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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. HyperHQ has lost/forgotten my credentials again (like, 4th or 5th time now). And now when trying to enter my EMUMovies account info, it won't accept it. I have independently verified my emumovies credentials are good/correct. HyperHQ won't accept them.
  2. I'm saying don't prioritize at all. Just ask the questions. So if you say 'yes' to both questions, you'll end up with two entries for the same game on your wheel. One for the 2 player rom, One for the 4 player rom. If you've only got a two player cab, just say "no" to the 4 player question.
  3. Having to choose either 2 player or 4 player is an odd one. Why not both? Import 2 Player versions of games that have multiple options? yes/no Import 4 Player versions of games that have multiple options? yes/no I know I'm in the minority, but I also know at least a couple other folks out there have setups that can be both 2 and 4 player setups. I have 2x two player cabinets, that can be linked together to create a four player cabinet with mirrored screens (all hardware). So sometimes I want the two player version, sometimes I want the 4 player version. Although this only matters for a few titles that have characters hard locked to play number. If you can choose you character regardless of what player slot you are, its 4 player version always.
  4. -This is BETA software. Please lower your expectations accordingly.
  5. I reported this last Monday.
  6. I was using HyperTheme on desktop PC, selected a new Arcade system theme, and clicked download. PC running HyperSpin (arcade cabinet PC) stopped responding. Had to Alt-f4 out of HyperSpin. HyperHQ seemed to be ok.
  7. I'm having a similar issue, except I'm not using overrides. In the 'teknoparrot' system wheel, only a couple of the game videos are playing. But if I check the hard drive, all the videos are there (and play).
  8. Zaxxon is missing too.
  9. Imported MAME set (latest 0.237) and at least one game is missing. Mr. Do! (Mr. Do's Castle and Mr. Do's Wild Ride are present, but the original Mr. Do! is missing). Mr. Do! is a PARENT romset, so its not a clone issue. I haven't noticed any others yet, still looking.
  10. Closed the main hyperhq application. (closed using task bar icon) windows tray icon persists, and can't do anything with it. right-click 'show' does nothing hyperhq.exe still in task manager running (numerous copies)
  11. LEDBlinky is not functioning in HyperSpin / HyperHQ. LEDBlinky.log shows "Missing input parameter: Emulator Name."
  12. Fresh install of hyperspin/hyperhq (after deleting every folder I could find) Added MAME. After ROM location selection, HyperHQ just installs MAME. Doesn't ask if I aleady have it. Why would I have a full rom set for MAME and not have the MAME emulator already? lol Should be a question / option to install / use an existing copy of MAME.
  13. Found another one. c:\users\<username>\appdata\local\hyperhq-updater
  14. Good find. I missed the .hyperhq and .hyperspin folders in the root of my \user\ folder.
  15. I have five machines running Launchbox today. I started on HS 15+ years ago. I often move media around, playlists, themes, all sorts of stuff for various reasons, quickly and easily. (two standup arcades, one 'console' on the television, and then a daytona twin cabinet - oh and a VPin running PinUp Popper). And because there is something wrong with me, I'm actually considering building another. lol This new HyperSpin model seems to make the entire system non-portable. And goes to great lengths to accomplish that. And its even tattooing the system after I press the uninstall button. <not cool> I dumped rocketlauncher around the same time I moved to launchbox, due the fact that RL changes random stuff on your system and doesn't tell you. Pissed me off that someone was arrogant enough to assume they knew how I wanted my emulators configured. Nope!
  16. Ok, I found the 'left over' config Had to deleted the %appdata%\hyperhq folder My credentials were still cached somewhere else even after I deleted the %appdata%/hyperhq folder. So there is lingering stuff somewhere else. I'm still calling this a deal breaker at this point. I do not want my front end config stored in %appdata%. There is no logical reason for this.
  17. I uninstalled HyperHQ I deleted my HyperHQ folders on C:\ and D:\ (because of the multiple install bug) I deleted HyperSpin folder on D:\ When I reinstalled HyperHQ, it still had my login info cached, and the MAME system was still there (which I'm having problems deleting because of the auto-import rom bug) Where is the cached configuration hiding? Why can't all the configuration settings be stored alongside the app and basically be portable like every other front end system? Honestly, this is a straight deal breaker for me. When I click "uninstall" there shouldn't be any configuration left.
  18. here is .33 - https://hyperai.s3.amazonaws.com/HyperHQ_2.0.33.exe
  19. If 'auto import roms' is enabled in HyperHQ, hyperhq will try to continusly import MAME roms.
  20. Awesome, thank you! I'm waiting for the HyperHQ update (forced C drive install) to be fixed before I reinstall and start kicking the tires again.
  21. The hyperhq installer (and updated) is bugged. So if you 'update' it'll auto-install on the C:\ drive, even if you originally installed it on D:\ (or where ever). They're working on a fix.
  22. Speaking of - do you have a more formal bug tracker setup somewhere? Bitbucket? Jira? github?
  23. So.. can't use auto-import in the current builds if you're using MAME. Got it.
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