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***New Ledwiz Configuration Tool***


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Hey Guys,

I've created an ledwiz tool that generates a ledcontrol.ini file for use with ManOfWar's ledwiz modification for VP. This tool is similar to the tool Pixel created. The main difference being, you can have private configurations which allows you to make modifications to your own ini file without affecting the public config. I can add other features if needed, I'll just need some community input into what we would like to see added.

The database is currently empty with the exception of Attack from Mars, which I've entered in as an example, so I'm hoping to get some community help in populating it. If you would like to contribute, simply create a private config and submit it for public consideration.

The tool is still Beta, so there are bound to be a bug or two that will pop up. I'll try to hammer them out as quickly as I can. Just report them to the bug tracker we have created here.

You can find the tool at http://vpuniverse.com/ledwiz

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Hi Deegor,

I was wondering when this would hit. Been looking forward to it! I will definitely take a look. I have been waiting on additional work on my ledwiz.ini pending this. THANKS! Unfortunately I will be out of town starting Monday for a few weeks, so I won't be able to offer much immediately. I will see about uploading a few this weekend and submit for public use.

Without really getting to play with it much, what I am about to suggest might already be part of it or programatically prohibitive :

It would be nice to have the possibility of multiple public configs for any single table (ie; AFM liberal (lots of flasher/shaker/etc...) V AFM conservative (less flasher/shaker). One of my gripes with the previous system was the over-the-top use of the shaker, often at high power or 3 or 4 random flashers for what amounts to a single flasher in the actual table. ...maybe a way to share your private tables to others but them not be the 'official public version' would suffice.

Additionally, the ability to document verbosely what a switch/flasher/coil value is literally representing on the real table. For example, If I create an entry for SMB, I could document that "S18 is the lower right white flasher". This information would be greatly helpful for others tweaking/creating their own entry, because the manuals are very often not 1:1 for ledwiz (ie; S18 in the manual for SMB is actually S19 for ledwiz). Unless somebody manually sits down and works that out, they can't know this. I have manually written a number of charts when trying to figure out a table that does not match the manual- having a way to share that information would be nice.

Thanks again for this!


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All of that is doable, and most of the code is already written for different versions. I just haven't implemented it for the initial release. Soon there will be a section in the rom header info to select from other configs, not just your own.

The documentation piece is interesting, and would be great information to have. I could easily whip up another page that would allow users to add / edit that information for each table. Give me a few days to figure out how to properly implement it.

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Oh yeah, Deegor....

Here's another something that builds on what MattDavis said:

Since I hooked up my knocker, I noticed that several tables that were enabled in the ledcontrol.ini didn't "KNOCK".

After digging into it, something prohibits x (insert number here) ports being fired on the LEDWiz at one time.

In other words, if too many ports are assigned to one solenoid, then only the first few fire.

I figured this out because many of the knocker events had white lights on every (in my case 3) set of flasher, meaning 9 ports already firing.

Eliminating a few of them would enable the knocker.

Maybe there is some kinda way that we could prohibit more than 9 (not sure if that's the magic number) ports on any event?

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I've thought about how to handle this, and currently I've made the process of adding tables / roms admin only. I don't want the database to get polluted with either bad info or spam. Just post the table names and the rom it will use, and I'll add them in.

ie: afm, Attack From Mars

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if too many ports are assigned to one solenoid, then only the first few fire

Has anyone else been able to confirm this? Is it isolated to just the knocker not firing or others as well?

I don't have my cab anymore :bawling: otherwise I would test it myself.

This might be something we can add to the documentation. I could try to add in all the logic to check for this, but it will be a bit of a pain in the ass.

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This tool is kick ass! I have a couple adds and one question:

futurespa,Future Spa

freefall,Free Fall


Question is that Banzai Run is listed as banz but unless I have it in my .INI as bnzai it does not work. Typo or am I doing something wrong?


I added the new roms and updated Banzai Run to use the correct rom. Let me know if you find any other issues.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a couple of updates to announce.

Updated the configurations with version information.

- This will make it simple for someone to determine if their config is up to date and for them to determine what changes have been made recently. Version changes can be viewed on the configtool site.

The config generator now supplies 2 configuration files. 1 with feedback devices enabled and another without.

- This is useful for the "Night Mode" modification Blur recently added to the official fplaunch mod.

Next up is a notification system that will email those that wish to be updated when new changes are being made. This is about 70% done, and i"m hoping to have it done in a day or two.

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Finally go around to trying out your tool. Great idea, I like to modify my tables with personal settings (like firing the strobes on ball launch in AFM for instance) and having a public/private model is perfect. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

One minor bug: The new Star Wars Trilogy config (swtril) is missing the , after the name, just goes right into the settings. Maybe something was uploaded funny with it since it's a new one.

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Hey Aurich,

Thanks for the input. I checked your config and I can see how it looks like the config is screwed up.

The rom I have listed for Star Wars Trilogy is "swtril43", not "swtril". I pulled this info from pinmame, but if it's wrong, please let me know. I don't have my cab anymore to test with.

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I implemented PWM a little different than Pixel's site. Instead of stripping all of the PWM from the config. I simply changed the color variables to use full power instead. This way there is no PWM. Take a look at the top of the config, you will see all of the color variables are either 0 (off) or 48 (full power).

I haven't heard back from anyone on whether this method works properly or not. Can you test it out and let me know? If there are performance issues with it, I can alter the way it works. This just seemed like a simpler solution.

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hey deegor,

first off thanks for your awesome work, it's good to see progress and optimization in our hobby :beer:

I am still in a complete renovation of my house, so I am MIA for the next 2-3 months.

If I remember correctly, the problem wasn't only the pwm, it was also the conversion (from color names to numbers) itself. So maybe its better to use the old system (without any color names).



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Hey Aurich,

Thanks for the input. I checked your config and I can see how it looks like the config is screwed up.

The rom I have listed for Star Wars Trilogy is "swtril43", not "swtril". I pulled this info from pinmame, but if it's wrong, please let me know. I don't have my cab anymore to test with.

Ah, gotcha, so just a simple entry error. Yes, that's wrong, I can confirm the correct rom name is "swtril", I had it correctly entered by hand in my previous file and the table working with the LED-Wiz. Ironically in PixelMagic's tool it was also wrong, was missing the end "l", so that ROM name is cursed evidently. ;)

(I do see the swtril43 ROM in a google search, so that's obviously a real thing, but not the right one for the table.)


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