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Everything posted by blur

  1. what is the name of your table? so it has nothing to do with instructions, you have b2s screen every time you go back to hyperpin? you have default settings in ahk script close to start.
  2. that was about naming convention - in short i allow any name - but if you want this system to work people that will publish "instruction packs" have to stick to HP naming convention about this problem - i don't understand how it is connected to instr. images? your instr. images stays on or your backglass stays on? or your backglass stays on only when instr. is shown on screen? try to exit table normally without going into instr. and see if b2s backglass stays on. what is the name of the game? file name - not desc.
  3. What is your description of those tables? names i expect and are recommended are: description.swf/jpg/png/... description 1... description 2... _ and & are not legal characters in description (because of uvp it could stop working) script accepts all image names - but try to change description and instructions to description BadCats BadCats.swf or png BadCats 1.swf or png BadCats 2.swf or png If you want to stick to HP naming convention you should put description: BadCats (Williams 1989) and images: BadCats (Williams 1989).swf/png/jpg BadCats (Williams 1989) 1.swf/png/jpg BadCats (Williams 1989) 2.swf/png/jpg so that you can download and use standard media packs from vpf, and maybe one day instruction packs - with premade images by someone else. If you want more same tables with different description - change the desc. after ) - so that you can use same inst. packs for all games (everything after ( is ignored). for example desc. for normal table: BadCats (Williams 1989) desc. for B2S table BadCats (Williams 1989) B2S desc. for night mode: BadCats (Williams 1989) NM high res: BadCats (Williams 1989) HR and so on... this extensions will be ignored in instr. and flyer images so you will be able to have one art files for all of them try it and let us know what happened
  4. these files are not in media files media files have only one swf for rules (some have more rules - but they are only for different setups, in the end you have to choose one) what i'm suggesting is to make several jpgs with rules, replay scores and some playing instructions if they can be found, and put them in instr. cards folder. something like instructions pack. even more work then just downloading media packs.
  5. tnx ta and some numbers is a guy from vp forums in every his post in his signature there is a link to some of his manuals and to this excel file with list of all available tables with links to pages with instructions so that you can just open link and start setting replay levels not many people use this, once when i also referenced his excel ta said - oh you are using it - good to know somebody is using my excel file here is the link http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=13270
  6. exit and pausekey are for exiting (from game, from exit menu, from image) exit2 and exit3 are for entering into something in menus here is an example of how instructions should be used. game is black hole first thing you do is search ta's excel file for 5 balls and replay levels instructions (i don't like 3 ball games) then i searched inkochnito rules and replay scores and found what are replay score levels for 5 ball game then i set 5 balls per game and replay levels following ta's instructions then i cut rules card and replay card from inkochnito pdf and save it as jpgs then i go to ipdb and get how to play guide - looks like flyer but it is not flyer - flyer is 2 pages and this is another 3 pages so i put rules card, replay scores card and 3 how to play images to instr. cards folder with names black hole (... irrelevant).jpg, black hole (...) 1.jpg, 2, 3, and 4.jpg and here is the result, it's very handy while you play for checking what do you have to do:
  7. don't know anything about that, so i guess we are not working together also don't have ledwiz so can't test it
  8. here is the new version 1.295 wip 7: http://www.mediafire.com/?18rrjdysjcdeo6j not much news except memory leak bug fix and support for many swf and image files for instructions so whatever you put in media\hyperpin\instr. cards will be shown you can put swf or img of rules, replay scores, play guide, manual, anything supported formats are swf, bmp, jpg, png, gif, ... pdf, doc or rtf is not supported for images/swf order since windows is sorting files funny so if you have file 1, file 2, file 3 and file file will be last on the list - so when we start browsing instructions i first show last one. since many tables have many cards to choose from - you will see them all, untill you move them somewhere it's up to comunity now to build some meaningful cards to show while in game
  9. log file is log.txt in hyperpin dir but to write anything to log file you need to set debugmode to true in settings you will also have same messages that go to log, on the screen in the top right corner of pf
  10. yes, you have to compile it with basic ahk maybe some other versions work, but i know some don't work cause people get backslash message
  11. great, good to see people are testing just fixed memory release bug for menus and instructions had to - delete some objects, device contexts, graphics, release com objects, ... any way - new release will aside from this memory leak fix also have this "(" in search for flyer name so flash gordon flyer will not appear for flash, some screen flipping will be fixed and swf will be faster cause i don't draw it in 2052x2052 space and scale - i draw it in native screen resolution right away so there's no rescale, and swf creations is faster
  12. FYI found some bugs in wip 6 memory is not released on swf instructions and sometimes on menus so after a while if you check instructions many times memory usage can build up will be fixed in next release
