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Complete Guide for Commodore Amiga in HS and HL3 Using WinUAE Only


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So, after spending hours yesterday with the setup, it seems all it needed was a reboot. It's working fine today.

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Thanks for the guide - got this set up thanks to this and Austin's video :)


If anyone is interested I edited the fade that Austin includes to have an animated disk insert on load - attached below and screengrab here:



It's 16:10, so if you need it in 16:9 you simply need to edit Layer 1 and adjust the canvas size leaving the image centered - you wont lose anything.


Corresponding RL settings are here:




  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank Ron for his helpful tutorial. After months struggling with this system on my cabinet finally it worked like charm at first time.


So now I can enjoy AMIGA as I did back in the days...


Glad to have helped.





I want to thank Ron for his helpful tutorial. After months struggling with this system on my cabinet finally it worked like charm at first time.


So now I can enjoy AMIGA as I did back in the days...

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for this guide Ron ! I'm new to HyperSpin and it seems awesome but I would have dropped it if it weren't for your guide. Amiga is and will always be the first system I want to add to any frontend, emulator, whatever. ;)

  • 3 weeks later...


Thank you for the kind words.  And glad to be able to help.





Thanks a lot for this guide Ron ! I'm new to HyperSpin and it seems awesome but I would have dropped it if it weren't for your guide. Amiga is and will always be the first system I want to add to any frontend, emulator, whatever. ;)

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


I've been following this guide and Austin's youtube guide, but I'm struggling on how the roms should be named.  I downloaded a set of lha files (each is zipped) from pleasuredome that match the hyperspin xml, but I can't ever get past the workbench v 1.3 error menu when loading from rocket launcher.  The zip and lha files are both named as the xml, but the individual info file and other data does not.  I didn't buy a WHDLoader key yet - maybe that's my problem?


Is there one game I can test to make sure it works that wouldn't require that?



Could you post your RocketLauncher log so we can see what is being opened?  You also might post your WinUAE log as well.






I've been following this guide and Austin's youtube guide, but I'm struggling on how the roms should be named.  I downloaded a set of lha files (each is zipped) from pleasuredome that match the hyperspin xml, but I can't ever get past the workbench v 1.3 error menu when loading from rocket launcher.  The zip and lha files are both named as the xml, but the individual info file and other data does not.  I didn't buy a WHDLoader key yet - maybe that's my problem?


Is there one game I can test to make sure it works that wouldn't require that?

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


Here's the RL log.  I have the file zipped here, so I'm guessing that's part of the problem. In the zip is an LHA file of the same name, but I didn't want to add LHA as an extension in the emulator config in RL as none of the tutorials I saw did that.  How do I get the WinUAE log?


thanks for you help.

