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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

Vic20 complete uploaded to mega


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Have set this up and everything works. Dude thanks for putting all this together. I'm not too savvy with winvice, though. Do you know how to have it launch fullscreen? Changing the setting in HL doesn't have an effect.

Thanks again.

Did you make the 3D boxart set yourself? If so where did you manage to find the spine scans for some of those cardboard boxes?

I haven't looked, but I'm guessing Vicman, who did the videos on emumovies.

if I can find it ill upload the images for you.

Thanks, that would be great. Or if they are hosted on some site that will do as well and I'll grab them myself.

I haven't looked, but I'm guessing Vicman, who did the videos on emumovies.

I don't think so, at least last time I checked with him he didn't have that many spine scans for the cardboard boxes.

thanks that you share this with us spudgun works great add the bezel funktion for myself to the module

If you have a working bezel module can you share it please?

If you have a working bezel module can you share it please?


The most up to date module for WinVICE in the GIT has bezel support.

Otherwise, check my signature for the module.




The most up to date module for WinVICE in the GIT has bezel support.

Otherwise, check my signature for the module.



Oh cheers Ron ;-)

But isn't this set up using a customised module?

Just installed this setup.

Thanks to spudgunjake for all this work.

It is a modified module of old. ;)

I will see what I can do to integrate these changes into the newest module. There have been a ton of changes to this module.



PS: Looks like most games will run with the official module except the vsd and 8k games.


awesome setup. thanks a million. even though i have the same emulator the save state files only worked with the one in your download. maybe because yours is the win32 whereas mine was the win64...just fyi

either way....working now!

awesome job!!

thank you very much



I added bezel support to the module that was included in the download. I like the fixed res option so that is what i used.

The bezel is originally a Grizz bezel. Had to move the bottom border up just a little to cover up emulator. But I like knowing that because i am using the fixed res option that the dimensions of the screen are as the emulator intended....just fyi

its not perfect..just fyi


MEmu = WinVICE
MEmuV = v2.4
MURL = http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/
MAuthor = djvj,wahoobrian,brolly,Spudgunjake
MVersion = 2.0.2
MID = 635038268966170754
MSystem = "Commodore VIC-20"
; Notes:
; Roms must be unzipped.
; You can turn off the exit confirmation box by unchecking Settings->Confirm on exit
; Turn on saving settings by checking Settings->Save settings on exit, this will create the vice.ini file this module needs.
; If you want to use the StartTape and StopTape hotkeys make sure you edit the files C64\win_shortcuts.vsc or VIC20\win_shortcuts.vsc 
; (paths relative to the emulator install folder) and assign Alt+F7 as the StartTape shortcut and Alt+F8 as the StopTape shortcut, like this:
; WinVICE uses different executables for each machine so make sure you setup your emulators properly:
; x64.exe - Commodore 64
; xplus4.exe - Commodore 16 & Plus/4
; xvic.exe - Commodore VIC-20

mType := Object("Commodore 64","C64","Commodore 16 & Plus4","PLUS4","Commodore VIC-20","VIC20") ;ident should be the section names used in VICE.ini
ident := mType[systemName]	; search object for the systemName identifier

IfExist, % modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"	; use a custom systemName ini if it exists
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

;msgbox 4,,%settingsFile%

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)				; If true, the module governs if the emulator launches fullscreen or not. Set to false when troubleshooting a module for launching problems.

WarpKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WarpKey","F9",,1)						; toggle warp speed
JoySwapKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "JoySwapKey","F10",,1)					; swap joystick port
StartTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "StartTapeKey","F7",,1)					; starts tape
StopTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "StopTapeKey","F8",,1)					; stops tape

SelectGameMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SelectGameMode","1",,1)			;	1 = Uses a loop to detect the Edit Box has the romname and path in it. This doesn't work on all PCs, so if you get stuck at the open rom window, use mode 2. 2 = Uses a simple Ctrl+v to paste the romname and path, then press Enter to load the game.
; DiskSwapKey = F11		; swaps disk or tape - Do not need this key anymore with multigame support

UsePaddles := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "UsePaddles", "false",,1)
AutostartPrgMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "AutostartPrgMode", "2",,1)
RequiresReset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RequiresReset", "false",,1)


7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

viceINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\vice.ini")
IniRead, currentFullScreen, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled
IniRead, currentAutostartPrgMode, %viceINI%, %ident%, AutostartPrgMode

