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Custom Vewlix / Kraylix Wide 32" Arcade


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Here is the beginning of the construction of my other cab, this is the second of 2 custom vewlix cabs based off of the Kraylix and Donnovan Myers Vewlix cabs

Kray is building the Control Panels for both cabs and should be done in about 3 weeks...



here is the link to the vert slim 1 player build




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Thanks guys!, I'm not sure of the weight so far, but as it stands, it slides easily in my shop floor, I'm sure once, the CP gets installed, and the tv and the soundsystem and the... ect... anyway, I'm sure it will be pretty weighty, I'm most concerned of getting it home and the installment of the CP, but time will tell.

sanded and ready for primer..




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  • 2 weeks later...

Done with the painting, I am so tired of sanding, then mixing paint, then painting, then sanding, then painting, then... I think I will be finished painting and fixing mistakes and just let the few paint runs be...


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Done with the painting, I am so tired of sanding, then mixing paint, then painting, then sanding, then painting, then... I think I will be finished painting and fixing mistakes and just let the few paint runs be...

No, you will be in paint/sanding hell for ever!

Nice work looks great.

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Dude! I am in painting sanding hell x 300 !!!!! I have to do more spots tomorrow! and I did more today, and it takes 18 hours till I can sand properly between coats! AHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(in the back of my head) it will be worth it though...

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Yer keep the faith buddy, you only have to do it once!

If you cut corners then you are only cheeting yourself & you will notice any blemishes & marks which you will never forgive yourself for. lol

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ok, the lighting here is awful but the paint is pretty good as it stands, this is after doing three more spot sand-downs and repainting, I'm using car paint so I don't have to lacquer, or do a clear-coat, and it looks pretty darn good... oh yeah, and I got the control panel from Kray


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Look fantastic! i cant wait to see it playing, and for your art why dont you try a darker background like you did for your simpsons cpo? you can work with much more color for the logo, i like the original vewlix red but its hard to combine with the capcom colors or with the SFIV fight logo

ther cab itself is a beauty!

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  • 3 weeks later...


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