The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!
We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well. On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.
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stuck on mugen...learning the ropes of hyperspin so i can help others..thx nice cab...
Yeah ..I hate that its next to the water heater and I have to keep it covered.
(Even though its only an XArcade )
you have a real cool cabinet chillinwater its a shame that this must be in the garage but thats the problem with the girlfriends the dont understand this ;-) really thanks once more for the help with my problem with the autohotkeys now all works great thanks
Could u help me to configure the Scumm in HS?? i dont really understand how can i doit :S
@andrewbean, glad you got it going!
@propaganda, No Problem.
The installing media section isnt current for HS 1.0 and above though. Everything else should still work as described.
Getting Started with HyperSpin Guide! -HS .8.0.1
Setting Up, Un-Official Systems with HyperSpin -should work for all versions of HS
Thanks for the Emulator Setup Guide. This has helped me numerous times already!
Hi, chillinwater, i have a problem with makaron !!I can start perfectly all naomi games but i can't quit him because i can't remap the key need on the JVS.ini ( i would like to change f8, not having this key on the X-arcade) for exiting! if you have a solution !! Thanks !!