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PJ64 active lately?


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Maybe their is hope after all. The past few weeks, PJ64 has been getting daily GIT updates on emucr, and I mean UPDATES. None of this "Fixed Brazilian language typo" kind of stuff. The change logs have been huge.

I don't know why all of a sudden, could have something to do with the new funded glide64 plugin that is supposed to fix a lot of stuff.

I am......Machine



Just downloaded v2.2.0.1.

Breaks HyperLaunch and it doesn't hide the menu bar. ;)



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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Is emulation any better? Im a RA user... not sure what games work with what. Since my update I aint been through to figure them out.

Not sure....I switched over to RA as well for 64 emulation as every game I enjoyed when I had the N64 works with no graphical glitches on Mupen.

I'm curious what emu will perform better once the new Glide plugin gets released.

I am......Machine


Not to derail completely, but has anyone else noticed RA's ability to do what xpadder does and have a button press remap the function of other keys, allowing you to for instance depress right trigger to use the regular xbox controller buttons as both A and B AND all the Cs? It's so beautiful.



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