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Everything posted by jcm9800

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello Guys I have uploaded my complete Famicom Disk System Box Set here. i started with this Project as i see the damned have updated the Videos and the are complete now. first i only search for the missing ones that we not have in the other Famicom Box set from dubbloseven here. but then i see that most of the have really poor quality and i began to redone most of the Boxes we have to. i hope you enjoy it and have fun
  2. really cool myklillvee thanks for all your work with this themes
  3. Really cool Dougan 78 Thanks
  4. really cool that someone is working on this again
  5. is the 64 dd now playable?
  6. thanks really cool
  7. 741 downloads

    Hello Guys This is a 2D Nintendo Famicom Cart set matching the latest offical Xml with 383 games Warning dont await a perfekt set this is only the best artwork that i have found for this games some are really rare and it was hard to find something
  8. 1,063 downloads

    Hello Guys This is a 2D Nintendo Famicom Boxes set matching the latest offical Xml with 383 games Warning dont await a perfekt set this is only the best artwork that i have found for this games some are really rare and it was hard to find something
  9. 2,801 downloads

    hello guys this is a complette cart set for sega genesis. i hope you like it Warning; some of the european games are a little bit other named as its in damned xml i have this because i have some roms with german text you must rename them marble madness japan its missing in the zip thats why its uploaded separetly
  10. 771 downloads

    Hy Guys here i have a complete Card Artwork Pack for the last Updated Master System Xml in my Theme it is in Artwork Folder 4
  11. really cool lucian looks good!! how much cost a overlay for the tankstick?
  12. hello lucian have you ever make a overlay for a x arcade tankstick? your work really looks good
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