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Files posted by floatingyeti

  1. The Enterprise is a Zilog Z80-based home computer first produced in 1985. It was developed by British company Intelligent Software and marketed by Enterprise Computers. Its two variants are the Enterprise 64, with 64 kilobytes (kB) of Random Access Memory (RAM), and the Enterprise 128, with 128 kB of RAM.
    This setup was a collaboration with @brudibru
    These are the only the 96 commercially released games (compilations split for a total of 99).
    There are hundreds of hobbyist ports from ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and Videotron due to the Enterprise's similar hardware being able to run them natively.  We left them out because it would be a huge amount of redundant games from those systems.
    Full Setup includes:
    HyperSpin 1:
    Main Theme + Default Theme
    Database (with genre xml)
    HyperSpin 1 & 2:
    Main Menu Video + Wheel
    99x Wheels (with brudibru)
    99x Videos
    99x 3D boxart @brudibru
    99x Cassette Images @brudibru
    99x Game Snaps @brudibru
    Modified TOSEC files + bios
    Includes Module Instruction for Rocket Launcher (RetroArch -  ep128emu core)
    System can be launched from HyperHQ 2 and is a standard system selection
    35 12
  2. Enterprise 64/128
    Main Menu Theme
    Main Menu Wheel
    System Video
    Default Theme
    Complete System Setup Here
  3. 14 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Gwasuwon (Korea) [gwasu]
    IPM Invader (set 2) [ipminvad1]
    Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [magictch]
    Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.03) [ncv1j2]
    Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [pyutakun]
    New Clones:
    Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [gradius3j]
    N-Sub (cocktail) [nsubc]
    Rocket Convoy [rocktcnvy]
    Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [rungunuaad]
    Toride II (Japan, revision I) [toride2ji]
    Updated Roms:
    Evil Night (ver UBA) [evilngt]
    Hell Night (ver EAA) [hellngt]
    Total Vice (ver EBA) [totlvice]
    Triple Hunt [triplhnt]
    IPM Invader (set 1) [ipminvad]
    Namco Classic Collection Vol [ncv1]
    Required CHDs: 
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    20: 0.269 Update
    20: 0.270 Update
    21: 0.271 Update
    22: 0.272 Update
    23: 0.273 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  4. 8 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    CPS1 Multi Game [cps1mult]
    DT7 (prototype) [dt7]
    Future Flash (set 2) [futflasha]
    Harikiri Junior Baseball [harikiri]
    New Clones:
    Mario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 1) [mariobl]
    Phozon (Sidam) [phozon]
    Punk Shot (Asia 2 Players, hacked?) [punkshot2a]
    SRD: Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [srdarwinb]
    Updated Roms:
    Astro Wars [astrowar]
    E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) [edf]
    Kangaroo [kangaroo]
    Future Flash (set 1) [futflash]
    Missing Themes (New Media) Update for December
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    20: 0.269 Update
    20: 0.270 Update
    21: 0.271 Update
    22: 0.272 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  5. Look, I finally did something!!
    Audio is still not emulated and it's not running at full speed.  Still people want it, so here you go!
    Scanning the IntelliCards (HyperScan playing cards) through Mame File Manager is very frustrating. MAME software list named each card with only a number.  I renamed each card assuming they were numbered in correct sequence.  For the most part it seems to be correct when selecting Character cards.
    This system is barely playable. Even if the audio and speed issues were solved, the card scanning component will not work unless you can actually see the cards you are selecting.
    325 16
  6. Deep within the bowels of MAME Sofware List I found this barely playable crap. A computer you've never heard of, and one you should immediately forget!
    I'll try to find a better system next time.
    [Electronics Today International Magazine, Australia 1981]
    Developed in New Zealand (by Hug 1802) and 
    upgraded by ETI as project 660, this simple state-of-the-art computer kit allows the hobbyist to get into micro-processors at minimal cost.