; Setting Fullscreen setting in ini if it doesn't match what user wants above
If ( Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen = 1 )
IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled
Else If ( Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen = 0 )
IniWrite, 1, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled

If ( currentAutostartPrgMode != AutostartPrgMode )
IniWrite, %AutostartPrgMode%, %viceINI%, %ident%, AutostartPrgMode

WarpKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(WarpKey,"WarpKey","~","Add")
JoySwapKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(JoySwapKey,"JoySwapKey","~","Add")
StartTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(StartTapeKey,"StartTapeKey","~","Add")
StopTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(StopTapeKey,"StopTapeKey","~","Add")

If romName contains (USA),(Canada)
DefaultVideoMode = NTSC
DefaultVideoMode = PAL

VideoMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "VideoMode", DefaultVideoMode,,1)

params := "+confirmexit"

; Setting video mode depending on rom, default NTSC	
if (VideoMode = "NTSC") {
params := params . " -ntsc"
;IniWrite, -2, %viceINI%, %ident%, MachineVideoStandard  ;NTSC
} else {
params := params . " -pal"
;IniWrite, -1, %viceINI%, %ident%, MachineVideoStandard  ;PAL

;Enable/Disable paddles as needed, leave these checks in-place because mouse CLI and Ini options aren't supported in VICE 1.22 and this way it will also work with it.
IniRead, currentUsePaddles, %viceINI%, %ident%, Mouse
If ( UsePaddles = "true" And currentUsePaddles != 1)
params := params . " -mouse -mousetype 3"
If ( UsePaddles = "false" And currentUsePaddles = 1)
params := params . " +mouse"

If (ident = "C64") {
If romExtension not in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.t64,.tap,.crt
	ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nd64,d71,d80,d81,d82,g64,g41,x64,t64,tap,crt")

If ( romExtension = ".crt" ) {
	IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeFile
	IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeType
} Else {
	IniWrite, -1, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeType

; Hotkey, ~%DiskSwapKey%, MultiGame

If romExtension in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.prg
	Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
	Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension = .crt
	Run(executable . " " . params . " -cartcrt """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
	Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
	Send !r
Else If (ident = "PLUS4") {
If romExtension not in .prg,.d64,.t64,.tap,.crt,.g64
	ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nprg,d64,t64,tap,crt,g64")

SendCommandDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SendCommandDelay", "1500",,1)
Model := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Model", "Commodore Plus/4",,1)

; Setting model
If (Model = "Commodore Plus/4") { ;Commodore Plus/4
	IniWrite, "3plus1lo", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionLowName
	IniWrite, "3plus1hi", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionHighName
	IniWrite, 64, %viceINI%, %ident%, RamSize
	IniWrite, 1, %viceINI%, %ident%, Acia1Enable
Else { ;Commodore 16
	IniWrite, "", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionLowName
	IniWrite, "", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionHighName
	IniWrite, 16, %viceINI%, %ident%, RamSize
	IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, %ident%, Acia1Enable

Command := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Command", "",,1)
StringLower, Command, Command ;Command MUST be in lower case so let's force it

If romExtension in .d64,.g64,.prg
	Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
	Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension = .crt
	Run(executable . " " . params . " -cartcrt """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
	Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
	Send !r

if %Command% 
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
	Sleep, %SendCommandDelay% ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters

	If romExtension in .t64,.tap
		;Tape loading time will vary greatly so we can't type this automatically, user must do it using a hotkey
		RunTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romname, "RunTapeKey","Ctrl&F12",,1)						; run tape key
		RunTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(RunTapeKey,"RunTapeKey","~","Add")
		SetKeyDelay, 50
		Loop, parse, Command
			Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
		Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}
Else If (ident = "VIC20") {
If romExtension not in .prg,.d64,.t64,.tap,.crt,.vsf
	ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nprg,d64,t64,tap,crt,vsf")

SendCommandDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SendCommandDelay", "1500",,1)

CartAddress := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CartLoadingAddress", "X000",,1)
MemoryExpansion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MemoryExpansion", "none",,1)
Command := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Command", "",,1)
RequiresReset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RequiresReset", "false",,1)

StringLower, Command, Command ;Command MUST be in lower case so let's force it

If ( romExtension = ".crt" ) {
	;Sleep, 100 ;Without this romtable comes empty (thread related?)
	RomTableCheck()	; make sure romTable is created already so the next line can calculate correctly

