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  tonykapolka said:
if that's the case, then the many existing 16:9 tables won't run as is - that makes hp a lot less appealing if I have to go resize everything. I'll need to move all the DMDs also?

Although, the decision to use spanning probably won't stand - with Vista, etc not working the same way. (I guess they were following the ultra-pin model.)

If all you have to do is move some dmd's around (1 or 2 days work) then I say were in pretty good shape, compared to all the work people had to do to create tables(months/years of work), creating the pinball simulators (years of work), making the FE (months of work), redrawing artwork(months of work).

I say if people really want to use it they will put in just a small amount of their own work to get it the way they want.

Posted (edited)

Looking forward to it!

I just love the backglass additions - it's very important to create the perfect and complete

table and this certainly includes the backglass with DMD included!

Isn't it possible to 'play' different backglass pics after each other and so create an 'active' backglass iso a passive one (without any action)?

I've tested some with the 'Powerpoint' principle where you can simply run a presentation automatically to simulate an active backglass.

Edited by Flying Dutchman

This would be alot nicer with flash than with powerpoint in my opinion, which HP supports. Down the road I could allow for xml based lighting animations to play etc...

  BadBoyBill said:
If all you have to do is move some dmd's around (1 or 2 days work) then I say were in pretty good shape, compared to all the work people had to do...

You make a really good point!

  tonykapolka said:
You make a really good point!

Actually since alot of us are doing custom machines, everyone has to customize the tables to their setup including myself, I really do not look forward to cutomizing 150+ tables, but it will be worthed. This is something no Frontend will do for you so its just not an HP thing. Since Im doing a rotated monitor, then I have to move the dmd to the other monitor from its default location, then resize the dmd to fit my dmd window. We have the rest covered for you, Unclewilly has converted tons of tables over to 16-9 and set up other tables to fit correctly, and will be distributed them via torrent on release day. For FP its tons easier, just follow our instructions in the help file and resize the tables to your screen resolution and your done. Should only take a couple hours for the full set once you get into the groove of sizing tables.

Really alot of the work has been done for you, its just up to you to finish off the rest thats not universal to every machine.


BBB, you're absolutely right!

The community gets a lot 'Out-Of-The-Box' from you guys and should be really happy with the results and the hard work you're putting into this (and other) projec(s)!

Moaning about rezising a table and/or relocating the DMD should not even be mentioned!

Looking forward to the release and thanks again!

  tonykapolka said:
if that's the case, then the many existing 16:9 tables won't run as is - that makes hp a lot less appealing if I have to go resize everything. I'll need to move all the DMDs also?

Although, the decision to use spanning probably won't stand - with Vista, etc not working the same way. (I guess they were following the ultra-pin model.)

Dude.... are you seriously complaining about having to put in a little effort to get things to run for you?

HP is an AMAZING front end and much better than any of the other front end offerings from MALA or Maximus for pinball users. With all of the work that Bill and the team has put into HP and making sure that you have to do very little configuring or even downloading of artwork is simply a HUGE undertaking and should be greatly appreciated.

I have been playing around with HP and Future Pin on a temporary setup... I've re-sized each table when I want to play it. Unfortunately I did not save any of the re-sized tables that I did and I will re-size them again once I build my table. It takes a minute or so for each table...

A couple hours/days of your time re-sizing tables isn't anything compared to the hours that Bill and the guys have put into developing HP. Not to mention... all of this for FREE. I can't believe at how ungrateful some people are.

  Flying Dutchman said:
Didn't I see a thread where you mentioned HyperPin to be officially released this weekend? ;)
Nope... It's always been "when it's ready".



in all actuality. i have permission to release a bunch of the vp tables set to fullscreen view, with the decals and reels already moved...... i mean what do you really want. I think changing a few numbers in the editor and moving a couple of decals and reels isn't asking to much for an end user. And like you said... i think spanning and vista are going to create a little bump in the 16:9 table usability. At least Hyperpin will be os friendly.

I think this spanning issue may also give rise to more full screen table releases.

FP TableS: Bad Cats, Schizo, Puzzlebox

VP Table Mods: TOTAN night, Flintstones night

VP Tables: Bad Cats

Cabinet Builder


  Dazz said:
Dude.... are you seriously complaining about having to put in a little effort to get things to run for you?

A couple hours/days of your time re-sizing tables isn't anything compared to the hours that Bill and the guys have put into developing HP. Not to mention... all of this for FREE. I can't believe at how ungrateful some people are.