    *Added MAME config (control mapping) put in RetroArch->saves->mame->cfg
    25 2
  7. A bit delayed but finally done!
    25 new (working - arcade only) games this month
    New Parents:
    Chusenoh [chusenoh]
    Gu, Choki, Pa [guchokip]
    Jurassic Park (bootleg of Mega Drive version) [jparkmb]
    Mad Motor (prototype, set 2) [madmotora]
    Tangram Q [tangramq]
    Thunder Heroes (set 2) [theroesa]
    New Clones:
    Astro Blaster (French) [astrobf]
    Bumba (bootleg of Head On) [bumba]
    Captain X [captainx]
    Carnival (ManilaMatic bootleg) [carnivalmm]
    Lode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu [ldrun3jc]
    Makaimura (Japan Revision B, alt GFX) [makaimurba]
    Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 1) [pengomc1]
    The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) [punipic2]
    Super Crowns Golf (Japan, set 2) [suprgolfja]
    Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 4) [wbmlb2]
    Updated Roms:
    Aladdin (bootleg of Mega Drive version) [aladmdb]
    NFL Blitz [blitz]
    NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition [blitz2k]
    California Speed [calspeed]
    Castle Of Dracula [cdracula]
    Cruis'n World [crusnwld]
    Night Mare (Spain) [nightmare]
    Ninja Spirit (World) [nspirit]
    Yamato [yamato]
    Missing Themes (New Media) Update for November
    Agard (Updated Wheels + Database Additions)
    Andyman (Themes + Wheels + Database Additions)
    Creezz67 (Theme + Video)
    Darwin1995 (Themes)
    ESPARTANOCT (Theme + Wheel)
    hoscarconh (Themes)
    Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Publio (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    20: 0.269 Update
    20: 0.270 Update
    21: 0.271 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  8. 22 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    Well, some of these aren't "working" but I had to include the partially playable Namco System 23 games!
    New Parents:
    Chaoji Dou Dizhu Liang Fu Pai (V109CN) [cjddzlf]
    Chaoji Dou Dizhu Jiaqiang Ban (S300CN) [cjddzp]
    Chaoji Tuolaji Jiaqiang Ban (V206CN) [cjtljp]
    Crisis Zone (World, CSZO4 Ver. [crszone]
    Final Furlong 2 (World) [finfurl2]
    Long Hu Zhengba 4 Dui Hua Ban (V203CN) [lhzb4dhb]
    Motocross Go! (US, MG3 Ver. A) [motoxgo]
    Panic Park (World, PNP2 Ver. A) [panicprk]
    Rapid River (US, RD3 Ver. C) [rapidrvr]

    New Clones:
    1945k III (Promat license, OPCX1 PCB) [1945kiiipt]
    Discs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83) [dotronep]
    Kart Duel (Japan, KTD1/VER.A) [kartduelja]
    Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. F) [labyrunrf]
    Metal Black (World, single PCB) [metalba]
    Mingxing San Que Yi (China, V201CN) [mxsqy]
    Operation Wolf 3 (Japan) [opwolf3j]
    Raiden II (Great Britain) [raiden2gb]
    Rapid River (prototype) [rapidrvrp]
    Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg) [retofinvbv]
    Task Force Harrier (Lettering bootleg) [tharrierb]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver OAA) [tmnt2o]
    Updated Roms:
    Chaoji Dou Dizhu (V219CN) [cjddz]
    Mirax (set 3) [miraxb]
    Time Crisis II (US, TSS3 Ver. [timecrs2]
    Missing Themes (New Media) Update for September
    Agard (Updated Wheels + Database Additions)
    Andyman (Themes + Wheels + Database Additions)
    Darwin1995 (Themes)
    Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Publio (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Tancrede987 (Themes, Wheels)
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    20: 0.269 Update
    20: 0.270 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  9. Not much to add this month
    5 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Chaoji Dou Dizhu [cjddz]
    Long Hu Zhengba 4 [lhzb4]
    New Clones:
    Lunar Rescue (Artic bootleg) [lrescueabl]
    P-47 - The Freedom Fighter [p47a]
    Updated Roms:
    Diet Go Go [dietgo]
    There were many new slot machines and computers, but I only focus on working arcade games (for these updates).
