rrcade Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 This thread looks over my head. Are you guys saying that even though I have a mame exe that is compiled for high score saves and I have High Score Enabled in HyperHQ under Main Settings/tools I still need to do something else for mame to save my scores while using Hyperspin?
Fyrecrypts Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 This thread looks over my head. Are you guys saying that even though I have a mame exe that is compiled for high score saves and I have High Score Enabled in HyperHQ under Main Settings/tools I still need to do something else for mame to save my scores while using Hyperspin? Your scores should save just fine, there might be an issue with using HyperLaunch for MAME still, not sure if that got patched up yet or not. But to display scores in Hyperspin you need the HiToText application in the HyperSpin directory. Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
chillinwater Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 oops I missed this update thanks Fyrecrypts Ill update soon. Compiled Mame works with HitoText and high scores with\without hyperlaunch However when using Hyperlaunch if you exit Mame via Hyperlaunches designated\default "exitemulatorkey=esc" key even if yours is different than "esc" high scores wont save. you can: -configure mame (independant of HS) to exit with other keys and then only use that\those key(s) to exit. or in the mame [section] of the hyperlaunch script add the ";" to disable this line (or remove line completely) -save\compile ;Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess and then it will save hi-scores. Using Hyperlaunch with any emulator that doesnt natively use "esc" or whatever you have designated for exitemulatorkey, Doesnt allow them to shut down via their normal processes, so any settings you've changed or hi-scores created, may not save. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
chillinwater Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Still no joy with the "-lp" modifier using all the variations and criteria from a couple posts up. (HiToText crashes hard) with the batch. "-l" works fine. (considerable stuttering with themes in HS) I guess its an HS thing still. [HiToText]-Version 2010.05.12-with clones 005 10yard 10yardj 1941 1941j 1942 1942a 1942b 1942w 1943 1943j 1943kai 1944 1944d 1944j 19xx 19xxa 19xxb 19xxd 19xxh 19xxj 19xxjr1 4dwarrio 8ballact 8ballact2 8ballat2 8bpm abscam ajax ajaxj alibaba alieninv aliensy1 aliensy2 aliensy3 aliensy5 aliensyn altbeaj1 altbeaj3 altbeas2 altbeas4 altbeas5 altbeasj altbeast amidar amidarb amidaro amidars amidaru amigo animaljr anteater anteatg anteatgb apb apb1 apb2 apb3 apb4 apb5 apbf apbg aquajack aquajckj arabfgt arabfgtj arabfgtu area88 argus ark1ball arkangc arkangc2 arkanoid arkarea arkatayt arkatour arkbloc2 arkblock arkgcbl arkmcubl arknid2j arknid2u arknoid2 arknoidj arknoidu arknoiuo arkretrn arktayt2 armedf armora armorap armorar armorca2 armorcar armorcar2 assault assaultj assaultp astdelu1 astdelu2 astdelux astdelux1 astdelux2 asterix asterixj asterock asteroi1 asteroi2 asteroib asteroid astrxeaa astrxeac astyanax atlantol atlantol baby2 baby3 baddudes bagman bagmanmc bagmans bagmans2 bagnard bagnarda balonfgt bankp barrier barrier batman2 batsugna batsugun battlcry batugnsp berzerk berzerk1 bjtwin bjtwina bktigrb1 bktigrb2 blktiger blockout blockout2 blockoutj bloodbra bloodbro blueprnj blueprnt bnj bnzabros bnzabrsj boblbobl bombjac2 bombjack boomrana boomrang boomranga boxingb brkthru brkthruj brubber btime btime2 btimem bub68705 bubbobr1 bublbob1 bublbobl bublbobr buglaxn bullfgt bzone bzone2 bzonec cabal cabala cabalbl cabalus cabalus2 captaven captavna captavne captavnj captavnu captavua captavuu car2 caractn carnival carnvckt caterpil cbnj cburnrb2 cburnrub cburnrub2 ccastle1 ccastle2 ccastle3 ccastlef ccastleg ccastlej ccastlep ccastles ccboot ccboot2 