shredder Posted January 12 Posted January 12 First off, as a system dev/architect I am aware that what has been presented tonight is an enormous amount of work and I am grateful that work is being done to revamp HS again. This may be an unpopular opinion...but I think it is an incredibly HUGE mistake that Rlauncher support is absolutely no where in the new platform and HS functions as a standalone thing. I get that it is trying to serve simple users, but I think it's an oversighted design choice. It would be more intuitive to have Hyperspin be able to add Rlauncher as an emulator...query the systems in rlauncher and say 'hey, i see you have these systems already set up in rlauncher...let me import them into HS and grab the artwork assets for them'. I think of Rlauncher and hyperspin as a frontend and backend system....similar to Cloud with an application gateway serving an internal load balancer...Rlauncher would be the load balancer for emulators, and Hyperspin would be the application gateway. Hopefully this makes sense and is taken under consideration. I would be glad to clarify if needed. In the long run I am saying that rlauncher needs rebuilt too, but having integration into rlauncher and system query/import would allow for users to make a smoother transition as it stands today. Also, I just added Atari 2600 and it looks like Retroarch automatically downloaded and installed even though I chose to install a custom emu...feels like a bug Also, I've added NES and Atari 2600, it looks like sometimes wheel art is added instead of boxart and also sometimes nothing at all is added when I feel that there is boxart available. The Hyperspin button in the lower left doesn't seem to do anything. Please make the box art sizer slider a different color than purple or a more stand outtish color, it blends in with the default background really well and is hard to see if you don't know it's there. I have quite a few concerns with the file and folder names as they are imported ...perhaps that may be a mindset that i will need to break, but it seems that there is a cached version of artwork assets that I assume displays within Hyperhq and also the downloaded artwork asset that displays in hyperspin, Is there a reason for this? Also, I don't know if the names are supposed to be translated as readable, but when the boxarts downloaded they come in as (0a527a86-0671-4a24-9007-3090d77fde59.png) for this expected? In terms of asset auditing, I think you should take your design queues from Hyper tools, I find it to be pretty top notch when it comes to auditing. What I like about it.... The grid layout with color coding yes/no availability The system select and being able to see all available artwork asset types for both hyperspin and rlauncher under a single pane of glass, some of the layout could be better for displaying artwork assets, but I think it's pretty close to being ideal for auditing. 3
mikey74 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I too am concerned about the Media naming system. I hope Rocketlauncher integration will work with Hyperspin 2, and I also heavily use PCLauncher Module with my existing setup, and my system will load Books, Magazines, Listen to Video Game MP3s, and play Gaming Videos, and run scripts to change settings in Retroarch etc. So i am very hopeful that this can be integrated. 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I agree with both of you. It's very locked down. Without the freedom to create/edit my own databases and quickly manage media its doesn't feel like an acceptable replacement to HyperSpin.'s only in the testing phase. Rocketlauncher compatibility was already promised. I hope database creation and media management are unlocked in the future. My experience today with HyperSpin 2.0 made me happy. Not happy with HS 2.0 (it's beautiful but currently unusable for my needs), but I have a greater appreciation for the original HyperSpin. I've been so focused on minor inconveniences that I never realized how much freedom it provides us to do whatever we want. Give HS 2.0 sometime. Once it's unlocked and free to customize, I'm sure it will be a great front-end. 1 1 3
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 From what I can see... Rocketluancher i believe is supported. You might have to set it up as per system. MAME %Romname% Not a whole lot of work to be honest... just have to name the wheel name to match the wheel name in RL. The media is all based on CRCs... which means huge integration. No idea what Hyper AI is yet... its the client.. im not sure. Theres a lot of unpack here.
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:04 AM, rik81 said: The media is all based on CRCs... which means huge integration. Expand That's ridiculous. 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Not allowing us to use our existing media is INSANE .... Why would you think that's a good idea ? You have focused everything around stopping people selling the drives and forgetting about the users. We have spend over a decade compiling all this media, enhancing it, re-sizing it getting it to be the best it can be only to see it's all now useless. If EmuMovies had EVERY logo and EVERY video for EVERY game then fair enough, but they don't. Even the first system i added ATARI 2600, there was missing media everywhere (that i already have) but can't add to this setup. I think you are going to find this is all going to fail very quickly unless you have a major rethink. Also, can't use a controller to exit Hyperspin (you need to use a keyboard) ? Also EmuMovies videos download to C:\Hyperspin by default even though my setup is on an external drive ? When you then copy them back to the external drive they don't show up in Hyperspin ??? There are a million other things that i don't like but this is for starters. So disappointed after all the excitement of hearing Hyperspin 2 was coming (thinking it was going to be a superior version of what i had currently) Sadly, this is just like Launchbox was 5 years ago (and that's not a compliment) 1 3
SideWaysMan Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I agree also with the media issues. I hope in future we can add our own media, named properly etc as some of the auto DL from emu movies is sized inconsistently and missing some artwork. Kinda disappointing to be honest. 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Ironically this "upgrade" will be more appealing to those who abandoned HyperSpin years ago and have nothing to loose. The loyal community that stayed and fought like hell to keep HyperSpin relevant through content creation will loose over a decade of work. 1 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I have 387gb of media in my original HyperSpin installation. Re-downloading the vast majority of that (mostly identical videos from Emumovies) feels like a huge waste of time and HDD space. Most people aren't going to instantly delete their original HyperSpin installation and having to download thousands of redundant media is crazy. 3 1
SideWaysMan Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I made the mistake of buying platinum to get this and now feel ripped off and let down. There's way better frontends out there now and hs1 is better than this. This seems way too infant to hype it like they did. 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:08 AM, Creezz67 said: So disappointed after all the excitement of hearing Hyperspin had finally got an update. Expand No need to be disappointed. This is not an update its a new application. 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:24 AM, floatingyeti said: No need to be disappointed. This is not an update its a new application. Expand I know. I thought this would just be a far superior Hyperspin seeing as they have had years to think out it, but it looks like they have just copy and pasted Launchbox's ideas and called it Hyperspin 2. I have spent the last week on LB forums telling everyone that Hyperspin is back and will now take over .... then I see this !!!! 2 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Once everyone wakes up around the world and sees it in action, these forums are going to be flooded with negative responses ... sadly !! 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:23 AM, SideWaysMan said: I made the mistake of buying platinum to get this and now feel ripped off and let down. Expand Its still early and things will improve. I might have sounded overly negative in my previous posts but I have faith that HS 2.0 will improve. Hyperspin went through a long process of updates, user content creation, and 3rd party apps that made it great for its time. The same will happen again. 2
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Trying to add a pinball exe.... its spinning continuously on "Detecting Emulator"... Which will never happen.
