini file in the root as well as the ini folder and if you have multiple ini files (Vector, horizont etc) make sure you change them all as they all come before the Mame.ini.
Styphelus Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 You can have it so it saves settings on exist. After reading your post, I was doubting myself so i tried it on 0.171 and it was working. Mame saved whatever settings I changed on the sliders. However, that doesn't work on 0.172 despite my mame.ini being set to save setting on exist. Changes made to the mame.ini doesn't seem to take effect. I don't have any ini files. Too buggy at the moment. Going to take your advice from the other tread and skip a few versions. Will probably update around version 0.175.
Metalzoic Posted April 11, 2016 Author Posted April 11, 2016 You can have it so it saves settings on exist. After reading your post, I was doubting myself so i tried it on 0.171 and it was working. Mame saved whatever settings I changed on the sliders. However, that doesn't work on 0.172 despite my mame.ini being set to save setting on exist. Changes made to the mame.ini doesn't seem to take effect. I don't have any ini files. Too buggy at the moment. I've never had MAME save any slider settings other than Brightness, Contrast and Gamma. The other HLSL settings don't save. MAMEUIFX had several inis in a fresh install, the extras were different HLSL settings, maybe those are giving you an issue?
potts43 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Same here. Could never get in Mame menu changes to be saved in Mame.ini or hlsl.ini. I found that I made a Mame.ini and then copied and renamed that to horizont.ini and vertical.ini and vector.ini. I then changed only a few settings to suit that type of game. What I have found is that you must use the right version of the hlsl folder or there are issues.
rastan Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 officially went back to 171.... if it ain't broke don't fix it lol! at least until I can figure out 172. I was using 149 for the longest time and never updated and to be honest from 149 to 172 (other than shaders) the games are the same to me.... even if some have been added... I never notice.
potts43 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Tried both 172 and 172.1 raw versions and both refused to see my aimtraks as separate guns. Went back to 171 and they work again. @Sevenseal Not sure why but it's behaving like direct input rather than raw. It was a brand new set up with dual light guns and multiple mice selected in options.
sevenseal Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Tried both 172 and 172.1 raw versions and both refused to see my aimtraks as separate guns. Went back to 171 and they work again. @Sevenseal Not sure why but it's behaving like direct input rather than raw. It was a brand new set up with dual light guns and multiple mice selected in options. try unchecking dual lightguns, always been broke in mamei personal use it that unchecked for my dual guns. never worked right when enable
potts43 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 try unchecking dual lightguns, always been broke in mame i personal use it that unchecked for my dual guns. never worked right when enable Thanks I'll try that. Oddly enough I had it checked in 171 and it still works. I take it that both your lightguns are working as separate guns in Mame 172 and 172.1? Weirdly 171 finds them as gun 8 & 9 but 172 finds them both as gun 1
sevenseal Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Thanks I'll try that. Oddly enough I had it checked in 171 and it still works. I take it that both your lightguns are working as separate guns in Mame 172 and 172.1? Weirdly 171 finds them as gun 8 & 9 but 172 finds them both as gun 1 so did it work?
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