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Hyperspin odroid xu4


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OK.. Made sure INI files were matching according to android INI file setup as instructed.. 

Launched hyperspin.. Crashed before where video would load up.

Do I need to have a ROM in the rom folder for each system (ie. Nintendo, Sega, etc) or should hyperspin load up empty (without ROMs but have systems on wheel) or would the wheel just contain the systems that are listed as part of the INI files, if ROMs weren't present?

Not sure if I'm missing something here. But done everything by the rules so far. 


I've noticed that the video files are flv, swf and mp4 related.. Which I'm thinking might be crashing hyperspin's bootup.. ie, no support for video, crash goes hyperspin.

Would finding native codecs for android be a helpful step regarding the execution for the wheel and booting hyperspin?

What I think I'm getting at is, does the shield use flash codec support for video files?


Tried running flv files in media player. No support for the video.. However, we get audio. So.. I'm tipping we need some sort of flv support in the form of a codec or driver to allow the video to trigger at the point of execution. 



Can we convert flv to another format for hyperspin to recognize and use that instead?


OK.. A revelation has appeared.. 

MX player plays videos from transitions in hyperspin. No mess no fuss.. Hrrrm me thinking I'm getting onto something.  

It's exciting to see the hyperspin video work on my device.. No dice on wheels or layouts yet.. Swf files not playable in MX player though.. Let me keep hunting. 

Found this.. https://swfdec.freedesktop.org/wiki/

Could this be of some use to opening swf on android natively? Also any swf player I tried didn't like compressed files.. /media/media/themes/anyzipfilewithaswffileinside.zip

Hyperspin.. Still no dice. Just need hyperspin to trigger video.... Hyperspin and MX player need to have a serious connection about this point.

Needing some fresh eyes to look over this.


Found a swf and flv player for android.. 

Translated as the Nico player.. Plays both types of files perfectly on my device.. 

Under the play store.. 

Can't provide a link as it will just be removed.. Screenshot_20170816-160501.png.909c39d1e3b7cb2adad8240a617448e2.png

That plays items perfectly apart from a bit of adjustment to screen size. 


If it's related to tegra style graphics.. 


Do you think we could tweak our for hyperspin to enable it to work???

Am I looking too deep into this.. Am I looking in the wrong directions??

Help..... :)


Is someone able to debug hyperspin on an android device (non-nvidia) and see what happens when it crashes?

Would probably give us a massive clue as to what is happening.. 


Sorry im no help here.

So you could try a media free setup without any videos. Keep it plain text and png.

To do it you want maybe get rid of all you "system" named folders in Hyperspin/Media. 

Leave one. Maybe Sega Genesis.

Strip out all swf and videos and themes from all folders in Sega Genesis.

Next strip out all video and swf files from Hyperspin/Media/Main Menu

Next strip out the Hyperspin/Media/Frontend folder.

To get a main menu wheel you have to list the name of the systems in Hyperspin/Databases/Main Menu/ main menu.xml or main menu_android.xml

Main menu_android.xml trumps the plain main menu.xml so you can just start out with a main menu.xml

Same goes for the settings folder.

You only need Hyperspin/Stettings. The Hyperspin/stettings_android is there for people to run a pc and android hard drive.

Android only neeeds the standard xml file and settings folder. To work on android

Once all your videos and swf files are striped out IF hyperspin loads it will load with a black background and the wheel images for all systems on the right. Loaded from (Hyperspin/Media/Main Menu/Images/Wheel/"system".png


All of your "system" name locations (main menu.xml, Media/"system"/, Media/main Menu/Images/Wheel) need to match exactly and are case sensitive

So if you list Sega Genesis in the main menu.xml it must be that in all places. So a Main Menu/Images/Wheel/SEGA Genesis.png would not load because of the capitals in SEGA



Excellent.. I'll try this tomorrow. 

Hoping to see that black background hyperspin.. Gives us something to work with.

I understand that swf can be converted to another format.. Can hyperspin recognize anything apart from swf and flv as a video format? Or is flash necessary due to it's "interactive" abilities?



Mp4 is fine for videos but swf is needed for certain animations. Namely the special art that displays the controls at the bottom.

Much of the artwork found on the site is swf but this can be replace with static image files in .png format.

Also the videos can be replace for .png files but thats mainly to save space

Just now, thatman84 said:

I guess you can try but I think getting it to load will be the deciding factor.

If it wont load then everything else is a little pointless

True.. True..

One step at a time.. 

35 minutes ago, thatman84 said:

Sorry im no help here.

I admire you for trying to educate the OP but I think we both know he's clutching at straws. There's another OLD thread about Odroid and the OP has seen it...he necro'd it by commenting on it.

Rezznate said himself it's HIGHLY unlikely to work because of the video drivers (extensions used in OpenGL). He said he was planning a port at some point, maybe using Vulcan but that was in Jan. 2016!! I don't know how "stable" this unofficial port of Lineage OS is for Odroid, although I've heard the video driver used is old & pretty pants. I'm sure there's a good reason it hasn't been ported yet.

I've had unofficial & official Cyanogenmod/Lineage OS customs Roms on my Molly for years. Yes they "work" but at times even apps I installed from the Play Store just didn't play nice (e.g Kodi/Spmc). Even the "baked in" apps didn't work for the camera etc. so you'd have to install an alternative app as a workaround. Sometimes these issues are ironed out in time with later builds or we just end up abandoning it as the next version of Android is made available. It's great Android is running on the Odroid and the Rpi 3 BUT even the devs will admit sometimes these are more a "proof of concept" than anything else.

