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which categories would you consider to be Arcade only

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As a friend told me about projects like selfmade arcade cabinets i checked some and immediately felt in love with it.

Wasn´t into emulated based systems for over 15 years.

Only played on one Arcade Cabinet (Soul Edge) in real life cause they were really rare in smaller locations in Germany. 

Last time i used MAME it was like arcade only ...when i checked for the roms now it has so much more included.

This is what i want to filter out but have no clue which have to consider as arcade only.

Plus is there Systems not included in full mame packets considered as arcade roms?

For the people already did such or similar cabinet ...could you please show some media of it...specially the hyper spin weels and how you sorted it would be nice to see

Hope its clear what iam looking for through my very limited knowledge and english skills.




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Just my opinion but as far as the true arcade felling I stick with Mame only! I don't care for other game systems on an arcade cabinet. To  me it's not the same. Those other systems were meant to be played on a tv and to set up all the different controls or even using different controllers for each system is just too much stuff. I have all the mame games I could ever need maybe like 1700 games or so and it can all fit on a 120GB SSD which is nice actually its about 53GB total with all the art, video, and other media files.

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I guess it depends what you mean by "arcade only"

You can create custom lists using dons tools but pretty much everything on MAME is a arcade game.

Its a blurry line as ports end up on consoles for lots of arcade games.

In terms of what I consider arcade systems my cab runs Neo Geo MVS, MAME, CPS 1 & 2 and Sega M2.

In my mind anything that was coin op was a arcade game.

But that even includes Mario!

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I also only emulate Arcade Games on my cabinet. Along with PC Arcade style games.

I run Arcade Classics (MAME) with several manufacturer wheels.

Laser Disc games (Daphne/Daphne Singe)

Vector Games (AAE#2)

Atomiswave and Naomi games (DeMul 7)

Neo-Geo & just added PolyGame Master (MAME)

Sega Classics (MAME, model 2 & model 3)

Pinball Arcade digital re-creations of actual tables.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My take on this is that games should be played with suitable controls in a suitable environment. My ultimate goal is to have multiple bartops devoted to different controllers (sticks, guns, spinner, trackball, pinball), plus a consoles-only system connected to my TV, with a BlissBox for all the controllers.

I reckon anything that needs a particular console controller (especially one with analogue sticks and triggers) is best played with that controller while sitting on the sofa, and games that would normally be played with a mouse and keyboard while sitting at a desk certainly have no business being on a cabinet.

There's no point having console ports on a cab unless the original coin-op can't be emulated or the port is actually superior, but original console games that benefit from arcade controls would be better played on a cab than the TV.

Obviously this all depends on having enough time, space and money to devote to building multiple cabs, so in my case it's a bit academic at the moment as I live in a tiny flat and what little spare time and money I have always seems to get swallowed up by more important matters. A man can dream though!

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My take on this is that games should be played with suitable controls in a suitable environment. My ultimate goal is to have multiple bartops devoted to different controllers (sticks, guns, spinner, trackball, pinball), plus a consoles-only system connected to my TV, with a BlissBox for all the controllers.

I reckon anything that needs a particular console controller (especially one with analogue sticks and triggers) is best played with that controller while sitting on the sofa, and games that would normally be played with a mouse and keyboard while sitting at a desk certainly have no business being on a cabinet.

There's no point having console ports on a cab unless the original coin-op can't be emulated or the port is actually superior, but original console games that benefit from arcade controls would be better played on a cab than the TV.

Obviously this all depends on having enough time, space and money to devote to building multiple cabs, so in my case it's a bit academic at the moment as I live in a tiny flat and what little spare time and money I have always seems to get swallowed up by more important matters. A man can dream though!

I like this idea, to a degree. I think that many cabs would be a bit much, but the concept of having different setups for different kinds of games is interesting.

For instance, I have all my console games in a console build.

Maybe I could do a cabinet for the arcade build?

Maybe a PC game only build? Well that seems a little redundant, but it's a cool concept all in all.

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Sorry for late reply to you guys was some busy weeks.

I would consider as Arcade only:

Only Games which had an Arcade Cabinet and no other option to play this version of the game. (Not looking for Arcade Ports)

Not looking for Casino, Poker, Mahjong, Pinball, Mechanical Machines and so on.(only real games if you know what i try to say)

Not looking for Home Computer Games.

