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Club Focus?


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Thinking out loud here, so if anyone has any ideas pitch in. Im not sure this will even be a thing as we all have stuff to do and other interests

What could the club be for,

1. With the announcment of Flash being withdrawn  we could be a Flash appreciation group :)

2. Hyperspin news/audit

3. Maybe focus on one type of art like themes

4. Focus on games and cool stuff we see

5. Hyperspin Community liasions 

6. Offtopic club - talk shit and post memes

7. Or something else

8. Freedom of speach - each member posts a topic on whatever the fancy 


Maybe have a rough timeframe on things. Do something once a month




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I was wrestling with the same questions. what is it for ?

Personally I think the focus should be special interest clubs, that you wouldn't want to bother the main forums with.
Technical things like Action script issues or something.
maybe other hobbies like Warhammer or breeding dwarf wooly mammoths. music in my case.

I dont think main hyperspin related things should be posted in these clubs, because chances are that that would effect the main forums. and we wouldnt want to give the wrong impression to new comers.

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I think clubs are really just an extension of the forums to be fair and their purpose is what KlopjerO mentioned Off Topic things outside of Hyperspin, Hobby Clubs, Location/Country Specific Meetups etc.

Everything Hyperspin and anything effecting/interacting with said Front End should be kept in the public eye where best everyone can.


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I think it can be used for common interests/hobbies/off-topic stuff. Could be art, music, literature, games, memes, internet, life hobbies, etc. Everything that might be of interest for the community or a part of it, but it is not directly linked to HS.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Chaps


How about merchandise?

joining this club gives you access to the HS merch like teeshirts, sweat shirts, key rings cups and the list goes on

thinking about this may be a thing already !!

forgive me if this has been done already


but could be a lucrative side line for some body


just a thought...

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