	;MultiPart carts can only be run if the MultiGame feature is enabled
	If romName contains (Part 
		If (mgEnabled = "false")
			ScriptError("You cannot run multipart games with MultiGame disabled")

	romCount = % romtable.MaxIndex()

	If (romCount > 1) {
		;multipart carts - need to build custom CLI parameters to invoke multipart cartridges.  Multipart cartridges are loaded in more than one 
		;                  memory address, so we interrogate each part, and determine its loading address, and build the CLI parameters.
		;				   Once all the cartridge parts have been processed, the emulator with the custom CLI parameters are invoked.
		;                  Using Lunaar Leeper as an example, it has two parts, one loaded in $2000, and one in $A000
		;	               "xvic.exe -cart2 "D:\Games\Commodore VIC-20\Lunar Leeper (USA) (Part 1).crt" -cartA "D:\Games\Commodore VIC-20\Lunar Leeper (USA) (Part 2).crt"			

		multipartCLI = %executable% %params%

		for index, element in romtable {
			currentCart := romtable[A_Index,1]
			SplitPath, currentCart,,,, OutFileName
			currentCartAddress := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, OutFileName, "CartLoadingAddress", "X000",,1)

			If (currentCartAddress = "A000")
				cartSlot := "-cartA"
			Else If (currentCartAddress = "B000")
				cartSlot := "-cartB"
			Else If (currentCartAddress = "2000")
				cartSlot := "-cart2"
			Else If (currentCartAddress = "4000")
				cartSlot := "-cart4"
			Else If (currentCartAddress = "6000")
				cartSlot := "-cart6"
				ScriptError("Invalid Cart Address Specified: " . CartAddress)

			multipartCLI = %multipartCLI% %cartSlot% "%currentCart%"
		Run(multipartCLI, emuPath)
	Else {
		;singlepart carts - unlike multipart carts, we can directly run the emulator with a single CLI parameter

		If (CartAddress = "A000")
			cartSlot := "-cartA"
		Else If (CartAddress = "B000")
			cartSlot := "-cartB"
		Else If (CartAddress = "2000")
			cartSlot := "-cart2"
		Else If (CartAddress = "4000")
			cartSlot := "-cart4"
		Else If (CartAddress = "6000")
			cartSlot := "-cart6"
			ScriptError("Invalid Cart Address Specified: " . CartAddress)

		Run(executable . " " . params . " " . cartSlot . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else {
	;for non cartridges, update the vice.ini with the proper memory expansion values (if needed) prior to calling the emulator.
	varBlock0 = 0
	varBlock1 = 0
	varBlock2 = 0
	varBlock3 = 0
	varBlock5 = 0

	If (MemoryExpansion = "3k") { 
		varBlock0 = 1
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "8k") { 
		varBlock1 = 1
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "16k") { 
		varBlock1 = 1
		varBlock2 = 1
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "24k") { 
		varBlock1 = 1
		varBlock2 = 1
		varBlock3 = 1		
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "all") { 
		varBlock0 = 1
		varBlock1 = 1
		varBlock2 = 1
		varBlock3 = 1
		varBlock5 = 1
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "3,5") { 
		varBlock3 = 1
		varBlock5 = 1		
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "5") { 
		varBlock5 = 1		
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "1,5") { 
		varBlock1 = 1
		varBlock5 = 1		
	} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "1,2,5") { 
		varBlock1 = 1
		varBlock2 = 1
		varBlock5 = 1		
	IniWrite, %varBlock0%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock0
	IniWrite, %varBlock1%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock1
	IniWrite, %varBlock2%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock2
	IniWrite, %varBlock3%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock3
	IniWrite, %varBlock5%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock5

	Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" , emuPath )

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
	Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
	Send !r

if %Command% {
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
	Sleep, %SendCommandDelay% ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
	SetKeyDelay, 450
	Loop, parse, Command
		Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
	Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}

WinWait("ahk_class VICE")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")

Process("WaitClose", executable)

Send !j

Send !w

Send !{F7}

Send !{F8}

SetKeyDelay, 50
Loop, parse, Command
	Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}

If (Fullscreen = "true")
	Send !{Enter}

Log("MultiGame Label was run!")

