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Everything posted by blur

  1. depends b2s works with fplaunch for a long time now you only have to set launch b2s in table script to false cause fplaunch will launch backglass if table file ends with b2s but some newer versions of b2s tables close backglass on esc, so when you get menu you lose backglass - this can be fixed with using e for exit rosve also said he will fix this in b2s code
  2. you put all files in hyperpin folder - so wav goes in it also then you just move all images to media hyperpin images
  3. here is download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7yb2ity8tu3up1g/FPLaunch1.295WIP5v3.zip you have to copy all png images to media\hyperpin\images (with old images) there is version wip 5 v2 without menus in zip file also new features are: print screen settings are not overwritten whenever new one comes out, old settings are saved, and just new ones are added menus flyers instructions sound on menus service menu with some stuff to do: clean the code speed it up prerotate images enable left-right browsing on instructions so that you can add ten pages of instructions with names "table name".png table name 2.png table name3.png and script will browse through them like with flyer enable png instructions (now only swf works) enable flyers and instructions in fp (menus work but flyers need printscreen) enlarge flyers and instructions (now there is value hyperscale - but it also makes menus bigger - i want menus small and flyers bigger) ... report bugs, don't be shy
  4. uf, just made 3 and half milions and 16 replays on uw xenon table while "testing" new fplaunch on my paper cab during last week i merged most of the code from sam's new version into new wip 5 it is not final yet, it has some speed up and tune up going on, but it is usable and testable will post it soon and continue tuning it
  5. I saw primary-secondary in settings.ini but that doesn't give you screen number. My playfield is primary and still has number 2. You can assign any monitor to be your primary monitor. Probably any laptop will have it's own screen as screen 1 and others as 2,3,... And it could be that laptop screen is just dmd, pf is 2 and bg is 3. What i could do is try to get number of the primary and secondary monitor from some gdip calls, but then it could not work on some platforms. I don't think there is exactly one secondary window either - all windows that are not prim. are sec. so it's would be difficult to know which one to grab for backglass image. Too much hassle and it will work just fine with these two options. As for pause in fp - i could draw whole desktop - but there is no need to draw image over bg cause we draw menus and images only on playfield. but will check that option also.
  6. great numiah, tnx for info sam i tested gdip_bitmapfromscreen and it works great for screen number i will default to 1 and will but two options in settting.ini pfScreenNum (defaults to 1) and bgScreenNum (defaults to 2) but you can change both in settings.ini bgScreenNum will be used in FP to save background image together with pf image i was wondering - i could remove capturescreen utility completely if I could display pBitmap on screen to cover opengl window, capture screen is used only for pause in fp
  7. we can't rely on monitor 1 being the playfield i have for example monitor 2 for pf, will test this though, tnx
  8. see you tomorrow/tonight (depends how you look)
  9. i did it there is some problem with capture screen to clipboard, it doesn't work so instead of getting bitmap over clipboard - i switched to getting it from file, and it worked on first run - yeeee - so expect print screen in next release here is the final code (there is also some code where description is pulled from xml - it is not here - if you want it i can post that part also): printScreen: CaptureScreen(3,"",pfName) pToken := Gdip_Startup() pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(pfName) Gdip_ImageRotateFlip(pBitmap, 2) ;rotate 180, flip 0 Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, pfName) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) return
  10. tested left and right alt in fp - no pause
  11. it looks like image rotate will not return pointer to bitmap but instead it rotates input bitmap and returns return code (not sure just guessing) so i changed code to: pToken := Gdip_Startup() CaptureScreen(3,"",0) ;capture current monitor to clipboard pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard() Gdip_ImageRotateFlip(pBitmap, 2) ;rotate 180, flip 0 Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, pfname) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) still no image