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:27 AM, Creezz67 said: I know. I thought this would just be a far superior Hyperspin seeing as they have had years to think out it, but it looks like they have just copy and pasted Launchbox's ideas and called it Hyperspin 2. Expand HyperSpin 2.0 (exe) is everything I hoped for (aside from the media issue). The added features are what we wanted just at a horrible price. HyperHQ becoming Launchbox is not very appealing to me. I wish they made a lightweight version/mode similar to the original. I want to be in and out of HyperHQ quickly and use it as a tool not a front-end.
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:19 AM, floatingyeti said: I have 387gb of media in my original HyperSpin installation. Re-downloading the vast majority of that (mostly identical videos from Emumovies) feels like a huge waste of time and HDD space. Most people aren't going to instantly delete their original HyperSpin installation and having to download thousands of redundant media is crazy. Expand Try 990gb !!!!!
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I just bought a 24tb HDD. If I have to start over and duplicate everything, I need a new HDD and carefully preserve my original HyperSpin. I'll give HS 2.0 my best effort. 1
thatman84 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 The key here is that it’s hyperspin is now actively developed…. I to believe “bring your own media” needs a proper conversation here BUT flash is dead which will render a large proportion of the existing artwork useless AS it did when the original artwork was all squashed and encoded to swf. The new HyperTheme system looks awesome. Please listen to the last 2mins of the live stream and Frosty’s requests Hyperspin 2 is a bigger rebuild than most were expecting (including myself) but I’m willing to see if we can build back the community better than it has been the last 5yrs 1 Official Hyperspin Tutorials Playlist HS Android Overview & Install HS Android Base Pack Download My Tutorials
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 9:22 AM, thatman84 said: I to believe “bring your own media” needs a proper conversation here BUT flash is dead which will render a large proportion of the existing artwork useless AS it did when the original artwork was all squashed and encoded to swf. Expand Bare minimum I want Database, Wheels, and Video management. Not many of my wheels are swf so not really an issue. I could batch stretch any squished wheels to proper aspect and upgrade them over time for better quality. Main/default themes I understand and accept the current situation. I can download new submissions or make my own. Totally achievable. Not being able to use the 92 obscure system setups I uploaded over the last few years in HS 2.0 upsets me. It might be viewed as substandard trash or overlooked but I personally would like to keep using them. The same goes for my 22 consecutive months of MAME updates (that I started to offer an alternate to the mame media mess on the ftp and Emumovies). The first thing i did was install MAME on HyperSpin 2.0 and I was forced to download all the old files I spent nearly two years to fix and keep up to date. And that's OK for some people. I just want an option to use what I created. The loss of the themes is not a big deal, much more than that was taken away. 1 2
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 9:53 AM, floatingyeti said: Bare minimum I want Database, Wheels, and Video management. Not many of my wheels are swf so not really an issue. I could batch stretch any squished wheels to proper aspect and upgrade them over time for better quality. Main/default themes I understand and accept the current situation. I can download new submissions or make my own. Totally achievable. Not being able to use the 92 obscure system setups I uploaded over the last few years in HS 2.0 upsets me. It might be viewed as substandard trash or overlooked but I personally would like to keep using them. The same goes for my 22 consecutive months of MAME updates (that I started to offer an alternate to the mame media mess on the ftp and Emumovies). The first thing i did was install MAME on HyperSpin 2.0 and I was forced to download all the old files I spent nearly two years to fix and keep up to date. And that's OK for some people. I just want an option to use what I created. Expand Can't use Rom Mapping either without RocketLauncher !! 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 9:56 AM, Creezz67 said: Can no use Rom Mapping either !! Expand That's more Rocketlauncher but I don't disagree. Originally I thought the loss of themes was the greatest offense but the database and media management is a far greater loss. 1 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 No videos showing in Hyperspin once downloaded from EmuMovies and media is oversized and doesn't adjust accordingly on screen (see image) 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:00 AM, floatingyeti said: That's more Rocketlauncher but I don't disagree. Originally I thought the loss of themes was the greatest offense but the database and media management is a far greater loss. Expand If they don't want to use RL then fair enough, but without it, it's is woeful in comparison currently. I love you Hyperspin but this is embarrassing. This is showing me that all these years it was RocketLauncher that made Hyperspin what i thought it was.
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