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Everything posted by mikty

  1. thank you so much regards
  2. I am looking for this feature too in order to kill joytokey. Thanks again, hope it will come Regards
  3. thank you so much
    Hi thanks again for your updates. unfortunely the files 1528624489_MAMEUpdate(May).7z.001 002 and 003 seems to be corrupted. I try with 7zip and winrar but no luck. do you think you could have a look on it? thanks again regards
  4. thank you so much to post these missing updates during the server crash thank you again
  5. thank you so much regards
  6. Hi, thank you so much to keep alive these mame update. great work
  7. so I follow your advice and all is working . thank you so much Andyman to find this setting witch is marvelous. Our databases will be more accurate and logic. thanks again regards
  8. ok thank for the tip. I will test after the rugby match semi final "la rochelle UBB" and will confirm if it works. thanks again
  9. so I try to recreate my mame.xml with letters on "image" but I have still the question mark. I know it's difficult and boring to find the issue but if you have time, could you please have a look into my mame.xml below? thanks again MAME.xml
  10. ah ok thanks, I have just saw this on your xml when I compare with mine. I will populate my xml with the 26 letters at start of each game group. thank you again so much for your finding. We will have lot of works to upgrade all our xml best regards
  11. Hi, thanks you so much for your discovery about xml order. At the first attempt, this settings doesn't work because I see in my mame.xml that each line " index="" image="" " isn't present, so I manage to add them into my mame.xml and it works now thanks. The only annoying effect is that I can't use anymore the letter research (A,B,C ...) with hold the left or right stick. I have an interrogation point instead (see pics) do you have the same problem ? thanks again for your reports and your great discovery regards
  12. Thank you so much, I will make some tests after work Regards
  13. Hi, thanks for your report and files. i will have a look to see if something could help us. I just test a retrofe xml and tweak an order (I test with mortal combat but without success. the mortal kombat II still come after the 3 other titles. do you think if possible to share your databases witch is tweakable order please? it might be useful to compare with our database. thanks regards
  14. Hi maybe it's how mame work with databases, I need to make some test after works on other system (non mame wheels) to see what happen because I remember I was able to tweak my databases in the order I want (very strange behaviour). I use this tutorial below in the past to tweak them: Thanks again for your interest of this. Regards
  15. Ok thanks for your confirmation. I have to deal with this Thanks Regards
  16. Hi, I encounter a strange behaviour on mame wheel. the wheels doesn't follow the order of my xml databases. I used to manage xml with notepad and exel in order to rearrange the order of titles to be the more logic possible. for exemple, I would to order the mortal combat series title and wheels as below whitch seems to be the best order: mortal kombat mortal kombat II mortal kombat 3 mortal kombat 4 So I order in my xml these order but my wheels still show a different order (because of the "II" instead of "2") (see pics below). Is there any tips to keeps original title without rename it and keep the order given ? thanks for your help and support regards
  17. Hi thank you. I ever use mainly retroarch so no problem I think. Merci beaucoup c est sympa. J utilise principalement retroarch pour tout donc ca devrait le faire. Merci encore et bonne soiree
  18. Hi, stupid question but how do you update to the last beta apk? Do you just sideload the apk on shield tv and install (overwrite)? Is all previous folders and settings keep safe ? Thanks for your advice Regards
  19. Thanks to keep alive and update this gem
  20. thank you so much to fix these bugs and keep alive the frontend. Since you are working again on it, Maybe, you may could add in the future some new features like "favorites" ? it would be wonderful to have an android hyperspin as complete as pc version. thanks
  21. Thank you so much to keep alive the best frontend of all time. Can t wait to test when I come back Thanks again for your work
  22. A paid version on playstore to support the developper would be an idea.
  23. Hi, thanks hope I could success with this update regards
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