    4 new Plug and Play games worth mentioning:
    16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs / Dance Dance Party Mix (DDRGame) [ddr33v]
    Mega Drive Play TV 1 (Japan) [mdtvp1j]
    Teleshibai (Japan) [teleshi]
    Teleshibai - Purple Version (Japan) [teleship]
    Missing Themes (New Media) Update for September
    Agard (Updated Wheels + themes)
    Andyman (Themes + Wheels)
    Bodydump (Theme)
    Darwin1995 (Themes)
    Hoscarconh (Themes)
    Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Nanometrovovo2 (Themes, Wheels, Database Additions)
    Publio (Themes)
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    20: 0.269 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  10. 7 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Clones:
    Quiz Gakuen Paradise (Japan, ver. 1.02) [gakupara102]
    Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) [gallopm72]
    Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble (Japan, prototype) [gekiretup]
    Heavy Barrel (US, revision 3) [hbarrelu]
    Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040123) [hsf2j1]
    X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970113) [xmvsfj]
    Updated Roms:
    Au (Swimmer conversion) [au]
    Not much going on this month. There will probably be a huge IGS games update in the next few months when controls are fixed.
    I was able to use existing themes to make a complete set for the update.
    There are some new interesting Handhelds and PNP systems, I need to go through my backlog to update my "PNP Project"
    Missing Themes (New Media) Update for August
    Agard (Updated Wheels)
    Eraser_Arcarde (Themes)
    Hoscarconh (Themes)
    Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
    Johnfreitassousa (Themes, Wheels, Database Additions)
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    19: 0.268 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  11. 13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Au (Swimmer conversion) [au]
    Fearless Pinocchio [fearless]
    Sutjaro Haeyo Deluxe [sutjarod]
    New Clones:
    Daytona USA [daytona93]
    Guttang Gottong [gutangtn]
    Link (Korean bootleg of Atari Tetris) [link]
    Megatouch 5 (9255-60-01 R0C, Standard version) [megat5a]
    Missile Command (rev 3, A035467-01/03 PCBs) [missilea]
    Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA) [popnanm2ja]
    Street Smart (bootleg of World version 1) [streetsmwbl]
    WOW New Fantasia [wownfanta]
    Updated Roms:
    Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
    Miss World 2002 [missw02]
    Required CHD:
    popnanm2ja (a02jaa01 + gea02jaa02)
    Missing Themes Update for July
    Brudibru (0.268 clone themes)
    Jesfknkrys (missing themes)
    Hoscarconh (missing themes)
    Agard (Wheels)
    Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    19: 0.267 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  12. 9 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    Well... 8 clones and 1 very broken game.
    New Parents:
    Kong Ball (prototype) [kongball]
    New Clones:
    Aerolitos Espaciales [aerolitol]
    Goindol (Afega) [dolmenk]
    Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA [gtmr2u]
    mspacmane2 [mspacmane2]
    Pac-Man (Model Racing bootleg) [pacmanmr]
    Pleiads (GMP Games) [pleiadsgmp]
    Salamander (Tecfri license) [salamandt]
    Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen [shisen]
    Updated Roms:
    Match It [matchit]
    Brudibru made a full set of clone themes for the 0.267 update:
    I was very behind gathering the uploaded themes for the missing themes project and Brudibru collected everything since November! 
    Here is a massive Nov-June update of 158 themes!!!
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
    17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
    18: 0.266 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  13. 18 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Advisor (Italian bootleg of Space Fury) [spacfurybl]
    Double Dragon (Japan set 2) [ddragonja]
    Jumbo Godzilla [jumbogod]
    Medal Network: Rockman EXE [mnrockman]
    Power Ball (prototype) [pwball]
    New Clones:
    Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
    Bongo (Galaxian hardware) [bongog]
    Brick Blast (bootleg of Wall Crash) [brkblast]
    Frog (Hermatic, bootleg on Galaxian hardware from Electro Game) [froggeg]
    Video Hustler (bootleg, set 5) [hustlerb7]
    Jump Bug (bootleg, set 2) [jumpbugbrf]
    Super Galactic Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) [sgalwars]
    Superbike (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [superbikg]
    The Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 2) [theglobpa]
    Trojan (Romstar, set 2) [trojanra]
    Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 2) [zerotimeb]
    Updated Roms:
    Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
    Jackal (World, Rotary Joystick) [jackalr]
    Removed Roms:
    Double Dragon (Japan) [ddragon]
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    16: 0.265 Update
  14. I tested every single game listed as Bootable on XEMU compatibility github and here are the results:
    Unfortunately, bootable does not mean fully playable. Any glitches or slowdown in the game videos, is the actual emulated gameplay. I did my best to include all regions and prototype games I could find.