It's the OP's time to spend as he chooses. I think he'd be better of trying to find what apps do work well and concentrate on showing them off best he can. Yes Hyperspin looks amazing and there is no real alternative for Android BUT I did suggest some avenues he could explore.

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


The only alternative is one called attract mode via retroarch and well I got to admit defeat as if it isn't going to work, it isn't going to work. 

Would have liked to see the Vulcan edition of hyperspin.. Ahhh not too worry. 



Well the lineage OS is based on cyanogenmod 14.1 and using nougat 7.1.2. Not sure on the graphics drivers.. How would I be able to figure out if they're suitable.. ie, what makes the tegra support hyperspin and what doesn't allow any other android device apart from the mojo (another tegra device I just recently heard about)?

2 hours ago, Jawbraeka said:

The only alternative is one called attract mode via retroarch and well I got to admit defeat as if it isn't going to work, it isn't going to work. 

Would have liked to see the Vulcan edition of hyperspin.. Ahhh not too worry. 


It's not on Android though. I know it well as I faffed with it on the RPI 2&3. All these Youtubers were raving about it, to get views and subs and for people to download their image BUT it didn't have hardware video encoding enabled at the time. The preview videos did not play properly and they glossed over it, the Pi got very hot with the CPU doing the decoding. I did a video to show this issue and picked up a few subscribers quickly because of it. I even tried to compile it to use HW video encoding but ultimately gave up. I was busy over the Xmas holidays and I had heard the RetroPie guys wanted it to incorporate it, also another guy David Marti was also doing a lot of good work on his Motion Blue build. That was over 8 months ago now though, I know it works much better today but I don't use it on the RPI.

As I said I don't know how "stable" the android build is on Odroid. I won't ever own one, I'm happy with the Shield TV I opted for. Does the voice search work? Can you use the Android TV remote app for smartphones? Do the Gamesome or Arc Browser frontends install and work correctly? How many emulators do work? There are things you could do whilst you wait as they develop the Android build or yes just ditch it and use something else.

All the best with it.


"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Although im not a fan of paid frontends the dev gave me a licence for RetroX and I have found that to be a pretty awesome choice if you ok with being limited to the 30 or systems you can run.

He has modified all emukators to seamlessly work witb the app so there should be limited compatibility issues.

Again not sure if it works on Odriod but its worth a look and worth the 12.99. It brings a very pleasing easy setup with browse and play focus. It was kind of a joy to use imo


I did see retroX and tried it out.  Looks really good, however can't get an authorization code as i have difficulty with amazon and payments for some reason, otherwise I'd be happy with that.. 

Also as a side note, it says I was banned from the forum.. Not sure why.. Didn't do anything that was extremely alarming or anything like that did I?


OK, tried deleting all the flash (flv and swf) files from set directories, removed all unnecessary Directories to cut the fat to a minimum setup and still nothing.  So seems my efforts were in vain kiddles, unless I messed up the steps, but tbph, they were pretty easy to follow. 

I honestly feel it is video support for those files, failing that, it is looking for something either the odroid doesn't support or could be amended from the nvidia version.. 

Either way, a log of the hyperspin boot from the shield would be awesome to see what happens on a shield when it boots up, for reference,  so we can log a couple of non-nvidia devices to see how they differ and so that we can work towards stemming issues for other systems..

Like video support for flash, that nvidia tegra tweak mentioned earlier, possibly some alternative or removal of code to 'side track' some of the resources used by the tegra in the case of missing resources for another processor type.. Vulkanites unite, as this was a talked upon topic, which could be made possible. 

Maybe I'm just thinking ahead.. Or perhaps I'm just mumbling on, either way, would be nice to see it working on most systems. Hopefully in the future.. 

Good work guys.  

So if anyone wants to side load a logger for hyperspin onto their shield and test.. I'd be quite happy to pursue this on my devices to see what differs between each system. 

Even other XU4 users.. Please lend your support for this cause. You'll need a rooted device to perform logging for hyperspin and there is a plethora of logging apps to track software execution for android these days. 

2 hours ago, Jawbraeka said:

Also as a side note, it says I was banned from the forum.. Not sure why.. Didn't do anything that was extremely alarming or anything like that did I?

Honestly I thought you were going to be banned as you kept linking to dodgy websites. You can read the Hyperspin forum rules here (http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/guidelines/)

I've seen RetroX but haven't used it. I did buy Arc Browser (£3), I'll give the dev his due he does work on it and listen to his customers. It works with the voice search and recommendations row with Android TV (Hyperspin doesn't do that). I asked if he could get it to change the homescreen's wallpaper when on a game tile in recommendations row, Spmc does this for movies in my library. He replied saying he didn't know how BUT he figured it out and it's a very nice touch. As I said there are all sorts of "tweaks" you can do to try and make your little box stand out from the crowd.

This is the Hyperspin forum so I'm not going to keep going on about other Frontends. It's a shame Hyperspin isn't compatible but I hope it is available to you Odroid users in the future. If I was you I'd sell that kit off and get a Shield TV, we'd be more than happy to help you get that up and running as it is supported. 

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Yeah.. I agree with a lot of what you've said and am considering a shield or a mojo.. Preferably one that hooks up to the TV via HDMI.. 

Odroid.. Well it's been fun.. But you brought me no happiness regarding hyperspin.. Perhaps in the next iteration?? Or when windows 10 ARM finally makes an appearance.. Then the playing field will even out and less porting necessary.

In the meantime, If someone could log a shield booting hyperspin and leave it here.. Would surely appreciate it. 




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