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Where to put new main menu theme zip?


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Hey guys


ive always used hypersynch for all my systems media..but came. Across a real nice hyperspin main page theme (hyperflash) I really like it.

i got the zip downloaded off here in the media section, but where does it go and how do you default it?

ive navigated to HS/media//main menu/

choice of 


opening themes im met with all the systems.  I don't want to change those, just the main Hyperspin page (default) theme.

where do I drop it? And do I have to rename? And how do I make it my default?


for reference this is the theme.

its on the HS download pages but the video is in Spanish 


there are are a lot of folders and sub folders in the zip file on here and don't want to mess up my good running system but I def do want this overall theme.


Main themes are placed in *Hyperspin/media/main menu/themes/

Note that the themes there should have the system theme, for example: Sega Genesis.zip

Also, be aware that medias are case sensitive in Hyperspin in general.



Maybe I'm not saying it right.

i think I'm talking about global theme.  Like in the video.  I understand system specific themes.  But like in the video above, I want it to look like thAt.  Basically change the whole hyperspin theme.

Ive got the zip file for the one in the video, but I think it's much more than just drag and drop by the file structure in the zip.

does anyone have experience with "hyper flash" theme? 

Thanks for the response, I apologize for not saying correctly what I meant.

6 minutes ago, thenoob said:

Maybe I'm not saying it right.

i think I'm talking about global theme.  Like in the video.  I understand system specific themes.  But like in the video above, I want it to look like thAt.  Basically change the whole hyperspin theme.

Ive got the zip file for the one in the video, but I think it's much more than just drag and drop by the file structure in the zip.

does anyone have experience with "hyper flash" theme? 

Thanks for the response, I apologize for not saying correctly what I meant.

No, actually I just read the title and went directly to the answer, so the fault is mine!

Anyway, have you tried using it as default.zip? I remember the last build had support for this kind of global theme.

Edit: I moved all my main menu themes to a "temp" folder and put a default.zip to see that, and it works, so all you have to do is to use this theme as default.zip.



So in hyperspin media/main menu/themes?

in there is obviously a list of all the systems, I was expecting to see a default folder but didn't.

should I rename the zip of the theme "default" and leave it in the main theme folder?

1 minute ago, thenoob said:

So in hyperspin media/main menu/themes?

in there is obviously a list of all the systems, I was expecting to see a default folder but didn't.

should I rename the zip of the theme "default" and leave it in the main theme folder?

Simple like that.



I was thinking of doing the same thing but am confused about all the media hypersynch downloaded... I'm guessing this trumps that


If you do this, backup your current setup.

This theme came out about a year ago and was very popular due to videos on YouTube. Most people who looked at it thought it was a drag and drop process to get it working. Unfortunately it's going to be a little harder than that. Also, you are going to have to do the work yourself.

If I remember right, the files in the download are an example system setup (MAME) including the system wheel and the default background (to be used as both a Main Menu and Game default theme) for you to follow as you setup each system. When used as a Main Menu theme, 1.each of your systems (not just the included MAME) have to be set up in HyperHQ with 2.the exact settings changed to match the two "HyperHQ" screenshot png files he included in the zip. 3.You also have to change the INI settings file for each system as shown in the screenshot "Settings" png. This is to fit the text and artwork with the visual confines of the theme so it appears as shown. Since it is a default theme, these setting changes will be the same each time. But they are different from the default, so you will have to change them.

As to the example theme for the Main Menu itself, you will notice that the background is the same. 4.What needs to be changed so that it matches each of your systems is the "Artwork 1.png" file. The file included is the Arcade Classics logo which he is using for the MAME system. You can use this for both the Media\Main Menu folder renamed MAME.zip as your MAME theme, as well as in the Media\MAME folder renamed to Default.zip. However, you will also have to create themes (both Main Menu and System Default) for each of your systems, changing the "Artwork 1.png" to reflect that system's logo, renaming and move them to their respective folders that were created by HyperHQ in Step 1 above. This is for each of your systems.

One good thing, the Main Menu and System (game) videos for each system and the games within that wheel will be the same 4:3 aspect videos you are currently using that you downloaded from HyperSync.

The Main Menu and System (game) wheels can also be used. However, the theme author has them enclosed in the black border you can see above. In the Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel folder, he has included in the downloaded zip about 25 Main Menu (system) wheels. If you have systems other than those, you will have to 5.create each of those wheels, enclosing them within the black border. He has included no game wheels. To keep the theme visually consistent, you will have to create each of those game wheels for each of the games listed on that system's XML.

That's all the "art" you will use for this theme. The system/game videos and the system/game wheels. Game boxes, carts and CDs are not used. You will have to back them up and clear them from Artwork 2,3, and 4 folders.

That is all for Main Menu and Systems.

Note that in the "Frontend" folder in the downloaded zip are included HyperSpin Intro video and "Special Art". You will want to backup your originals because they will be overwritten.

That should be it to my recollection. I have probably forgotten something. I don't have this theme installed in my setup, but looked at it briefly when trying to help somebody else several months ago (that guy left saying he was going to start creating hundreds/thousands of bordered wheels and was never seen again). So I will probably not be able to give additional help other than the above. It will be a DIY project if you decide to do this. Did I mention backing up your current setup first? Good luck!

4 hours ago, thenoob said:

for reference this is the theme.

its on the HS download pages but the video is in Spanish 


there are are a lot of folders and sub folders in the zip file on here and don't want to mess up my good running system but I def do want this overall theme.

You have this file? Gigapig was looking for it because it was no longer available in the downloadsection. did it get re-upped?


Forgot to add, the theme author also fleshed out this theme with an additional 25 example themes, but still had to be manually adjusted for each theme for your setup. You also had to create the systems you had over and above the 25 included. It also included Photoshop PSD files for the wheels and included additional effects such as fade and wheel animations, blacking out all but the active wheel on screen. Those download are currently MIA. But you may be able to watch the included videos to follow his process. That's what I did to figure out what was going on.



Nope. Sorry Klopjero, I downloaded it months ago to help someone else but deleted it. Visually cool, but not my style. I'm more chaotic.


Edit: The video above was for the middle download link (single example setup) which is still active. It was the 25 example system 16:9 downloads (the top and bottom link) that are MIA. The theme author has checked in within the week, so he may see this and re-up.


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