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  1. Amazing work, looking forward to integrating this with my mega drive theme! Always wanted to work on this but didn't find the time, great job!
  2. Still not working in what's new for me, the link above worked though. What is added to this xml from the standard one? Be aware genre data for this xml is out of date see below thread for details.
  3. No xml just logo it seems...
  4. Ok no problem just taking a look now, I should be able to rename these to conform with the xml if I get some time this week. If so I can re upload here if your cool with that.
  5. I think he is asking if the files are named to the usa convention or pal so as to know for what xml it will work with? I'm downloading now I can take a look. I've taken a run at converting PAL cart art I found to suit the default USA xml, it required a lot of renaming due to game titles being named differently in PAL regions. Take a look here for more info. As I said i've tackled this before so I may be able to take a run at it if it requires renaming. I'll also take a look at the theme I linked to ensure it's compatible with my theme or if I need to make some adjustments (so the video lines up etc) As i'm very interested in making this pack work with my PAL theme to complete the entire PAL conversion Great work by the way.
  6. Hmm i'll take a look today when I have the opportunity. I don't recall resizing them but this was a while ago so maybe I did and forgot. Either way I'll take a look and let you know the size I have. I know kondorito has added the source files to that pack for download so check to make sure you haven't downloaded those by mistake. edit - Ok I checked and my boxes are 462 * 380 sorry I probably forgot to mention resizing them.
  7. No... Thank You! You are doing great work with those videos. I've been holding off while I chipped away at my Arcade genre stuff, but now that that's (sort of) done I'll be delving into hypermarque and customised fades etc. from what I've seen so far your videos will be a huge help for that. I've been at this for a few years now but I've already learnt a number of things I had no idea were even possible from just a few of your tutorials.
  8. I am happy to share, the only thing is my xmls exclude a few different control schemes. For example my run n gun xml is missing a handful of titles that use spinners, or smash tv that uses dual joysticks for example. Also I'm still running off .189 at this stage. Your best bet will be to use a program like romlister to pair down and create your own custom genres, though it is a bit of a learning curve and process. I'm happy to share at least what I have which are non standard genres though, just be aware they are not necessarily 100 percent correct or suitable to what you might want. Which ones in particular are you after? In some cases I've split or renamed existing genres. I'll add some resources to the bottom of this upload tomorrow in regards to an xml pack around here that is available that has most of these genres for standard setups also you can use it to pair down your stuff pretty easily with dons hypertools in regards to two player lists etc. EDIT - I've added those links, when I get some time later I'll add some of my custom genre xmls in the link for people to reference from
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Ok guys been working on this for a while, thought I would put out the 1.0 while I've got the chance... ...Presenting genre backgrounds and wheels for MAME/Arcade! Here is a collection of wheels and backgrounds in the style of my SNES and Mega Drive/Genesis packs. Unlike those packs, there are no included xmls with this pack as I have spent hours hand sorting my genres in a specific and unique way that will not match the average user 1 to 1. Unfortunately what this means is you are going to have to get your hands a bit dirty this time to make this pack work for you, the backgrounds and wheels are provided and organised, but you are going to need to do some renaming in order to suite the images to your xml files. Also you may find there are certain publisher or specific genre wheels that don't have included backgrounds or wheels here. The good news is there is a large selection to find something appropriate to complete your own setup, there are multiple images for just about every genre and I HEAVILY ENCOURAGE you to go through and rename the images you like, rather than the defaults I have selected. If your not sure what is involved in setting this up check out @ninja2bceen 's excellent tutorial video on genres. I take no credit for any of the background images, i've merely edited existing images that are out there to suit. I have created a few of the wheels from scratch, and given some existing ones a face-lift. There's a fair few hours of work here and I hope it shows. When I have some time there is a chance I will come back to this to increase it's scope and rename the images to match the standard naming conventions so it can be a little bit more plug and play. As usual i've included the default image for the border so as people can create their own backgrounds. I've also included my genre.xml which is unlikely to suit you directly but might help as a starting point. If anything seems incorrect, or you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. Enjoy! A few resources: Check this thread for links to phulsofs xml packs. --------------------------------------------------- Check this great tutorial for using Romlister to create your own genres: https://forums.libretro.com/t/howto-generate-pretty-curated-mame-playlists-the-easy-ish-way/5529 --------------------------------------------------- Here is @SupraKarma's Mame pack, it contains wheels for all occasions and was the base for this pack, anything not included here you should find there. Also check here for the 'Base pack' It may be more recent and complete I'm not sure. --------------------------------------------------- Here are my other genre packs for SNES and Mega drive/Genesis
  10. Version 1.0.0


    The wheel sounds packs I've found for various systems were much too quiet compared to the base sound pack. I've gone through and normalised them to increase decibels, while also reduced the default pack which I found comes in like a wrecking ball. Most of these packs I found on the ftp and were not available on the site anywhere when I looked a while ago, though that might have changed over time. The Playstation and Master System packs have been put together by me but I can't take credit for anything else aside from adjusting the decibels, there is a chance I hand edited a few of the other packs to remove some of the more annoying or less impactful sounds files. I've also included the default wheel click with reduced decibels in case anyone prefers it. Let me know if you think anything doesn't seem right. Enjoy! Here is another great tutorial from @ninja2bceen if you need some help installing these.
  11. Yeh I tried it out a few weeks ago, seems like the video snap the colours are all crazy and out of whack though. I'm guessing maybe it originally had a bad dump and it's been improved in recent versions? Either that or maybe the video is from a different level or something.
  12. Thank you! Don't know what's up with the video snap for this game though!
  13. Had a bit of trouble finding this through search. Not sure if I can add tags to a comment but here's some text in case it comes up in the search. Secret Agent secretag 4:3
  14. Many of these are marked 4:3 but are actually 16:9 ? At any rate thanks for filling the gaps, i've just been deleting the video.png and correcting the video aspect, good enough for now. divebomb.zip
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