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Everything posted by KlopjerO

  1. Microsoft MS-DOS - Blake Stone - Aliens of Gold (1993) View File Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is a first-person shooter computer game created by JAM Productions and published by Apogee Software. It uses the Wolfenstein 3D game engine to render graphics in first person, while adding many features, such as floor and ceiling textures. The shareware version of the game was released December 3, 1993. The registered version of Blake Stone shipped with a comic book, called "Blake Stone Adventure". id Software released Doom one week after Apogee released Blake Stone.[1] Doom quickly eclipsed Blake Stone, which sold poorly after initial success.[1] In 1994, a sequel called Blake Stone: Planet Strike was released, which continues where Aliens of Gold leaves off. Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/29/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is a first-person shooter computer game created by JAM Productions and published by Apogee Software. It uses the Wolfenstein 3D game engine to render graphics in first person, while adding many features, such as floor and ceiling textures. The shareware version of the game was released December 3, 1993. The registered version of Blake Stone shipped with a comic book, called "Blake Stone Adventure". id Software released Doom one week after Apogee released Blake Stone.[1] Doom quickly eclipsed Blake Stone, which sold poorly after initial success.[1] In 1994, a sequel called Blake Stone: Planet Strike was released, which continues where Aliens of Gold leaves off.
  3. Dude I missed that topic. I'm sorry
  4. Where are the tingle games? You added hyrule warriors.. tingle deserves it
  5. It's my way I suppose. I get caught up and obsess. Get frustrated and move on to something else;)
  6. Sharp X68000 - Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)-klopjero(20170417) View File Castlevania Chronicles, released in Japan as Castlevania Chronicle: Akumajō Dracula (悪魔城年代記キャッスルヴァニアクロニクル 悪魔城ドラキュラ Kyassuruvania Kuronikuru Akumajō Dorakyura?), is a platform video game developed by Konami for the PlayStation.[1] It is a port of a game originally released for the Sharp X68000 home computer in 1993 as simply Akumajō Dracula (悪魔城ドラキュラ Akumajō Dorakyura?, "Devil's Castle Dracula").[2] This Castlevania Chronicles port adds a number of features, including an Arranged Mode for new players.[3][4] Much like Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania Chronicles is positioned as a remake of the original Castlevania for the Nintendo Entertainment System, where the vampire hunter Simon Belmont must defeat Dracula and save Transylvania. It was made available for download via the PlayStation Network as a PSone Classic on December 18, 2008. Comparison of Castlevania Chonicles and akumajou dracula for x68000 written up by Ray hardgrit Akumajō Dracula (X68000) Another Castlevania game with the Japanese title Akumajou Dracula, retelling the story of Simon Belmont's epic struggle through Castlevania 1. So that's... five of them now, right? For years this was only available in Japan for the Sharp X68000 computer, but it finally got a western release in 2001 on the PlayStation, under the name Castlevania Chronicles. Team Evil conspire to resurrect their dark lord, Dracula. And apparently succeed. Fortunately Simon Belmont is onto their sinister scheme, and heads inside Dracula's castle to put him right back into his coffin. Again. Though this is definitely the most dramatic of the 'Simon stands in front of a castle' prologues. Instead of the castle being a sinister silhouette in the distance, this time it towers over our hero. Simon doesn't care though, he just whips his Vampire Killer whip and strolls instead. Count Dracula's front garden seems more colourful than last time I was here. But otherwise this seems just how it was in Castlevania 1. It's even playing Vampire Killer, the stage one music from the NES game. Castlevania (NES) There's the nasty looking trees, the statue, the fence along the back and the fires I smash open to get heart ammo for my sub-weapons. Even the HUD is the same. Hey, it's these guys again, racing to die by a single crack of my whip. Castlevania (NES) You know, of all the retellings of Castlevania I've played so far, this is definitely the closest to the original. Annoyingly Simon is also glued back to stairs again. In Super Castlevania IV I could hop on to stairs, and drop down from them, but in this I'm locked onto them until I reach the top or bottom. And he walks up them painfully slowly. He doesn't have Super Castlevania IV's awesome multi-directional whip attack either. Plus he can't walk while crouching. He CAN move in the air while jumping though, which seems a weird thing to change if you're keeping everything else the same, but I'm definitely not complaining. Castlevania Chronicles (PSX) The PlayStation version of the game is pretty much identical as far as I can tell. But it does come with 'Arrange Mode', which changes the graphics a bit, adds some effects like glowing candles, and swaps out the music with a new soundtrack. Weirdly it also changes Simon's hair pink, and to be honest I don't think it suits him. The Evolution of Simon I think that's all the Simon Belmonts now, including blue haired Giant Simon from the first arcade game. I think this game might actually have the most authentic looking Simon out of all of them, assuming the box art to the first game is what he's supposed to look like. Whoa, I don't remember seeing that in the NES version. Castlevania (NES) One good thing about this being a remake, is that I already know where some of the health