If romExtension in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.prg
{	Send !8 ; swaps a Disk
	wvTitle:="Attach disk image ahk_class #32770"
} Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
{	Send !t ; swaps a Tape
	wvTitle:="Attach tape image ahk_class #32770"
} Else
	ScriptError(romExtension . " is an invalid multi-game extension")

If ( SelectGameMode = 1 ) {
	Loop {
		ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, %wvTitle%
		If ( edit1Text = selectedRom )
		Sleep, 100
		ControlSetText, Edit1, %selectedRom%, %wvTitle%
	ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, ahk_class #32770 ; Select Open
} Else If ( SelectGameMode = 2 ) {
	Clipboard := selectedRom
	Send, ^v{Enter}
} Else
	ScriptError("You did not choose a valid SelectGameMode.`nOpen the module and set the mode at the top.")
Log("Module - WinWaitActive`, ahk_class VICE`, `, 5")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE",,5)
WinActivate, ahk_class VICE

If (Fullscreen = "true")
	Send !{Enter}

WinClose("ahk_class VICE")

I added bezel support to the module that was included in the download. I like the fixed res option so that is what i used.

The bezel is originally a Grizz bezel. Had to move the bottom border up just a little to cover up emulator. But I like knowing that because i am using the fixed res option that the dimensions of the screen are as the emulator intended....just fyi

its not perfect..just fyi


MEmu = WinVICE
MEmuV = v2.4
MURL = http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/
MAuthor = djvj,wahoobrian,brolly,Spudgunjake
MVersion = 2.0.2
MID = 635038268966170754
MSystem = "Commodore VIC-20"
; Notes:
; Roms must be unzipped.
; You can turn off the exit confirmation box by unchecking Settings->Confirm on exit
; Turn on saving settings by checking Settings->Save settings on exit, this will create the vice.ini file this module needs.
; If you want to use the StartTape and StopTape hotkeys make sure you edit the files C64\win_shortcuts.vsc or VIC20\win_shortcuts.vsc 
; (paths relative to the emulator install folder) and assign Alt+F7 as the StartTape shortcut and Alt+F8 as the StopTape shortcut, like this:
; WinVICE uses different executables for each machine so make sure you setup your emulators properly:
; x64.exe - Commodore 64
; xplus4.exe - Commodore 16 & Plus/4
; xvic.exe - Commodore VIC-20

mType := Object("Commodore 64","C64","Commodore 16 & Plus4","PLUS4","Commodore VIC-20","VIC20") ;ident should be the section names used in VICE.ini
ident := mType[systemName]; search object for the systemName identifier

IfExist, % modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"; use a custom systemName ini if it exists
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"
settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

;msgbox 4,,%settingsFile%

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1); If true, the module governs if the emulator launches fullscreen or not. Set to false when troubleshooting a module for launching problems.

WarpKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WarpKey","F9",,1); toggle warp speed
JoySwapKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "JoySwapKey","F10",,1); swap joystick port
StartTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "StartTapeKey","F7",,1); starts tape
StopTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "StopTapeKey","F8",,1); stops tape

SelectGameMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SelectGameMode","1",,1);1 = Uses a loop to detect the Edit Box has the romname and path in it. This doesn't work on all PCs, so if you get stuck at the open rom window, use mode 2. 2 = Uses a simple Ctrl+v to paste the romname and path, then press Enter to load the game.
; DiskSwapKey = F11; swaps disk or tape - Do not need this key anymore with multigame support

UsePaddles := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "UsePaddles", "false",,1)
AutostartPrgMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "AutostartPrgMode", "2",,1)
RequiresReset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RequiresReset", "false",,1)


7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

viceINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\vice.ini")
IniRead, currentFullScreen, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled
IniRead, currentAutostartPrgMode, %viceINI%, %ident%, AutostartPrgMode

; Setting Fullscreen setting in ini if it doesn't match what user wants above
If ( Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen = 1 )
IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled
Else If ( Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen = 0 )
IniWrite, 1, %viceINI%, %ident%, FullscreenEnabled

If ( currentAutostartPrgMode != AutostartPrgMode )
IniWrite, %AutostartPrgMode%, %viceINI%, %ident%, AutostartPrgMode

WarpKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(WarpKey,"WarpKey","~","Add")
JoySwapKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(JoySwapKey,"JoySwapKey","~","Add")
StartTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(StartTapeKey,"StartTapeKey","~","Add")
StopTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(StopTapeKey,"StopTapeKey","~","Add")

If romName contains (USA),(Canada)
DefaultVideoMode = NTSC
DefaultVideoMode = PAL

VideoMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "VideoMode", DefaultVideoMode,,1)

params := "+confirmexit"