20:31:19:505 | RL |     INFO  | +N/A   | Main - RocketLauncher v1.1.0.1 (www.rlauncher.com)
20:31:19:673 | RL |     INFO  | +156   | Main - System Specs:
					RocketLauncher Dir: Q:\RocketLauncher
					RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
					OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
					SKU: Windows 8
					Total Memory: 16346.89 MB
					Free Memory: 12145.93 MB
					Used Memory: 4200.957 MB
					SystemType: 64-bit
					Physical Processors: 1
					Logical Processors: 4
					GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
					GPU 1 RAM: -2048.00 MB
					GPU 1 Driver Version:
					Sound 1 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
					Sound 1 Status: Enabled
					Sound 2 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
					Sound 2 Status: Enabled
					Sound 3 Device: High Definition Audio Device
					Sound 3 Status: Enabled
					OS Language: English_United_States
					System Locale: en-US
					Formats Locale: en-US
					Windows UI Language: en-US
					Text Encoding: Windows-1252
					OS Admin Status: Yes
					RL Compatibility Flags:
					Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1360x768 (1360x728 work) [32bit] [60hz] [Landscape]  (Primary)
					Current AHK Desktop Width: 1360
					Current AHK Desktop Height: 768
					Monitor #1 DPI: 100
					AutoHotkey Path: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
20:31:19:673 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
20:31:19:674 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	RocketLauncher
					LegalCopyright          	�2015 RocketLauncher
					ProductName             	djvj's one swell guy!
					CompanyName             	Your favorite Front End companion! Visit us @ www.rlauncher.com
					File Size:			2142720 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:01 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:47 PM
20:31:19:674 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RocketLauncher.dll exists
20:31:19:674 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	RocketLauncher Utils
					InternalName            	RocketLauncher.dll
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright � RocketLauncher 2013-2016
					OriginalFilename        	RocketLauncher.dll
					ProductName             	RocketLauncher
					File Size:			64512 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:31 PM
20:31:20:237 | RL |     INFO  | +563   | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Array.ahk
20:31:20:238 | RL |    DEBUG  | +15    | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			4781 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:19 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:25 PM
20:31:20:250 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BinHexRW.ahk | v1.0.2
20:31:20:251 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5077 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:19 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:27 PM
20:31:20:251 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe exists
20:31:20:367 | RL |    DEBUG  | +125   | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			657920 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			1/2/2014 - 10:27:34 PM
20:31:20:372 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\CLR_L.ahk | vInterop
20:31:20:373 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5323 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:34 PM
20:31:20:378 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Control_AniGif.ahk | vAniGif.ahk
20:31:20:378 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5716 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			4/29/2013 - 1:56:02 PM
20:31:20:392 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip.ahk
20:31:20:392 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			88789 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			1/13/2013 - 5:07:30 PM
20:31:20:396 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip_alt.ahk | v1.0.3
20:31:20:396 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5891 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			12/20/2015 - 11:08:03 PM
20:31:20:396 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gsdll32.dll exists
20:31:22:158 | RL |    DEBUG  | +1750  | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			13090816 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			1/6/2015 - 9:20:42 PM
20:31:22:158 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\itextsharp.dll exists
20:31:22:915 | RL |    DEBUG  | +765   | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	iTextSharp
					InternalName            	itextsharp.dll
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 1999-2013 by Bruno Lowagie and Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
					OriginalFilename        	itextsharp.dll
					ProductName             	iTextSharp
					CompanyName             	1T3XT BVBA
					File Size:			3743744 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			6/14/2013 - 2:06:21 PM
20:31:22:923 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Java.ahk | v1.0.0
20:31:22:923 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			7841 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			12/23/2014 - 11:02:37 PM
20:31:22:931 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\JSON.ahk
20:31:22:932 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			9227 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:30 PM
20:31:22:943 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Origin.ahk | v1.0.2
20:31:22:943 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			4904 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			3/22/2015 - 2:51:41 PM
20:31:22:951 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RegRW64.ahk
20:31:22:952 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			6915 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			5/8/2014 - 3:06:39 AM
20:31:22:969 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RIni.ahk | v1.7
20:31:22:969 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			67561 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			6/5/2013 - 6:56:23 PM
20:31:22:969 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\SevenZipSharp.dll exists
20:31:22:991 | RL |    DEBUG  | +31    | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	SevenZipSharp
					FileVersion             	0.64.5717.6837
					InternalName            	SevenZipSharp.dll
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) Markovtsev Vadim 2009, 2010, licenced under LGPLv3
					OriginalFilename        	SevenZipSharp.dll
					ProductName             	SevenZipSharp
					ProductVersion          	0.64.5717.6837
					CompanyName             	Markovtsev Vadim
					File Size:			167424 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			9/28/2015 - 9:35:11 PM
20:31:22:000 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Steam.ahk | v1.0.2
20:31:23:000 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5347 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			3/22/2015 - 2:52:25 PM
20:31:23:009 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA.ahk
20:31:23:009 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			34688 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			3/1/2013 - 9:05:47 PM
20:31:23:015 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA_Extension.ahk | v1.0.1
20:31:23:015 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			3833 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:20 PM
					Modified:			1/13/2015 - 8:16:56 PM
20:31:23:291 | RL |     INFO  | +281   | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\7z.ahk | v1.0.7
20:31:23:292 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			31383 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:48 PM
20:31:23:302 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Bezel.ahk | v1.2.1
20:31:23:303 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			116370 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:35 PM
20:31:23:309 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade.ahk | v1.1.7
20:31:23:309 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			39501 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/21/2016 - 8:18:04 PM
20:31:23:310 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Init.ahk | v1.0.3
20:31:23:310 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			1130 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:39 PM
20:31:23:312 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Animations.ahk | v1.2.1
20:31:23:313 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			77613 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:50 PM
20:31:23:337 | RL |     INFO  | +31    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper.ahk | v1.1.5
20:31:23:337 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			33668 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:33 PM
20:31:23:338 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper Init.ahk | v1.0.6
20:31:23:338 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			3956 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/4/2016 - 9:39:09 PM
20:31:23:366 | RL |     INFO  | +31    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame.ahk | v1.1.0
20:31:23:367 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			41541 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:48 PM
20:31:23:367 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame Init.ahk | v1.0.0
20:31:23:368 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			161 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/14/2013 - 1:33:19 PM
20:31:23:410 | RL |     INFO  | +47    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiPlayer.ahk | v1.0.8
20:31:23:411 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			66776 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			12/7/2015 - 5:37:45 AM
20:31:23:611 | RL |     INFO  | +188   | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause.ahk | v1.2.1
20:31:23:612 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			396825 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:48 PM
20:31:23:613 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause Init.ahk | v1.0.3
20:31:23:613 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			553 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			8/23/2015 - 7:00:44 PM
20:31:23:621 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Password.ahk | v1.0.4
20:31:23:621 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			10121 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:49 PM
20:31:23:631 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\DLL\RocketLauncher.ahk | v1.1
20:31:23:632 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			18249 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:49 PM
20:31:23:632 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Log\Logger.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:633 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			3011 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:39 PM
20:31:23:636 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\MiscUtils.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:636 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5295 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:28 PM
20:31:23:637 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\Registry.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:637 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			1547 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:28 PM
20:31:23:641 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\StringUtils.ahk | v1.1
20:31:23:641 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			8058 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:47 PM
20:31:23:642 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\TimerUtils.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:642 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			2961 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:37 PM
20:31:23:646 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\File.ahk | v1.2
20:31:23:646 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			8991 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:50 PM
20:31:23:647 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Folder.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:647 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			646 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:48 PM
20:31:23:651 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\IniFile.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:651 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			4410 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:22 PM
20:31:23:652 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\ModuleIniFileFinder.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:652 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			1099 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:22 PM
20:31:23:660 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Process.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:660 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			9594 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:30 PM
20:31:23:665 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Input\KeyUtils.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:666 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			5386 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:41 PM
20:31:23:666 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Control.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:667 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			3578 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:37 PM
20:31:23:675 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Window.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:676 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			21931 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:30 PM
20:31:23:676 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\WindowTitle.ahk | v1.0
20:31:23:677 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			1154 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:04 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:31 PM
20:31:23:686 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk | v1.0.7
20:31:23:687 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			72261 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			12/7/2015 - 5:37:59 AM
20:31:23:690 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader.ahk | v1.0.0
20:31:23:690 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			4178 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:36 PM
20:31:23:691 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader Init.ahk | v1.0.0
20:31:23:691 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			397 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:21 PM
20:31:23:704 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shared.ahk | v1.4.0
20:31:23:705 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			176120 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/20/2016 - 8:07:21 PM
20:31:23:718 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics.ahk | v1.0.4
20:31:23:719 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			26810 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			1/10/2016 - 12:04:41 AM
20:31:23:719 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics Init.ahk | v1.0.1
20:31:23:720 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			33 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			12/23/2014 - 11:23:48 PM
20:31:23:728 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\Virtual Drive.ahk | v1.0.5
20:31:23:729 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			19148 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:50 PM
20:31:23:737 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey.ahk | v1.0.4
20:31:23:738 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			26540 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			8/14/2015 - 12:14:18 AM
20:31:23:738 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey Init.ahk | v1.0.2
20:31:23:740 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			1063 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:03 PM
					Modified:			8/14/2015 - 12:14:25 AM
20:31:23:740 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Commodore Amiga -r Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft -f Q:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exe -p HyperSpin -c 1 -o 1"
20:31:23:740 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | Main - Received this dbName with no path via CLI: "Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft"
20:31:23:740 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | Main - dbName: Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
20:31:23:741 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin"
20:31:23:741 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - RocketLauncher received "Commodore Amiga" and "Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft"
20:31:23:750 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Did not find a "Q:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Commodore Amiga\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
20:31:23:750 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft is using the default emulator: WinUAE
20:31:23:751 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [WinUAE] section in Q:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Commodore Amiga\Emulators.ini
20:31:23:751 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [WinUAE] section in Q:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
20:31:23:752 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [WinUAE] in Q:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
20:31:23:753 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules\WinUAE\WinUAE.ahk exists
20:31:23:753 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			24677 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:26 PM
					Modified:			4/25/2016 - 8:08:49 PM
20:31:23:754 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
20:31:23:754 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft will use module: Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules\WinUAE\WinUAE.ahk
20:31:23:773 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
20:31:23:775 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe exists
20:31:26:250 | RL |    DEBUG  | +2468  | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	WinUAE
					InternalName            	WinUAE
					LegalCopyright          	� 1996-2015 under the GNU Public License (GPL)
					OriginalFilename        	WinUAE.exe
					ProductName             	WinUAE
					File Size:			12417112 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:39:38 PM
					Modified:			4/26/2016 - 8:22:53 PM
20:31:26:250 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
20:31:26:251 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
20:31:26:838 | RL |    DEBUG  | +594   | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	7-Zip Console
					FileVersion             	15.06 beta
					InternalName            	7z
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov
					OriginalFilename        	7z.exe
					ProductName             	7-Zip
					ProductVersion          	15.06 beta
					CompanyName             	Igor Pavlov
					File Size:			262144 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:19 PM
					Modified:			9/28/2015 - 9:35:11 PM
20:31:26:838 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
20:31:28:577 | RL |    DEBUG  | +1735  | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	7z Plugin
					FileVersion             	15.06 beta
					InternalName            	7z
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov
					OriginalFilename        	7z.dll
					ProductName             	7-Zip
					ProductVersion          	15.06 beta
					CompanyName             	Igor Pavlov
					File Size:			1012224 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:55:19 PM
					Modified:			9/28/2015 - 9:35:11 PM
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | Main - "Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.7z
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom by name in subfolder: Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.7z
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Rom not found
20:31:28:589 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.zip
20:31:28:590 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.zip
20:31:28:590 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romName: Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
20:31:28:590 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romPath: Q:\Roms\Amiga
20:31:28:590 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romExtension: .zip
20:31:28:590 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
20:31:28:591 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:

