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I finally opted with the latest wip, it works fine in general but I have two troubles.

I have a PBW, and when I am on the pause menu with the option back, flyer, exit... the flippers buttons are not active, only in this menu.

Second, always on the pause menu, when I exit, I can go back to the root menu, but most of the time, VP isn't closed.

I have remarked that when I wait some more seconds in the pause menu, before I exit, VP closes more often.

Where does the problem comes from? My pc is a dualcore 3ghz with 2G of ram.



for exit check fplaunch manual and this thread - there is lot's of info on pbw

you have to configure all keys (exit, flippers) in settings.ini - they all default to keyboard, you have to change it to joy1, joy2, and so on


About exit & close, it is not related to the PBW.

Even with the keyboard, I experienced this, with exitEmulatorKey = Esc as default

I'll try to map to a PBW button after my exit & close problem is resolved

Any idea?

And about the buttons, I'm not at home now so I can't see my settings.ini, but I don't recall having seen keys for left or right flipper, I'll check this afternoon.


flipper keys are upkey and downkey

for exit - you mean whatever exit key you use - esc or joy8 - you sometimes get that vp will not close - and you get that more often if you go fast to the menu and then out then if you go to menu and wait few secs? i will try to get this at my rig, and check code to see what could happen, maybe winclose proces command doesn't do it's job sometimes.

How do you go down to exit item on the menu if you can't use flippers, do you use shift from keyboard or long press on joy8/esc? To safely use long press you have to use something else for exit - not esc and not joy8, they both have problems.


Allright, I have mapped some necessary buttons to the PBW
































system=Visual Pinball


I'm pretty satisfied with the key configuration, except I would like to have the exit/shutdown menu with the Joy15 button also.

Is there a key for that?

I still have sometimes the vp that doesn't close if I go too "far".

When that happens, hyperpin has the focus again, but vp is still there, and the dmd is still playing.

Thanks for helping me already :)


I have tried this morning on my PBW, to internally switch the Joy8 and Joy15 connectors, but the ones from the Joy15 are smaller than the Joy8...

Joy4 to Joy6 have the same problem, I'm wondering how the other people did it.


You mean quick connect terminals on buttons are in different size?

You can switch quick connect terminals between these two wires or you can switch wires on the board side.

For this - vp stays alive problem - i think i know what's the problem - you used key joy8 which means exit for VP - but it will only exit from vp player, it will not close vp editor window which will still be hidden in the backgroud.

So next time you open game - you will have two vp's running, one with editor only and the other with editor and player.

When you exit table I do winclose on vp editor - but since there are two of them - you never know which one will be closed - if I close vp from previous run - your game will still be running.

To solve this you have to open task manager and check if you have vpinball exe process. If you have, kill it and try again.

Let me know if you have some order of actions that will always produce this case of not closing vp.


Blur, here's an example

I enter a table from hyperspin, I push the Joy9 button, the menu flyer/service/exit appears, I go to the exit menu with Joy10 or Joy2 and I confirm with Joy9

50 % of the time, UVP and DMD are visible and running, the playfield of VP is running also but the focus is on hyperspin again.

I close VP with ALT F4 after having it on screen again with ALT TAB :)

But it's true, that if I watch the task manager at that point, I still see a VPinball.exe running, I didn't check if there were two instances when I'm in the game (I can check that tonight).

My modified configuration again:






I can try to remap the settings.ini with the keyboard tonight, and confirm you if I have the same problem.

About the connectors, attached to the Joy8 and the flippers are switches, and there aren't for the yellow and red buttons. The connectors are not the same, I'll post an image when I can.

On the other hand, all wires are connected to one plug, like an IDE cable.


I just created another computer for my cabinet (WinXP SP3) and copied over my

hyperPin directory. Sometimes tables dont exit completely now. The DMD is still on and I can here the game when back at hyperpin. I use e as exit key. Really strange. I didnt have this problem before. I am using pinball wizard, but only for the nudging and plunger, not for the flippers. Maybe I have something screwy in my settings.ini file. Stummped. Thanks Blur for a great addition to Hyperpin.


Slydog, you have the same problem than me then.

I have remapped the settings.ini with the keyboard, and with k as exitEmulatorKey and issue is the same.

Posted (edited)

I dont use UVP, happens on DMD tables, but when I run a B2S it clears the DMD after an exit, weird (Although the table is still running in VP after I exit) Very strange how it didnt always happen to me.