cclimber cclimbrj centipb2 centipd2 centipdd centiped centtime chasehq chasehqj chasehqu chthang chtmsatk chtmspa circusc circusc2 circusc3 circuscc circusce ckong ckonga ckongalc ckongb ckongg ckongjeu ckongo ckongs cleopatr column2j columns columns2 columnsj commandb commandj commando commandu condor contra contrab contraj contrajb cosmicm2 crazypac crush crzralla crzrallg crzrally ctrpllrp daioh dariusg dariusgx darthvdr dazzler ddonpach ddragnba ddragnw1 ddragob2 ddragon ddragonb ddragonu ddragonw ddragoua ddribble deadeye defcmnd defence defendb defender defendg defendw defndjeu demon desterth digdug digdug2 digdug2a digdug2o digduga1 digdugat digdugb dino dinoj dinou dizzy djboy djboya djboyj dkngjnrb dkngjnrj dkong dkong3 dkong3b dkong3j dkongf dkongjo dkongjo1 dkongjp dkongjpo dkongjr dkongjre dkongo domino dorunrca dorunruc dorunrun dotron dotrone dragnblz drgninja dzigzag eagle eagle2 eagle3 earthinv eltonpac esprade espradej espradeo excthour exerion exerionb exeriont exprrada exprraid extrmatj extrmatn extrmatu eyes eyes2 eyeszac falcon falconz fantazia fasthang fasthear fastmspa fastplus faststrm forcebrk frogger froggrmc frogs frogseg1 frogseg2 fshark fsharkbt fstmsatk gaiden galaga galaga84 galagab2 galagads galagamf galagamk galagamw galagao galap1 galap4 galapx galaxb galaxbsf galaxiaj galaxian gallag galmidw galmidwo galtaito galturbo gaunt2 gaunt2p gauntir1 gauntir2 gauntlet gberet gberetb gigawing gijoe gng gnga gngbl gngblita gngt gradius grescue griffon gryzor gteikoku gunsmoka gunsmoke gunsmoku gunsmrom gwinga gwingb gwingj gwingjd gyruss gyrussce hangly hangly2 hangly2x hangly3 hanglyad hanglyx headon headon2 headonb headoni headons heartbrn hpolym84 hvysmsh hvysmsha hvysmshj hyperpac hyperspt hyprdelj hyprduel hyprolyb hyprolyb hyprolym hyprolym imgfigho imgfight invader4 invaders invadrmr jackal jackalj jjsquawb jjsquawk journey joust joust2 joustr joustwr joyman juju jujub jungleh junglek jungler junglers junofrst junofstg kamikcab kangaroa kangarob kangaroo karatedo karatevs kchamp kchampvs kkgalax klax klax2 klax3 klaxd klaxj klaxp1 klaxp2 knights knightsj knightsu korosuke ktiger kungfub kungfub2 kungfud kungfum ladybgb2 ladybug ladybugb lordofk lrescue lrescuem madalien madaliena madalina makaimuc makaimug makaimur maketrax maketrxb mappy mappyj marble marble2 marble3 marble4 marble5 marblea mario marioe marioj mariojp marioo masao matmania mazeman mcombat mcombata megadon meteorho meteorts metrocra metrocrs mhavoc millipdd milliped mimonkey mimonsco mimonscr missile missile2 mk mk2 mk2chal mk2r14 mk2r21 mk2r32 mk2r42 mk2r91 mkla1 mkla2 mkla3 mkla4 mkprot8 mkprot9 mkr4 mkyawdim mlander monkeyd mooncmw mooncrgx mooncrs2 mooncrs3 mooncrsa mooncrsb mooncrsg mooncrst mooncrsu mpatrol mpatrolw mranger mrdo mrdofix mrdot mrdoy mrdrillr mrdu mrgoemon mrlo mrpacman ms4plus ms5pcb ms5plus msatk2ad msatkad msbaby msbaby1 mschamp msdstorm mselton msf1pac mshangly mshearts msindy mslug mslug2 mslug3 mslug3b6 mslug3h mslug4 mslug5 mslug5h mslugx msmini msminia mspac6m mspacat2 mspacatb mspacatk mspacman mspacmat mspacmbe mspacmnf mspacpls mspacx mspatkx msrumble mssilad msword mswordj mswordr1 mswordu mtlchamp mtlchamp1 mtlchampa mtlchampj mtlchampu mtlchmp1 mtlchmpa mtlchmpj mtlchmpu mwalk mwalkbl mwalkj mwalku myqbert narc narc3 naughtya naughtyb naughtyba naughtybc naughtyc nemesis nemesisuk nemesuk newpuc2 newpuc2b newpuckx newtangl nextfase nitd nkdodge nkdodgeb nmouse nmouseb nov2001u nova2001 nova2001u npacmod olibochu omegaf omegafs outzone outzonea outzoneb outzonec outzonep pacgal pacland pacland2 pacland3 paclandm pacman pacmanf pacmania pacmanjp pacmanm pacmini pacmini2 pacmod pacplus pacstrm paddle2 paperboy pbactio2 pbactio3 pbaction pengo pengo2 pengo2u pengo3u pengo4 pengob penta pestplce phoenix phoenix3 phoenixa phoenixb phoenixc phoenixj phoenixt piranha piranhah pirates pleiadbl pleiadce pleiads pootan pooyan pooyans popeye popeyebl popeyef popeyeu