					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					0 = 12
					pluginPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Plugins
					pluginName = HyperSpin
					pluginExt = .plugin
					contextOnExit = 1
					rlMode =
					rlTitle = RocketLauncher
					rlVersion =
					rlAuthor = djvj
					rlURL = www.rlauncher.com
					langFile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini
					primMonitor = 1
					frontendPID =
					frontendPath = Q:\HyperSpin
					frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
					frontendExt = exe
					frontendName = HyperSpin
					frontendDrive = Q
					exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
					restoreFE = false
					exitScriptKey = ~PGUP & ~PGDN
					toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t
					emuFullPath = Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe
					emuPath = Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1
					emuName = WinUAE
					emuExt = exe
					baseRomPath =
					romPath = Q:\Roms\Amiga
					romPathFromIni = Q:\Roms\Amiga
					romExtension = .zip
					romExtensionOrig = .zip
					romExtensions = 7z|zip|adf|info|rar
					executable = winuae.exe
					systemDbName = Commodore Amiga
					systemName = Commodore Amiga
					dbPath =
					dbName = Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
					dbExt =
					romName = Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
					romMapPath =
					romMappingEnabled = false
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
					romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7
					romMappingHideParent = false
					romMappingMenuWidth = 400
					romMappingMenuMargin = 65
					romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
					romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
					romMappingTextSizeDifference = 7
					romMappingTextMargin = 15
					romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold
					romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular
					romMappingGameNameTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingGameNameTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular
					romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
					romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
					romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
					romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
					romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 55
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 7
					romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
					altArchiveNameOnly =
					altRomNameOnly =
					altArchiveAndRomName =
					altArchiveAndManyRomNames =
					altRomNamesOnly =
					romMapScenario =
					skipchecks = false
					romMatchExt = false
					blockInputTime = 0
					blockInputFile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe
					errorLevelReporting = false
					lockLaunch = false
					lockLaunchGame =
					screenRotationAngle = 0
					screenRotationAngleGame =
					setResolution =
					logFile =
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","   DEBUG","   TRACE"]
					logLevel = 4
					logShowDebugConsole = false
					logIncludeModule = true
					logIncludeFileProperties = true
					logShowCommandWindow = false
					logCommandWindow = false
					rlDebugConsoleStdout =
					sysLang = English_United_States
					sysType = 64-bit
					broadcastWindowTitle =
					navUpKey = Up
					navDownKey = Down
					navLeftKey = Left
					navRightKey = Right
					navSelectKey = Enter
					navP2UpKey = Numpad8
					navP2DownKey = Numpad2
					navP2LeftKey = Numpad4
					navP2RightKey = Numpad6
					navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter
					originalWidth = 1360
					originalHeight = 768
					vdEnabled = false
					vdFullPath =
					vdUseSCSI = true
					vdDriveLetter =
					vdDriveLetterScsi =
					vdAddDrive = true
					servoStikEnabled = false
					servoStikExitMode = false
					ledblinkyEnabled = false
					ledblinkySystemName =
					ledblinkyFullPath =
					ledblinkyProfilePath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky
					ledblinkyRLProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher
					winIPACFullPath =
					ultraMapEnabled = false
					ultraMapFullPath =
					emuIdleShutdown = 0
					launchPasswordHash = UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight
					hideCursor = true
					hideEmu = false
					hideFE = false
					suspendFE = false
					fadeIn = true
					fadeInDuration = 500
					fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
					fadeInDelay = 2000
					fadeInExitDelay = 0
					fadeOutExitDelay = 0
					fadeOut = true
					fadeOutExtraScreen = false
					fadeOutDuration = 500
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
					fadeOutDelay = 0
					fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
					fadeMuteEmulator = false
					fadeUseBackgrounds = false
					fadeClickThrough = false
					fadeSounds = true
					fade7zProgressMode = extraction
					fadeWidthBaseRes = 1920
					fadeHeightBaseRes = 1080
					fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
					fadeLyr1AlignImage = Stretch and Lose Aspect
					fadeLyr2Pos = Stretch and Lose Aspect
					fadeLyr2X = 0
					fadeLyr2Y = 0
					fadeLyr2W =
					fadeLyr2H =
					fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
					fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console
					fadeLyr3Pos = Center
					fadeLyr3X = 450
					fadeLyr3Y = 450
					fadeLyr3W =
					fadeLyr3H =
					fadeLyr3Adjust = 1
					fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr3Speed = 750
					fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
					fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
					fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30
					fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment
					fadeLyr3StaticX = 0
					fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575
					fadeLyr3StaticW =
					fadeLyr3StaticH =
					fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1
					fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0
					fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar
					fadeLyr4Adjust = 1
					fadeLyr4X = 1792|952
					fadeLyr4Y = 891|1596
					fadeLyr4W = 128
					fadeLyr4H =
					fadeLyr4Pos = No Alignment
					fadeLyr4FPS = 50
					fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
					fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
					fadeBarWindow = Image
					fadeBarWindowX =
					fadeBarWindowY =
					fadeBarWindowW = 900
					fadeBarWindowH =
					fadeBarWindowR = 30
					fadeBarWindowM = 30
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
					fadeBar = 7zOnly
					fadeProgressDuration = 0
					fadeBarBack = true
					fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
					fadeBarH = 30
					fadeBarR = 10
					fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
					fadeBarHatchStyle = 8
					fadeBarPercentageText = true
					fadeBarInfoText = true
					fadeBarXOffset = 0
					fadeBarYOffset = 150
					fadeRomInfoDescription = filtered text
					fadeRomInfoSystemName = image
					fadeRomInfoYear = text with label
					fadeRomInfoDeveloper = disabled
					fadeRomInfoPublisher = disabled
					fadeRomInfoGenre = disabled
					fadeRomInfoRating = image
					fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Developer|Genre|Rating|Publisher
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = User Defined
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 7
					fadeRomInfoText1Options = w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular
					fadeRomInfoText2Options = w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText3Options = w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular
					fadeRomInfoText4Options = w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular
					fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText6Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular
					fadeRomInfoText7Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topRight
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 7
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
					fadeText1X = 0
					fadeText1Y = 0
					fadeText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold
					fadeText1 = Loading Game
					fadeText2X = 0
					fadeText2Y = 0
					fadeText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold
					fadeText2 = Extraction Complete, Ready
					fadeText3 = Loading Game
					fadeText4 = Loading Complete
					fadeFont = Bebas Neue
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
					fadeExtractionTime = disabled
					fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0
					fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0
					fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeInterruptKey =
					detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
					fadeImgPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade
					RLDataPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Data
					RLMediaPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Media
					RLErrSoundPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error
					modulesPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules
					moduleFullName = Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules\WinUAE\WinUAE.ahk
					moduleName = WinUAE
					modulePath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules\WinUAE
					moduleExtension = ahk
					moduleExtensionsPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions
					libPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib
					sevenZEnabled = false
					sevenZPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe
					sevenZDllPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll
					sevenZExtractPath = C:\Temp
					sevenZExtractPathOrig =
					sevenZAttachSystemName = true
					sevenZDelTemp = true
					sevenZFormats = .zip|.rar|.7z|.lzh|.gzip|.tar
					sevenZFormatsNoP = zip|rar|7z|lzh|gzip|tar
					sevenZFormatsRegEx = \.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar
					7zExtractPath = C:\Temp
					mgEnabled = false
					mgKey = ~NumpadSub
					mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
					mgSidePadding = 0.2
					mgWidthBaseRes = 1920
					mgHeightBaseRes = 1080
					mgYOffset = 500|800
					mgFont = Arial
					mgText1Options = x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
					mgText1Text = Please select a game
					mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
					mgText2Offset = 100
					mgUseSound = true
					mgSoundfreq = 300
					mgExitEffect = none
					mgSelectedEffect = rotate
					mgUseGameArt = false
					mgCandidate =
					mgValidTypes = \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
					mgOnLaunch = false
					pauseEnabled = true
					pauseKey = ~NumpadAdd
					pauseBackToMenuBarKey = X
					pauseZoomInKey = C
					pauseZoomOutKey = V
					pauseScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
					pauseHiToTextPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
					pauseSaveStateKeyCodes =
					pauseLoadStateKeyCodes =
					keyboardEncoder =
					keyboardEncoderEnabled = false
					keymapperEnabled = false
					keymapperAHKMethod = false
					keymapper = xpadder
					xpadderFullPath = Q:\Utilities\Xpadder\xpadder.exe
					joyToKeyFullPath = Q:\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe
					profilePath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles
					keymapperProfilePath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
					keymapperFrontEndProfile = false
					keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled = false
					joyIDsEnabled = false
					joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal =
					joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global
					joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit =
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false
					CustomJoyNames =
					rotateMethod = false
					FEProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin
					defaultProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default
					systemProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Commodore Amiga
					xPadderSystemProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Commodore Amiga\_Default
					emuProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Commodore Amiga\WinUAE
					romProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
					RocketLauncherProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncher
					blankProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank
					ahkFEProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\HyperSpin
					ahkDefaultProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default
					ahkSystemProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Commodore Amiga
					ahkEmuProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Commodore Amiga\WinUAE
					ahkRomProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
					ahkRocketLauncherProfile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher
					bezelEnabled = false
					bezelICEnabled = false
					shaderName = false
					shaderColor =
					shaderTransparency =
					shaderChangeKey =
					statisticsEnabled = true
					pressDuration = -1
					emuVolume = 1
					dxwndIni = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
					dxwndFullPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe
					qResFullPath = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe
					mon1O =
					pacDrivedllFile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll
					userFadeAnimIniFile = Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini

20:31:28:599 | RL |     INFO  | +16    | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
20:31:28:599 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Fade Init.ahk scripts
20:31:28:599 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Pause Init.ahk scripts
20:31:28:600 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
20:31:28:600 | RL |  WARNING  | +0     | BuildScript - "Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions Init.ahk" not found
20:31:28:600 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildScript - Module starts on line: 2
20:31:28:600 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
20:31:28:609 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
20:31:28:609 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					MEmu = WinUAE
					MEmuV =  v3.0.0
					MURL = http://www.winuae.net/
					MAuthor = brolly,Turranius
					MVersion = 2.2.3
					MCRC = CC437487
					iCRC = 8622DECA
					mId = 635138307631183750
					MSystem = "Commodore Amiga","Commodore Amiga CD32","Commodore CDTV","Commodore Amiga CD","Commodore Amiga Demos"
					; Notes:
					; You can have specific configuration files inside a Configurations folder on WinUAE main dir.
					; Just name them the same as the game name on the XML file.
					; Make sure you create a host config files with these names:
					; CD32 : cd32host.uae and cd32mousehost.uae;
					; CDTV : cdtvhost.uae and cdtvmousehost.uae;
					; Amiga : amigahost.uae;
					; Amiga CD : amigacdhost.uae;
					; cd32mouse and cdtvmouse are for mouse controlled games on these systems, you should configure
					; Windows Mouse on Port1 and a CD32 pad on Port2. For Amiga and Amiga CD make sure you set both
					; a joystick and a mouse on Port1 and only a joystick on Port2.
					; Set all your other preferences like video display settings. And make sure you are saving a HOST
					; configuration file and not a general configuration file.
					; If you want to configure an exit key through WinUAE:
					; Host-Input-Configuration #1-RAW Keyboard and then remap the desired key to Quit Emulator.
					; If you want to configure a key to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode:
					; Host-Input-Configuration #1-RAW Keyboard and then remap the desired key to Toggle windowed/fullscreen.
					; CD32 and CDTV:
					; A settings file called System_Name.ini should be placed on your module dir. on that file you can define if a
					; game uses mouse or if it needs the special delay hack loading method amongst other things. Example of such a file:
					; [Lemmings (Europe)]
					; UseMouse=true
					; [Project-X & F17 Challenge (Europe)]
					; DelayHack=true
					; Amiga:
					; For MultiGame support make sure you don't change the default WinUAE diskswapper keys which are:
					; END+1-0 (not numeric keypad) = insert image from swapper slot 1-10
					; END+SHIFT+1-0 = insert image from swapper slot 11-20
					; END+CTRL+1-4 = select drive
					; To do that follow the same procedure as above for the exit
					; key, but on F11 set it to Toggle windowed/fullscreen. Make sure you save your configuration afterwards.
					; Note : If you want to use Send commands to WinUAE for any keys that you configured through Input-Configuration panel make sure you
					; set those keys for Null Keyboard! This is a virtual keyboard that collects all input events that don't come from physical
					; keyboards. This applies to the exit or windowed/fullscreen keys mentioned above.
					; If you are using WHDLoad games, but want to keep your default user-startup file after exiting then make a copy of it in the
					; WHDFolder\S (Set in PathToWHDFolder) and name it default-user-startup. This file will then be copied over S\user-startup on exit.
					; Amiga CD:
					; Several Amiga CD games require Hard drive installation, but will also require the game CD to be inserted in the CD drive.
					; The module will take care of this automatically as long as you have the CD image alongside with HDD installed files (.hdf or .vhd).
					; Amiga CD games will require a Workbench disk by default, for games that auto boot, make sure you go to the module settings and set
					; RequiresWB to false.
					; To use the shader options you must first download and put in place the shader pack from the WinUAE website found here:
					; http://www.winuae.net/
					; Download the Direct3D Pixel Shader Filters and extract the zip file into your emulator directory

					primaryExe := new Process(emuPath . "\" . executable)					; instantiate emulator executable object

					; This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. WinUAE can play several systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.
					mType := Object("Commodore Amiga","a500","Commodore Amiga CD32","cd32","Commodore CDTV","cdtv","Commodore Amiga CD","amigacd","Commodore Amiga Demos","a500")
					ident := mType[systemName]	; search object for the systemName identifier MESS uses
					If !ident
						ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for this WinUAE module: " . moduleName)

					SpecialCFGFile := new File(emuPath . "\Configurations\" . romName . ".uae")

					If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.hdf|\.vhd")
						DefaultRequireWB := "true"
						DefaultRequireWB := "false"

					If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.zip|\.lha|\.rar|\.7z")
						SlaveFile := RLObject.findByExtension(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, "slave")
						If (SlaveFile) {
							If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"\(AGA\)")
								defaultCycleExact := "false"
								defaultCpuSpeed := "max"
							} Else {
								defaultCycleExact := "true"
								defaultCpuSpeed := "real"
							defaultImmediateBlittler := "false"
							defaultCpuCompatible := "false"
							defaultCacheSize := "0" ;8192

					If (ident = "amigacd") {
						DefaultRequireWB := "true" ;Most Amiga CD games require installation so better to default this to true
						defaultz3Ram := "128"
						isAmigaCd := "true"

					; Settings
					fullscreen := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "ScreenMode","true","",1)
					quickstartmode := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "QuickStartMode",A_Space,"",1)
					kickstart_rom_file := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "KickstartFile","","",1)
					options := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "Options","","",1)
					bezelTopOffset := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "Bezel_Top_Offset","0","",1)
					bezelBottomOffset := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "Bezel_Bottom_Offset","0","",1)
					bezelRightOffset := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "Bezel_Right_Offset","0","",1)
					bezelLeftOffset := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "Bezel_Left_Offset","0","",1)
					use_gui := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "UseGui","false","",1)
					floppyspeed := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "FloppySpeed","turbo","",1)
					PathToWorkBenchBase := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "PathToWorkBenchBase", EmuPath . "\HDD\Workbench31_Lite.vhd","",1)
					PathToWorkBenchBase := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, PathToWorkBenchBase)
					PathToExtraDrive := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Settings" . "|" . romName, "PathToExtraDrive","","",1)
					If (PathToExtraDrive)
						PathToExtraDrive := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, PathToExtraDrive)

					usemouse := moduleIni.ReadCheck(romName, "UseMouse","false","",1) ;Only needed for CDTV and CD32
					delayhack := moduleIni.ReadCheck(romName, "DelayHack","false","",1) ;Only needed for CDTV and CD32
					requireswb := moduleIni.ReadCheck(romName, "RequiresWB",DefaultRequireWB,"",1)

					; Display
					videomode := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "VideoMode","PAL","",1)
					gfx_width := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "XResolution","native","",1)
					gfx_height := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "YResolution","native","",1)
					gfx_blacker_than_black := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "BlackerThanBlack","false","",1)
					gfx_flickerfixer := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "RemoveInterlaceArtifacts","false","",1)
					gfx_linemode := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "LineMode","","",1)
					gfx_filter_autoscale := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "AutoScale","","",1)
					gfx_filter_mask := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "ShaderMask","","",1)
					gfx_filter := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "FilterShader","","",1)
					gfx_filter_mode := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "FilterShaderScale","","",1)
					gfx_lores_mode := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "FilteredLowResolution","","",1)
					gfx_resolution := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Display" . "|" . romName, "ResolutionMode","hires","",1)

					; CPU
					cpu := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "CPU","","",1)
					cpuspeed := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "CpuSpeed",defaultCpuSpeed,"",1)
					cpucycleexact := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "CpuCycleExact","","",1)
					cpucompatible := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "CpuCompatible",defaultCpuCompatible,"",1)
					mmu_model := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "MMU","false","",1)
					cpu_no_unimplemented := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "DisableUnimplementedCPU","true","",1)
					fpu := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "FPU","","",1)
					fpu_strict := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "MoreCompatibleFPU","false","",1)
					fpu_no_unimplemented := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "DisableUnimplementedFPU","true","",1)
					cachesize := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "CacheSize",defaultCacheSize,"",1)
					24bitaddressing := moduleIni.ReadCheck("CPU" . "|" . romName, "24-BitAddressing","true","",1)

					; Chipset
					cycleexact := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Chipset" . "|" . romName, "CycleExact",defaultCycleExact,"",1)
					immediateblitter := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Chipset" . "|" . romName, "ImmediateBlitter",defaultImmediateBlittler,"",1)
					blittercycleexact := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Chipset" . "|" . romName, "BlitterCycleExact","","",1)
					collisionlevel := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Chipset" . "|" . romName, "CollisionLevel","","",1)

					; RAM
					chipmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "ChipMemory","","",1)
					fastmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "FastMemory","","",1)
					autoconfigfastmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "AutoConfigFastMemory","","",1)
					slowmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "SlowMemory","","",1)
					z3fastmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "Z3FastMemory",defaultz3Ram,"",1)
					megachipmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "MegaChipMemory","","",1)
					processorslotfastmemory := moduleIni.ReadCheck("RAM" . "|" . romName, "ProcessorSlotFast","","",1)

					; Expansions
					rtgcardtype := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Expansions" . "|" . romName, "RTGCardType","","",1)
					rtgvramsize := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Expansions" . "|" . romName, "RTGVRAMSize","","",1)
					rtghardwaresprite := moduleIni.ReadCheck("Expansions" . "|" . romName, "RTGHardwareSprite","","",1)

					; WHDLoad
					PathToWHDFolder := moduleIni.ReadCheck("WHDLoad" . "|" . romName, "PathToWHDFolder", EmuPath . "\HDD\WHD","",1)
					PathToWHDFolder := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, PathToWHDFolder)
					whdloadoptions := moduleIni.ReadCheck("WHDLoad" . "|" . romName, "WHDLoadOptions","PRELOAD","",1)
					neverextract := moduleIni.ReadCheck("WHDLoad" . "|" . romName, "NeverExtract","false","",1)