pickups will be hidden. Well, the wall broke... but there's nothing in here. That's pretty cruel of them I reckon. OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK! I've opened the floodgates and now infinite hunchbacks are pouring in. SOON. Well the good news is that I've found where Dracula hid his lunch. The bad news is that if I stop whipping and go to grab it I'll be swarmed by enemies. Aw fuck it, I'm grabbing the meal and making a run for the stairs. Oh, it's this guy again. Fortunately I remembered to bring along plenty of axes. Castlevania (NES) If I remember right, the strategy for this guy is to grab the 'II' power up from this brick, then use it to throw two axes at a time up at him. Oh crap, the first hit turned him into a homing swarm of bats. It seems that I have to wait for the swarm to dive at me, then run out of the way. The new improved bat boss wasn't so bad. Huh, didn't the map used to go up at this point? Castlevania (NES) It seems like I'm going through an entirely different route from now on. I guess they got bored with remaking Castlevania. Castlevania Chronicles (PSX) The Castlevania Chronicles Arrange Mode version of of the map has been totally redrawn for whatever reason. Personally I through it looked fine the first time, but this is good too. I have no idea why they thought that making me slowly hack through walls of slime would be a good idea. Hitting things is often fun, but not when I have to slowly chip away at series of walls for no reason. Hey, the water didn't instantly kill him, that's always g.... oh SHIT there's an enemy behind me! These games have been pretty good so far with making enemies stand out, but these guys always look like they're in the background to me. It doesn't help that they often are in the background, flying past. Hey these two areas kind of look the same... nah I'm stretching. Except for the raft and the water this is pretty much a completely different area to anything in the NES game. Though ducking is still recommended. SOON. Well... fuck. This raft used to be much bigger than this, but water is flooding this cavern and as the raft goes up, it hits pieces of the background and splits apart. And tilts. And these mermen keep jumping up and spitting fireballs at me, which will be an instant kill at this point seeing as I've got nowhere to land but water if I'm hit. And if I get killed I'll be put back all the way at bottom again. Oh shit oh shit, what just happened? I think my raft got stuck on something so I have to jump up and reach the next one. This wouldn't even be a problem if Simon would just learn to swim. Oh shit, now I have to fight a boss? This game is an asshole! I bet if this guy kills me I'm going to be put back all the way down at the bottom again, though I'm not keen to test that theory. Because I got killed earlier I'm back to using the crappy non-upgraded starting whip, so this may take a while. Stage 7! Though it feels more like I should be up to stage 15 by now. These bug things are really starting to annoy be because of how long they take to kill. Plus every time I wander too close to a tree I get attacked by one of those tree monsters I haven't seen since Haunted Castle. But damn those are some nice looking trees. Sorry Super Castlevania IV, you look pretty good but right now this game looks better. What the FUCK? The birds have teamed up with the hunchbacks! Castlevania (NES) To be fair this bit actually is in the original Castlevania game. Actually there's nothing fair about this! Hunchbacks and birds teaming up... they're bad enough separately. I ran away from the hunchbacks, but I didn't get far. I got swarmed by evil droplets of water. Not really much of a heroic death for poor Simon. I'll continue and try to give him a better one. That's pretty cool, how the arrows stick in him. Though they're big enough to be javelins really. I made it out of that second with pretty much zero health, I did terrible. But I did manage to grab this strange plant sub-weapon. Which actually turned out to be a healing item. This thing uses up hearts to give me back health. Which means I actually have a chance of getting somewhere now. I'm pretty sure this thing wasn't in the original Castlevania. In fact I don't think any of this was, we're back in uncharted territory. Like all the other retellings of Simon's fight with Dracula, this is pretty much it's own game. Stage 9 is a slippery slidey ice stage. Great. I was stuck for a while trying to figure out how to get through this wall, but it seems that the game got bored waiting for me to try attacking the floor instead, and smashed it for me. Hey, I recognise that guy! Oh shit shit shit, no! I just collected a bloody dagger sub-weapon by accident. Now I've lost my ultra rare healing plant. LATER. It turns out it probably didn't matter what I had equipped, because this guy seems to be knocking the power ups right out of me. No, don't bring the monster out! Come back and give me something I can hit you son of a bitch. I don't have time to fuck around here. I really don't! I have 12 seconds left to finish this fight, and it's all being wasted because this guy keeps sending this creature out to fight for him. The time counter reaches 000 and Simon keels over. I could have won that battle too. BACK AT THE START OF THE STAGE. Oh crap! I didn't realise this pillar moved up so fast. I was lucky first time around and jumped off immediately. This time though it's an instant kill. Back to the start. It's kinda hard to jump over a pit on a slidey ice stage when the floor slopes towards it. I guess I must have been lucky first time I managed this too. And then Simon Belmont joins the other falling heroes decorating the level because there's no way I'm going to continue from all the way back at stage 7... with those bloody hunchbacks and birds. The game has infinite continues and uses saves instead of passwords, so it's probably on the right side of winnable. But it feels like a step backwards after Super Castlevania IV... backwards into an insta-kill pit. The gameplay is solid, and it's not as ridiculously challenging as Haunted Castle (yet), but really don't want to go back and try all that again. So it doesn't get a gold star. Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/17/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Castlevania Chronicles, released in Japan as Castlevania Chronicle: Akumajō Dracula (悪魔城年代記キャッスルヴァニアクロニクル 悪魔城ドラキュラ Kyassuruvania Kuronikuru Akumajō Dorakyura?), is a platform video game developed by Konami for the PlayStation.[1] It is a port of a game originally released for the Sharp X68000 home computer in 1993 as simply Akumajō Dracula (悪魔城ドラキュラ Akumajō Dorakyura?, "Devil's Castle Dracula").[2] This Castlevania Chronicles port adds a number of features, including an Arranged Mode for new players.[3][4] Much like Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania Chronicles is positioned as a remake of the original Castlevania for the Nintendo Entertainment System, where the vampire hunter Simon Belmont must defeat Dracula and save Transylvania. It was made available for download via the PlayStation Network as a PSone Classic on December 18, 2008. Comparison of Castlevania Chonicles and akumajou dracula for x68000 written up by Ray hardgrit Akumajō Dracula (X68000) Another Castlevania game with the Japanese title Akumajou Dracula, retelling the story of Simon Belmont's epic struggle through Castlevania 1. So that's... five of them now, right? For years this was only available in Japan for the Sharp X68000 computer, but it finally got a western release in 2001 on the PlayStation, under the name Castlevania Chronicles. Team Evil conspire to resurrect their dark lord, Dracula. And apparently succeed. Fortunately Simon Belmont is onto their sinister scheme, and heads inside Dracula's castle to put him right back into his coffin. Again. Though this is definitely the most dramatic of the 'Simon stands in front of a castle' prologues. Instead of the castle being a sinister silhouette in the distance, this time it towers over our hero. Simon doesn't care though, he just whips his Vampire Killer whip and strolls instead. Count Dracula's front garden seems more colourful than last time I was here. But otherwise this seems just how it was in Castlevania 1. It's even playing Vampire Killer, the stage one music from the NES game. Castlevania (NES) There's the nasty looking trees, the statue, the fence along the back and the fires I smash open to get heart ammo for my sub-weapons. Even the HUD is the same. Hey, it's these guys again, racing to die by a single crack of my whip. Castlevania (NES) You know, of all the retellings of Castlevania I've played so far, this is definitely the closest to the original. Annoyingly Simon is also glued back to stairs again. In Super Castlevania IV I could hop on to stairs, and drop down from them, but in this I'm locked onto them until I reach the top or bottom. And he walks up them painfully slowly. He doesn't have Super Castlevania IV's awesome multi-directional whip attack either. Plus he can't walk while crouching. He CAN move in the air while jumping though, which seems a weird thing to change if you're keeping everything else the same, but I'm definitely not complaining. Castlevania Chronicles (PSX) The PlayStation version of the game is pretty much identical as far as I can tell. But it does come with 'Arrange Mode', which changes the graphics a bit, adds some effects like glowing candles, and swaps out the music with a new soundtrack. Weirdly it also changes Simon's hair pink, and to be honest I don't think it suits him. The Evolution of Simon I think that's all the Simon Belmonts now, including blue haired Giant Simon from the first arcade game. I think this game might actually have the most authentic looking Simon out of all of them, assuming the box art to the first game is what he's supposed to look like. Whoa, I don't remember seeing that in the NES version. Castlevania (NES) One good thing about this being a remake, is that I already know where some of the health pickups will be hidden. Well, the wall broke... but there's nothing in here. That's pretty cruel of them I reckon. OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK! I've opened the floodgates and now infinite hunchbacks are pouring in. SOON. Well the good news is that I've found where Dracula hid his lunch. The bad news is that if I stop whipping and go to grab it I'll be swarmed by enemies. Aw fuck it, I'm grabbing the meal and making a run for the stairs. Oh, it's this guy again. Fortunately I remembered to bring along plenty of axes. Castlevania (NES) If I remember right, the strategy for this guy is to grab the 'II' power up from this brick, then use it to throw two axes at a time up at him. Oh crap, the first hit turned him into a homing swarm of bats. It seems that I have to wait for the swarm to dive at me, then run out of the way. The new improved bat boss wasn't so bad. Huh, didn't the map used to go up at this point? Castlevania (NES) It seems like I'm going through an entirely different route from now on. I guess they got bored with remaking Castlevania. Castlevania Chronicles (PSX) The Castlevania Chronicles Arrange Mode version of of the map has been totally redrawn for whatever reason. Personally I through it looked fine the first time, but this is good too. I have no idea why they thought that making me slowly hack through walls