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Where do I go from here


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I have watched the videos. and read the threads. I am making progress, but still have some issues.

Okay I have rocketlauncher loaded, and linked to Hyperspin. All my paths a correct linking my emulators, and roms... But still does not work.

When Hyperspin loads the wheels it show games I do not have, and does not show games I do have.  In rocketlauncher I use  this syntax (PSX for instance is) cue|bin|7x

What is happening is the games I can access, I am getting a message the roms are not found with provided extensions.. The paths are correct

I so want to get this program to work for me. HELP !!!!!


Hyperspin can't read directly your rom folder, you MUST have roms named exactly like the ones in hyperspin's .xml. There are some tools to create .xml database from your rom's folder BUT it is better to rename your roms just like the one in hyperspin's database (.../Databases/SYSTEM_NAME.ini) as artworks are also based on rom's name. There are some tools to rename roms too.

Do games start from rockelauncherUI (...\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\RocketLauncherUI.exe)?


You do need everything named correctly, as Dark13 said. For instance your naming of PSX is wrong and should be "Sony PlayStation." If unsure of system names have a look in ":\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\Media\Icons."



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