puckman puckmana puckmanf puckmanh puckmod pulstar punchita punchout qb3 qbert qberta qbertjp qbertqub qberttst raiden rastan rastanu rastanu2 rastsaga rbtapper redbaron redufo ripoff roadrunn robocop robocopb robocopj robocopu robocopw robocpu0 robotron robotryo rpatrol rpatrolb rpatrolo rthunder rthundro rtype rtype2 rtype2j rtypeb rtypej rtypejp rtypeu rushatck rushcrsh rygar rygar2 rygar3 rygarj ryukenda ryukendn s1945ii sbagman sbagmans sci scia scij sciu scramb2 scramblb scramble scrambls sdtennis searthia searthin seawolf seawolf2 sf2 sf2a sf2b sf2e sf2j sf2ja sf2jb sf2ua sf2ub sf2ue shadoww shadowwa sicv silkworm silkwrm2 silvland simps2pa simps2pj simps4pa simpsn2p simpsons sinvasn sinvasnb sinvemag sisv sisv2 sitv skyshark slapbtjp slapbtuk slapfgtr slapfiga slapfigh smooncrs solarq spacbatt spaceatt spaceftr spaceplt spacewr3 spartanx spcdrag spcdraga spceking spcewars spctbird spdodgeb speedfrk spf2t spf2ta spf2xj spf2xjd spnchotj spnchout sprint1 sprmatkd srumbler srumblr2 starcas starcas1 starcase starcasp startrkd starwar1 starwars starwars1 steelwkr stellcas streakng strfbomb subroc3d sundance supcrash superg suprmatk suprmatkd suprmrio sutapper swarm swimmer swimmera swimmerb szaxxon tailg tapper tappera tempest tempest1 tempest2 tempest3 temptube terracra terracrb terracre tetris tetrisaa thetogyu timber timeplt timeplta timepltc tmht tmht2p tmnt tmnt2 tmnt2a tmnt2pj tmnt2po tmntj tmntu tmntua toki tokia tokib tokiu topgunbl topgunr tornado1 tornado2 trackflc trackflc trackfld trackfld troangel tron tron2 tron3 tron4 turfmast twincobr twincobu typhoon uniwars unsquad upndown vautour vautourz vendetta vendetta2p vendetta2pd vendetta2pu vendettaj vendettar vigilant vigilntj vigilntu viofighj viofight viofighu vs10yard vs10yarj wb3 wb31 wb34 wb3a wb3b wbdeluxe wboy wboy2 wboy2u wboy3 wboy4 wboy4u wboyo wboyu weststry wexpresb wexpresc wexpress woodpeca woodpeck wotw wotwc wrally wrallya wrallyb xmen xmen2p xmen2pj xmen6p xmen6pu xmenj xmvsf xmvsfa xmvsfar1 xmvsfb xmvsfh xmvsfj xmvsfjr1 xmvsfjr2 xmvsfr1 xmvsfu xmvsfu1d xmvsfur1 yankeedo yellowcb yellowcj yiear yiear2 zaxxon zaxxon2 zaxxonb zero zero2 zolamaze zookeep [HiToText]-Version 2010.05.12-parents only no(alts-obsoleted-unused) 1942 19xx aquajack armora astyanax barrier berzerk boxingb captaven ccastles dazzler ddonpach defender demon domino dragnblz esprade exprrada exprraid extrmatn eyes frogger frogs galaga galaxian gauntlet gberet gigawing gijoe gng gunsmoke gyruss headon headon2 headoni hvysmsh hyperpac hyperspt hyprduel imgfight invaders jackal jjsquawk journey joust joust2 junglek jungler junofrst kamikcab kangaroo kchamp klax knights kungfum ladybug lrescue madalien mappy marble mario matmania megadon metrocrs mhavoc milliped mimonkey missile missile2 mk mk2 mkla1 mooncrst mpatrol mrdo mrdrillr mslug mslug2 mslug3 mslug4 mslug5 mslugx msword mtlchamp mwalk narc naughtyb nemesis nitd nmouse nova2001 olibochu omegaf omegafs outzone pacland pacmania paperboy pbaction pengo phoenix pirates pooyan popeye puckman pulstar punchout qb3 qbert qbertqub raiden rastan redbaron ripoff roadrunn robocop robotron rpatrol rthunder rtype rtype2 rygar s1945ii sci scramble sdtennis searthin seawolf seawolf2 sf2 shadoww silkworm simpsons slapfigh smashtv solarq spdodgeb speedfrk spf2t spnchotj spnchout sprint1 srumbler starcas starwars steelwkr streakng subroc3d sundance suprmrio swimmer tailg tapper tempest terracre tetris timber timeplt tmnt tmnt2 toki trackfld troangel tron turfmast twincobr unsquad upndown vendetta vigilant viofight wb3 wboy woodpeck wotw wrally xmen xmvsf yiear zaxxon zookeep Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
rrcade Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Where do I find more instruction on Hi to text, and where do I download it? This whole process really shouldn't be necessary for high scores should it? Or does this program add high score support to games mame doesn't?
