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Multiple intro videos?


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Is there a way to have more than 1 video play from the main menu wheel? For instance, when I select MAME it plays a video of some older 80's arcade action. But I have more than 1 video I'd like to show. Right now, If you roll over it, it's always the same video. Can there be a random mix of several videos in the file that it will pick when I roll over MAME, or Atari, or other emu's off the main wheel?


Pretty sure you can't because everything in Hyperspin has to be named correctly, otherwise nothing would show up.

I bet however, someone can make a small program or batch file, to rename one of the other video files, to the system name, at random or every day. Crazy.



I had seen something in one of your video's Gigapig, involving fade and naming several images like atari (1), atari (2), etc. So I tried it on a whim with those videos, but it didn't work. I''m pretty sure it was one of your videos. But I thought there may be something similar. Oh well. Thanks for the quick reply!


You could make a batch file that renames files upon exit of Hyperspin. So have three files: (intro1, intro2, intro3) and then upon hyperspin closing the batchfile will rename intro -> introtemp, intro3 -> intro, intro2 ->intro3, introtemp to intro2.

The batch file is executed by filing in the run on exit box in HyperHQ.

I had seen something in one of your video's Gigapig, involving fade and naming several images like atari (1), atari (2), etc. So I tried it on a whim with those videos, but it didn't work. I''m pretty sure it was one of your videos. But I thought there may be something similar. Oh well. Thanks for the quick reply!

You did indeed Sir, and that is exactly the thing you would want, it's a brilliant system, but that is related to RocketLauncher and not Hyperspin.


  • 6 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Oh this is a blast from the past. I believe this is pertaining to the randomizer where you could get multiple videos and you randomize them. It works great to have a random intro video. I’ve not done this with system intros videos but the same idea is there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah thanks. I thought it may be.. it's a Great programme works really well I have over 40 vids.

I was hopeing somebody had found a way to have different videos for game video snaps..for example on my pc game wheel I'd like various fortnite videos. But doubt this is possible.



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