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Wheels not displaying all games


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Hi Guys

New to all this hyperspin! just setup several wheels and got most working fine (genesis, snes, mame, c64 etc..) but I've noticed on a 2 wheels (N64 and NES) that not all the games are displayed. I.E my N64 wheel only shows games from 0, A, B and C but nothing after C, and the NES wheel shows all games upto S, but not T onward. Any ideas whats causing this? Ive been searching on issues, or wheel filter settings etc. but no joy. Ive recreated the .ini files for the wheels from scratch but still the same. All the full set of Roms are in the right folders, databases are correct etc... N64 was working when i first went into the wheel but somewhere along the line its now only showing A-C

Thanks in advance for any help!!


Sounds like an issue with your xml file

Have you made any edits to it?

I recently created an xml and if iyou load it into dons tools renamer it will give you the line number that has errors on it.

You may also have special charcters. Check in the xml at the point the last game displayed is for any errors


Cant check it now until tomorrow but will have a look then - Thanks! :) (don't think i have made any edits to them, but will also download them again to test)

Thanks again!


I can't think of something else than maybe you have media and/or rom names not matching.

On my own experience, when I don't see any media showing up is always because the names are not matching..... or the media have a different extension than png or videos with flv/mp4.


There is a bug on hyperspin android with the database, if there is a name of a game with "&" all the game after won't appears.

Go check on your database, if the game names have a & change by "and" and don't forget to re-name your rom, and medias.


You've already had some sound advice. I'd suggest double checking how your rom extensions are set in the N64.ini file within the settings_android folder. You could well have a mix of .n64 and .z64 files in your rom folder. It's just a hunch but sounds like this could be the case, if you've only set .n64 as an extension these will show but the .z64 won't...or vice versa.

All the best with it and welcome to the community.

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Hi Guys

thanks for all the suggestions! - downloading a new XML file seems to have done the trick! :) Now time to play some games and setup some more wheels! )



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