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baddeolv last won the day on February 13

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About baddeolv

  • Birthday 12/29/1983

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    Las Vegas


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  1. I second that, maybe you can add the option to completely remove it also because I have never been a fan of it since HS1 and I have always had it deleted from my install
  2. Also you should probably let @fr0stbyt3know about that default theme situation you are having because I am positive that you have something effed up with your install. That screenshot is not a normal thing and once you get it fixed you will see that the default theme actually works the way that you are asking about. Also, both of the above platforms have default themes created and are syncing so I think you are going to be shocked to see what you are missing out on once you get your setup repaired or reinstalled
  3. This is only a beta version bud. It's very much a work in progress and by no means is it anything you should consider final. It's getting better day by day so please be a little patient with the features and also note that it is not going to be a direct copy of LB or BB, i assure you that it will be amazing however it's going to be a slow haul to get there
  4. Also I made a default theme for game master
  5. Update on pico
  6. Yes it is supposed to be showing up for the themes that are not available yet. Can you please post a video of what you mean by hyperspin being unusable? I'm not sure if you are experiencing a new bug or something but I'm not sure you have a good install, or it's not up to date
  7. These are not default themes. Default themes are not going to be a focus for a little bit. Feel free to create your own for now if you want. I have to finish up one thing at a time but I plan to get those finished in the next few weeks
  8. Cleaning up some of the stuff that I might have missed along the way and they will be updated for the sync within a few days. Here are some examples of my reworks:
  9. That is just a little place Holder for the themes that are not created as of yet but there are a lot of default themes that should be syncing to the frontend. Make sure you are up to date and clean the cache. Not sure what is happening for you specifically. Anyone else not getting any default themes to sync up?
  10. Please let us know what platform themes you would like created that is not yet available for download
  11. Feel free to test this out on my button. I'm a broke ass old guy and too ugly for only fans. Spread some cheese on this cracker! Hahaha
  12. what you did there is called beta testing. this is how we make a final product...lots of beta testing...the issue is noted an will be addressed. in the meantime please have a little more patience as we are working around the clock in effort to iron out all these issues thanks
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