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MAME BGFX Chains **Updated**


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06/27/2020 - I have uploaded 3 zips and Instructions on how to achieve this.  It is very self explanatory.  The files are too big to upload here, so I will provide links to my Drive.  Test it out, let me know how it looks for you.  Thanks.






Whats goin' on everyone.  So I got tired of the black bars on the side of MAME when running my games.  I don't like most bezels as they are too clean looking.  I opted to modify the game system/individual rom .ini files by changing the BGFX chain.  My goal is to get a basic tv style frame bezel in the center screen, but I am still working out how to do that.  But for now, I'm diggin' this effect. 


Best viewed in 4K/fullscreen..that is my native resolution.  Let me know what you think.





That effect is pretty wild, I did not know mame could do that, my bgfx just does the scan lines. 

Could you use a thin bezel without the accompanying ini files so the game screen doesn't get manipulated? Or Retroarch overlays, not sure how they work though. 


12 hours ago, gigapig said:

That effect is pretty wild, I did not know mame could do that, my bgfx just does the scan lines. 

Could you use a thin bezel without the accompanying ini files so the game screen doesn't get manipulated? Or Retroarch overlays, not sure how they work though. 

This guy right here has what I’m looking for.

 I am able to get the frame around the center screen but not with the pillar box effects.  I hit him up a few times asking about it.  If u guys know how to achieve this effect let me know.  Thanks.


Still fudging around with it...I got the bezel around the center pane...but am unable to figure out how to add the pillarbox effect to the sides...not sure what order to put things in when editing the .lay file.  Will keep playing with it.

Desktop Screenshot 2020.06.22 -

3 hours ago, thatman84 said:

That was my original source....I actually posted on that exact thread a few weeks ago...posted my pics as well.  Still checking things out on my end..I am sure i'll get it eventually 😆  My issue now is, I either have the pillarbox effects and no bezel, or a bezel and no pillarbox effects...trying to get both working at the same time....and my name is "Voltron" on that thread btw 


With assistance from one of the M.A.M.E devs, he seen a minor issue with my .lay file and revised it.  Now I can have BOTH effects!  Check it out!  (view in 4K, video may still be processing)



1 hour ago, thatman84 said:

It's a cool effect glad you sorted it. 

I would suggest writing up how you achieved it for your original post. May save someone digging around the interwebs for a week lol. These little mame tricks are always hard to figure out.



Don't worry man, I won't leave everyone in the dark.  I'm packing everything up and will write up instructions.  Its straight forward.  Trust me, it took me a few months to figure it all out...then I messaged a MAME dev...and next day I have what I want 😆


oh shit....i might be onto something bigger on the BGFX front...been editing, testing, editing, testing...and more testing....now that i was able to understand a bit better how the code in the layout files changes the artwork, i am sure i will be able to do some sick ass shit...not everyones cup of tea, but I think there can be some cool bezel effects that can be made thats for sure....gonna do further testing with some other stuff....




I'll be posting up instructions and files soon.  Should be a quick drag and drop and a quick edit of the mame.ini and vertical .ini.  I will include just a standard black bezel which can be changed to whatever color u want.  

I was able to achieve a cool effect...it is very subtle, but it looks cool.  By overlapping the pillarbox effects a little into the center bezel, you can see a glow effect on the inside of the center bezel,  like one would see on the bezel of a television when watching tv at night.  The pics below show how it looks.  Revision #1, shows off what will be my go to setup on my vertical games, Revision #2 shows off that inner bezel glow effect I mentioned earlier



Desktop Screenshot 2020.06.26 -

Desktop Screenshot 2020.06.26 -

43 minutes ago, dark13 said:

Is it possible to get something like HSM in RA using crt-geom deluxe as base? 😛


One of the MAME devs posted that he is still working on additional effects that are half done at this time.  Hope we can get something like that in MAME...that’s some sick work! 

I’m working on some semi transparent bezels to try and achieve that effect.  I have to find out if I’m able to skew the pillarbox effects in MAME...I’ll post up my progress as I go.


I made the inside center bezel semi-transparent and pulled in the pillarbox effects into the transparent part.  I think it looks sick!  I'm just using the same bezel and game as reference...sorry if it gets old 😃 New pics and a video below...thoughts? Video may still be processing, best viewed in 4K.






Just a little update in case anyone is interested 😄

This pic shows the pillarbox effects squeezed just outside the center without the semi-transparent bezel


This pic shows the semi-transparent bezel over the pillarbox effects..adds a nice glow effect when in action




Now that the triple glow bezels are complete, I can spend more time customizing how I want the inside to look...testing this right now.....transparent MAME logo with the pillarbox effects behind it...



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