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Everything posted by thomas3120

  1. This is the New TV I'm thinking of getting, should be really good for gaming: It's a 55incher. Almost would like one just a little bit smaller.. https://a.co/d/96IQl0Y Will Add a few more Pics later.
  2. Hello, Thought I'd share My recent updates to my arcade cabinet which I first built in 2002. *Below I have my new Hardware I just got and specs. This was How it looked for a good while: Recently decided to cut off the Monitor/marquee section. So basically have now the Control panel and the base of the CP that still has coin mech etc... Not sure what it's called like this CP with stand or base?.. Here is the New Hardware that I recently bought: -Asus Z790 Plus with BT and Wifi (up to gen 14 cpu) -Noctua CPU heatsink with dual 120mm fans (really love this cooler!) -Corsair DDR5 32Gb dual channel -CPU is Intel i7 13700K -Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 Ti Graphics card -Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus Sound Card -Corsair RM1000x Power Supply -WD Black Edition(gaming) 6Tb HDD for all games Emu's HS and RL Crucial 2Tb SSD for Windows 11 (OS drive) Corsair 4Tb SSD 'Working' Drive For use for RomVault and Rom work, Media renaming, etc...
  3. Hello, Wondering if anyone here uses or has suggestions for a stereo power amplifier like ones found in automobiles but instead of 12VDC input voltage would be your typical household mains voltage of 110VAC. I don't have room for the home receiver amplifier ones. It could be 2 channel x100watts or total of 200-300watt.
  4. Hello, Was thinking of adding removable "wings" on either side of my 2 player control panel. This is for a 3rd and 4th player. Was wondering: -How many buttons do I need for 4 player games total? -How many buttons would I need for rotary games like Ike Ikari Warriors. (3rd and 4th player joysticks will be rotary ones). T
  5. Thanks very much! Will try it now.
  6. Hello, Was previously running MAME v0.191 in RL. Recently upgraded my MAME to version 0.261. RL worked fine when launching my old MAME in RLui but now, with new version 0.261, I get this error: "Error: Unknown option: -nouse_bezels" In RL I: -On global emulators I switched to the new MAME .exe path -Under MAME system under emulator, I deleted old Rom path and set the new Rom path. Any help much appreciated.
  7. Thanks gigapig, Yeah searching around that seems to be what's happening. So I ordered a 6Tb WD black mechanical HDD. But also a 4Tb SSD for a 'working' drive for when I use Romcenter to update my name roms or using a rom renamer, etc... Thinking hopefully in next few years the Tb"s of SSDs will go up and shouldn't be too expensive. Btw, how's rfancella doing? He helped me a great deal when I first started using HS back in 2013ish?
  8. Not yet. My hyperspin drive is acting up. Looking for a 5 to 6Tb SSD drive to transfer all my data to. My old drive is a 4Tb mechanical HDD. Are there any good 5Tb or 6Tb SSD drives out there(new)? After I get it done I'll try again with winuae. Thanks gigapig
  9. Hello, rfancella years ago walked me through setting up winuae (huge help! thanks to rfancella). So the emulator launches games fine, I go into the game port part in winuae and (I-pac4) controls using F12 in game and I believe it's in Config tab I save the config file and exit the properties window (but not game or emulator). The game plays great and mouse work. When I exit emulator or when I hit ESC in RL and select another game and launch it, the controls seem to go back to their default settings (I believe). For the life of me I can't remember what I'm missing and in rfancella's tutorial I don't recall seeing something about this (I could be mistaken). And the fact I turned a 1/2 century old in october doesn't help much t
  10. I use Spectaculator also. It's been a while but if there's a control settings file, I can post it here. I'll open it now and see if I recall and I'll post back. *Ok I just noticed the date of this post...do you still need to know?
  11. Hello, Working on my Amiga games by putting multiple disk parts in on zip file. Something like this: Lords of the Realm_Disk1 Lightforce_Disk1 Lemmings 2 - The Tribes_Disk1 . . I want to remove "_Disk1" from a big batch of zip files Is there a way to do this easily? (right now doing one at a time..) t
  12. Commodore Amiga - WHDLoad - Games (16-10-2023).datWondering if there's a good DAT to XML converter out there. I have an Amiga DAT file and want to generate an XML game list...if that's possible. Or if someone has a updated Amiga WHD game/rom XML file I can download. t
  13. ironic because I read a post @ RL forums about how RL isn't being updated by creators and has one person trying to keep it going. And not being open source that person is limited on a lot on what they can do. I get an error at start up of RL looking for an index file and the update function doesn't even connect. I really Love Hyperspin and how people like yourself are always creating great artwork/media, etc.. and the whole wheel menu and sub menus is just genius. I also do like using RL I may try a few things in RL, like making additional Atomulator emulators under Atomulator 'Emulator' tab to handle other file types (disk, tape..) Thanks and appreciate what you guys do!