of slime would be a good idea. Hitting things is often fun, but not when I have to slowly chip away at series of walls for no reason. Hey, the water didn't instantly kill him, that's always g.... oh SHIT there's an enemy behind me! These games have been pretty good so far with making enemies stand out, but these guys always look like they're in the background to me. It doesn't help that they often are in the background, flying past. Hey these two areas kind of look the same... nah I'm stretching. Except for the raft and the water this is pretty much a completely different area to anything in the NES game. Though ducking is still recommended. SOON. Well... fuck. This raft used to be much bigger than this, but water is flooding this cavern and as the raft goes up, it hits pieces of the background and splits apart. And tilts. And these mermen keep jumping up and spitting fireballs at me, which will be an instant kill at this point seeing as I've got nowhere to land but water if I'm hit. And if I get killed I'll be put back all the way at bottom again. Oh shit oh shit, what just happened? I think my raft got stuck on something so I have to jump up and reach the next one. This wouldn't even be a problem if Simon would just learn to swim. Oh shit, now I have to fight a boss? This game is an asshole! I bet if this guy kills me I'm going to be put back all the way down at the bottom again, though I'm not keen to test that theory. Because I got killed earlier I'm back to using the crappy non-upgraded starting whip, so this may take a while. Stage 7! Though it feels more like I should be up to stage 15 by now. These bug things are really starting to annoy be because of how long they take to kill. Plus every time I wander too close to a tree I get attacked by one of those tree monsters I haven't seen since Haunted Castle. But damn those are some nice looking trees. Sorry Super Castlevania IV, you look pretty good but right now this game looks better. What the FUCK? The birds have teamed up with the hunchbacks! Castlevania (NES) To be fair this bit actually is in the original Castlevania game. Actually there's nothing fair about this! Hunchbacks and birds teaming up... they're bad enough separately. I ran away from the hunchbacks, but I didn't get far. I got swarmed by evil droplets of water. Not really much of a heroic death for poor Simon. I'll continue and try to give him a better one. That's pretty cool, how the arrows stick in him. Though they're big enough to be javelins really. I made it out of that second with pretty much zero health, I did terrible. But I did manage to grab this strange plant sub-weapon. Which actually turned out to be a healing item. This thing uses up hearts to give me back health. Which means I actually have a chance of getting somewhere now. I'm pretty sure this thing wasn't in the original Castlevania. In fact I don't think any of this was, we're back in uncharted territory. Like all the other retellings of Simon's fight with Dracula, this is pretty much it's own game. Stage 9 is a slippery slidey ice stage. Great. I was stuck for a while trying to figure out how to get through this wall, but it seems that the game got bored waiting for me to try attacking the floor instead, and smashed it for me. Hey, I recognise that guy! Oh shit shit shit, no! I just collected a bloody dagger sub-weapon by accident. Now I've lost my ultra rare healing plant. LATER. It turns out it probably didn't matter what I had equipped, because this guy seems to be knocking the power ups right out of me. No, don't bring the monster out! Come back and give me something I can hit you son of a bitch. I don't have time to fuck around here. I really don't! I have 12 seconds left to finish this fight, and it's all being wasted because this guy keeps sending this creature out to fight for him. The time counter reaches 000 and Simon keels over. I could have won that battle too. BACK AT THE START OF THE STAGE. Oh crap! I didn't realise this pillar moved up so fast. I was lucky first time around and jumped off immediately. This time though it's an instant kill. Back to the start. It's kinda hard to jump over a pit on a slidey ice stage when the floor slopes towards it. I guess I must have been lucky first time I managed this too. And then Simon Belmont joins the other falling heroes decorating the level because there's no way I'm going to continue from all the way back at stage 7... with those bloody hunchbacks and birds. The game has infinite continues and uses saves instead of passwords, so it's probably on the right side of winnable. But it feels like a step backwards after Super Castlevania IV... backwards into an insta-kill pit. The gameplay is solid, and it's not as ridiculously challenging as Haunted Castle (yet), but really don't want to go back and try all that again. So it doesn't get a gold star.
  8. Nintendo Sufami Turbo - Jumpman311 View File Original post by @Jumpman311 Files were parked on FTP. I thought I post them here.. Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/10/2017 Category Main Menu Themes HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Original post by @Jumpman311 Files were parked on FTP. I thought I post them here..
