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3D Magazine Reader in HS


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Shinobi managed to sort the module for this.


I made a simple default theme using Apple's Shelf, adding lots of magazines, I'll add each magazine such as, GamePro, Nintendo Power and so as genres.




I wanted a shelf with magazines, scroll through them without wheels.




See the magazines scrolling in the middle.




This is what shinobi68 managed to achieve with Casual Games module.



If you decide to use this default theme, you should put your HyperHQ settings this way so your magazines will fit the shelf.










How did you configure this new wheel?

I mean, there's something special that I need to do, PCLauncher?

I don't know how your reader works. I use Cdisplay for my cbr magazines (nintendo power), and for retro gamer I made some exe file with flip pro. I have the same render than with soda pdf reader. I'll take a look on soda, it seems to be promising. Perhaps, i'll change for it.


To configure it, simply create a new wheel. In settings/"system name".ini, set hyperlaunch=false. No need to use hyperlaunch for that. It should work easily


I've disabled HyperLaunch for Retro Magazines Wheel, but it didn't open.


Do I have to setup a default emulator? (I didn't add any)

Do I have to set a default exe (Soda reader in this case?)





I updated this soda reader to version 7, it's perfect but I need some help here.


Probably I'll need a module for this program, because it seems that it doesn't have an option to force Full Screen and 3D reading mode.


Can someone sort it out?



Sure, it will need a script to sort that, someone who are familiar dealing with scripts can easily make that, any ideas of who could help?



Soda 7 flips pages like (60 fps) the one I used was soda 5, Shinobi68 is helping me to sort it out, once it's done I'll make a new video with a definitive theme.


Melquiades, você vai ver como isso vai ficar legal, acho que vai dar pra usar categorias para as revistas, Super Game Power, Ação Games, etc, etc, se bobear colocamos até uns quadrinhos!



nice. If you finish this one and are looking for more; EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly)magazine and Gamepro magazine have a huge catalogue of retro mag's. Tips & Tricks, Gamefan and a few for PC as well, just to name a few, I haven't seen any of these floating around hyperspin magazine racks yet :) kool idea though. I like it.  


Yeah, I had this idea these days, seems that some guys were using converted pdf to exe which is good as well.


Shinobi is helping me to sort that out without the need to convert the PDF files.


Thanks for the tips, probably I'll use categories to other magazines collections such as GamePro, PC, etc, this will be something really interesting.





I have no skills in autohotkey, but I start from the casual games menu and finnaly I got it working. This module is not optimized (A lot of lines that where created for casual games had perhaps to be cleared...):

MEmu = Soda PDF 3D Reader
MEmuV = N/A
MAuthor = 
MVersion = 
iCRC = 
MID = 
MSystem = "IP Retro Gamer"
; Notes:

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
remapWinKeys := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "remapWinKeys", "true",,1)
gamePath := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "gamePath", A_Space,,1)
fadeTitle := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FadeTitle", A_Space,,1)
forceCursor := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "ForceCursor", true,,1)
forceCursor := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ForceCursor", forceCursor,,1)

If romExtension in .wwf.doc.doxc
	ScriptError("Your file are not supported in this PDF Reader Module.")

If (gamePath != "" || gamePath != "ERROR")
	gamePath := GetFullName(gamePath)

If !FileExist(gamePath) {
	Log("Module - GamePath is not set or is not pointing to this game correctly. Attempting to find it for you by using your Rom Path.",2)
	gamePath := romPath . "\" . romName . ".pdf"

	If FileExist(gamePath)
		Log("Module - Game was found at: " . gamePath,2)
	Else {
		gamePath := romPath . "\" . romName . "\" . romName . ".pdf"
		If FileExist(gamePath)
			Log("Module - Game was found at: " . gamePath,2)
			ScriptError("Could not locate """ . romName . """ in your Rom Path or in the GamePath for this game. Please fix one or the other.")
} Else
	Log("Module - Game was found in the user set GamePath at: " . gamePath)

SplitPath, gamePath,, gPath, gExt, gName

; This remaps windows Start keys to Return to prevent accidental leaving of game
If remapWinKeys = true
{	Hotkey, RWin, WinRemap
	Hotkey, LWin, WinRemap

errorLvl := Run(gName . "." . gExt, gPath, "UseErrorLevel", game_PID)
If errorLvl
	ScriptError("Failed to launch " . romName)