Maybe I didnt install everything correctly. Should I be running Visual PinMame 3.0? (I copied over Cabinet 2.4 I thought)

Edited by slydog43
  blur said:
exit/shutdown menu key for HP is in Pinball Wizard section - change exit from 8 to 15

i will check this exit problem

Thanks that seemed to fix my exiting trouble with vp not completely exited cleanly. Thanks


I've been having what I think is the same problem. About 40% of the time when I exit a table the HyperPin comes to the foreground but the table does not exit and continues in the background.

I have not tested extensively (I've been losing power on and off the past few days as a result of wet heavy snow here in the Northeast USA). It does seem that the speed of my actions when exiting makes a difference. That is, if I exit slowly, it exits properly.

This happens with both DMD (AFM, Medieval Madness) and B2S tables (Bad Cats at least once).

Admittedly I have a quirky setup with a Mot-ion and UHID-G. My "exit" key is from the UHID-G (mapped as "Esc") and my flippers are from the Mot-ion board.

If I get a chance to rigorously test I will report my results. If not, then at least I'm adding one more anecdotal report of problems.


Posted (edited)

i've checked ahk script

vp is closed with winclose

so two things can happen - either there was more then one vp and winclose closed the wrong one, or winclose did not close it for some reason

to eliminate first option, can you all please check in task manager if two versions of vp are running, that could happen if ahk was launched twice when you started table (long press on a key)

also you could set debug mode and send your log file (remove old one first so that it is as small as possible)

Edited by blur
  OxACE said:
I've been having what I think is the same problem. About 40% of the time when I exit a table the HyperPin comes to the foreground but the table does not exit and continues in the background.

I have not tested extensively (I've been losing power on and off the past few days as a result of wet heavy snow here in the Northeast USA). It does seem that the speed of my actions when exiting makes a difference. That is, if I exit slowly, it exits properly.

This happens with both DMD (AFM, Medieval Madness) and B2S tables (Bad Cats at least once).

Admittedly I have a quirky setup with a Mot-ion and UHID-G. My "exit" key is from the UHID-G (mapped as "Esc") and my flippers are from the Mot-ion board.

If I get a chance to rigorously test I will report my results. If not, then at least I'm adding one more anecdotal report of problems.


I have exactly the same problem,but only if i put hyperpin in automatic startup when windows start.

When windows load,hyperpin automatically start.

Then i launch a table and ok,no problems.

When i exit,i return on the hyperpin menu but i always see dmd running in the second monitor and if i see in task manager i found ultravpserver and visual pinball there.

Seems like fplaunch cannot close this.....

Only 1 vpinball and ultravpserver process are present.

If i kill al the process and restart hyperpin then all is fine and i have no more this problem.

I also tried to put kill commands into the ahk,but i didn't manage the exact point where fplaunch manage to correctly close vpinball....and i tried many different points....

This problem only occur when hyperpin is in autostart with windows.

I've to turn on 1.295beta4 to correcty have this working.

Maybe you're able to manage this.

Please let me know.

Posted (edited)

you should check how many vpinball processes you have before you exit from table

every body with this problem - set debugmode to true and send me log file

for those who want to play with this bug close of vp is done in closevp function:


Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off

GoSub rosveClose

;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process

;or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis

;DetectHiddenWindows, on ;Or next line will not work

Loop, 4

Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy

;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick

;when closing the window for a cleaner exit

WinHide, ahk_class VPinball

WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball

WinClose, ahk_class VPinball

GoSub bigbossClose

GoSub, ExitScript


Unfortunately this code is exactly the same as it was in wip 4. What you could do is try something from this list:

1. remove ; from detecthiddenwindows

2. add WinKill, ahk_class VPinball after winclose or replace it (high scores will not be saved if you kill vp)

3. put some toLog("help text") functions to see if ahk even goes into this part of the code (enable debug mode and check log.txt after this)

4. remove comment from these lines at the top of the script:

;#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

;SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

5. in ExitScript: subroutine find the lines at the end of subroutine:

;to debug script uncomment the pause



and uncomment pause. To really use this pause you have to open fplaunch.ahk with double click on it (uncompiled version so that you can see source commands executed). Select any table and run it. During the game press t to make cursor and taskbar visible. Upon exit from table when ahk script finishes all commands - it will go to pause mode. Find ahk on taskbar, double click on it and copy all commands that were executed on exit and post them over here for analysis. We will see if winclose is called or not.

So try these steps one by one and see if some of them help.

I would try it but i don't get this problem.

Edited by blur

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