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hyperspin button mapping best practices


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I don't know if i'm blind, using wrong search terms, or what, but I can't seem to find a definite answer. I'm using an Ipac 2, I am just now getting to the button mapping, been using Ipac default to have fun in mame. The default ipac 2 seems to alt tab out of mame from time to time and cause other funky issues. Before I go and remap the ipac, emulators and hyperspin I thought i would ask about best practices for least conflicts.

1st, is there a best set of keys to use or a set of keys to not use when remapping?

2nd, is there a layout standard the community uses for the control panel for hyperspin? ex: button 1 is accept or enter, button 2 genre, button 3 add favorite....

3rd, Has the community came up with a layout standard for the control panel for each game system that work best?

4th, I was reading about a project for button mapping that would work for all emulators and hyperspin, but could never find the topic the link was dead. anyone know about this project?


Thanks for your time, very much appreciated.


There was an artwork project long ago to unify controls but it never finished. 

If you use an ipac then there should be no need to change controls for mame as you probably know. 

You may be pressing default buttons that are used in Rocketlaucher to either close the script or exit emulator. You will need to go in and change those. 

Also all other controls (bar a few) should be set up in the emulators. 



their are pros and cons to using an

Ipac  (or any other keyboard encoder) 

and you will find the same pros and cos when using a USB Joystick encoder


You just found one of the cons of using a keyboard encoder

as GIG mentioned   Rocketlauncehr uses    key combinations to  trigger some events

the biggest problem you will find is with the Emulator exit command   

if you are playing  a 2 player Fighter game in MAME  -->  you will more then likely exit the game at some point when

Player 2 pushes   Button 1 + Button 2  ( S+Q )


Their is no default keys as everyone use different emulators

Some people are still using 10-15 year old emulators and some of those emulators have issues with service keys (ALT, Shift, Ctrl)

If you are using Retroarch

F in MAME = P2 Up

F in Retroarch = Toggle Full Screen


You can keep your default Ipac config ( witch is the default MAME keys)

All you need to do is make sure that those keys (and key combinations)   don't conflict with the emulators service keys or with Rocketlaucher



the hole point of Xpadder or Joytokey is that it turns your USB joystick button presses into keyboard key presses

you will still have the same problem,  but you have a bigger problem -->  Ipacs will not work with Xpadder

what would be the point of converting a keyboard press to a keyboard press


you can use this  to turn your keyboard press to Joybutton


and then map your joystick directly to the emulators -->  no more conflicting keyboard press problems

if you are using Retroarch -->  ZERO!!!!  mapping because Xinput= 360 controller

given that the default config for Retroarch is a 360 controller


but like I said  Pros and Cons.


the con for a joystick encoder  -->  Hyperspin has no Joystick support , you need to use 3rd party software to map your joystick to Hyperspin.



with ipacs i would probably use lua macro and auto hot key.
that way you can define them both as independent inputs that are not detected by the pc as a keyboard, and you can still assign keys to them using ahk.
you can then bind they keys in your programs to what ahk had them defined as.
there are less issues this way than any other method this is because you would use lua macro to bind the ipac(s) to non used keys "f13-f24, and then specific key presses like "s ctl and d"

You would then make ahk detect these keys and rebind them as your actual inputs..
Windows would not see the lua inputs as keyboard inputs but AHK would translate them in to inputs windows will detect./


Well f keys above 12, Ludacris!!!! I will have to look in to that. The ipac has mode change so it's seen as joy buttons if you want. I been busy sorry got caught up in a few projects :) diy ws2812b controller for ledblinky like $5 to $10 to use upto 85 ws2812b. I still have to upload the fixed code of the broken project I was using to hackaday;) also ran in to basically an ipac clone. If this is stuff you think would be of use on here I will make another post about it

 It use basically Arduino clones.

On 7/24/2020 at 12:55 AM, BlackDragon2020 said:

I don't know if i'm blind, using wrong search terms, or what, but I can't seem to find a definite answer. I'm using an Ipac 2, I am just now getting to the button mapping, been using Ipac default to have fun in mame. The default ipac 2 seems to alt tab out of mame from time to time and cause other funky issues. Before I go and remap the ipac, emulators and hyperspin I thought i would ask about best practices for least conflicts.

1st, is there a best set of keys to use or a set of keys to not use when remapping?

2nd, is there a layout standard the community uses for the control panel for hyperspin? ex: button 1 is accept or enter, button 2 genre, button 3 add favorite....

3rd, Has the community came up with a layout standard for the control panel for each game system that work best?

4th, I was reading about a project for button mapping that would work for all emulators and hyperspin, but could never find the topic the link was dead. anyone know about this project?


Thanks for your time, very much appreciated.

I have an IPAC Ultimate IO and i also use xpadder and i'm pretty happy with my button mapping:

MAME Emulator (2 Players)

P1 - Up, Down, Left, Right and 8 buttons > H,J,K,L,Y,U,I,O 

P2 - F,V,C,B and 8 buttons > Z,X,A,S,D,Q,W,E

P1-P2 Coins > 5,6

P1-P2 Start > 1,2

MAME Emulator (4 Players) 

P1 - Up, Down, Left, Right and 4 buttons > Left Shift, Left Control, Alt, Space

P2 - W,S,A,D and 4 buttons > Q,E,Z,X

P3 - T,G,F,H and 4 buttons > R,Y,C,V

P4 - I,K,J,L and 4 buttons > U,O,B,N

P1-P4 Coins > 5,6,7,8

P1-P4 Start > 1,2,3,4

Retroarch Emulator 

P1 - Up, Down, Left, Right and 8 buttons > Z,X,A,S,D,Q,W,E

P2 - F,V,C,B and 8 buttons > 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

P1-P2 Select > Right Shift, 9

P1-P2 Start > Enter, 0

RetroArch Emulator (Autoconfig)

I have two RetroArch emulator with different setup, one with defined keys and one with autoconfig. The autoconfig one is usefull for systems like PlayStation 1/2/3, Nintendo 64, etc. to use the analogic joysticks.

Normally this systems can't be played with joysticks.


An example for MAME 2 Players:




As you can see here, i also have key combinations for Common Keys:

RocketLauncher Pause = NumPad+ (on the keyboard), Right Stick Push Button (on the xbox 360 controller)

Exit = Esc (on the keyboard), Left Stick Push button + Right Stick Push Button (on the xbox 360 controller)

Volume +/- = Volume keys (on the keyboard), Left Stick Push Button + D-Pad Up/Down (on the xbox 360 controller)

Bezel Change +/- = PgUp/PgDown (on the keyboard), Left Stick Push Button + D-Pad Left/Right (on the xbox 360 controller)

Setup Emulator = TAB (on the keyboard), Left Stick Push Button + Back Button (on the xbox 360 controller)

Pause Emulator = P (on the keyboard), Left Stick Push Buton + Start Button (on the xbox 360 controller).



With MAME and RetroArch, most of the systems are covered. If you need info about other emulator keys i use, just ask me.

Obviously i use the same keys for my IPAC except for those systems i told you before (PlayStation 1/2/3, Nintendo 64, etc.)



I attach all my xpadder profiles and a table with the emulators i use for each system so you can check all buttons mapping.

Take care, because i keep on updating things on my setup and can be something wrong on any profile.

PDF Setup:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdpufy1k4esy7ow/LaunchBox Setup.pdf?dl=0

Xpadder Profiles Backup:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/inr40jdn1av44sp/Xpadder Profiles Backup (01-08-2020).zip?dl=0




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