If fadeTitle {
	Log("Module - FadeTitle set by user, waiting for """ . fadeTitle . """")
} Else {
	Log("Module - FadeTitle not set by user, waiting for AppPID: """ . AppPID . """")
	WinWait("ahk_pid " . game_PID)
	WinWaitActive("ahk_pid " . game_PID)
Process("Priority", game_PID, "High")

WinWait("ahk_class pdf-ui-engine-wnd-class")
	WinWaitActive("ahk_class pdf-ui-engine-wnd-class")
	Send, {F11 down}{F11 up}


If forceCursor = true

Process("WaitClose", game_PID)



	Winclose("ahk_class pdf-ui-engine-wnd-class")
	activeWin := WinExist("A")
	WinGet, procName, ProcessPath, ahk_id %activeWin%
	newPID := Process("Exist", gName . "." . gExt)
	Log("Module - DEBUG 5 (EXIT) - rom process: " . newPID . " - active window HWND ID is " . activeWin . " and is located at: " . procName,4)
	WinClose(If fadeTitle ? fadeTitle : "ahk_pid " . game_PID)	; If fadeTitle is set, use that to close the game, otherwise use the PID

To install this:


- In your hyperlaunch/module folder, copy and paste the "casual Games" directory. Rename the copied directory"Soda PDF 3D Reader" 

- In this directory, rename casual games.ahk and casual games.isd respectively Soda PDF 3D Reader.ahk and Soda PDF 3D Reader.isd

- Copy the code above and replace the content of "Soda PDF 3D Reader.ahk" with it

- Launch hyperlaunchHQ

-Search for your magazine system (you have created it in HyperspinHQ. For Example, you have named it "IP Retro Gamer")

- In the "emulator" section, put the rom path (where are your pdfs files)

- Add a new emulator named "Soda PDF 3D Reader". Set it to virtual Emulator. Set tha path to your soda installation (C:\Program Files (x86)\Soda PDF 3D Reader\soda-3dreader.exe) and just browse for the Soda PDF 3D Reader module


Try it in hyperlaunch HQ


You're done


I just updated the first post with the first solid results.


Shinobi had a quick solution for that, thanks mate!



If you download magazines with release data, just use hyperlist to add them to HS, if you want each magazine, say, Nintendo Power, Retro Gamer, Game Pro, you can use them as genres, if you find a batch process to take a shot of the cover and keep the name of the same magazine, in png, you can add all these shots to the wheel and you're done.



Here you can get default and main themes, Soda PDF module and Fade.


Note that Main theme, fade, or even module aren't "official", the official module is in development in Rocket Launcher Forums, Djvj and Brolly are helping us sorting that, probably we'll try making Soda PDF Reader portable until there.




I suggest you putting any video that reminds retro gaming for the main theme (and create a better one that recalls to the subject, I didn't create that to be a definitive main theme), this system is new and basically you customize your magazines according to your taste.
So, what you can do is getting together your magazine scans and make each one as a genre, Nintendo Power, GamePro, and so on.
The default theme, wasn't made to display videos, so what you have to do is taking your magazines covers and name them according to your database created via Hyperlist or similar program.
You should not use wheels but magazine covers, and you'll have a result next to that video I posted in the first of this thread.
You're basically on your own regarding arts, there are tons of Video Games and PCs Magazines out there, you can create your own library, create each magazine label as genres.
Have fun.


  • 5 weeks later...

I was working on this these days, managed to get together front pages, seeking release year and arranging databases, this kind of stuff and this is the first results.


Naturally as a Brazilian, I first worked on Brazilian magz, but I'm getting together EGM, GamePro and Famitsu to complete this setup.


Here's a sample



  • 10 months later...


Here you can get default and main themes, Soda PDF module and Fade.


Note that Main theme, fade, or even module aren't "official", the official module is in development in Rocket Launcher Forums, Djvj and Brolly are helping us sorting that, probably we'll try making Soda PDF Reader portable until there.




I suggest you putting any video that reminds retro gaming for the main theme (and create a better one that recalls to the subject, I didn't create that to be a definitive main theme), this system is new and basically you customize your magazines according to your taste.
So, what you can do is getting together your magazine scans and make each one as a genre, Nintendo Power, GamePro, and so on.
The default theme, wasn't made to display videos, so what you have to do is taking your magazines covers and name them according to your database created via Hyperlist or similar program.
You should not use wheels but magazine covers, and you'll have a result next to that video I posted in the first of this thread.
You're basically on your own regarding arts, there are tons of Video Games and PCs Magazines out there, you can create your own library, create each magazine label as genres.
Have fun.


Mega link is down please reupload


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