Dude, read the thread all the way through. BBB made this point in a much kinder way and I agreed with him. You shouldn't make ad hominem attacks. It wasn't a question of my complaining or being ungrateful; it was a comment getting at whether there was thought at the integration of two separate projects (the 16:9 tables and HP). Perhaps I could have worded it better, but I asked the question out of ignorance - and it was answered - that's how people gain knowledge.


Yeah, I noticed that BBB cleared it up... I'm sorry to have jumped to conclusions before reading the whole thread. I've been getting lazy when it comes to reading every thread thoroughly lately. I'm sorry about that.

Either way, this is definitely something that we will see more of once HP is released... Everyone want's a shortcut when it comes to stuff like this. We've seen it with people wanting every theme quickly with HS and not have to wait the 3 minutes or even donate to the project. Today's society is pretty much has the... "I want it. I want it now. I don't want to have to do anything to get it. Give it to me now." attitude. I just saw this post headed in that direction...


  Dazz said:
Today's society is pretty much has the... "I want it. I want it now. I don't want to have to do anything to get it. Give it to me now." attitude. I just saw this post headed in that direction...

Mea culpa - I didn't mean it that way but I did come across like that. You are right - it does seem that people complain more when you give them something for free.

My thinking was that I wanted to leverage the 16:9 work into HP - before I looked into it. After looking, I see more problems. I'm putting together 2 cabinets: one has only one monitor (it's in a cocktail cabinet...) and the other is using a computer with a nvidia card with DVI & HDMI outputs - which can't manage spanning. I could replace the video card but then I'd lose resolution (I have a big 1080p LCD screen). So, in the best-available configuration neither of these setups will run the 16:9 stuff properly. However it sounds like HP will run on both systems and launch whatever I get working - and it's a gorgeous front end - so ultimately I'd say BBB (and anyone else involved) made the right choices.

Posted (edited)
  tonykapolka said:
Mea culpa - I didn't mean it that way but I did come across like that. You are right - it does seem that people complain more when you give them something for free.

My thinking was that I wanted to leverage the 16:9 work into HP - before I looked into it. After looking, I see more problems. I'm putting together 2 cabinets: one has only one monitor (it's in a cocktail cabinet...) and the other is using a computer with a nvidia card with DVI & HDMI outputs - which can't manage spanning. I could replace the video card but then I'd lose resolution (I have a big 1080p LCD screen). So, in the best-available configuration neither of these setups will run the 16:9 stuff properly. However it sounds like HP will run on both systems and launch whatever I get working - and it's a gorgeous front end - so ultimately I'd say BBB (and anyone else involved) made the right choices.

There may be a solution. I've been in some discussion about native spanned 16:9 support for vp in Hyperpin over at vpforums. The conversation got off to a rocky start (my fault) but anyway has since come good. Basically there is the possibility that the good dev team here will include Pre and Post running of an executable of your choice before running vp. What this means is you can run a profile switcher to switch into spanned mode and then back again when the table exists. I currently do this in the Maximus Arcade frontend and it works.

The idea is people could choose an option in the settings of Hyperpin to use either Hyperpin built in backboard (1 or two monitors in extended mode) or native vp 16:9 spanning mode which would then allow you to enter in your details for your profile switcher before launch and at table close.

If this is implemented then Hyperpin will support all existing spanned 16:9 tables out of the box as well as provide the custom hyperpin backglass/tables option for those that want to run it in dual extended or I guess single mode (or for those that can't run it in spanned for any reason).

We will have to wait and see if the team decides to implement this or not. But it will be the best of both worlds and means that for those that can span, you won't need to modify any of the existing spanned tables already released at vpforums or any future ones for that matter.

As for your other issue with spanning across HDMI - If your graphics card is a dual DVI head with an additional HDMI out then instead of using the HDMI out (which doesn't allow spanning) you can simply buy a DVI to HDMI adapter and run your High def off the 2nd DVI port. You will still get full digital HD with no degradation and you will be able to span.

Edited by xzotic

One good think about using a launcher script to launch the emu's (which comes included with HP) is that it allows for a large amount of control over how your games launch and exit. You could easily add a one line run command before and after the launch command to start or stop any programs you like. So currently it is already possible to run programs before and after in HS and HP, people are already doing it to mount iso's, hide windows, etc...