  14. Lol , is bad between HS & RL?
  15. Wondering if there's a guide on getting the Atomulator emulator for the Acorn Atom working in Rocketlauncher. Also the Module I have says it needs to be fixed by renaming the 'Send' function to 'SendCommand()' Also can't remember how to run the games that have no extension (did have it working before just can't recall) Below is the AHK module for Atomulator: MEmu := "Atomulator" MEmuV := "v1.13" MURL := ["http://acornatom.co.uk/"] MAuthor := ["Xttx"] MVersion := "1.0" MCRC := "EDB12D49" iCRC := "D5D08A2D" MID := "635737244662418638" MSystem := ["Acorn Atom"] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notes: ; The module needs to be rewritten to use SendCommand() instead of Send ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() BlockInput, On ; It appears that your Front End and xpadder needs to be ran as administrator for this command to function. BlockUserInputTime = 3000 ; default for all systems hideEmuObj := Object("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini" ; General Settings Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ; Rom Settings FileName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FileName",A_Space,,1) LoadMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "LoadMethod",A_Space,,1) ; Emu config settings cfgFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\atom.cfg","Cannot find " . emuPath . "\atom.cfg. Please run the emulator manually first so it is created.") cfgArray := LoadProperties(cfgFile) WriteProperty(cfgArray, "bbcbasic", "0", 1) If romExtension Contains .40t,.dsk,.ssd,.dsd,.fdi { WriteProperty(cfgArray, "disc0", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, 1) WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_enable", "0", 1) WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_jumpers", "4", 1) } Else If romExtension Contains .uef,.csw { WriteProperty(cfgArray, "disc1", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, 1) } Else { WriteProperty(cfgArray, "mmc_path", romPath, 1) WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_enable", "1", 1) WriteProperty(cfgArray, "ramrom_jumpers", "4", 1) } SaveProperties(cfgFile,cfgArray) BezelStart() HideEmuStart() Run(executable, emuPath) WinWait("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp") WinWaitActive("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp") BezelDraw() Sleep 100 SetKeyDelay(50, 150) If (FileName && romExtension Contains .40t,.dsk,.ssd,.dsd,.fdi) { Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up} Send dos Send {Enter} Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up} Send %FileName% Send {Enter} } Else ; Else If romExtension Contains .uef,.csw { If (romExtension = ".") { romNameWithExtension := romName } Else { romNameWithExtension := romName . romExtension } StringLower, romName_lower, romNameWithExtension If (LoadMethod = "gamename") { Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up} Send %romName_lower% Send {Enter} } Else If (LoadMethod = "run") { Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up} Send run Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send %romName_lower% Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send {Enter} Send run Send {Enter} } Else If (LoadMethod = "load") { Send load Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send %romName_lower% Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send {Enter} Sleep 100 Send run Send {Enter} } Else { Send {LShift Down}{sc028}{LShift Up} Send load Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send %romName_lower% Send {LShift Down}{2}{LShift Up} Send {Enter} Sleep 100 Send run Send {Enter} } } HideEmuEnd() ; Set fullscreen If needed If (Fullscreen = "true") WinMenuSelectItem, Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp,, Settings, Video, Fullscreen Sleep, BlockUserInputTime BlockInput, OFF BezelDraw() FadeInExit() Process("WaitClose",executable) 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() WinClose("Atomulator ahk_class WindowsApp") Return
  16. thomas3120


    test sig size
  17. How much do you charge for designing a marquee. I have a bit here that I started but I'm terrible at vectorizing. Or if anything vectorizing the "Arcade Time Machine" BTTF art.
  18. Hi Brad, I'm looking to having a Marquee made for my arcade cab. Sent you an email. Thomas
  19. Still using Hyperspin w/hyperlaunch and hyperlaunchHQ. With this new install, there is no more hyperlaunch folder (with hyperlaunch-3 and contents) inside hyperspin folder? t
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