; Setting video mode depending on rom, default NTSC
if (VideoMode = "NTSC") {
params := params . " -ntsc"
;IniWrite, -2, %viceINI%, %ident%, MachineVideoStandard  ;NTSC
} else {
params := params . " -pal"
;IniWrite, -1, %viceINI%, %ident%, MachineVideoStandard  ;PAL

;Enable/Disable paddles as needed, leave these checks in-place because mouse CLI and Ini options aren't supported in VICE 1.22 and this way it will also work with it.
IniRead, currentUsePaddles, %viceINI%, %ident%, Mouse
If ( UsePaddles = "true" And currentUsePaddles != 1)
params := params . " -mouse -mousetype 3"
If ( UsePaddles = "false" And currentUsePaddles = 1)
params := params . " +mouse"

If (ident = "C64") {
If romExtension not in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.t64,.tap,.crt
ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nd64,d71,d80,d81,d82,g64,g41,x64,t64,tap,crt")

If ( romExtension = ".crt" ) {
IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeFile
IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeType
} Else {
IniWrite, -1, %viceINI%, C64, CartridgeType

; Hotkey, ~%DiskSwapKey%, MultiGame

If romExtension in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.prg
Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension = .crt
Run(executable . " " . params . " -cartcrt """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
Send !r
Else If (ident = "PLUS4") {
If romExtension not in .prg,.d64,.t64,.tap,.crt,.g64
ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nprg,d64,t64,tap,crt,g64")

SendCommandDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SendCommandDelay", "1500",,1)
Model := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Model", "Commodore Plus/4",,1)

; Setting model
If (Model = "Commodore Plus/4") { ;Commodore Plus/4
IniWrite, "3plus1lo", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionLowName
IniWrite, "3plus1hi", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionHighName
IniWrite, 64, %viceINI%, %ident%, RamSize
IniWrite, 1, %viceINI%, %ident%, Acia1Enable
Else { ;Commodore 16
IniWrite, "", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionLowName
IniWrite, "", %viceINI%, %ident%, FunctionHighName
IniWrite, 16, %viceINI%, %ident%, RamSize
IniWrite, 0, %viceINI%, %ident%, Acia1Enable

Command := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Command", "",,1)
StringLower, Command, Command ;Command MUST be in lower case so let's force it

If romExtension in .d64,.g64,.prg
Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else If romExtension = .crt
Run(executable . " " . params . " -cartcrt """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
Send !r

if %Command% 
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
Sleep, %SendCommandDelay% ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters

If romExtension in .t64,.tap
;Tape loading time will vary greatly so we can't type this automatically, user must do it using a hotkey
RunTapeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romname, "RunTapeKey","Ctrl&F12",,1); run tape key
RunTapeKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(RunTapeKey,"RunTapeKey","~","Add")
SetKeyDelay, 50
Loop, parse, Command
Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}
Else If (ident = "VIC20") {
If romExtension not in .prg,.d64,.t64,.tap,.crt,.vsf
ScriptError("Your rom has an extension of " . romExtension . ", only these extensions are supported:`nprg,d64,t64,tap,crt,vsf")

SendCommandDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SendCommandDelay", "1500",,1)

CartAddress := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CartLoadingAddress", "X000",,1)
MemoryExpansion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MemoryExpansion", "none",,1)
Command := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Command", "",,1)
RequiresReset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RequiresReset", "false",,1)

StringLower, Command, Command ;Command MUST be in lower case so let's force it

If ( romExtension = ".crt" ) {
;Sleep, 100 ;Without this romtable comes empty (thread related?)
RomTableCheck(); make sure romTable is created already so the next line can calculate correctly

;MultiPart carts can only be run if the MultiGame feature is enabled
If romName contains (Part 
If (mgEnabled = "false")
ScriptError("You cannot run multipart games with MultiGame disabled")

romCount = % romtable.MaxIndex()

If (romCount > 1) {
;multipart carts - need to build custom CLI parameters to invoke multipart cartridges.  Multipart cartridges are loaded in more than one 
;                  memory address, so we interrogate each part, and determine its loading address, and build the CLI parameters.
;   Once all the cartridge parts have been processed, the emulator with the custom CLI parameters are invoked.
;                  Using Lunaar Leeper as an example, it has two parts, one loaded in $2000, and one in $A000
;               "xvic.exe -cart2 "D:\Games\Commodore VIC-20\Lunar Leeper (USA) (Part 1).crt" -cartA "D:\Games\Commodore VIC-20\Lunar Leeper (USA) (Part 2).crt"

multipartCLI = %executable% %params%

for index, element in romtable {
currentCart := romtable[A_Index,1]
SplitPath, currentCart,,,, OutFileName
currentCartAddress := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, OutFileName, "CartLoadingAddress", "X000",,1)