  12. yup, downloaded 1.45 - it has rotateflip function still have some problems - no image on disk, here is the code: printScreen: ; CaptureScreen(3,false,pfName) ; old function - it works but no rotation pToken := Gdip_Startup() CaptureScreen(3,"",0) ;capture current monitor to clipboard sleep 100 pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard() pBitmap1 := Gdip_ImageRotateFlip(pBitmap, 2) ;rotate 180, flip 0 Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap1, pfName) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap1) Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) return pfname is full file name with png in the end will try to test it some more
  13. hm, hm, hm, looks like I have duplicate functions i have capturescreen utility from sean, and gdip.ahk is included with #include tried to comment whole capturescreen block - but then there is no capturescreen function in gdip ok, uncommented everything from capturescreen block except capturescreen and now there is no duplilcate functions, but... my gdip.ahk doesn't have imagerotate function, only rotate world. what gdip.ahk wrapper do you use? mine is 1.43 by tic. by the way - i have the code to get description with strx function from skan and parts of your code from some other thread so no need for you to investigate it, tnx for gdip quick intro
  14. i think not, screenshots for hp are in png format, and i don't see png support in this program tnx for all hints I'll try this solution in gdi+ from sam, be back in a minute
  15. I'm looking for some good free command line image rotator?????? I need it to rotate screen shots. I've made the code that reads the description of running table from xml, adds one hot key for print screen, on press of that key saves print screen image in hyperpin\media\blabla\table desc. I just need to rotate it (since hp needs 180 degrees rotated images). Found some image converter plus but it is commercial. Found some linux tools also, but ... So any body knows free windows program that will do this?
  16. yes for confirmation and no for all others - i think uvp and fp don't need comp. mode by all others i meant if you use vpinball.exe, vpinball908.exe, vpinbal905.exe and so on cause with the inclusion of scripts from big boss it is possible to use many vp versions
  17. That's why you have focus problems. nt comp. mode solves focus problems.
  18. hyperpin doesn't need compatibility mode only vp exe needs comp. mode (vpinball.exe and all others if you use them) not sure if this could cause the problem - try to change it and see if problem happens again
  19. legtod, numiah do you have nt compatibility mode set on vp exe? numiah can you get focus with exit exit (pause and unpause) or just with pause enter, cause as i remember pause enter exits from the table? sam yes :: was wrapped in #ifwinactive but still it makes ahk stop, something similar is reported for modules - if you put :: to early in the module code script just stops on that row as for ahk_l i don't think it's a good idea to jump into it, thousands of bugs could appear
  20. bug fix - ahk stops on first :: comand so you have to be very careful where you put it it is already fixed, just waiting for menus to release it
  21. beta will go into vip 5 very soon
  22. leds are not part of this script i think ledcontrol is loaded from core.vbs
  23. tnx sam! just tried this new triple strike from rosve (there is one from rawd also) both of them focus ok on my rig only problem is that when i press esc it invokes pause and b2s backglass disapears, which is fine if you want to exit table, but not ok if i want to get back to game again it can be solved by using e or joy# for exit instead of Esc, not big deal, but it worked different in first versions of b2s
  24. yeah that dmd hack window caused a lot of freezes if i remember right - you have conversation about that on first pages of thread it was important to exclude it cause it was active much before then vp would be ready and caused constant freezes on some tables on almost every run (medieval maddness with uvp) and freeze would be so bad that esc could not help - only ctrl-alt-del and reboot or logoff in my last script i'm using ahk_class vpplayer but still excluding DMD
  25. shenglu check manual in second post in this thread, you need images from 294 version, and probably to change esc key to e on your ipac sam - that part of code - ,,DMD - you added it as i remember to deal with some some window that appears on some tables during load - that window is named - "visual pinball dmd hack" - don't know what is ahk class of this window. Any way, if you add win activate in that loop, your slider will stop as soon as vpplayer exists, it will not wait for it to become active. The purpose of that code is to move slider around until vpplayer becomes active - on it's own, without forced intervention. Bent check this outside of hyperpin: run backglass for triple strike. run vp table triple strike wait for the table to get focus. if table doesn't get focus ever, and you have to alt tab to it - then table is the problem nt compatibility flag also helps here for vp to get focus
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