					; CD-Rom
					CDRomImage := moduleIni.ReadCheck(romName, "CDRomImage","","",1)

					ExtraDriveFolder := new Folder(PathToExtraDrive)
					PathToWHDFolder := new Folder(PathToWHDFolder)
					WorkBenchBaseFile := new File(PathToWorkBenchBase)


					; Force Full Screen Windowed and Autoscale if Bezels are enabled. This must be done here since window class name changes from windowed to fullscreen modes
					If bezelPath {
						fullscreen := "fullwindow"
						gfx_filter_autoscale := "scale"

					winUAEWindowClass := "PCsuxRox"		; Class name is different depending on if the game is being run windowed or fullscreen
					If (fullscreen = "true" or fullscreen = "fullwindow")
						winUAEWindowClass := "AmigaPowah"

					emuPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("",winUAEWindowClass))	; instantiate primary emulator window object

					If (cpucycleexact and blittercycleexact)
						cycleexact := "" ;No need to set cycle exact if both cpu and blitter are set as it could lead to inconsistent states

					if (cpu != "68060" and cpu_no_unimplemented)
						cpu_no_unimplemented := "" ; cpu_no_unimplemented requires a 68060 CPU. Disable it if its true without a 68060 CPU.}

					; Make sure 24bitaddressing is false if using Z3 memory.
					If z3fastmemory
						24bitaddressing := "false"

					;Fill both z3 slots when amount of RAM requires it
					If (z3fastmemory = 384) {
						z3fastmemory := 256
						z3fastmemoryb := 128
					} Else If (z3fastmemory = 768) {
						z3fastmemory := 512
						z3fastmemoryb := 256
					} Else If (z3fastmemory = 1536) {
						z3fastmemory := 1024
						z3fastmemoryb := 512

					videomode := If videomode = "NTSC" ? "-s ntsc=true" : ""

					If (requireswb = "true") {
						ident := "a1200"
						wbDrive := "-s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . WorkBenchBaseFile.FileFullPath . """"

					If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.hdf|\.vhd")
						ident := "a1200"
						gameDrive := "-s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

					If ExtraDriveFolder.FileFullPath
						ExtraDriveFolder.CheckFile("","","","","",1)	; allow folders
						If StringUtils.InStr(ExtraDriveFolder.Exist(), "D")	; it's a folder
							extraDrive := " -s filesystem=rw,Extra:" . """" . ExtraDriveFolder.FileFullPath . """"
						Else	; it's a file
							If StringUtils.Contains(ExtraDriveFolder.FileExt,"\.hdf|\.vhd")
								extraDrive := " -s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . ExtraDriveFolder.FileFullPath . """"
								extraDrive := " -s filesystem=ro,Extra:" . """" . ExtraDriveFolder.FileFullPath . """"

					options := options . " " . videomode

					If (ident = "a500" or ident = "a1200") {
						If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"\(AGA\)|\(LW\)")
							ident := "a1200"

						If (SlaveFile) {

							ident := "a1200"

							;Create the user-startup file to launch the game
							WHDUserStartupFile := new File(PathToWHDFolder.FilePath . "\S\user-startup")
							StringUtils.SplitPath(SlaveFile, SlaveName, SlaveFolder)

							WHDUserStartupFile.Append("echo "";`n")
							WHDUserStartupFile.Append("echo Running: " . SlaveName . ";`n")
							WHDUserStartupFile.Append("echo "";`n")
							WHDUserStartupFile.Append("cd dh1:" . SlaveFolder . ";`n")
							WHDUserStartupFile.Append("whdload " . SlaveName . " " . whdloadoptions . ";`n")

					hideEmuObj := Object(emuPrimaryWindow,1)
					7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath)

					;--- Detecting what Configuration File to use (Or Quick Start Mode) ---

					If SpecialCFGFile.Exist() {
						;Game specific configuration file exists
						configFile := romName . ".uae"
					} Else {
						;Game specific configuration file doesn't exist
						If (ident = "cd32" or ident = "cdtv") {
							configFile := If (usemouse = "true") ? ("host\" . ident . "mousehost.uae") : ("host\" . ident . "host.uae")
							quickcfg := If (ident = "cd32") ? ("-s quickstart=" . ident . "`,0 -s chipmem_size=8") : ("-s quickstart=" . ident . "`,0")
						} Else {
							;Amiga or Amiga CD game

							configFile := If systemName = "Commodore Amiga CD" ? "host\amigacdhost.uae" : "host\amigahost.uae"
							If quickstartmode
								quickcfg := "-s quickstart=" . quickstartmode
								quickcfg := If (ident = "a500") ? "-s quickstart=a500`,1" : (If (isAmigaCd = "true") ? "-s quickstart=a4000`,1" : "-s quickstart=a1200`,1")

					;--- Setting up command line arguments to use ---

					; Global command line arguments.
					If use_gui
						options := options . " -s use_gui=" . use_gui

					If (fullscreen = "true") {
						options := options . " -s gfx_width_fullscreen=" . gfx_width
						options := options . " -s gfx_height_fullscreen=" . gfx_height
					} Else If (fullscreen = "false") {
						If (gfx_width != "native" and gfx_height != "native") {
							options := options . " -s gfx_width_windowed=" . gfx_width
							options := options . " -s gfx_height_windowed=" . gfx_height

					If gfx_linemode
						options := options . " -s gfx_linemode=" . gfx_linemode
					If gfx_filter_autoscale
						options := options . " -s gfx_filter_autoscale=" . gfx_filter_autoscale
					If gfx_blacker_than_black
						options := options . " -s gfx_blacker_than_black=" . gfx_blacker_than_black
					If gfx_flickerfixer
						options := options . " -s gfx_flickerfixer=" . gfx_flickerfixer
					If gfx_filter_mode
						options := options . " -s gfx_filter_mode=" . gfx_filter_mode

					If (gfx_lores_mode = "true")
						options := options . " -s gfx_lores_mode=filtered"
					Else If (gfx_lores_mode = "false")
						options := options . " -s gfx_lores_mode=normal"

					If gfx_resolution {
						options := options . " -s gfx_resolution=" . gfx_resolution
						If (gfx_resolution = "lores") {
							options := options . " -s gfx_autoresolution_vga=false"
							options := options . " -s gfx_lores=true"
						Else {
							options := options . " -s gfx_lores=false"

					If gfx_filter_mask {
						GfxFilterMaskFile := new File(emuPath . "\Plugins\masks\" . gfx_filter_mask)
						RLLog.Debug("Module - Filter - gfx_filter_mask_path = " . GfxFilterMaskFile.FileFullPath)
						If GfxFilterMaskFile.Exist()
							options := options . " -s gfx_filter_mask=" . gfx_filter_mask

					If gfx_filter {
						If (StringUtils.SubStr(gfx_filter, 1, 4) = "D3D:") {
							FilterFileName := StringUtils.TrimLeft(gfx_filter, 4)
							FilterFile := new File(emuPath . "\Plugins\filtershaders\direct3d\" . FilterFileName)
							If FilterFile.Exist()
								options := options . " -s gfx_filter=" . gfx_filter
						} Else {
							options := options . " -s gfx_filter=" . gfx_filter

					If (ident = "cd32" or ident = "cdtv") {
						If (delayhack = "true")
							options := options . " -s cdimage0=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . "`,delay"
							options := options . " -cdimage=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
					} Else {
						If floppyspeed
							options := options . " -s floppy_speed=" . floppyspeed
						If kickstart_rom_file
							options := options . " -s kickstart_rom_file=" . """" . kickstart_rom_file . """"
						If (cachesize || cachesize = "0")
							options := options . " -s cachesize=" . cachesize
						If immediateblitter
							options := options . " -s immediate_blits=" . immediateblitter
						If cycleexact
							options := options . " -s cycle_exact=" . cycleexact
						If cpucycleexact
							options := options . " -s cpu_cycle_exact=" . cpucycleexact
						If blittercycleexact
							options := options . " -s blitter_cycle_exact=" . blittercycleexact
						If cpucompatible
							options := options . " -s cpu_compatible=" . cpucompatible
						If cpuspeed
							options := options . " -s cpu_speed=" . cpuspeed
						If cpu
							options := options . " -s cpu_model=" . cpu
						If cpu_no_unimplemented
							options := options . " -s cpu_no_unimplemented=" . cpu_no_unimplemented
						If (mmu_model = "true")
							options := options . " -s mmu_model=" . cpu ; not a typo. Actually needs the same value as CPU.
						If 24bitaddressing
							options := options . " -s cpu_24bit_addressing=" . 24bitaddressing
						If fpu
							options := options . " -s fpu_model=" . fpu
						If fpu_strict
							options := options . " -s fpu_strict=" . fpu_strict
						If fpu_no_unimplemented
							options := options . " -s fpu_no_unimplemented=" . fpu_no_unimplemented
						If collisionlevel
							options := options . " -s collision_level=" . collisionlevel
						If chipmemory
							options := options . " -s chipmem_size=" . chipmemory
						If fastmemory
							options := options . " -s fastmem_size=" . fastmemory
						If autoconfigfastmemory
							options := options . " -s fastmem_autoconfig=" . autoconfigfastmemory
						If slowmemory
							options := options . " -s bogomem_size=" . slowmemory
						If z3fastmemory
							options := options . " -s z3mem_size=" . z3fastmemory
						If z3fastmemoryb
							options := options . " -s z3mem2_size=" . z3fastmemoryb
						If megachipmemory
							options := options . " -s megachipmem_size=" . megachipmemory
						If processorslotfastmemory
							options := options . " -s mbresmem_size=" . processorslotfastmemory
						If rtgcardtype
							options := options . " -s gfxcard_type=" . rtgcardtype
						If rtgvramsize
							options := options . " -s gfxcard_size=" . rtgvramsize
						If rtghardwaresprite
							options := options . " -s gfxcard_hardware_sprite=" . rtghardwaresprite

