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Sega Saturn (Japan) Main Theme


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Lately I've been messing around with Sega Saturn Japanese games, database, videos, etc, there are so many Saturn titles (which I like more than US-EU), and as we have separated JAP x US+EU XML, I decided to separate them.

For now I'll create a wheel in my HS exclusively for Saturn Japanese games (I added as "Sega Saturn (Japan)", just like do with SNES and Nintendo Super Famicom, each one with its exclusives japanese, it is not a final decision but, maybe I'll leave this way.

I made a Japanese Saturn Main Menu Theme prototype, probably tomorrow I'll finish it, I'd like you guys to give me any directions and suggestions, feel free to share ideas.


Somebody out there merged SNES+Nintendo Super Famicom Databases in one?

What about Saturn, we doesn't have a merged JAP+EUR+US XML, for those who concerns about Jap exclusives, what do you think of it?






So, I've been retouching my Saturn Japanese Themes, now I have Two Sega Saturn Wheels, one for EUR-US and the other for JAP games, just like SNES and Nintendo Super Famicom, if anyone out there want to add this system too, please let me know and I'll create a folder in FTP and upload all needed media.

First one is the Main Theme and the other is the Default System Theme, I'll make a better one because I'm still learning how to compose in HyperTheme





All setup, you can go to Upload Here\Aorin folder at FTP and grab all files, I'm currently uploading the videos, everything else is plug&play.

Let me know if anything is missing or needed there.

PS: Forgot that rule to upload videos to emumovies, I'll upload the videos to emumovies FTP.

Added some previews below


All videos are in my folder at emumovies FTP






thanks i try it out if i have the time

one question what saturn japan cd set you use? i see more on pd?


thanks i try it out if i have the time

one question what saturn japan cd set you use? i see more on pd?

Actually, I'm still finishing the jap collection, if you want to complete the xml (I uploaded Brolly's xml, he left only jap exclusive games that anyone can play without understanding Japanese, that said, we won't have RPGs and so) I put in the FPT folder, you'll have to complete from source to source, at PD you will surely find most, but, it will be faster if you select in the torrent only the ones that are in the xml.

After completing this xml that Brolly made, I'll add the RPGs like Grandia, Shining force Series, Tengai Makyo, etc, sjignacz made lots of wheels, great job, there are lots of games wheels he made that aren't in the xml, I'll have more job to do adding them, but, for now I'll reach 100% brolly's xml.


I wish I knew Japanese, they have so many superior exclusive games that are released I would love to play.

I wish that too, why can't we learn? Now we have Internet! Remember that Shining force trilogy and Premium disc was translated to English.

I don't know if it's my mind, but even don't understanding Japanese, I like games in this language, they seem more valuable, like it had a special "secret" language that we should know to play them, that's why I made this system separated, I had a Japanese Saturn and it's the video game I like most.


I wish I knew Japanese, they have so many superior exclusive games that are released I would love to play.

Im actually teaching myself....there are quite a few resources if you are up for the challenge. Try this site for starters in case it looks like something you might want to pursue:


Probably the hardest part of first learning it, is trying to memorize the overwhelming amount of Kanji (mnemonics are a must!...however some text have the furigana that makes them easy to read, however; are not prevalent though....so you have to memorize em :) ) and pronouncing their "r" sound (which is harder for some Americans than other countries)

Sega Saturn Japanese Wheel Project: COMPLETE!! If you have FTP access, find my name and grab the set now!!!


Thanks for the tip sjignacz, I'll take a look.

You're right about kanjis, when I was 13 my mom gave me a Japanese dictionary, I memorized hiragana and katakana, but kanjis I memorized a few, but I felt more intelligent each one I memorized, now I need the courage to start again!



jcm9800, thanks for your reply, it is great to see everything is working for you too!

I'd like you to do something for me, when I uploaded all Japanese videos to Emumovies FTP, I noticed that at least 4 videos are missing, but, I have all of them, maybe something went wrong when I uploaded them, can you use hypertools and check your Japanese Saturn wheel art? It will show straightly what videos are missing, when you do it, let me know what videos are missing and I'll upload them. Thanks!

Themes were updated, grab 'em in my FTP, made some minor fixes.



hello aroin the 4 videos that are missing or not working are capcom generation 3, 4, 5 and chaos control remix okay i will try

out your updated themes too



Ok, thank you very much my friend, I'll upload the missing videos there, be sure to check 'em out!

Note that these videos are 240p, I recommend getting the 480p from emumovies, when I got 'em I didn't have an emumovies account. Have to replace virtually all my videos set.

My themes were officially accepted in Hyperspin-Fe downloads section, it's public now.

PS: I didn't know I could compare my local folder to the FTP one, now all videos are uploaded.


  • 2 years later...

I know this thread is ancient but I have a question. I love the way the Japanese Saturn theme looks but is there any way to get the wheel to display over the Saturn picture instead of behind it? You can't see which game is selected because it's covered up. Thanks


Just go to HyperHQ and wheel settings, wheel and then move slider all the way to the right.

This will show wheels fully, or adjust accordingly to your taste.

10 hours ago, cataclysm67 said:

Just go to HyperHQ and wheel settings, wheel and then move slider all the way to the right.

This will show wheels fully, or adjust accordingly to your taste.

Tried that and it didn't work. I had to just go into the them and remove the Saturn image.

18 minutes ago, Bungles said:

Most common cause of this is that the theme was intended as a Main Menu Item and not a default System theme.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm going to use Hypertheme and try to create my own system them for it.



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