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Any guides to setting up Acorn Atom atomulator in RocketLauncher?

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Wondering if there's a guide on getting the Atomulator emulator for the Acorn Atom working in Rocketlauncher.

Also the Module I have says it needs to be fixed by renaming the 'Send' function to 'SendCommand()'

Also can't remember how to run the games that have no extension (did have it working before just can't recall)

Below is the AHK module for Atomulator:

MEmu := "Atomulator"
MEmuV := "v1.13"
MURL := ["http://acornatom.co.uk/"]
MAuthor := ["Xttx"]
MVersion := "1.0"
MCRC := "EDB12D49"
iCRC := "D5D08A2D"
MID := "635737244662418638"
MSystem := ["Acorn Atom"]
; Notes:
; The module needs to be rewritten to use SendCommand() instead of Send

BlockInput, On	; It appears that your Front End and xpadder needs to be ran as administrator for this command to function.

BlockUserInputTime = 3000	; default for all systems

hideEmuObj := Object("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

; General Settings
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)

; Rom Settings
FileName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FileName",A_Space,,1)
LoadMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "LoadMethod",A_Space,,1)

; Emu config settings
cfgFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\atom.cfg","Cannot find " . emuPath . "\atom.cfg. Please run the emulator manually first so it is created.")
cfgArray := LoadProperties(cfgFile)

WriteProperty(cfgArray, "bbcbasic", "0", 1)
If romExtension Contains .40t,.dsk,.ssd,.dsd,.fdi
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "disc0", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, 1)
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_enable", "0", 1)
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_jumpers", "4", 1)
Else If romExtension Contains .uef,.csw
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "disc1", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, 1)
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "mmc_path", romPath, 1)
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_enable", "1", 1)
	WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_jumpers", "4", 1)
Run(executable, emuPath)

WinWait("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp")
WinWaitActive("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp")
Sleep 100
SetKeyDelay(50, 150)

If (FileName && romExtension Contains .40t,.dsk,.ssd,.dsd,.fdi)
	Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up}
	Send dos
	Send {Enter}
	Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up}
	Send %FileName%
	Send {Enter}
Else	; Else If romExtension Contains .uef,.csw
	If (romExtension = ".")
		romNameWithExtension := romName
		romNameWithExtension := romName . romExtension
	StringLower, romName_lower, romNameWithExtension

	If (LoadMethod = "gamename")
		Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up}
		Send %romName_lower%
		Send {Enter}
	Else If (LoadMethod = "run")
		Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up}
		Send run
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send %romName_lower%
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send {Enter}
		Send run
		Send {Enter}
	Else If (LoadMethod = "load")
		Send load
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send %romName_lower%
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send {Enter}
		Sleep 100
		Send run
		Send {Enter}
		Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up}
		Send load
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send %romName_lower%
		Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up}
		Send {Enter}
		Sleep 100
		Send run
		Send {Enter}


; Set fullscreen If needed
If (Fullscreen = "true")
	WinMenuSelectItem, Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp,, Settings, Video, Fullscreen

Sleep, BlockUserInputTime
BlockInput, OFF


	WinClose("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp")



1 hour ago, floatingyeti said:

Agreed, you might get a quick response on Rocketlauncher Forum but don't mention that you use Hyperspin.

Lol , is bad between HS & RL?


4 hours ago, md_max said:

Yes, the RL admin believes that HyperSpin is outdated and unnecessary.

ironic because I read a post @ RL forums about how RL isn't being updated by creators and has one person trying to keep it going.  And not being open source that person is limited on a lot on what they can do.  I get an error at start up of RL looking for an index file and the update function doesn't even connect.

I really Love Hyperspin and how people like yourself are always creating great artwork/media, etc..  and the whole wheel menu and sub menus is just genius.  I also do like using RL :(

I may try a few things in RL, like making additional Atomulator emulators under Atomulator 'Emulator' tab to handle other file types (disk, tape..)

Thanks and appreciate what you guys do!



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1 hour ago, thomas3120 said:

great artwork/media, etc..

Alas, this is no longer the case. Everything that people have been uploading to the site for years is gone... But I'm still with HyperSpin too.


I get an error at start up of RL looking for an index file

I don't have such problems.

9 hours ago, md_max said:

Alas, this is no longer the case. Everything that people have been uploading to the site for years is gone... But I'm still with HyperSpin too.

Just temporarily. I know it's frustrating, but the guys are working hard to get things squared away for the community. Lots of stuff is happening. Stay tuned! :)

  • Like 1
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Thanks for the update Andyman ! Having the site fully back up in 2 days would be a nice Christmas gift but we will be patient anyway !!


  • Like 3
3 hours ago, Andyman said:

Just temporarily. I know it's frustrating, but the guys are working hard to get things squared away for the community. Lots of stuff is happening. Stay tuned! :)

Sorry, this has been said,promised, over the past couple of Years now. Wait, Hyperspin 2.0 is coming, We are arranging this, we are arranging that. People are frustrated at the promises that are made and nothing appears to happen, plus the lack of Communication on the Forum.

Yes, I know people do have lives, outside Hyperspin, but to Hear nothing for Weeks on end?

On 12/23/2023 at 8:00 AM, Asparky said:

People are frustrated at the promises that are made and nothing appears to happen, plus the lack of Communication on the Forum.

The really unfortunate thing is that many forum members have progressed past the frustration stage and simply given up.

There aren't that many people logging into the forum anymore. What's the point?

I still love Hyperspin and the forum but it's much easier for me to cope by letting go and not caring.

If it comes back, of course, I'll be happy.  I'll be grateful and appreciate the work that was done.

But for the time being, I choose to be indifferent to the situation.


Avar , A former member, was at one time trying his best, to help people out, with Tutorials Etc.  But because of back ground poltics, he was hounded out.

It seems, anyone who does put themselves out, to help with problems, by doing something practical for the Community, ends up upseting the Status Quo.

It all most feels, that some Individuals involved with Hyperspin, just want it to die and go away.

10 hours ago, Asparky said:

It all most feels, that some Individuals involved with Hyperspin, just want it to die and go away.

That's a bit extreme.  I believe everything will return to normal eventually.  There's nothing we can do or post to speed up the process.

Just wait and try not to get upset about it. People are working on it.

I think forum members still help each other.  It's just a low traffic forum.  Especially now that there's no download section. But eventually the right person will log in and help.

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