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Everything posted by Circo

  1. This is being addressed in the upcoming .37 update
  2. Moved to Bug Tracker
  3. Added the button to the HS1 downloads and added Cash App as an option.
  4. I can't tell if it was a good test or a bad test
  5. Mid Week Update The 2.0.37 update is mainly a cache system rewrite. The majority of reported bugs center around this root issue. 2.0.37 is currently in the internal testing phase and a public release is tentatively expected by end of week if all goes smoothly. per @fr0stbyt3
  6. Some rando Pinball site I dunno
  7. Circo

    Hi Mum

    Funny enough, FIXED! All ranks have been recalculated, you are now Rank 6 "Enthusiast"
  8. We have a new website feature to go along with the HyperSpin 2 beta, the Beer Me! (Tip System) Members now have the chance to show their support and appreciation for their favorite artists and contributors by treating them to a cold, frosty pint anytime! HyperSpin has always been a community driven by incredible artists, and the contributions to this project are nothing short of amazing. While reactions, ratings, and download counts are great, nothing quite compares to the gesture of buying someone a drink to say, "Thank you." So, why wait? Show your gratitude... buy that artist (or contributor) a beer today! Here are a couple of examples Forum Post: Profile Page: A big shout out to @RetroHumanoid for being our tester. I hope you do not mind being the example. Content Creators (Note: This is only available to the Content Creator group) Setting up your Beer Me! button couldn't be easier. Head over to your account settings and click on Beer Me! Settings All you need to do is put in your link: Currently it supports links from paypal.com paypal.me cash.app Acknowledgements: Huge thank you to VPUniverse and @Dazz for getting this feature developed and sharing it with HyperSpin. Notice about abuse: Abuse of the Beer Me! system could result in removal of access to the system or even account removal.
  9. Welcome to the party!
  10. Today the email service for HyperSpin was upgraded to improve deliverability. If you previously attempted to register or reset your password without response please try again. If for any reason you are still unsuccessful please Contact Us - HyperSpin Team
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  11. The overrides were thrown in last minute and very experimential, incomplete. Probably should have waited until fully baked to add. Even worse its doing data duplication to work with the existing cache system. He alluded to changes next week in the post but in hindsight, it could have been more clear. Anyway, known issue, this feature should be fully baked in a week or two. It was rushed due to outcry
  12. Spoke to @fr0stbyt3 this morning and you are absolutely right. It wasn't in the logic plan so I had to double check, but in the rush to get that out ASAP it got added with the current cache system in place that kind of demanded it be injested. Next weeks cache upgrades will eliminate this need and then this whole thing should make a lot more sense and not needlessly fill your HDD with duplicate media. So consider this feature *experimental* this is not how its going to work long term or even near term.
  13. UPDATE: The steam not launching bug was a typo in code and will be resolved with todays .36 release. PC Games will be a couple weeks.
  14. Merged duplicate topics
  15. Jumping the gun a bit here, but a lions share of these types of issues all share a root cause with the cache system. There should be a more detailed announcement later today following todays upcoming .36 release. Team has already started work and it's going to take a few days to a week probably. Not exactly sure on the timeframe but not long.
  16. Known bug, should be fixed up in the next release or two. The filter became persistant.
  17. I could see an interface similar to wheel manager for manual sorting with full sort options on the left
  18. Your progress at getting these all added and animated is insanily, amazing job!
  19. They wont download (sync) if you are a basic member, but you will be able to use ones you have or downloaded from the site soon. EDIT: I just noticed that you are a content creator, submit a ticket over at EmuMovies and we'll get you all sorted. Thats one step above supporting member sir EDIT EDIT: Found you, you're now a Content Contributor over at EmuMovies.
  20. Sorry for the confusion, it was stated in the livestream that local media wasn't supported at launch but would be coming. The main reason for this is that the sync system needs testing. That being said, many image based media types were enabled as local overrides (local media) in todays .34 update. As stated in the update notes, video media is coming next, but there are some additional options that need to be enabled in the back-end and some testing. The dev team is trying to test and harden one set of features at a time but mostly bug fixing atm . And screenshots will be automatically utilized at some nearish point.
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