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Posted (edited)

Probably you don't have basic nor ansi ahk - but unicode - right?

You'll have to download ANSI ahk - unicode will not work.

These errors don't tell much about previous problems cause hyperpin uses compiled exe - and that exe is compiled with good version of ahk so it works ok. Otherwise hyperpin would also report errors on launch of game.

Edited by blur

ok, got it.I thought I was using ANSI version, but was unicode indeed.

here you go:

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2231: UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd2, shdc)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

066: if ((x != "") && (y != ""))

069: if (w = "") ||(h = "")

070: WinGetPos,,,w,h,ahk_id %hwnd%

072: Return,DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", 0, "uint", ((x = "") && (y = "")) ? 0 : &pt, "int64*", w|h<<32, "uint", hdc, "int64*", 0, "uint", 0, "uint*", Alpha<<16|1<<24, "uint

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2232: Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

1828: Return,DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "uint", pBitmap)

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2233: SelectObject(shdc, sobm)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

511: Return,DllCall("SelectObject", "uint", hdc, "uint", hgdiobj) (0.03)

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2234: DeleteObject(shbm)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

526: Return,DllCall("DeleteObject", "uint", hObject)

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2235: DeleteDC(shdc)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

597: Return,DllCall("DeleteDC", "uint", hdc)

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2236: Gdip_DeleteGraphics(sG)

---- C:\HyperPin\Gdip.ahk

1835: Return,DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "uint", pGraphics)

---- C:\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk

2237: Return

1498: Gui,1:Show

1499: Gui,2:Show

1500: }

1513: Return

1267: Gosub,MenuKeysOn

1206: Hotkey,%UpKey%,MoveUp,On

1207: Hotkey,%UpKey1%,MoveUp,On

1208: Hotkey,%DownKey%,MoveDown,On

1209: Hotkey,%DownKey1%,MoveDown,On

1210: Hotkey,%enterKey%,selectItem,On

1211: Hotkey,%enterKey1%,selectItem,On

1212: if (ledwiz = "true")

1214: Return

1268: }

1273: }

1285: Return

1293: Return

1133: }

1139: Transvalue = 0

1140: LoopVal = 0

1141: Break

1145: }

1146: Return (38.38)

Press [F5] to refresh.

Posted (edited)

this also looks ok

you see after gui 1 and 2 show there is no any winactivate or anything

so you get exit menus shown and then after few seconds vp gets focus and drains the ball?

there is no script that does that - looks like vp is doing that by itself???

Edited by blur
Posted (edited)

try this:

when vp gets focus from menus and ball drains wait some time and alt-tab to any fplaunch window (menu or menufooter) to get the focus off the vp - see if vp will stop then or it will get focus again after few seconds

then open vp game without hyperpin, open some other application first - like notepad, then when vp game loads - try to put focus on notepad with alt-tab and see if vp will take focus back

Edited by blur

Did that:

Started A table from hyperpin

played with ball 1, then hit the exit button to bring up the fplaunch menu

VP gets/takes focus and ball drains

alt-tab: focus was on exitmenufooter, but menu or menufooter are not available to alt-tab to. When I selected Form1 though, VP lost focus and kept it there. Maybe is there some function call to menu or menufooter that does not succeed because it cannot be loaded or something?

When trying the vp with notepad experiment, everything works as expected: VP looses focus as soon as alt-tab takes focus elsewhere.

Maybe I messed up the upgrade from wip9 to wip10 somehow?


focus was on footer? and the ball still drained?

try to move focus to vp with alt-tab then push the ball with plunger and then go back to footer and see if ball will stop

you should have four ahk windows - menu, footer, hiscore and hiscore background - if any one of them has focus vp should stop


in that case I guess I have to do a reinstall of fplaunch, because when I hit the exit key to bring up the fplaunch menu while running a table, I only see menu(exitfooter). Never hiscore or hiscorebackground in the alt-tab window. Although the hiscores are shown at the top of the page...


well, installed wip9 again first, from the vpu download section. Verified everything was working well (once I replaced the exit key;s default Esc to the E), VP pauzes as planned. Then, put the wip10 files over it, same thing again. so for now I reverted to wip9, but I don't have a clue whats happening here. I tried setting the "quit game" key in VP from Q to e, but no difference. My only guess is that VP does not (properly) respond to the e key? I may reprogram the ipac to send esc instead of e, and change the settings.ini to see if it makes a difference.