If (currentCartAddress = "A000")
cartSlot := "-cartA"
Else If (currentCartAddress = "B000")
cartSlot := "-cartB"
Else If (currentCartAddress = "2000")
cartSlot := "-cart2"
Else If (currentCartAddress = "4000")
cartSlot := "-cart4"
Else If (currentCartAddress = "6000")
cartSlot := "-cart6"
ScriptError("Invalid Cart Address Specified: " . CartAddress)

multipartCLI = %multipartCLI% %cartSlot% "%currentCart%"
Run(multipartCLI, emuPath)
Else {
;singlepart carts - unlike multipart carts, we can directly run the emulator with a single CLI parameter

If (CartAddress = "A000")
cartSlot := "-cartA"
Else If (CartAddress = "B000")
cartSlot := "-cartB"
Else If (CartAddress = "2000")
cartSlot := "-cart2"
Else If (CartAddress = "4000")
cartSlot := "-cart4"
Else If (CartAddress = "6000")
cartSlot := "-cart6"
ScriptError("Invalid Cart Address Specified: " . CartAddress)

Run(executable . " " . params . " " . cartSlot . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
Else {
;for non cartridges, update the vice.ini with the proper memory expansion values (if needed) prior to calling the emulator.
varBlock0 = 0
varBlock1 = 0
varBlock2 = 0
varBlock3 = 0
varBlock5 = 0

If (MemoryExpansion = "3k") { 
varBlock0 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "8k") { 
varBlock1 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "16k") { 
varBlock1 = 1
varBlock2 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "24k") { 
varBlock1 = 1
varBlock2 = 1
varBlock3 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "all") { 
varBlock0 = 1
varBlock1 = 1
varBlock2 = 1
varBlock3 = 1
varBlock5 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "3,5") { 
varBlock3 = 1
varBlock5 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "5") { 
varBlock5 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "1,5") { 
varBlock1 = 1
varBlock5 = 1
} Else If (MemoryExpansion = "1,2,5") { 
varBlock1 = 1
varBlock2 = 1
varBlock5 = 1
IniWrite, %varBlock0%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock0
IniWrite, %varBlock1%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock1
IniWrite, %varBlock2%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock2
IniWrite, %varBlock3%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock3
IniWrite, %varBlock5%, %viceINI%, VIC20, RAMBlock5

Run(executable . " " . params . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" , emuPath )

if (RequiresReset = "true") 
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
Sleep, 1000 ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
Send !r

if %Command% {
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")
Sleep, %SendCommandDelay% ; increase if command is not appearing in the emu window or some just some letters
SetKeyDelay, 450
Loop, parse, Command
Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}

WinWait("ahk_class VICE")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE")

Process("WaitClose", executable)

Send !j

Send !w

Send !{F7}

Send !{F8}

SetKeyDelay, 50
Loop, parse, Command
Send, {%A_LoopField% down}{%A_LoopField% up}
Send, {ENTER down}{ENTER up}

If (Fullscreen = "true")
Send !{Enter}

Log("MultiGame Label was run!")

If romExtension in .d64,.d71,.d80,.d81,.d82,.g64,.g41,.x64,.prg
{Send !8 ; swaps a Disk
wvTitle:="Attach disk image ahk_class #32770"
} Else If romExtension in .t64,.tap
{Send !t ; swaps a Tape
wvTitle:="Attach tape image ahk_class #32770"
} Else
ScriptError(romExtension . " is an invalid multi-game extension")

If ( SelectGameMode = 1 ) {
Loop {
ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, %wvTitle%
If ( edit1Text = selectedRom )
Sleep, 100
ControlSetText, Edit1, %selectedRom%, %wvTitle%
ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, ahk_class #32770 ; Select Open
} Else If ( SelectGameMode = 2 ) {
Clipboard := selectedRom
Send, ^v{Enter}
} Else
ScriptError("You did not choose a valid SelectGameMode.`nOpen the module and set the mode at the top.")
Log("Module - WinWaitActive`, ahk_class VICE`, `, 5")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class VICE",,5)
WinActivate, ahk_class VICE

If (Fullscreen = "true")
Send !{Enter}

WinClose("ahk_class VICE")

Thanks for sharing Craig!

  • 2 years later...


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