  10. The Wolf Among Us View File Theme by @Bungles The Wolf Among Us is an episodic interactive fantasy mystery graphic adventure video game based on Bill Willingham's Fables comic book series.[12] It is developed by Telltale Games. It is canon with the comic book universe and is set as a prequel to the comic book.[13] The game consists of five episodes,[14] with the first episode being released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 worldwide on October 11, 2013,[5] for OS X worldwide on October 14, 2013,[4] for PlayStation 3 on October 15, 2013, in North America[5] and on October 16, 2013, in Europe and Australia,[6] for iOS worldwide on December 4, 2013,[7] and PlayStation Vita before the end of 2014.[15] Retail versions for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles were released in November 2014.[16] <game name="The Wolf Among Us" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Wolf Among Us</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles The Wolf Among Us is an episodic interactive fantasy mystery graphic adventure video game based on Bill Willingham's Fables comic book series.[12] It is developed by Telltale Games. It is canon with the comic book universe and is set as a prequel to the comic book.[13] The game consists of five episodes,[14] with the first episode being released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 worldwide on October 11, 2013,[5] for OS X worldwide on October 14, 2013,[4] for PlayStation 3 on October 15, 2013, in North America[5] and on October 16, 2013, in Europe and Australia,[6] for iOS worldwide on December 4, 2013,[7] and PlayStation Vita before the end of 2014.[15] Retail versions for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles were released in November 2014.[16] <game name="The Wolf Among Us" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Wolf Among Us</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  12. The Walking Dead - Season 2 View File Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead: Season Two is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure game based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead, with the episodes released between December 2013 and August 2014, and a retail collector's disc edition planned at the conclusion of the season.[14][15][16] The game employs the same narrative structure as the first season, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first season and the additional episode 400 Days carry over into the second season.[17]Clementine, who was the player's companion during the first season, is the player-character in Season Two.[18] A third season, a full sequel to Season Two, titled The Walking Dead: A New Frontier was released on December <game name="The Walking Dead - Season 2" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Season 2</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead: Season Two is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure game based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead, with the episodes released between December 2013 and August 2014, and a retail collector's disc edition planned at the conclusion of the season.[14][15][16] The game employs the same narrative structure as the first season, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first season and the additional episode 400 Days carry over into the second season.[17]Clementine, who was the player's companion during the first season, is the player-character in Season Two.[18] A third season, a full sequel to Season Two, titled The Walking Dead: A New Frontier was released on December <game name="The Walking Dead - Season 2" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Season 2</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  14. The Walking Dead - Season 1 View File Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game[5] and The Walking Dead: Season One[6]) is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure survival horror video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series, the game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. It is available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game is the first of The Walking Dead video game series published by Telltale. The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with events occurring shortly after the onset of the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. However, most of the characters are original to the game, which centers on university professor and convicted criminal Lee Everett, who helps to rescue and subsequently care for a young girl named Clementine. Kirkman provided oversight for the game's story to ensure it corresponded to the tone of the comic, but allowed Telltale to handle the bulk of the developmental work and story specifics. Some characters from the original comic book series also make in-game appearances. Unlike many graphic adventure games, The Walking Dead does not emphasize puzzle solving, but instead focuses on story and character development. The story is affected by both the dialogue choices of the player and their actions during quick time events, which can often lead to, for example, certain characters being killed, or an adverse change in the disposition of a certain character or characters towards Lee. The choices made by the player carry over from episode to episode. Choices were tracked by Telltale, and used to influence their writing in later episodes. The Walking Dead has been critically acclaimed, with reviewers praising the harsh emotional tone of the story and the empathetic connection established between Lee and Clementine. It won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. More than one million unique players have purchased at least one episode from the series, with over 8.5 million individual units sold by the end of 2012, and its success has been seen as constituting a revitalization of the weakened adventure game genre. In July 2013, Telltale released an additional downloadable episode, 400 Days, to extend the first season and bridge the gap towards the second season. At the July 2014 San Diego Comic-Con Telltale Games and Skybound have announced that a third season is being developed, and that the first two seasons to date have sold more than 28 million episodes.