  13. images are loaded in alfabetic order, but for flyers second one is loaded first since directories are named back, front, inside1, inside2, ... by the way - i changed only one number in the code and now ( is also part of the search string - so airborne will not load airborne avenger, and eight ball will not load eight ball deluxe about images - i can't change any images since i don't have much experience with imaging programs you can change any image for hp or fplaunch but there is text exit to hyperpin in info on bottom of fplaunch and in hp there is a text exit hyperpin - so it's pretty clear
  14. h guys you probably noticed that for flyer you can see all images that have same game name. other parts of description like year manufacturer and all after that are not important. only name till first ( is checked. why? let's say you have two same games, but they are from different authors or one of them is night mod. you want them both in your hyperpin. but you want to see difference between them - for example you want them to have different screen shots - to see which one is which (from picture you see if it is megapin or jpsalas version), or you even want different wheel image - with night mode text. so you have to give those two games different description. if you keep HP naming convention you usually name them like this: Twilight Zone (Bally 1993) Twilight Zone (Bally 1993) NM so they can have diffferent wheel and backglass images but you don't want to copy all flyer images and instructions. so in my flyer browser in fplaunch i remove everything after first "(" and i search for all flyer images with name "Twilight Zone"* for now instructions are strictly tabledescription.swf but that will also be changed when i enable instructions browsing - then you will be able to browse through all docs with name shortdescription* this means that sometimes you'll have documents from other tables shown - for example airborne game will show all docs from airborne avenger also or eight ball will show all from eight ball champ and eight ball deluxe but i thought better to see more then to not see anything on some tables. now that i think of it i could change it so that it searches for all images with name "Twilight Zone ("* there could be a problem with instructions, i see there is a lot's of swf rules for every table, so you should check them manually and chose which one fits best to your settings and move others to some other folder, and possibly add whatever images and swf's you want (replay scores for example) what do you think?
  15. tnx guys great idea for 7890 keys - during "service mode" some keys could be converted to 7890 maybe left and right flipper and left and right nudge or magna save - or make it configurable exit key could exit from service mode so all other keys could be used for 7890 it would be even better with some per table guide to setting replay levels and all options as image on the screen while we do this
  16. for viktor - just tested lots of tables - no lag for me except for tables that lag even outside of hyperpin, but i don't have win 7 to test with so, all is possible you could start in debug mode and send me log for shifter menu sound is menu.wav - you can put something else or remove it exit buttons are exitemulatorkey and pausekey start/select buttons are exitemulator1 and exitemulator2 (old names - old users will know them and have them already configured) - for next release names will change to exitkey exit1key and startkey start1key or something like that - it's all said in change log
  17. forgot to say - all images are there in zip file, just move them to media\hyperpin\images and one pixel offset bug is fixed also
  18. here is new release 1.295 wip 6 (or shortly wip 6): http://www.mediafire.com/?6ir943l2cbndzb2 here is change log from this and previous version (in case you missed it), with to do list, all of this you can read from the ahk file also (comment at the beginning of file): 1.295 wip 5 + save printscreen-a under name taken from description + quick launch gui from HL 2.0 + options do not get overwritten + menus + show instructions and flyer on pause + fix slow down after close (when vp is still closing) - fixed - you have to wait a little till windows free memory 1.295 wip 6 + pauseVPinball key changed to pauseKey since it is not just for VP + pauseVP acts exactly the same as exitEmulatorKey so now you can have two keys for opening and exiting menus (Esc and p) and two keys for menu items activation (1 and enter) + instructions are bigger + flyer is bigger, and if works with different dimensions images for same table + loading menu is merged from sam's version + some parts of the code are optimized (draw image by the book), some are not + lots of work and testing so that you can always use exit, enter, flyer and instr keys for example you can press flyer to open flyer directly or go through menus with enter same with instructions you can also switch from flyer to instructions you can close flyer with exit, enter or flyer key, same for instructions all of this will work in vp and fp + ... what else, uhmmmmm let me think - yes loading menu - something was hiding loading slider (probably vp) and unhiding taskbar - this is both fixed so taskbar is hidden every few secs and slider is unhiden + focus problem with loading screen - while slider is on the screen every few seconds we try to activate vp (avoiding dmd hack) also after aprox. 25 secs. we just close loading screen unconditionally also on exit key (or pause key) we close loading screen unconditionally and after close of loading screen there is a one sec sleep and winactivate in a loop so now you should get perfect focus on every vp game + debug mode - lot's of things was written to log file, I also added tool tip on top of the screen - but nothing is written anywhere by default only if you enable it with this option in settings.ini TO DO: - change key names to exitkey exitkey1 and startkey startkey1 for simlicity - remove usepause useexitasapuse useexitmenu options for simplicitiy - use prerotated menu images for simplicity - always use draw image by the book function for simplicity - put every repeating code to subroutines for simplicity - change instruction card menu item to instructions - enable png instructions - compile a set of png instructions and replay score cards and helps for setting replay levels, and tactics help, and ... (hopefully somebody will do this eventually) - test service menu - fix late printscreen in fp - fp auto positioning
