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Everything posted by Andyman

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I can't take credit for this theme. yannseulement's original is fine, but needed a good remix to make it pop. Some of the many things I did to it: • Removed the silly period from the game's logo (why did the developer put it there?), laid it out horizontally to fill the space, and added a black drop-shadow to give it a comic book style. • Color-adjusted the background and removed a watermark from it. • Color-adjusted the cabbie graphic to make it match the logos and background and cleaned it up. • Replaced the Data East logo with a black one at the proper aspect ratio. • Changed the video's frame to match the taxi's look. Whew. That was a lot of work for some fairly subtle results. Fun game, though!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    zomboided's theme for V-Five is perfection, so there's no point in reinventing the wheel! But... V-Five and Grind Stormer are the same game (one is the Japanese release, while the other is the export release), so I just swapped in a Grind Stormer logo and called it done, because it is. Enjoy!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    I've been wanting to make a new Gauntlet: Dark Legacy theme for a really long time. I finally got around to it today, and appropriately, it ended up taking me a really long time to find artwork that looked good enough to use for a proper theme. Blue wizard needs food badly...
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Giant robot soldier comin' at you... in 3D! Another remixed theme for your MAME-playing enjoyment. Thanks again to Fizen for laying the foundation of this theme!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This game is very lacking in the visual department, so I thought I'd give it a wild theme to make it more appealing in your setup. If the spinning question marks make you dizzy (or you just don't like them), simply change Artwork1's rest="spin slow" to rest="none" in Theme.xml. Thanks to PeterPunk for the great character artwork!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This was a fun one to create. It isn't very often that there's too many graphical assets to work with. I really wanted to feature as many as I possibly could, so came up with a unique way to fit them all in. Hope you like it!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    I really dig Fizen's theme for this colorful game, but I saw an opportunity to make it more colorful and more animated, so gave it a variety of upgrades. Scrolling rainbow background, new video frame, resized logo, and dancing characters. I just felt like this obscure-but-very-fun game deserved it. Game on!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Being the big racing fan that I am, I felt compelled to make a theme for F-1 Dream that featured period-correct visuals. McLaren won the 1988 F1 World Championship with one of the most dominant performances in racing history. Teammates Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost battled for the title throughout the season. I thought I'd show them going wheel-to-wheel in this theme too.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Another game with no graphical assets outside the game itself, at least as far as I can see. I used the in-game logo for inspiration, but opted for a look that seems to fit the gameplay better. There are 400px and 712px versions in the zip. Enjoy!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    I'm so terrible at playing horse racing games, but hey... here's a theme for this Konami classic anyway.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    What's gonna work? Teeaamwork! Babymaggie created this theme awhile back, then nanometrovovo2 revised it and converted it to 16:9, and now I've revised it again and converted it back to 4:3. I think it's sufficiently crazy now.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Fun medieval-themed... theme... for your MAME setup. Enjoy!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    If anyone manages to get their hands on this game's flyer in good quality, please let me know. The only scan I found of it is decent, but I had to clean it up a lot to get it looking presentable for this theme. Or, if you want to take what I've started here and run with it, have at it!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    I did some serious massaging of the in-game logo to get it to a usable size and to make it look like the gun metal gray of a WWII fighter/bomber. Since this game is a prototype, no artwork assets appear to exist outside of the game itself. I got creative.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Another goofy ball and paddle game, another goofy new theme! Not much to work with on this one (the lone photo of the game's flyer online is a hot mess), so I rolled with its sprites-on-blurred-background look in-game. The chicken makes me chuckle.
  16. The first thing I would suggest is updating to the latest version of HyperSpin, 1.5.1. (You can grab it here.) Your version is very old and is unlikely to play nice with Windows 10, if at all.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    I started out to make a new theme for this obscure ball and paddle game, but quickly discovered that graphical assets for it are virtually nonexistent online. So, I decided to expand on John Freitas Sousa's theme instead. I hope you all like it!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    I felt compelled to make a new theme for Bang Bang Busters, to give folks more choice. A good wheel image is in the zip as well. It's a fun Bubble Bobble / Snow Bros. style game. Enjoy!
  19. From the notice on the front page of these forums: "we do not sell pre-configured hard drives or setups, nor are any of them affiliated with us. Please do not buy these, and if you have, please contact the seller for support or a refund."
  20. For those interested, my fighter database has been updated to 1.6. 331 games in it now. Enjoy! Multi-Platform Fighter Database v1.6.xml
  21. Haha. That is some teeny-tiny text! <squints> I'll have to look at my RL setup and see what module I'm using. I haven't changed it in quite awhile. UPDATE: I'm still using the same module I have been. Unless there's something I'm missing, you shouldn't need a new module for 0.268.
  22. The thought just occurred to me that I might be able to use RetroArch's save-state function per game to reduce the load time of old computer fighting games. I'm going to mess around with that when I get time and see if I can make it work to my liking. If it does, there's quite a few games I'll add to the pile. (As if I need any more. Haha.) Thanks for the suggestion!
  23. From the notice on the front page of this forum: "The confusingly-named Hyperspin Attraction is for the Attract-Mode frontend, not HyperSpin. Please direct your support questions to those who created it."
  24. Version 1.7


    Here's the latest version of my hand-curated fighter database for HyperSpin. It only includes fighting games that work on a CRT. I haven't added Windows fighters to it yet, as I haven't tested them to see which ones will work on a CRT. I'll add them soon! I should mention that there are other systems that work on a CRT, but that I'm not putting my cabinet yet for various reasons. These include Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, and Sony PlayStation 3. There's also a good chance I missed some fighters for the systems I have included. Shoot me a DM or reply in my Mortal Kombat II cabinet thread with suggestions! Thanks!
  25. That reminds me... here's the latest version (1.5) of my hand-curated fighter database for HyperSpin. I haven't added Windows fighters to it yet, as I haven't tested them to see which ones will work on a CRT. I'll add them soon! Multi-Platform Fighter Database v1.5.xml
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