  BadBoyBill said:
One good think about using a launcher script to launch the emu's (which comes included with HP) is that it allows for a large amount of control over how your games launch and exit. You could easily add a one line run command before and after the launch command to start or stop any programs you like. So currently it is already possible to run programs before and after in HS and HP, people are already doing it to mount iso's, hide windows, etc...

That sounds promising. A couple of clarification points:

1. Does the script support executable commandline options including embedded double quotes?

2. Can the delay between the profile switch and running vp be incorporated in the script that you mention (ie: multi-executable prelaunch eg: profileswitch, delay.exe, vp )?

3. Is the use of the hyperpin backglasses an option controllable in these scripts? If I set up a vp with profile switching with the intent to run in spanned mode can I also disable the hyperpin backglasses?



1. Yes

2. Yes

Autohotkey scripts are like bat files on steroids, you can do a ton of stuff, including delay's between progam launches, you could even have it wait and check for the profile change before continuing with the script.

3. Once you launch VP Im guessing it will just either cover the backglass, or the backglass will be moved off screen since the spanned mode makes one monitor. The part I've been worried about all this is that when returning to HP that it would be all messed up since the modes switched, I confirmed this not with VP but with FP, if FP was set to run at a different res than the desktop res then returning to HP wasnt pretty. So I spend the morning fixing that issue so hopefully it would be fine returning from VP also.


Sounds great! :)

Thanks for taking the time to test this functionality - I think many existing and new 16:9 panned mode vp users will be really pleased to see that there is a way of supporting that format out of the box. Well done.


Well actually I cant get VP to worked spanned on my setup, so theres no real way for me to test this. It seems like a big hassle. I personally will be sticking to a static backglass with a large dmd. I dont need the blinking lights on the backglass personally. My monitors only want to go spanned with the smaller monitor as the main monitor and the tv as the secondary and then it wont go full resolution, which blows also. So there might have to be a couple releases of HP before the functionality is fully tested by those wanting the spanned option, and on top of that Im not writing the script to add in run program features since I dont really know what needs to be run. It will be something the users can add into the script. Its pretty simple one line Im sure.


Here are a couple of quick pictures I took while testing HyperPin on my cabinet.

The bugs seem to have been all run to ground, but as BadBoyBill says "I'm just working heavily on the artwork package which is huge"

Future Pinball - Star-Jet


Future Pinball - Triple Strike




OMG you guys are killing me....


I don't think I've looked so forward to something being released since the original NES.

  solid187 said:
OMG you guys are killing me....


I don't think I've looked so forward to something being released since the original NES.

Dude, please take a video


Posted (edited)
  BadBoyBill said:
Well actually I cant get VP to worked spanned on my setup, so theres no real way for me to test this. It seems like a big hassle. I personally will be sticking to a static backglass with a large dmd. I dont need the blinking lights on the backglass personally. My monitors only want to go spanned with the smaller monitor as the main monitor and the tv as the secondary and then it wont go full resolution, which blows also. So there might have to be a couple releases of HP before the functionality is fully tested by those wanting the spanned option, and on top of that Im not writing the script to add in run program features since I dont really know what needs to be run. It will be something the users can add into the script. Its pretty simple one line Im sure.


I have a kinda confusing question. To my understanding VP 9 is the only version what allows you to play the tables 16x9 full screen that can be used with pinball cabs. I too cannot get the spanning to work correctly at all with my current setup for VP9 16x9 tables.. If you use HDMI cables to connect form your video card to your monitor you cannot use the spanning option. It's actually not available as an option with HDMI cables. Only with VGA you can get that from what I've been told. (not sure if it's a VISTA thing too in conjunction)

With my current VP8 setup it sounds like im doing the same thing as you in some capacity. Im using a script to to launch a static power point show backglass for each pinball table. I want to use Hyperpin to launch VP 9 16x9 tables but if i cant use the spanning option that it requires, so can I use VP9 and just disable the backglass that comes included in the vp9 table file and just transfer my current vp8 script to the VP9 table to launch my static power point show backglass instead? Then i can use the vp9 16x9 tables filling the entire screen for a cab in conjunction with my static background glasses. Is it possible? Or is there a another way to do this totally that i'm completely unaware of? or too dumb to figure out...

I hope thats not too confusing? haha...


Edited by kingb33

HYPERPIN TEAM - UW - KINGB MODS: Twilight Zone (Night Mod-VP) TOTAN (Night Mod-VP) Flintstones (Night Mod-VP) TSPP (Night Mod-VP)

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