I have configured the dwjukebox and works very well with jukebox.bat in my pincab. But when I try to insert the table called jukebox, hyperpin responding "do not find jukebox.fpt table". Why?

Hyperpin Database XML VP:

<game name="jukebox">








Hi mattewnet,

Some things you can check:

- did you put the jukebox.bat file in the hyperpin directory (where hyperpin.exe also lives)?

- you did download the wip10 version of fplaunch and overwritten the files in the hyperpin directory with the ones from the wip10 zipfile?

  mattewnet said:
I have configured the dwjukebox and works very well with jukebox.bat in my pincab. But when I try to insert the table called jukebox, hyperpin responding "do not find jukebox.fpt table". Why?

Hyperpin Database XML VP:

<game name="jukebox">







you have to create table jukebox.vpt (vpt not fpt! - fpt is just a bug) in vp tables folder just to pass standard hyperpin checks.

  JaronSenna said:
well, installed wip9 again first, from the vpu download section. Verified everything was working well (once I replaced the exit key;s default Esc to the E), VP pauzes as planned. Then, put the wip10 files over it, same thing again. so for now I reverted to wip9, but I don't have a clue whats happening here. I tried setting the "quit game" key in VP from Q to e, but no difference. My only guess is that VP does not (properly) respond to the e key? I may reprogram the ipac to send esc instead of e, and change the settings.ini to see if it makes a difference.

great so wip 9 works fine - there are many versions of wip 10 in the threads - can you check which one started not working?


Yes, wip9 works fine. By now I have done several updates to wip10 from various sources. the one I tried last night (and reported about above) was the wip9 install from the VPU download section, then tried upgrading with the wip10 from this VPU post by you: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/200-fplaunch-with-jukebox-and-new-focus-routines/#entry1473

that somehow broke it again. I tried a wip10 from the VPF before which was the reason to start this debugging effort :-) What should be the latest and greatest to try? Also, I noticed I have fplaunch4-7.ah and fplaunch4-7.exe, which were neither part of wip9 nor wip10 zipfiles. So I am guessing those were part of earlier releases?

What would be a good way to install fplaunch fresh? Just deleting all the files from the wip9zip file would be enough right?


Wip 9 is veeeery old version (year old) - and there was many changes since then. So to reduce number of changes we have to analyze we should find first version that didn't work and last version that worked.

Since this activate code didn't change much (all changes are new features like hiscores, multiple b2s configs, multiple exes, ..., exit focus) i suspect compile with AHK_L could be the problem.

Here is the first version to try, it is called fplaunch 1.295wip9withHiScoresAndFPexe.zip:


There were some versions before this one, but they are deleted from vpu. This version is also compiled with ahk_L. If this one doesn't work there's no need to test others, since we know when problems started.

Next one is fplaunch with custom b2s setups


Then the one with ledcontrol:


And last version is from fplaunch with jukebox thread:


Posted (edited)

Yes, jukebox.bat is in the folder where hyperpin.exe lives.

Yes, I downloaded latest version fplaunch wip 10 vpu.

Yes, I have overwritten the files in the folder hyperpin.

Yes, I created a table in VP9 called jukebox.vpt.

Yes, I put database file hyperpin.

Now when I run the table jukebox.vpt in hyperpin not get errors but does not start properly dwjukebox.

I think conflict with the graphics and visual pinball dwjukebox.

How to fix?


You simply delete the contents of the script in the new table in visual pinball.

Save as: jukebox.vpt

and everything works!


Edited by mattewnet

new version uploaded to VPU - it is in first post (i noticed that nobody scrolls down - first version downloaded 57 times, and second in post 13 only 18 times.

news are:

+ swf instructions will be on same position as jpg or png

+ antar bug - word (Play) makes problems - solved in vp 445

+ comments in settings are allowed

+ useFocus internal/external/both

+ double focus - in script and in focus.exe

+ hiscores for EM games copied from VP\user\hiscores.txt

+ options added to ledcleat.bat

Posted (edited)

Now that my cab is 100% working with the latest FPLaunch1.295wip9withfocus2 I decided nows a good time to get Jukebox working on my pincab. I am trying to piece together what is required to get it to work propely. Here’s what I think you need : (Please correct any mistakes in my assumptions)