[7] The third season premiered on December 20, 2016.[8] <game name="The Walking Dead - Season 1" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Season 1</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game[5] and The Walking Dead: Season One[6]) is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure survival horror video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series, the game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. It is available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game is the first of The Walking Dead video game series published by Telltale. The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with events occurring shortly after the onset of the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. However, most of the characters are original to the game, which centers on university professor and convicted criminal Lee Everett, who helps to rescue and subsequently care for a young girl named Clementine. Kirkman provided oversight for the game's story to ensure it corresponded to the tone of the comic, but allowed Telltale to handle the bulk of the developmental work and story specifics. Some characters from the original comic book series also make in-game appearances. Unlike many graphic adventure games, The Walking Dead does not emphasize puzzle solving, but instead focuses on story and character development. The story is affected by both the dialogue choices of the player and their actions during quick time events, which can often lead to, for example, certain characters being killed, or an adverse change in the disposition of a certain character or characters towards Lee. The choices made by the player carry over from episode to episode. Choices were tracked by Telltale, and used to influence their writing in later episodes. The Walking Dead has been critically acclaimed, with reviewers praising the harsh emotional tone of the story and the empathetic connection established between Lee and Clementine. It won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. More than one million unique players have purchased at least one episode from the series, with over 8.5 million individual units sold by the end of 2012, and its success has been seen as constituting a revitalization of the weakened adventure game genre. In July 2013, Telltale released an additional downloadable episode, 400 Days, to extend the first season and bridge the gap towards the second season. At the July 2014 San Diego Comic-Con Telltale Games and Skybound have announced that a third season is being developed, and that the first two seasons to date have sold more than 28 million episodes.[7] The third season premiered on December 20, 2016.[8] <game name="The Walking Dead - Season 1" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Season 1</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  16. The Walking Dead - Michonne View File Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead: Michonne is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure survival horror based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series by Telltale Games.[1] Taking place between issues 126 and 139 of The Walking Dead comic series, the game shows events of what Michonne was up to during her temporary departure from the group of survivors led by Rick Grimes in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.[2]Samira Wiley voiced Michonne in the game.[3] The three-episode series was released between February and April 2016 for personal computers, PlayStation 3 and 4 and Xbox 360 and One consoles, and on mobile devices. <game name="The Walking Dead - Michonne" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Michonne</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles The Walking Dead: Michonne is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure survival horror based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series by Telltale Games.[1] Taking place between issues 126 and 139 of The Walking Dead comic series, the game shows events of what Michonne was up to during her temporary departure from the group of survivors led by Rick Grimes in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.[2]Samira Wiley voiced Michonne in the game.[3] The three-episode series was released between February and April 2016 for personal computers, PlayStation 3 and 4 and Xbox 360 and One consoles, and on mobile devices. <game name="The Walking Dead - Michonne" index="true" image="w"> <description>The Walking Dead - Michonne</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  18. Tales from Borderlands View File Theme by @Bungles Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic interactive comedy graphic adventure sci-fi video game based on the Borderlands series, released in November 2014 for Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.[1] The game was developed by Telltale Games under license from Gearbox Software, the developer of the Borderlands series, and 2K Games, its publisher. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale used for its titles The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements. Although the series received some criticism due to the aging game engine and repetition of gameplay from past Telltale games, Borderlands largely received critical acclaim. Particular praise was attributed to its strong characterization, creative setpieces, humourous writing and unexpected pathos. <game name="Tales from Borderlands" index="true" image="t"> <description>Tales from Borderlands</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic interactive comedy graphic adventure sci-fi video game based on the Borderlands series, released in November 2014 for Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.