Fyrecrypts Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 Where do I find more instruction on Hi to text, and where do I download it?This whole process really shouldn't be necessary for high scores should it? Or does this program add high score support to games mame doesn't? My sig has a link, I believe the initial post has a link as well. This application is not necessary to keep scores in MAME. It is only necessary for displaying these scores outside of MAME, in particular within HyperSpin. Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
rrcade Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 for displaying these scores outside of MAME, in particular within HyperSpin What does this mean? where does it display the scores on the Wheel or something, I don't get what you're saying.
Fyrecrypts Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 for displaying these scores outside of MAME, in particular within HyperSpinWhat does this mean? where does it display the scores on the Wheel or something, I don't get what you're saying. There's a picture of what it looks like in HyperSpin (and other front ends) here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 Also, you sound a little anxious, relax a little, it's just games. =) Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
rrcade Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Ok, so I looked at this on arcadecontrols site. So this program has Nothing to do with the original high scores that appear in the games attract mode. If I have a correctly complied mame those high scores should save fine. This program puts the high scores on the hyperspin game theme screen. Isn't this redundant? or is this for showing high scores if you don't have mame complied to save them?
Fyrecrypts Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 Ok, so I looked at this on arcadecontrols site. So this program has Nothing to do with the original high scores that appear in the games attract mode. If I have a correctly complied mame those high scores should save fine. This program puts the high scores on the hyperspin game theme screen. Isn't this redundant? or is this for showing high scores if you don't have mame complied to save them? It displays scores outside of MAME, so you can see them without entering the game. It's not redundant, but it may not be useful to you if you don't care about that. My plan when starting the project a couple of years ago was to be able to share scores with people not using your machine. It spun off into HiToText because people liked having the ability to view scores outside of MAME. I plan on utilizing it to show scores on a separate monitor in my cab (whenever I have time to build it. =D) If none of this is useful to you, I don't recommend using HiToText. Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
chillinwater Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 HitoText isnt necessary, but Just as Hyperlist shows extra cool information like game description, manufacturer, genre, year....this isnt necessary either but adds a very nice touch. HitoText adds a pop up text like above within HS, and it cycles High Scores for player1, player2, player3 etc...for mame games that support High Score. Its really very cool if\when given the effort. If you have a high score in a game and save it properly, the initials you enter do save and you will see it in HS [edit] The lists I've been posting in this thead need to be fed into HyperList to create a database. There are a bizillion mame games and only a few hundred are supported by HiToText and HiScore (for now). Its hard to find which ones they are on a full mame wheel. These lists (after hitting your genre key "default=g") will have every supported game pop up without having to search for them. To see this list you need to edit the, \hyperspin\databases\mame\genre.xml -file and add this line or whatever you named your xml, to it. Also you have to play the game at least once and then exit via mames exit keys not hyperlaunch "exitemulatorkey" so that mame saves the data in its \hi\gamename.hi -file [genre.xml]-sampling <game name="Horse Racing Games" /> <game name="[color=lime]HiToText[/color]" /> <game name="Maze Games" /> Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
kkoeper Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Hi everybody, i would realy like to use this HiToText, but it seems that i am realy bad when it comes to compile mame for it. my compiled mame.exe is always not working :-( Is somebody willing to send me a ready compiled mame.exe 0.138 ? Thanks
rrcade Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 O.K. now I get it thanks. Sorry if I sounded anxious I've been working 10 hr days second shift so I've been trying to get some questions posted real quick so I can get to bed:sleep:
DemonEyeX Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 Hi everybody,i would realy like to use this HiToText, but it seems that i am realy bad when it comes to compile mame for it. my compiled mame.exe is always not working :-( Is somebody willing to send me a ready compiled mame.exe 0.138 ? Thanks Sharing of self compiled mame versions is not allowed I believe. Plenty of versions support hi scores though dude. I think XTMame & maybe MamePlus both do, why not give one of those a spin.