    Main Menu/Default (using Dabil theme) in Downloads Section
    Database: 1018 Games
    Wheels: 1045
    Boxart: 1044
  15. Xenia github compatibility list is crap to navigate so I got every XBLA game, launched each one and referenced the "Check Compatibility" option from Xenia help menu. I applied optimal settings according to github entries using Dime333 RL Module  
    I created a full version of the database with everything (I think?)
    The Xenia Canary database represents the 509 games I have tested as playable.
    Wheels - 677
    2D Boxart - 677 Created by Brudibru
    * There are complete Database/Wheel/Boxart for XBLA Kinect but its currently not emulated
    The ini file in the Rocketlauncher Module has the settings I used for every game.  I'm not sure if anyone can use the file "as is" but at the very least it's a good reference.
  16. I tested every single game listed as Playable on RPCS3 compatibility github and here are the results:
    Database: I found a few examples here, but I basically had to strip away most of the info and manually redo it.
    I created a full version of the database with everything (I think?)
    The RPCS3 database represents the 1442 games I have tested as playable.
    I'm sorry PS3 disc games and PSN are mixed.  At the time it made sense. I was going through the compatibility github alphabetically and it was a much easier solution. 
    Wheels - 2317
    3D Boxart - 2161 (I had help from Brudibru converting 2D boxes)
    RPCS3 Database (1442 selection) has complete Wheel/Boxart
    Main Menu (using Unknown50862 theme) in Downloads Section
    Default theme by me:

    Videos:  There were already most of PSN available.  I made around a hundred before the large PS3 (retail) video collection was uploaded to Emumovies.  I replaced everything I had with the Emumovies set.  I still had to provide around 250 videos to complete the RPCS3 playable set.
    Check out the video linked above.  I went through the entire wheel in 1 hour and 46 minutes.  After 30 minutes I really had to pee, so it was the most difficult video I ever made!
    I didn't really care for the standard PS3 Rocket Launcher Module.  I made an alternate with a renamed copy of the PCLauncer module.
    I used shortcuts created within RPCS3

    Then I loaded them into RocketLauncher (RPCS3 shortcuts provided the parameters)

    I set exit method: Alt+F4 
    It works for me and (I believe) its future proof because I never have to update module after emulator updates.
    I included the ini file with all the games loaded in.  Of course, it can only be used by someone else if:
    1. The emulator path is changed (easy bulk edit)
    2. The exact version of each game is used.
    That might not be easily achieved but perhaps someone can make use of it. 
  17. Xenia github compatibility list is crap to navigate so I got every Xbox 360 game launched each one and referenced the "Check Compatibility" option from Xenia help menu. I applied optimal settings according to github entries using Dime333 RL Module  
    I created a full version of the database with everything (I think?)
    The Xenia Canary database represents the 612 games (631 discs) I have tested as playable.
    Wheels - 1194
    3D/2D Boxart - 1194
    Video(PNG) - 1194
    In the above video I'm using a PS3 video for every cross-platform game (Emumovies). I ended up making about 200 videos myself to "complete" the set.
    Main Menu (using Unknown50862 theme) in Downloads Section
    Default theme by me:

    The ini file in the Rocketlauncher Module has the settings I used for every game.  I'm not sure if anyone can use the file "as is" but at the very least it's a good reference.
  18. 10 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
    Dead Eye (GV054 UAA01) [kdeadeye]
    Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (GQ673 JAA) [tmosh]
    New Clones:
    Bongo (set 2) [bongoa]
    Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan, prototype?) [etoa]
    Gorf (Spain, Irecsa license) [gorfirec]
    Super Ms. Pac-Man (turbo hack) [mspacmanhnc]
    Updated Roms:
    Galaxy Games StarPak 4 [galgame4]
    Last Fighting [lastfght]
    Ying Hua Lian 2.0 (China, Ver. 1.02) [saklove]
    Required CHD:
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  19. Vircon32 (32-bit virtual console) is a new game console, created from scratch. It is a 32-bit system created with the goal of being as simple as possible, but still having enough features to support full, elaborate games.
    I didn't make a bezel because the games run in 16:9.