Not looking for Console Games at all.

And still have no clue which Systems aint included in MAME yet. (did some research on it maybe its wrong hope you can help)


American Laser Games/Daphne/ Pioneer Palcom Laserdisc/ Action Max/ Video Challenger/

Capcom Play System
Capcom Play System II
Capcom Play System III
Cave Arcade
Examu eX-BOARD
Namco System 22
Sammy Atomiswave
Sega Model 2
Sega Model 3
Sega Naomi
Sega Naomi 2
Sega ST-V/Titan
Sega Triforce
Taito Type X


Is this Systems included? is there more missing which you could name as Arcade only? 


My Goal is to have all my Console Games played on original CRT TV up to Playstation 2 after goes to OLED TV.

Home Computer Games on an dedicated Computer for it.

And Arcade Games on an dedicated Arcade Cabinet with rotating screen for vertical and horizontal.


So i really need the help to call out the Arcade Games/Systems by name with your knowledge cause i have near zero clue about it

cause i have seen only 1 System in real life.

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Allthough your idea is nice ime not sure if you realise the size of such a task.

For example take just Sega M2.

Of the Sega M2 games I know there are ports of House of the Dead, Virtua cop, Dead or Alive, Virtua fighter, Daytona and Dynamite cop.

There are probably ports of most of the others as well but I couldnt say for sure without looking for them.

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Allthough your idea is nice ime not sure if you realise the size of such a task.

For example take just Sega M2.

Of the Sega M2 games I know there are ports of House of the Dead, Virtua cop, Dead or Alive, Virtua fighter, Daytona and Dynamite cop.

There are probably ports of most of the others as well but I couldnt say for sure without looking for them.

He's saying he wouldn't want arcade games if they were later ported to a console? That doesn't make sense. You'd end up with an Arcade cabinet that's missing a nearly all of the most classic and popular games games, as most were released across multiple consoles, computers and generations.

That would mean an arcade cabinet with no: Pac-Man or Mrs Pac-Man games, no Mario, no Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, No Rampage, Spy Hunter, Galaga, Galaxian, Burgertime, Golden Axe, Final Fight, Not a single Neo-Geo game, Donkey Kong, Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Super Sprint, Strider, Sonic, Space Invaders, Asteroids, nearly a single Capcom game... and that list would go on for hunf=dreds upon hundreds of games.

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Only Games which had an Arcade Cabinet and no other option to play this version of the game. (Not looking for Arcade Ports)

Think this one was unclearly defined by me.

Just not looking for the ported Versions of the Games.

Only the Arcade Cabinet Versions.

Means if the game was ported to the Arcade, just want the Arcade Cabinet Version of it.

If it was ported of the Arcade Cabinet to any Home Computer, Console, just want the Arcade Cabinet Version of it.

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That makes sense then.

So to cover the arcade games you would run:

MAME (nearly all classic Jamma, Neo-Geo, Capcom, Cave etc... games)

Daphne (Laserdisc)

Daphne Singe (More Laser Disc)

Sega Model 2 & 3 emulators (Can't remember their names)

Demul 7.XX (Atomiswave, Naomi etc...)

Whatever runs TriForce (Can't remember)

Taito Type X (these are actually basically PC games and need to be setup individually)

Dice (for the really old crap... I don't bother with this one)

Vector games you can either run through MAME or use AAE update #2 (which I'd say is much better)

...Can't remember what else at the moment.

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That makes sense then.

So to cover the arcade games you would run:

MAME (nearly all classic Jamma, Neo-Geo, Capcom, Cave etc... games)

Daphne (Laserdisc)

Daphne Singe (More Laser Disc)

Sega Model 2 & 3 emulators (Can't remember their names)

Demul 7.XX (Atomiswave, Naomi etc...)

Whatever runs TriForce (Can't remember)

Taito Type X (these are actually basically PC games and need to be setup individually)

Dice (for the really old crap... I don't bother with this one)

Vector games you can either run through MAME or use AAE update #2 (which I'd say is much better)

...Can't remember what else at the moment.

I almost feel like this and....


Sega Model 2 = Sega Model 2 Emulator (yes, that's the name lol) or Nebula

Sega Model 3 = Supermodel

Triforce = Triforce branch of Dolphin (Dolphin Triforce)

This should be stickied someplace 'cause that's a great list. I don't have ANY of this stuff.

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