1) Create a table in your VP tables folder called jukebox.vpt and delete the script in the table so its empty

2) Add Jukebox to vp hyperpin XML (listed below)

<game name="jukebox">






3) Download a copy of dwjukebox and configure Video, controller, screen resolution


4) Download ledblinky and configure (not sure what to config)


5) Download PinJukeLaunch and config video resolution http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6129

6) Download FPLaunch1.295wip9withfocus2


7) Make jukebox.bat (not sure if this is correct)

start C:\HyperPin\ledblinky\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe audio.lwax

start /wait C:\HyperPin\PinJukeLaunch\PinJukeLaunch.exe launch_juke.cfg

start C:\HyperPin\ledblinky\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe 2

My Setup:

I have a PF, BG monitor, and pindmd. My Backglass monitor runs at 720p (1360x768)

A) I configured dwjuke to run at this resolution but I still see a slight windowed boarder around juke skin. I tried messing with the offsets in the pinjuke settings file but it didn’t really do much. How can I get skin to display fully without window

B) I am not clear on which items I need to edit in the controler.ini file in dwjuke. Can someone share their settings? (Iknow there is a slight difference between keyboard configs from user to user but should be close)

C) When I run dwjuke it works but the left arrow key on the jukebox skin seems to highlight quickly as if a keys is being held down.If I hit “e” to exit fplaunch doesn’t. I have to hit esc to exit. Why is this happening? I didn’t see an offical final one.

D) Is the info in my jukebox.bat file correct? Is there any configuration in How is ledblinky configured? Any minimum version? I’ve used ledblinky on my arcade and am familiar with it but not sure what needs to be configured for the jukebox?

If someone can assist I would be grateful. I may make a tutorial on this and other features blur’s added to fplaunch once I fully understand how this works.

Here are all my configs


Edited by bent98
Posted (edited)

Sounds great actually, that post would make a good tutorial. I did what you wrote but I deleted the ledblinky lines in the bat file as I wasn't using it. I got it all to show and fire up within HP but I could never exit out of it, got frustrated and wiped it all out. The bat file should have been included in the latest wip, you may need to just add your paths in instead of making one. If you figure out the exit issue please post it up as I too was suffering from that.

EDIT: In the JB controls config file I had to delete any other entries that were already there that pertained to the keys that I was using on the cab otherwise it all got confused. I think if I was going to do it again I would just wipe out all the info in the config and just add what I was going to use from the cab.

Edited by jasonsmith
Posted (edited)


I deleted all the mouse and joystick crap out of the dwjuke controles.ini and i dont get the issue where the arrow thing on jukebox is constantly pressed. I am thinking maybe the nudge sensor on my plunger was causing that even though mouse was disabled.

It launcehs no problem from Hyperpin, but "e" key doesn't not make it exit. If I hit esc dwjuke will exit but then Hyperpin is fozen. If i hit "f4" to close down dwjukebox then I regain focus in Hyperpin and all is ok.

I also configured ledblinky controls for each color port R G and B for all 5 sets of flashers and they do flash at startup of dwjukebox but they dont flash when music is playing.

I still have four problems.

1) Latest FPlaunch does not allow for "e" key to exit dwjukebox from Hyperpin

2) leds dont flash while playing music in dwjuke

3) I am not sure what controls to assign dwjuke so it is pincab friendly.

4) Dwjuke is not fitting 100% in my backglass. Still see window around it.

By the way. Does anyone have link for jukebox wheel image and PF image that was used in the video?

Edited by bent98

OMG. I am a dope. I got the exiting in Hyperpin working. You need to assign the shutdown to the E key in the controls.ini of dwjuke.

I will make a post that explains mappings of exit key along with other suggested key mappings.

Also I got the backglass to almost fill up screen by using the STRETCH command in the dwjuke settings ini file.

Now how do I get the damn lights to go along with the music in led blinky? Next thing to tackle.


Iam using these basic keys so far. Since I have other buttons on my cab I may decide to add more features.


KEY_Z = BTN_GUI_UP left nudge up arrow

KEY_SLASH = BTN_GUI_DOWN right nudge down arrow

KEY_LSHIFT = BTN_GUI_LEFT left flipper left arrow

KEY_RSHIFT = BTN_GUI_RIGHT right flipper right arrow

KEY_ENTER = BTN_GUI_SELECT launch button select

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