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Everything posted by blur

  1. i've checked ahk script vp is closed with winclose so two things can happen - either there was more then one vp and winclose closed the wrong one, or winclose did not close it for some reason to eliminate first option, can you all please check in task manager if two versions of vp are running, that could happen if ahk was launched twice when you started table (long press on a key) also you could set debug mode and send your log file (remove old one first so that it is as small as possible)
  2. what tables should i test for this exit problem? uvp, dmd, non uvp and non dmd,..? I'm testing some of them bit didn't catch the case
  3. You mean quick connect terminals on buttons are in different size? You can switch quick connect terminals between these two wires or you can switch wires on the board side. For this - vp stays alive problem - i think i know what's the problem - you used key joy8 which means exit for VP - but it will only exit from vp player, it will not close vp editor window which will still be hidden in the backgroud. So next time you open game - you will have two vp's running, one with editor only and the other with editor and player. When you exit table I do winclose on vp editor - but since there are two of them - you never know which one will be closed - if I close vp from previous run - your game will still be running. To solve this you have to open task manager and check if you have vpinball exe process. If you have, kill it and try again. Let me know if you have some order of actions that will always produce this case of not closing vp.
  4. exit/shutdown menu key for HP is in Pinball Wizard section - change exit from 8 to 15 i will check this exit problem
  5. flipper keys are upkey and downkey for exit - you mean whatever exit key you use - esc or joy8 - you sometimes get that vp will not close - and you get that more often if you go fast to the menu and then out then if you go to menu and wait few secs? i will try to get this at my rig, and check code to see what could happen, maybe winclose proces command doesn't do it's job sometimes. How do you go down to exit item on the menu if you can't use flippers, do you use shift from keyboard or long press on joy8/esc? To safely use long press you have to use something else for exit - not esc and not joy8, they both have problems.
  6. for exit check fplaunch manual and this thread - there is lot's of info on pbw you have to configure all keys (exit, flippers) in settings.ini - they all default to keyboard, you have to change it to joy1, joy2, and so on
  7. tnx chris lucas it's ok
  8. fp shows loading screen shorter then vp, only when loading from disk.
  9. i didn't call that ugly, i called this ugly: and this: as for your version it is lovely, but my idea is to just put that hiscores in upper part of the screen above menu, just like in FP, so i can't use that animation NHF ))
  10. Tnx oz I have updated fplaunch manual a bit - no more links to old versions that confuse people - take this, no take that, don't take that, and so on
  11. You disabled exit in hyperpin and you have only shutdown? For windows tasks you can close HP with Alt-F4 and you will have normal windows. Of course normal users won't be able to press alt-f4 cause keyboard will be locked inside - so you have your back door.
  12. Yup, you just extract all files in hyperpin folder and move images to media/hyperpin/images. Installation is much simpler than before.
  13. excelent idea dazz - it could be done - so that users can see menus but can't go to service menu and mess something service menu will be on bottom - it's hard to remove it cause it is in all images but it's easy to disable entering in it cab shows will be much better if you spend some time and do some great flyeers and instructions that every body can browse throuh while they play viktor - i saw these folders - one of them is mistake - check which one and move all flyers to the other (i think wrong one has only two tables . probably some wrong media pack) bent it's good idea to update second post but script is changing a lot and many options will change name to some "normal" one, many options will be ditched out cause they make more confusion then they are used so it makes no sense to document them and then remove them if you wanna use latest and greatest version take some time and read at least notes from the ahk script and few posts from the end most of the staff from manual still stands, only few is changed
  14. i wont put that pinemhi in fplaunch cause it looks ugly, and it converts txt to swf and then shows swf on the screen - too complicated i want plain text on screen, either i will do it or i will wait for somebody to do it you should leave fp pause as it is used totally different - that just shows that people did not understand difference between vp pause and fp pause and that one is explained extensively in fplaunch manual in second post of this thread - so why bother with writing manuals if nobody reads them? as for post about changes from wip 5 to wip 6 you have it: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=147841#post147841 and you also have that same info in fplaunch.ahk in comment at the start of the script - only question is - do you read it?
  15. pause image is used in some combinations of settings - like when you set use exit menu to false. Custom loading screens are not mine. I never used them. For keys: pausevpinball is renamed to pauseKey - that's why your g is not working any more, put g in pauseKey and remove pausevpinball key you can have only two keys for pause - exitemulatorkey and pausekey, so from e, p and g, one will have to go For long and short key press - increase fadespeed in settings short press has to be shorter then 10 x fadespeed miliseconds, default fadespeed is 25 so that is 250 miliseconds which is quite enough on my rig (very quick clickless deal extreme buttons) - but it could be a problem for microswitches with strong click for pinemhi i need ahk code that will draw text over freezed vp with font that looks like uvp scores
  16. great for pause you probably disabled some of the options in ini file set them all to true
  17. you are launching go.bat from ..\slamit\go.bat where is your hyperpin? if your slamit is in c:\slamit then hyperpin should be in c:\hyperpin and go.bat should be in slamit folder
  18. yup, no pause menu, it was confusing - no text what to press and how to exit now pause is exit menu, you have text on menus and you know how to exit and how to return to game as for slamit pinball - it works for me double click fplaunch.ahk and run bigscore from there then press t to show taskbar and check ahk log in system tray
  19. All images are non rotated on disk and ahk rotates them 90 degrees to the left before showing them. This is unnecessary since all cabs have same rotation - 270 - and uses cpu cycles and takes time. So i will prerotate images and change script. But don't wait for that - you can prerotate your custom images later with just one click in image viewer.
  20. New version wip 8 is uploaded to downloads section and waiting for approvement. In the meantime here is mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?bbppurv50jkpfo6 New features are: - fixed b2s bug - ledwiz true/false added to settings ini (defaults to false) - if you change it to true ledwiz bat files will be launched on start and stop of every table - you still have to download other files from darkfall - hyperpinexe added to settings ini - defaults to hyperpin.exe but now you can change your hyperpin.exe file name to whatever you want (people that need this will know what it means) No new features, and not much bug fixes since there was not much bugs reported Manual is still for older version - without menus, so you'll have to ... experiment and search this thread for more info. Installation as usual, extract everything to hyperpin folder and just move images to media\hyperpin\images. Even though name is wip - this version is pretty complete. There is a lot's of work to do (optimization of the code, prerotation of images, manual, faq) but that won't change functionality much so it can wait for a while... meaning if you are waiting for final release - don't - take this one
  21. I made one image (for instr. cards) with gimp without any psd, it's not so difficult font is bahaus, border is 3 pixels, you just find some manual how to make text border. and script doesn't mind, you can replace all images with something else if you want but it would be nice to have psd pack for easier customization (even though i don't know how i would use it cause i suck in image arts )
  22. I didn't make any images - samwyze made all images so he could have psd files
  23. it works no prob. - it just makes list of files, sorts it and starts on the last one (the one without " 1") but - since you give names - you just think what order you want and you give them names, first without number and then " 1" " 2" and so on, so that you always know which order you'll get.
  24. you won't do it alone - i thought about uploading all instruction packs and media packs that i made to vpf and/or here i already did black hole, time line and pink panther (yeah i know it's peculiar choice of tables - they don't even have public FS version but i like them)
  25. b2s tables have to end with B2S and you have to change launching of b2s from script to false also you have to remap esc to something else found it - i use same variable name to check ending of table name (B2S) and ending of instr. image - (swf or jpg/png/...) so ending get overwritten so bug happens only if you go to instructions - so it is related to instructions after all will fix it in next release (soon - it will be just fix release, no new features)
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