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Everything posted by KlopjerO

  1. Version 1.0


    Greetings, I hereby commit this Default system menu theme for the NeoGeo Arcade system. it features an animated background and is widescreen Get the Main menu here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11211-snk-neo-geo-klopjero-169/
  2. 1,363 downloads

    Greetings, I hereby commit this main menu theme for the NeoGeo Arcade system. it features an animated background and is widescreen Get the Default system theme here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11212-snk-neo-geo-default-klopjero20163101/
  3. it Looks great!
  4. Version 1.0


    Greetings, I hereby submit the System theme for the Nintendo Famicom Disk system. It's widescreen and features an animated background. get the main menu theme here.: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11200-nintendo-famicom-disk-system-klopjero-169/
  5. Version 1.0


    Greetings, I hereby submit the System theme. It's widescreen and features an animated background. get the main menu theme here.: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11199-nintendo-famicom-klopjero-169/
  6. Version 1.0


    Greetings, I hereby give you the Default menu Theme for the GCE Vectrex. The theme is widescreen and features an animated background. There is a matching main menu theme available, you can find it here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11205-gce-vectrex-klopjero-169zip/
  7. Version 1.0


    Greetings, I hereby give you the main menu Theme for the GCE Vectrex. The theme is widescreen and features an animated background. There is a matching Default theme available, you can find it here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11206-gce-vectrex-default-klopjero/
  8. 1,034 downloads

    This is a Widescreen theme for the Nintendo Famicom Disksystem it features an animated background of scrolling Nintendo seals of quality
  9. Version 1.0


    Widescreen Main menu Theme for the Nintendo Famicom Features an animated background of scrolling Nintendo seals of quality
  10. 382 downloads

    This is a main menu wheel for the Nintendo Famicom
  11. 242 downloads

    This is a widescreen main menu wheel for the Nintendo Famicom Disk system
  12. Version 1.0


    Greetings. I made a widescreen main menu theme for the NEC SuperGrafx. BAsed on the unified PSD's made by Gibbawho. Please enjoy these, check out the The Default theme get the main theme http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11153-nec-supergrafx-klopjero20160120zip/ the Default theme goes well with my 3d box set http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11152-nec-supergrafx-3d-box-art-4-3-and-16-9klopjero/ And Dark13's 3d cart dark13 - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/10849-nec-supergrafx-3d-cart-pack/
  13. Version 1.0


    Greetings. I made a widescreen main menu theme for the NEC SuperGrafx. BAsed on the unified PSD's made by Gibbawho. Please enjoy these, check out the The Default theme Get the default theme here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11154-nec-supergrafx-default-klopjero20160120zip/ the Default theme goes well with my 3d box set http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11152-nec-supergrafx-3d-box-art-4-3-and-16-9klopjero/ And Dark13's 3d cart dark13 - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/10849-nec-supergrafx-3d-cart-pack/
  14. 793 downloads

    Greetings Spinners. I bring you the 3d Box set for the NEC SupergrafX, in this Zip file you will find 2 folders. one containing the 4:3 format boxes and the other the widescreen 16:9 format I hope you will enjoy them.
  15. 563 downloads

    Greetings, For your enjoyment I present you with the 3dbox set I made for the GCE Vectrex: -------------------------------------- The Vectrex was the first and only home-based system to ever use a vector-based screen. It was also the first home system to offer a 3D peripheral (the Vectrex 3D Imager), in 1984, predating the Sega Master System's SegaScope 3D by several years. The Vectrex was a commercial failure, due in part to its release just prior to the North American video game crash of 1983. However, it retains a small, devoted fan base. In addition, critics have praised the system's durability, the design of its controllers, and its library of games. -------------------------------------- These Boxes are at 4:3 aspect ratio. -------------------------------------- Boxes included 3D Crazy Coaster (USA).png 3D Mine Storm (USA).png 3D Narrow Escape (USA).png AnimAction - Advanced Animation (USA).png Armor..Attack (World).png Art Master (USA).png Bedlam (USA, Europe).png Berzerk (World).png Blitz! - Action Football (USA, Europe).png Clean Sweep (World) (Mr Boston Version).png Clean Sweep (World).png Cosmic Chasm (World).png Dark Tower (USA) (Proto).png Fortress of Narzod (USA, Europe).png Heads-Up - Action Soccer (USA).png HyperChase - Auto Race (World).png Melody Master - Music Composition and Entertainment (USA).png Mine Storm (World).png Mine Storm II (USA).png Polar Rescue (USA).png Pole Position (USA).png Rip Off (World).png Scramble (USA, Europe).png Solar Quest (World).png Space Wars (World).png Spike (USA, Europe).png Spin ball (USA).png Star Castle (USA).png Star Trek - The Motion Picture (USA).png StarHawk (World).png Thrust (USA) (Unl).png V-Frogger by Chris Salomon (1998) (PD).png WebWars (USA).png
  16. Version 1.0


    This game is awesome, and therefore it deserves a theme. Art used was made by DigiFlohw, -= http://www.deviantart.com/art/Press-Start-Axiom-Verge-T-Shirt-Contest-545471392 the foreground is animated.
  17. Version 1.0


    Game Theme of Shadowrun for sega genesis with animated background
  18. Version 1.0


    Game theme for Shadowrun on th SNES with animated background.
  19. Version 20140520


    Nintendo WiiWare - Main Menu (16:9ST)
  20. Version 20150401


    Unified - AAE - Main Menu (16:9ST) Video Snap available from EmuMovies
  21. Version 20140618


    Robocop - GX4000 - Main Menu (16:9ST)
  22. Version 20140607


    Robocop - GX4000 - Main Menu (4:3)
  23. Version 20140517


    Super Nintendo - Main Menu (16:9ST) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  24. Version 20140531


    Alternate - AAE - Main Menu (4:3) Video Snap available from EmuMovies
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