						If (SlaveFile) {
							;WHDLoad Game
							options := options . " -s filesystem=rw,WHD:" . """" . PathToWHDFolder.FilePath . """" . " -s filesystem=ro,Games:" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
						Else If (gameDrive) {
							;HDD Game
							options := options . " " . wbDrive . " " . gameDrive

							;Check if there's also a CD to load
							CDRomImageFile := new File(romPath . "\" . CDRomImage)
							If (CDRomImage) {
								If CDRomImageFile.Exist()
									cdDrive := CDRomImageFile.FileFullPath
							Else {
								CDRomImageCUEFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".cue")
								CDRomImageISOFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".iso")
								CDRomImageMDSFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".mds")
								If CDRomImageCUEFile.Exist()
									cdDrive := CDRomImageCUEFile.FileFullPath
								If CDRomImageISOFile.Exist()
									cdDrive := CDRomImageISOFile.FileFullPath
								If CDRomImageMDSFile.Exist()
									cdDrive := CDRomImageMDSFile.FileFullPath

							If extraDrive
								options := options . extraDrive
							If cdDrive
								options := options . " -cdimage=" . """" . cdDrive . """" . " -s win32.map_cd_drives=true -s scsi=true"
						} Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.cue|\.iso|\.mds")
							;Amiga CD game

							;Check if game has a HDD installation
							RomHDFFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".hdf")
							RomVHDFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".vhd")
							If RomHDFFile.Exist()
								installedHdd := " -s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . RomHDFFile.FileFullPath . """"
							If RomVHDFile.Exist()
								installedHdd := " -s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . RomVHDFile.FileFullPath . """"

							options := options . " " . wbDrive . installedHdd

							If extraDrive
								options := options . extraDrive

							options := options . " -cdimage=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . " -s win32.map_cd_drives=true -s scsi=true"
						} Else {
							;Floppy Game

							;MultiDisk loading, this will load the first 2 disks into drives 0 and 1 since some games can read from both drives and therefore
							;the user won't need to change disks through the MG menu. We can have up to 4 drives, but most of the games will only support 2 drives
							;so disks are only loaded into the first 2 for better compatibility. Remaining drives will be loaded into quick disk slots.

							romCount := romTable.MaxIndex()
							If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"\(Disk 1\)")
								;If the user boots any disk rather than the first one, multi disk support must be done through RocketLauncher MG menu
								If romCount > 1
									options := options . " -s nr_floppies=2"
									mgoptions := " -s floppy1=" . """" . romTable[2,1] . """"
							options := options . " " . floppyspeed . " -s floppy0=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . mgoptions

							If romCount > 1
								;diskswapper := " -diskswapper "
								Loop % romTable.MaxIndex() ; loop each item in our array
									;diskswapper := diskswapper . """" . romTable[A_Index,1] . ""","
									diskswapper := diskswapper . " -s diskimage" . (A_Index-1) . "=" . """" . romTable[A_Index,1] . """"
								options := options . diskswapper

					configFile := new File(emuPath . "\Configurations\" . configFile)

					;param1 := "-f " . """" . configFileFullPath . """" . " " . quickcfg
					If configFile.Exist()
						param1 := " -f " . """" . configFile.FileFullPath . """"
					param1 := param1 . " " . quickcfg

					param2 := " -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=" . fullscreen
					param3 := options

					primaryExe.Run(param1 . param2 . A_Space . param3 . " -portable")

					If (use_gui = "true") {
						emuPropertiesWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("WinUAE Properties"))
						errLvl := primaryExe.Process("WaitClose")
						If (errLvl = 0) {



						If (currentButton = 10)
							diskslot := 0
						Else If (currentButton > 10)
							diskslot := currentButton - 10
							diskslot := currentButton

						If (currentButton > 10)
							KeyUtils.Send("{End Down}{Shift Down}%diskslot%{Shift Up}{End Up}")
							KeyUtils.Send("{End Down}%diskslot%{End Up}")

						If (ident = "a500" or ident = "a1200") {
							If (SlaveFile) {
								;Copy default-user-startup to user-startup if file exists
								WHDDefaultFile := new File(PathToWHDFolder . "\S\default-user-startup")
								If WHDDefaultFile.Exist()
									WHDDefaultFile.Copy(PathToWHDFolder . "\S\user-startup",1)

