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Hyperspin is not so free anymore... why?


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Yeah, i know it's free but... my only question is why.. why hypersync is just for platinum members, i downloaded just for fun, but i didn't find in anyplace wheels for my arcade. I don't have a job, because of my age. and Mom and Dad doesn't will pay for me.

I'll give a break from hyperspin,i'll be back when it get back to the golden era, when i can download all for free.


The program is great, but i feel unconffortable about buying a platinum or bronze membership!


Sorry for any problem,


Cheers, Foxx.


:unhappy::cray: :cray2:


The site is completely free but never as full as we are making it. Hypersync was developed for the donating user. Actually we have more stuff for free users now than ever. Ie 100% of content is being added to the website. Your comment seems a little backwards to the actual reality of the situation.

Of course if supporting software that you like using makes you feel uncomfortable maybe a break is just what the dr ordered.


HyperSpin Website Admin Team

Also Visit EmuMovies.com



Also if your looking for mame wheels then the 4 or 5 complete sets the download section might make you feel better lol


HyperSpin Website Admin Team

Also Visit EmuMovies.com



Yeah, we have a download section thats "FREE", guys are adding stuff around the clock, so i am sure you'll find what you need right there






Everything necessary to make a nice set-up is free, just not a couple of the tools that automate eye-candy set-up. I.e. hypersync.


Everything is being uploaded to the site anyway so hypersync is not needed. The FTP used to be the best part but now it's read only and off-limits so there's really no reason to buy a membership anymore other than the fact that you may have to wait for the next download.


You may want to get a membership at emumovies however.


I have been putting my setup together for the last few weeks and it is amazing what can be had for free.  I expect to 'donate' at some point but I think it will primarily be for a High Definition upgrade...going to need hard drive space first...


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