  19. yup, all true, win7 and printscreen don't like each other, and you should change your exit key to e
  20. rename of vpinmame dll is not a problem if that's all that needs to be done if you have to run vpinmame setup every time - that could be a problem will have to try as for dmd - if you mean high scores (pinemhi) i didn't put that in yet - that dmd in swf looks very squeezed - i would prefer high scores written in some dmd like font over upper part of the screen (kinda like fp). This squeezed dmd doesn't look up to the standard of hyperpin if you thought about utility for third screen - that's not on the way yet last thing i did is adding gdi plus loading screen with rolling hyperpin sign i thought changing world rotate with bitmap rotate flip would reduce gdip code very much, but it looks like it won't gdi code just for showing image in gui is awfully long - check this: Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop Gui, 1: Show, NA hwnd1 := WinExist() pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("background.png") Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap) hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width//2, Height//2) hdc := CreateCompatibleDC() obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm) G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc) Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7) Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap, 0, 0, Width//2, Height//2, 0, 0, Width, Height) UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width//2, Height//2) SelectObject(hdc, obm) DeleteObject(hbm) DeleteDC(hdc) Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) rotation just adds few lines more does any body know a shorter way to do this? if not i will have to put this in function
  21. Another thing to think about. Me and sam were talking, and obviously there is too much options in fplaunch: exitScriptKey = q & s exitEmulatorKey = Esc hideCursor = true hideDesktop = true hideTaskbar = true toggleCursorKey = t useExitScreen = true usePauseKey = true useLoadScreen = true pauseVPinball = Joy1 fadespeed = 25 useExitAsPause = true exitEmulatorKey2 = 1 exitEmulatorKey3 = Enter pauseFPKey = RButton saveFPTables = true editTableKey = !F4 printScreenKey = o pfScreenNum = 2 bgScreenNum = 1 useExitMenu = true UpKey = Left DownKey = Right StartKey = Enter ExitKey = Esc ServiceKey = RShift FlyerKey = f InstructionKey = i SkipUpKey = 9 SkipDownKey = 0 hyperScale = 0.6 debugMode = false this is a bit of problem for users that have to learn what each options means, but it is also problems for us who wrote software - because with each new optioins your number of possible configurations is mulitplied by 2, and we have to put all that ifs in the code and test all possible combinations of options: for example - what if hideDesktop is false, use exit screen is true, use exit as pause is false and use exit menu is true - what will happen, how will the script work??? nobody knows what we were thinking is use ONLY ONE behaviour, and now that we have menu's it would be to open menu on exit key and to open menu on pause key. Nothing else - so what that means is: - no exit 321 countdown on long press - if you hold exit it will do open and close of menu indefinitelly - which is ok - goal of long press exit key was to prevent accidental exit - and menu prevents it - no pause message ever - you will get menu instead of pause - pause screen was unclear any way - no body knew what to do - ok i pressed exit - now i want to exit but i got pause - what now, how do i exit so what do you all think - would you be able to live without exit countdown and pause screen?
  22. Here is something to think about. I see flicker on flyers - don't see why, code looks the same as menu code, and menus have no flicker??? I will probably have to "optimize" this part of script to remove flickering. am i blind or it looks like there is one point offset on the lower menu image? Menu is not on the bottom of the screen. It is one pixel above bottom and also on the right side there is also one pixel of space. And i think i fixed it for next release. I had to draw image two pixels larger then the screen Also i think i fixed loading screen (when vp never gets focus - so loading screen stays for ever) - in loading loop i inserted winactivate every few seconds (around 5 secs.) - so now if vp doesn't take focus by itself - it will be activated by winactivate after 5,10,15,... seconds
  23. sly - no, instr. work fine - is it just on first load for you or? zablon - same options as before and few new ones to see menus - use exit menu has to be true and use exit as pause has to be true if you changed that options before - new script won't change that options it will only add them if they are not in settings
  24. Not just instruction cards - I plan to extend menu item "instruction cards" so that it shows whatever you put in instructions folder, so it will be possible to show instr. card, replay scores card, instructions for setting replay levels and any other instructions you want if you put them there
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