20:31:28:647 | RL |     INFO  | +47    | BuildScript - Loaded Pause scripts
20:31:28:648 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
20:31:28:649 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
20:31:28:649 | RL |  WARNING  | +0     | BuildScript - "Q:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions.ahk" not found
20:31:28:649 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
20:31:28:651 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
20:31:28:651 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
20:31:29:240 | RL |    DEBUG  | +593   | CheckFile - Attributes:
					FileDescription         	AutoHotkey_H ANSI 32-bit
					InternalName            	AutoHotkey_H
					LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 2012
					OriginalFilename        	AutoHotkey.exe
					ProductName             	AutoHotkey_H
					File Size:			785408 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:52:00 PM
					Modified:			4/19/2013 - 6:16:32 PM
20:31:29:244 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Killing taskbar
20:31:29:244 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
20:31:29:438 | MD |     INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
20:31:29:459 | MD |    DEBUG  | +31    | fadeInTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeIn
20:31:29:459 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | fadeOutTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeOut
20:31:29:459 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | fadeLyr3Animation: DefaultFadeAnimation
20:31:29:459 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | fadeLyr37zAnimation: DefaultFadeAnimation
20:31:29:460 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
20:31:29:460 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: WinUAE
					MEmuV: v3.0.0
					MURL: http://www.winuae.net/
					MAuthor: brolly,Turranius
					MVersion: 2.2.3
					MCRC: CC437487
					iCRC: 8622DECA
					MSystem: "Commodore Amiga","Commodore Amiga CD32","Commodore CDTV","Commodore Amiga CD","Commodore Amiga Demos"
20:31:29:460 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Commodore Amiga"
20:31:29:460 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Started
20:31:29:460 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: Name|Cloneof|Publisher|Year|Genre|Rating
20:31:29:460 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if Q:\HyperSpin\Databases\Commodore Amiga\Commodore Amiga.xml exists
20:31:29:461 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
					File Size:			568035 bytes
					Created:			4/27/2016 - 7:36:48 PM
					Modified:			4/26/2016 - 7:23:09 PM
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching for a "Game Name" in the database
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Game Name" in the database!
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Name
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Name" with a value: "Tetris (Mirrorsoft)"
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Cloneof
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Cloneof
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Publisher
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Publisher
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Year
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Year
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Genre
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Genre
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Rating
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Rating" with a value: "Other - NR (Not Rated)"
20:31:29:462 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Ended
20:31:29:463 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
20:31:29:463 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Game Logo: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Wheel\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.png
20:31:29:816 | MD |    DEBUG  | +360   | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a System Logo: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel\Commodore Amiga.png
20:31:29:816 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
20:31:29:816 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Artwork1|Box Art|Cartridge|Flyers|Letters|Other
20:31:29:816 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Artwork1: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Artwork1\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.png
20:31:29:817 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Box Art: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Artwork2\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.png
20:31:30:052 | MD |    DEBUG  | +234   | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Cartridge: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Artwork3\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.png
20:31:30:052 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Flyers: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Artwork4\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.png
20:31:30:052 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Letters: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Letters
20:31:30:114 | MD |    DEBUG  | +62    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Other: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Images\Other
20:31:30:115 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
20:31:30:115 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Video|System Video
20:31:30:115 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Game Video: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Commodore Amiga\Video\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.*
20:31:30:115 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a System Video: Q:\HyperSpin\Media\Main Menu\Video\Commodore Amiga.*
20:31:30:302 | MD |     INFO  | +188   | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
20:31:30:302 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
20:31:30:302 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | StartModule - Setting romName to the dbName sent to RocketLauncher: Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft
20:31:30:304 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | SystemCursor - Hiding mouse cursor
20:31:30:337 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | ModuleIniFileFinder.GetModuleIni - Creating new module ini object
20:31:30:338 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ModuleIniFileFinder.GetModuleIni - System module ini being used as it was found: Q:\RocketLauncher\Modules\WinUAE\Commodore Amiga.ini
20:31:30:341 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
20:31:30:341 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeInStart - Started
20:31:30:342 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeInStart - No keys were set to interrupt fade so ability to interrupt fade is disabled
20:31:30:342 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Layer 1*.*
20:31:30:442 | MD |    DEBUG  | +110   | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Layer 1*.*
20:31:30:442 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 1*.*
20:31:30:443 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Layer 1*.*
20:31:30:535 | MD |    DEBUG  | +93    | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.*
20:31:30:535 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.png
20:31:30:535 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png
20:31:30:535 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.gif
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.tif
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.bmp
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.jpg
20:31:30:536 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade  will use Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Extra Layer 1 - Console images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Extra Layer 1 - Console images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Extra Layer 1 - Console images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Extra Layer 1 - Console images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
20:31:30:536 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Extra Layer 1 - Console images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
20:31:30:677 | MD |     INFO  | +141   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: in
20:31:30:677 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.
20:31:31:177 | MD |     INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
20:31:31:185 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | DefaultFadeAnimation - Started
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Info Bar images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Info Bar*.*
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Info Bar images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Info Bar*.*
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Info Bar images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Info Bar*.*
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Info Bar images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Info Bar*.*
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Info Bar images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.*
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.png
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar.png
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.gif
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.tif
20:31:31:185 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.bmp
20:31:31:186 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Info Bar pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar*.jpg
20:31:31:186 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade  will use Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar.png
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +62    | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 3 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Layer 3*.*
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 3 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Layer 3*.*
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 3 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.*
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.png
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3.png
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.gif
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.tif
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.bmp
20:31:31:244 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 3 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3*.jpg
20:31:31:244 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade  will use Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer 3.png
20:31:31:478 | MD |     INFO  | +235   | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Genre Logo|Rating Logo|Developer Logo|Publisher Logo|Year Logo
20:31:31:479 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Genre Logo:
20:31:31:479 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Rating Logo: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Rating\_Default\Other - NR (Not Rated).*
20:31:31:552 | MD |    DEBUG  | +78    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Developer Logo:
20:31:31:552 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Publisher Logo:
20:31:31:552 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Year Logo:
20:31:31:553 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
20:31:31:553 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: System Logo|Game Logo|Game Logo
20:31:31:553 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a System Logo: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Logos\Commodore Amiga\_Default\
20:31:31:553 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Game Logo: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Logos\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\
20:31:31:553 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Game Logo:
20:31:31:553 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +344   | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Loading images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Loading*.*
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Loading images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Loading*.*
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Loading images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Loading*.*
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Loading images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Loading*.*
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Loading images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Loading*.*
20:31:31:899 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeInDelay - Started
20:31:32:763 | MD |    DEBUG  | +859   | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Fade Layer 3 is drawn so animation loop is finished.
20:31:32:763 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - AnimationLoop has finished
20:31:32:763 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Ended
20:31:33:277 | MD |    DEBUG  | +516   | FadeInDelay - Ended
20:31:33:277 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | DefaultFadeAnimation - Ended
20:31:33:277 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeInStart - Ended
20:31:33:335 | MD |     INFO  | +62    | DxwndUpdateIniPath - DxwndIni set to Q:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
20:31:33:335 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | CoverFE - Started
20:31:33:341 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | CoverFE - Ended
20:31:33:935 | MD |     INFO  | +594   | Module Setting - [Settings] - ScreenMode: true
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ScreenMode: true
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - QuickStartMode:
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - QuickStartMode:
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - KickstartFile:
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - KickstartFile:
20:31:33:936 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Options:
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Options:
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Bezel_Top_Offset: 0
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Bezel_Top_Offset: 0
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Bezel_Bottom_Offset: 0
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Bezel_Bottom_Offset: 0
20:31:33:937 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Bezel_Right_Offset: 0
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Bezel_Right_Offset: 0
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Bezel_Left_Offset: 0
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Bezel_Left_Offset: 0
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - UseGui: false
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - UseGui: false
20:31:33:938 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - FloppySpeed: turbo
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FloppySpeed: turbo
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - PathToWorkBenchBase: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\HDD\Workbench31_Lite.vhd
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - PathToWorkBenchBase: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\HDD\Workbench31_Lite.vhd
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - PathToExtraDrive:
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - PathToExtraDrive:
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - UseMouse: false
20:31:33:939 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - DelayHack: false
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - RequiresWB: false
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - VideoMode: PAL
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - VideoMode: PAL
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - XResolution: native
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - XResolution: native
20:31:33:940 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - YResolution: native
20:31:33:958 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - YResolution: native
20:31:33:958 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - BlackerThanBlack: false
20:31:33:958 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - BlackerThanBlack: false
20:31:33:958 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - RemoveInterlaceArtifacts: false
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - RemoveInterlaceArtifacts: false
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - LineMode:
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - LineMode:
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - AutoScale:
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - AutoScale:
20:31:33:959 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - ShaderMask:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ShaderMask:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - FilterShader:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FilterShader:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - FilterShaderScale:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FilterShaderScale:
20:31:33:960 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - FilteredLowResolution:
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FilteredLowResolution:
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Display] - ResolutionMode: hires
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ResolutionMode: hires
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - CPU:
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CPU:
20:31:33:961 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - CpuSpeed:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CpuSpeed:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - CpuCycleExact:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CpuCycleExact:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - CpuCompatible:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CpuCompatible:
20:31:33:962 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - MMU: false
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - MMU: false
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - DisableUnimplementedCPU: true
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - DisableUnimplementedCPU: true
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - FPU:
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FPU:
20:31:33:963 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - MoreCompatibleFPU: false
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - MoreCompatibleFPU: false
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - DisableUnimplementedFPU: true
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - DisableUnimplementedFPU: true
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - CacheSize:
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CacheSize:
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [CPU] - 24-BitAddressing: true
20:31:33:964 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - 24-BitAddressing: true
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Chipset] - CycleExact:
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CycleExact:
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Chipset] - ImmediateBlitter:
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ImmediateBlitter:
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Chipset] - BlitterCycleExact:
20:31:33:965 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - BlitterCycleExact:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Chipset] - CollisionLevel:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CollisionLevel:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - ChipMemory:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ChipMemory:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - FastMemory:
20:31:33:966 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - FastMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - AutoConfigFastMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - AutoConfigFastMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - SlowMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - SlowMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - Z3FastMemory:
20:31:33:967 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - Z3FastMemory:
20:31:33:968 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - MegaChipMemory:
20:31:33:968 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - MegaChipMemory:
20:31:33:968 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [RAM] - ProcessorSlotFast:
20:31:33:968 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - ProcessorSlotFast:
20:31:33:968 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Expansions] - RTGCardType:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - RTGCardType:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Expansions] - RTGVRAMSize:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - RTGVRAMSize:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Expansions] - RTGHardwareSprite:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - RTGHardwareSprite:
20:31:33:969 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [WHDLoad] - PathToWHDFolder: .\HDD\WHD
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - PathToWHDFolder: .\HDD\WHD
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [WHDLoad] - WHDLoadOptions: PRELOAD
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - WHDLoadOptions: PRELOAD
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [WHDLoad] - NeverExtract: false
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - NeverExtract: false
20:31:33:970 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft] - CDRomImage:
20:31:33:971 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Process.Run - Running: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe -s quickstart=a500,1 -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true   -s use_gui=false -s gfx_width_fullscreen=native -s gfx_height_fullscreen=native -s gfx_blacker_than_black=false -s gfx_flickerfixer=false -s gfx_resolution=hires -s gfx_lores=false -s floppy_speed=turbo -s cpu_24bit_addressing=true -s fpu_strict=false -s fpu_no_unimplemented=true turbo -s floppy0="Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.zip" -portable
20:31:34:029 | MD |    DEBUG  | +63    | Process.Run - "winuae.exe -s quickstart=a500,1 -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true   -s use_gui=false -s gfx_width_fullscreen=native -s gfx_height_fullscreen=native -s gfx_blacker_than_black=false -s gfx_flickerfixer=false -s gfx_resolution=hires -s gfx_lores=false -s floppy_speed=turbo -s cpu_24bit_addressing=true -s fpu_strict=false -s fpu_no_unimplemented=true turbo -s floppy0="Q:\Roms\Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft.zip" -portable" Process ID: 5904
20:31:34:029 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | MiscUtils.GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: CoverFE | Class: AutoHotkeyGUI | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1360 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x2007c | Process ID: 5480 | Process Path: Q:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe
20:31:34:029 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Window.Wait - Waiting for window "ahk_class AmigaPowah"
20:31:38:046 | MD |    DEBUG  | +4015  | MiscUtils.GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: WinUAE | Class: AmigaPowah | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1360 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x300b4 | Process ID: 5904 | Process Path: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe
20:31:38:046 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | MiscUtils.GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: WinUAE | Class: AmigaPowah | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1360 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x300b4 | Process ID: 5904 | Process Path: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe
20:31:38:047 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Window.WaitActive - Waiting for "ahk_class AmigaPowah"
20:31:38:150 | MD |    DEBUG  | +110   | MiscUtils.GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: WinUAE | Class: AmigaPowah | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1360 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x300b4 | Process ID: 5904 | Process Path: Q:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WinUAE 3.1\winuae.exe
20:31:38:155 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeInExit - Started
20:31:38:155 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: out
20:31:38:652 | MD |     INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
20:31:38:680 | MD |    DEBUG  | +31    | FadeInExit - Ended, waiting for user to close launched application
20:31:38:680 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Process.Process - "WaitClose" "winuae.exe"
20:31:47:844 | MD |     INFO  | +9156  | CloseProcess - Started, user requested to end launched application
20:31:47:844 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeOutStart - Started
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeOutStart - No keys were set to interrupt fade so ability to interrupt fade is disabled
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer -1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\Tetris_v1.1_Mirrorsoft\Layer -1*.*
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer -1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Horizontal\Layer -1*.*
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer -1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Commodore Amiga\_Default\Layer -1*.*
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer -1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Layer -1*.*
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer -1 images exist in: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.*
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.png
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1 (2).png
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1 (3).png
20:31:47:845 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1.png
20:31:47:846 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.gif
20:31:47:846 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.tif
20:31:47:846 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.bmp
20:31:47:846 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer -1 pic: Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1*.jpg
20:31:47:846 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade  will use Q:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer -1 (2).png
20:31:48:055 | MD |     INFO  | +219   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: in
20:31:48:572 | MD |     INFO  | +516   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
20:31:48:572 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeOutStart - Ended
20:31:48:572 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | ShowFE - Started
20:31:48:572 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | ShowFE - Ended
20:31:48:805 | MD |     INFO  | +234   | CloseProcess - Ended
20:31:48:806 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | Process.Process - "winuae.exe" returned 0 and is now closed. Continuing thread.
20:31:48:807 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeOutExit - Started
20:31:48:807 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: out
20:31:49:305 | MD |     INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
20:31:49:306 | MD |    DEBUG  | +0     | FadeOutExit - Ended
20:31:49:306 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
20:31:49:306 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Starting Updating Statistics:
20:31:49:458 | MD |     INFO  | +156   | Game section statistics updated.
20:31:49:458 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
End of Module Logs
20:31:49:478 | RL |     INFO  | +20235 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
20:31:49:478 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
20:31:50:949 | RL |     INFO  | +1469  | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar
20:31:50:949 | RL |     INFO  | +0     | Process.Process - "WaitClose" "explorer.exe" 1
20:31:52:040 | RL |    DEBUG  | +1093  | Process.Process - "explorer.exe" returned 3300 and is now closed. Continuing thread.
20:31:52:040 | RL |  WARNING  | +0     | MiscUtils.TaskBarKill - Taskbar does not exist but explorer.exe is running. Launching explorer.exe again to restore the taskbar.
20:31:52:047 | RL |    DEBUG  | +0     | Process.RunDirect - "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe" Process ID: 5656 and ErrorLevel reported as: 3300
20:31:52:078 | RL |     INFO  | +32    | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
20:31:52:094 | RL |     INFO  | +15    | ExitScript - Restored cursor