    155 0
  20. 13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
    New Parents:
    Aladdin's Magic Lamp [alantin]
    Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 2) [mspactwina]
    Prize Zone Gold (USA, v2.01) [przonegd]
    Vampire (prototype?) [vampire]
    New Clones:
    Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 3) [bagmanm3]
    Bomberman (Version 6.6, Avraam bootleg) [bsebmanbl]
    Dribbling (Automave) [driblingam]
    Dark Seal (8-liner) [drkseal]
    Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs, newer)
    Diviertate Galaxia (Multivideo, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) [galaxiamv]
    Mr Pac-Turbo ('Made in Greece' Fermin bootleg) [mspacmanbgf]
    Rail Chase (Japan, Rev B [rchase]
    Run Run (Do! Run Run bootleg) [runrun]
    Removed Rom:
    Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 1) [mspacmanbgf]
    Required CHD:
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    14: 0.260 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  21. Required: MAME 0.258 or newer
    Watara TV-Link is not an independent system but an adapter for the Supervison to connect to a television.  It's a good idea in theory and (possibly?) beat the Nintendo Super Gameboy to market but it doesn't really "enhance" the Supervision gaming experience.
    Attempted enhancements include: removing LCD ghosting, increasing the resolution and size of the screen and adding color. That all sounds great but the "color" only being shades of blue makes the games very hard to see.  Emulation of the Supervision has already corrected ghosting and the ability to play on a larger screen.
    I do feel its justified to have this system since the color and resolution create a different experience (even though worse) it's still a somewhat significant piece of videogame history.
    84 0
  22. I'm calling this system Apple Macintosh Classic because its only Black and White games running in System 6.  This is based off the current MAME Software List (0.258) mac_floppy set.
    Its only scratching the surface of what Macintosh games/systems can be emulated but its small enough to collect as its own system.
    Running in RetroArch (MAME current core), I've had to make some customizations to the mac_floppy hash files and use HDD images to make some games bootable.
    I'm actually using the Macintosh Plus (not Macintosh Classic) because it was the only model to have (hash listed) compatibility for all games in SL set.
    Even though every game "boots" a small percentage do crash or not load completely.  I could probably correct this with alternate images or further customizing the hash files but for now I would rather wait for future MAME updates.  Every month has been focused on increasing Macintosh compatibility.
    Basic mouse controls are also mapped to a controller and work well enough, but this system will always require a mouse and keyboard for the vast majority of the games.
    191 1
  23. Here's the full package (Database, Theme, Wheels, Video) for Casio Loopy.  Now playable in MAME 0.260 (no audio).  I'm using the same Casio Loopy theme that's been around for many years (not sure who made it) I adjusted it for 16:9
    I captured new videos with MAME but there is no audio (I did add audio to Main Menu video)
    A bundle of NES games released in some models of LG Electronics TVs around 2008. Most games are actually bootleg versions of popular NES games, with lots of aesthetic changes (and gameplay changes in some cases). There is an exclusive game: Quick Brain.
    Games are played with the TV Remote and the controls seem a bit sluggish but to be fair, I'm sure it was on the original remote.
    I've split up the multigame using duplicate roms and autoload save states.  The select button has been disabled on each individual game so the main menu can't be accessed but the full compilation version is still accessible for the "authentic" experience.
    An interesting obscure system but not the most justified to include since better versions of every game are on the NES.
    30 0
  25. New Parents:
    Demon's World / Horror Story (set 6) [demonwld5]
    Match'em Up [matchem]
    MegaTouch XL Super 5000 [mtchxl5k]
    Solitaire (version 2.5) [solitaire]
    Tournament Solitaire (V1.04, 06/22/95) [toursol1]
    New Clones:
    Geo Storm (Japan, 026 custom sound CPU) [geostorma]
    Gorf (program 1, with French Language ROM) [gorfpgm1f]
    Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991, protected) [tdragon1]
    Updated Roms:
    Double Dealer [ddealer]
    Hacha Mecha Fighter [hachamf]
    Pack'n Bang Bang [packbang]
    Saboten Bombers (set 1) [sabotenb]
    Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) [demonwld]
    Thank-you to all August Update Contributors:
    MAME Project Uploads:
    01: MAME Project Upload
    02: 0.250 Update
    03: Clone Media Update
    04: 0.251 Update
    05: January Mame Media Update
    06: 0.252 Update
    07: 0.253 Update
    08: 0.254 Update
    09: 0.255 Update
    10: 0.256 Update
    11 : 0.257 Update
    12: 0.258 Update
    13: 0.259 Update
    Missing themes project:
    THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
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