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Bezels - just confirm for me please ...


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So - tonight - I am going to attempt to add Bezels - which I am reading could be a lil ole nightmare.

I have read some threads and watched a video...

Can someone just clarify that I have my thoughts correct.


I have downloaded the Mame Unified Bezel Pack ( Rocket Launcher - Metalzoic ) Zip File from EmuMovies

I go to Rocket Launcher / Media / Bezel / Mame  - and I paste all the individual zip files in that Mame directory.

I then make sure that for the games I want to have Bezels - that I ‘re-name’ each individual zip file to be the same as my actual Mame Rom.

For example - Pacman Rom is  on my D Drive in Mame/ Roms directory - named Pacmanb - so I go to the Bezel Zip file currently named Pacman - and rename it to Pacmanb

Rinse and repeat for all my games/ roms/ bezel zips.


I then go to Rocket Launcher

Global Settings

Bezels tab

Bezels = True


Then , still in RL I then go to my Mame Emulator - Modules - Select Edit Global etc - and then select Bezels - use RL Bezels and also make Mame Bezels = True.


That about it ??

I try and do all of this without bothering you all too much - but would appreciate some assistance on this bit please




I dont think you use make mame bezel option unless you have dl'd the mame "extras" stuff.

Also just to let you know, metalzoics pack is not for everyones taste. They are all configured for maximum playing screen size... meaning the bezel artwork is cut off in a whole lot of them.

Phulshof, a member here and developer of retrofe also maintains a pack of unedited bezels on his site. In many cases these are the exact bezels that metalzoic includes in his but the artwork is not cut off here. Plus metalzoics has not been updated in some time.

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Thanks for that - I am grabbing Phulshof files right now 

My 'directory' theory is correct however - yes ? 


Yep, and with his pack you should not have to rename anything

Thanks for that - I am grabbing Phulshof files right now 
My 'directory' theory is correct however - yes ? 

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk

33 minutes ago, Spawk said:

Yep, and with his pack you should not have to rename anything


Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk


Sorry I was too quick with my reply, Phulshof's pack is actually for Mame itself, not RL. So they go in ../Mame/Artwork/ folder. They contain Mame "extras" stuff as well as user created stuff. All config for this set is done within Mame so leave bezels off in RL.


Thanks again - all is "ok"

I have a couple of games ( Pacman for example ) where the bezel loads in standalone Mame wonderfully - yet when launched thru HS - the Pacman Bexel doesnt appear at all - and if I TAB to see the menu there are no options for different bezels in the listing , like there is in the other games where bezels do appear and I am able to choose from the list of available options

Thoughts on that ?


Thanks guys - managed to get all running apart from a couple , which I will persist with.

Help appreciated :)


MsPAcman is the ONLY Bezel for the life of me that I cannot get to run.

I have the game running in HS no issues , with theme and video in theme - To further test it I have renamed it all various times to match/ run the various rom versions of MsPAcman I have ( mspacman, mspacii etc ) and all the roms work - yet all of the roms have NO bezels available from the Video Options tab within the game other than 3:4 , cocktail and Debug ( standard ) 

I have opened the MsPacman Bezel zip/ folder and all the images and .Lay files are there.

Any other thoughts?

5 hours ago, Wotto said:

MsPAcman is the ONLY Bezel for the life of me that I cannot get to run.

Any other thoughts?


Unfortunately, yes. If you're running my bezel set, I'm afraid I may have accidentally put the same layout twice in the .lay file, and MAME doesn't like that too much. I haven't found time to update it yet, but if you open the .lay file you should be able to detect the double entry rather easily.


Ah I have this problem too, I've looked through the. Lay file but cannot pinpoint the error, any guidance would be most appreciated mate, cheers



Thanks Phulshof 

Can I also ask what program best opens a .Lay file - I tried Notepad ++ and it didnt open it.



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