Hi guys, my HS with commodore amiga work fine BUT:


I have *.adf games and when I start games with 2 or more disk.... game stopped.


How to configure HS to work with 2 or more disk? It's possible!?! (with adf, sure)



P.S. sorry for my  BAD english! :)


Ron, I'm finding some games are requiring a newer version of WHD. I think the latest is 18. I'm on 16.8. I tried updating it but it didn't seem to work and would not run. Do you have the latest version running on your machine and if so would you share it?



Ron, I'm finding some games are requiring a newer version of WHD. I think the latest is 18. I'm on 16.8. I tried updating it but it didn't seem to work and would not run. Do you have the latest version running on your machine and if so would you share it?



Grab WHDLoad_18.2_usr.lzx from http://whdload.de/

(or get attached 18.2 file)


Unpack it on the amiga or something that handles lzx on PC.

Copy WHDLoad and WHDLoadCD32 to HDD\WHD\C (might be different depending on your setup. Should be in the C folder anyway and you'll already have the files there to overwrite).


Another nice feature is that 18.2 no longer requires registration.


Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


Another nice feature is that 18.2 no longer requires registration.


Whaaaat! I haven't long bought mine, they did deserve my money though.



Grab WHDLoad_18.2_usr.lzx from http://whdload.de/

(or get attached 18.2 file)


Unpack it on the amiga or something that handles lzx on PC.

Copy WHDLoad and WHDLoadCD32 to HDD\WHD\C (might be different depending on your setup. Should be in the C folder anyway and you'll already have the files there to overwrite).


Another nice feature is that 18.2 no longer requires registration.


Do I need to update the Rom set after adding that update as now games that previously worked no longer do?




Are you getting a window that says "DOS error #205 object not found"? If so, it's because there's an error in the module. I reported the fix on the RL forums, but I don't think they've pushed it live yet.

Thanks Agent.


Yes I am, I did see the thread just before I went out. 



Update worked Tauranus. Nice one. The WHD issue has gone but still getting a dos #205 error. My Amiga was setup and working so something has broken it over the last 6 months


Update worked Tauranus. Nice one. The WHD issue has gone but still getting a dos #205 error. My Amiga was setup and working so something has broken it over the last 6 months

The post from Agent47 like two or three posts above will answer your question as to why it's broken



Today's update has fixed the DOS error so happy days :)


Thanks to Agent47 and the RocketLauncher team for sorting it out.



could someone briefly explain their rom directory structure? I'm still unclear how to avoid the workbench screen I get with games.  Do you update the RL extensions to include lha?


When the game runs after the WHD splash screen goes off I just get a black screen or the occasional flash of black and white. The game never runs. Any ideas?


could someone briefly explain their rom directory structure? I'm still unclear how to avoid the workbench screen I get with games.  Do you update the RL extensions to include lha?


Mine are all compressed and contain either an .lha file or an info file and a yellow folder. Both types work even though .lha is not defined in the RL extensions list like Agent47 mentioned he had his set. Winuae reads the zip file so there is no need for extraction on my set up and 7z is set to false.

Have you set the path to WHDLoad if you are using that?


post-2819-0-57881200-1462030711_thumb.jp  post-2819-0-79129200-1462030712_thumb.jp



Mine are all compressed and contain either an .lha file or an info file and a yellow folder. Both types work even though .lha is not defined in the RL extensions list like Agent47 mentioned he had his set. Winuae reads the zip file so there is no need for extraction on my set up and 7z is set to false.

Have you set the path to WHDLoad if you are using that?


attachicon.gifImage 2.jpg  attachicon.gifImage 3.jpg


Thank you, this is very helpful.  I can now make the zip files that just contain .info and the data directory work. Still no dice with the LHA data inside the zip, but at least I have a workaround.  I did set the path to WHDLoad in RL.  If anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears.


Thank you, this is very helpful.  I can now make the zip files that just contain .info and the data directory work. Still no dice with the LHA data inside the zip, but at least I have a workaround.  I did set the path to WHDLoad in RL.  If anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears.


actually, as was mentioned above (oops), adding lha as an extension seems to work.  I'll just pull out the lha files from each zip. I can't see any benefit of double zipping anyways :)


When the game runs after the WHD splash screen goes off I just get a black screen or the occasional flash of black and white. The game never runs. Any ideas?

Ron, still having this issue with every game. Have you seen this before? Games were running when I set it up as per your tutorial but I can't see what's changed. If not I might try setting it up from scratch.



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