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About BladeZX

  • Birthday 02/02/1972

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  • HyperSpin Guru

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  1. 1,959 downloads

    http://www.hyperspin...ker/?hl=checker http://www.hyperspin...-media-manager/ - repare some broken HS xml (with unescaped "&") - create XML from rom folder - check for roms / videos / themes / wheels / artworks - move unneeded roms/media to subfolder - collect missing media from another folders - crop hyperspin database to contain only roms you have - match you media names with db entry - compatible with each-rom-in-its-own-folder mode - check cd images for variuos problems (and fix some of them) - inline database editor - resizeble interface - makes backup everytime it move/replace something - open source - ...
  2. dfwArcade, Your work is outstanding! I am looking at doing a bartop shortly and really want to make it a mortal kombat theme for graphics (marquee, sides, control panel, etc). I can in no way do any graphics work. Do you have any Mortal Kombat bartop graphics at all. What would it cost to get something like that done? Thanks for your time
  3. Yes Windows 7 64bit The black screen started either by getting rid of aero or by setting the HP and hglass to xp sp3 compatibility mode
  4. When I select a game I get the rendering table message but the background goes black and then once the game is loaded the message goes away and the table displays. When I exit a table, I get the 3...2...1 and then it goes black for about 3-4 seconds and then HP is there again. Just wondering if that is normal
  5. I have an Nvidia GTX460 Superclocked card
  6. OK made the changes... seems ok I assume it is normal for the screen to go black for a few seconds when loading and returning from a table?
  7. Thanks. Will try this when I get home
  8. I will disable aero tonight and see if that helps as well. Thanks
  9. So have the following exes set to xp sp 3: hyperpin fplaunch visualpinball Did I miss any exe? Thanks
  10. Ok got the exit working. Sometimes when I exit the screen freezes for a few seconds and then is ok. Sometimes it freezes and I cannot do anything.
  11. I tried the latest and when I press the ESC button it seems to show the VP prompt to quit to editor etc. I went back to BBB's 1.2 and no issues. What am I doing wrong?
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