willzer* Posted May 26, 2010 Posted May 26, 2010 I think the idea of been able to add the supproted games to a genre is awesome, nice one to however thought of it. The whole HitoText concept is unique and worthwhile in my opinion , i am going to try get mine up and running today sometime, wish me luck. Just one question though , everytime new games are added where should i refer to to get the latest files to update HiTOText?
Fyrecrypts Posted May 26, 2010 Author Posted May 26, 2010 Just one question though , everytime new games are added where should i refer to to get the latest files to update HiTOText? In my sig. The link there is always going to have the most up-to-date files. Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
willzer* Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Thats great Fyrecrypts , nice to know it can be easily updated, thanks.
Tulsaboyw Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 For me, all I want is the hiscores in the game itself to show up. When I run mamui64 on my 64bit pc ..the hiscores are there. but if I run it via hyperspin no luck. also runing mame on my 32bit laptop...also no hiscores. but thats per the version i believe. wondering what i missed there.
volumetric Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 tulsaboyw: are you running mame with hyperlaunch enabled? if so turn it off, quitting from mame with hyperlaunch stops mame from saving any settings, including high score. Also for those having trouble with the compiling, im using mameXT which supports hi score out of the box.
Tulsaboyw Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 its disabled - at least on desktop (cant chk laptop till tonight). Meaning that even disabled it still doesnt handle hiscores. Yet im using the versions that can do hiscores. But Im questioning, is the hiscore support the hiscore within the games where they get hiscore.. or this hitotext. Ilike hitotext but I dont need nor want a external to game hiscore method. Though I can see a future possibility down the road but without the game itself keeping it I will likley never bother with hitotext even if it works and the internal hiscores dont. Since mameui64 (on THE DESKTOP I have which is 64bit) it is retaining th highscore... so when I want to play certain games that I know i will get new scores I tend to dump hyperspin and go direct.
bLAZER Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 When HiTotext loads the score to show in Hyperspin, Hyperspin freezes for about 1 second, except the sound, is this normal? (Well, it shouldn't be)
Fyrecrypts Posted June 4, 2010 Author Posted June 4, 2010 When HiTotext loads the score to show in Hyperspin, Hyperspin freezes for about 1 second, except the sound, is this normal? (Well, it shouldn't be) It is a known issue, and I can't solve it on my end despite my tries. Old versions of HiToText that are faster (less games, no XML parsing) cause the hiccup in Hyperspin 1.0+, and old versions of HyperSpin can run any version of HiToText without the hiccup. I need to talk to Bill about how to possibly fix this. Help us crack more .hi files here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=83614.0 HiToText on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hitotext/
bLAZER Posted June 5, 2010 Posted June 5, 2010 OK, yeah it probably should run in it's own thread or have lower priority than the GUI.
Tulsaboyw Posted June 7, 2010 Posted June 7, 2010 Hmm shame.. .ive been looking on the site ..and still nonthing about why the hi scores work when I run the games directly but not via hyperspin. despite the changes to ahk and other stuff still nothing. IM talking about the hiscore that does work when i play direct yet doesnt when via hyperspin.
Tulsaboyw Posted June 7, 2010 Posted June 7, 2010 Well for me... Though I now have a playable (minus hi scores) via hyperspin. I seriously doubt i wiill be using it much without getting hiscores to show up. Since they do when running stuff direct, Im likley to dump hyperspin even with the success of getting stuff setup. And no, I wont bother with the external option, I only care about the games itself doing save state or simlar... as they already do when run direct. THis is a hyperspin issue so I will be looking for another alternative to hyperspin. Bummer Hyperspin is the coolest one, and in fact is the only one I would pay retail $$ for and more... My alternative to hyperspin will be a dos run menu that I dont particular like but its mine based on rubyonrails and webbased so time will tell.
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