[1] The game was developed by Telltale Games under license from Gearbox Software, the developer of the Borderlands series, and 2K Games, its publisher. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale used for its titles The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements. Although the series received some criticism due to the aging game engine and repetition of gameplay from past Telltale games, Borderlands largely received critical acclaim. Particular praise was attributed to its strong characterization, creative setpieces, humourous writing and unexpected pathos. <game name="Tales from Borderlands" index="true" image="t"> <description>Tales from Borderlands</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  20. Poker Night 2 View File Theme by @Bungles Poker Night 2 is a poker video game developed by Telltale Games.[1] It is the sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory and, like its predecessor, features crossover characters from different franchises. The game was released for Steam, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in April 2013, with an iOS version released the following month.[2][3][4] <game name="Poker Night 2" index="true" image="p"> <description>Poker Night 2</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles Poker Night 2 is a poker video game developed by Telltale Games.[1] It is the sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory and, like its predecessor, features crossover characters from different franchises. The game was released for Steam, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in April 2013, with an iOS version released the following month.[2][3][4] <game name="Poker Night 2" index="true" image="p"> <description>Poker Night 2</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  22. Minecraft Story Mode View File Theme by @Bungles Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games, based on the sandbox video game Minecraft. The five-episode game was released between October 2015 through March 2016, and an additional three episodes were released as downloadable content in mid-2016. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Android, iOS, and Apple TV. The game was developed in association with Mojang, the original developer of Minecraft. A retail version was released in December 2016.[13] The game follows the episodic format that Telltale Games used for its titles The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. The game centers around a new character, named Jesse, who can be either male or female, as they and their allies attempt to save their world by defeating the Wither Storm <game name="Minecraft Story Mode" index="true" image="m"> <description>Minecraft Story Mode</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - PG (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games, based on the sandbox video game Minecraft. The five-episode game was released between October 2015 through March 2016, and an additional three episodes were released as downloadable content in mid-2016. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Android, iOS, and Apple TV. The game was developed in association with Mojang, the original developer of Minecraft. A retail version was released in December 2016.[13] The game follows the episodic format that Telltale Games used for its titles The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. The game centers around a new character, named Jesse, who can be either male or female, as they and their allies attempt to save their world by defeating the Wither Storm <game name="Minecraft Story Mode" index="true" image="m"> <description>Minecraft Story Mode</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - PG (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
  24. Jurassic Park View File Theme by @Bungles Jurassic Park: The Game is an episodic graphic adventure video game based on the Jurassic Park film franchise. The game was developed by Telltale Games as part of a licensing deal with Universal Pictures. The plot of the game takes place during and after the plot of the first film. The game was originally announced in June 2010 before being revealed in the February issue of Game Informer. The first episode was expected for release in April 2011,[1] but was pushed back to November 15[2] along with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release, resulting in a multi-platform release with all four episodes at once.[3] <game name="Jurassic Park" index="true" image="j"> <description>Jurassic Park</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game> Submitter klopjero Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by @Bungles Jurassic Park: The Game is an episodic graphic adventure video game based on the Jurassic Park film franchise. The game was developed by Telltale Games as part of a licensing deal with Universal Pictures. The plot of the game takes place during and after the plot of the first film. The game was originally announced in June 2010 before being revealed in the February issue of Game Informer. The first episode was expected for release in April 2011,[1] but was pushed back to November 15[2] along with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release, resulting in a multi-platform release with all four episodes at once.[3] <game name="Jurassic Park" index="true" image="j"> <description>Jurassic Park</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <genre></genre> <rating>HSRS - M15 (Mature Adults Only)</rating> <enabled>Yes</enabled> </game>
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