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Faking Subwheels of Subwheels with Multiple Installs of Hyperspin


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When it comes to Hyperspin, people have been asking for ages if we are able to have multiple depths of subwheels and unfortunately the answer has always been "no" because Hyperspin itself only supports one subwheel per menu item in the main menu wheel. After noticing a few people talking about wanting to try to relaunch in multiple resolutions, I got to thinking about how this could be accomplished. This is a rough proof of concept that took about 30 minutes to bang together. I want to thank ghutch92 for his help with the GUI drawing code and djvj for being a good cheerleader while I was working this out.

Proof of concept video:

So what you are seeing here is a fresh Hyperspin installation, installed to N:\test\, where the Super Nintendo Entertainment System subwheel has been replaced with an item that directly launches an executable. This executable is an AHK script that does the following:

* Creates a full screen GUI element colored black (to hide what is going on).

* Kill any running Hyperspin.exe process.

* Run a different instance of Hyperspin.exe.

* Wait until a Hyperspin.exe process is running and then destroy the all black full screen GUI element.

So this second installation of Hyperspin is installed in N:\test\subwheel test\ and consists of nothing but the elements I wish to have in a secondary subwheel: Europe, Japan, USA, Hacks, Translations, etc... This installation is also set to not ask the user if they want to quit before quitting and also has an exit executable AHK script which is nearly identical to the first except that it will launch the original Hyperspin installation. This gives the user the impression that they are NOT quitting from Hyperspin but merely going back up to the main menu wheel. You will also need to turn off intro videos for both instances of Hyperspin... or if you really really want, you now have a full screen intro video for each console if you'd like, but at least turn off the intro for the main instance of Hyperspin.

Some other ways this concept can be applied: Movies listed by genre, a Magazine wheel with subwheels for Nintendo Power, Gamefan, etc... There's really a lot more you can do with this properly set up. Each subwheel installation of Hyperspin can be stripped down to the barest bones and we can do something like easily script the creation of new subwheel installations or copying data over after using Hypersync.

I'll be releasing the source for the AHK in question sometime tonight (I want to work out a tiny bug first).

So what do you think? What would you do with multiple subwheel depths in your Hyperspin installation?


I think this is a great idea. Just the fact alone that you could have multiple games under one for different languages will help. I think this will create many spin-off ideas that will keep us even more obsessed even longer. I am trying to think of ways I would utilize this even further and will post ideas as they come to me. We certainly do not shy from creativity here so I am excited to see what others come up with.

Thanks Zero, ghutch and djvj!


This is a great idea and one that has been asked many times as it's really useful when you have a lot of systems, but it's something that should be supported natively by the frontend. Good effort nonetheless, but it's sad that all these hacks need to be done due to no updates to HS.


Source code for the AHK I was using for switching Hyperspin instances.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Gui, 1:Color, 000000
Gui, 1:-Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 1:Show, x0 y0 w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight%
Process, Close, Hyperspin.exe
Run, N:\test\subwheel test\Hyperspin.exe
WinWait, ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC
Gui, 1:destroy

  • 3 weeks later...

I search long Time for a Solution like this..

Its Perfekt for the Classic Games in or under the Mame System with underwheels, Sega Classics, Nintendo Classics, Capcom Classics and and ..


Good Job good Work i think many many will use it...

Thanks alot for that work and share with us....


zero can you post a guide up for us that would help big time thanks regards relic where do you add this anyway

sig.png 100%

I think this is a great idea. Just the fact alone that you could have multiple games under one for different languages will help. I think this will create many spin-off ideas that will keep us even more obsessed even longer. I am trying to think of ways I would utilize this even further and will post ideas as they come to me. We certainly do not shy from creativity here so I am excited to see what others come up with.

Thanks Zero, ghutch and djvj!

I'am thinking on moving to a subwheel the Options i have setup directly on the main menu, every one of them with sub options (to change screens, connect/disconnect wiimotes and change-hide and show main menu systems).

They will look a lot better in a Setup Wheel at the bottom of the actual systems list.

I already have every game setup to open hl launch menu with some versions (language or betas, etc.)... Works realy good, but yea is another obsession to have in count haha.

Knewlife can you post us a Video from your setup to see how it looks???

Sute, there is an old video that shows the change screen option in the HSBezel post (link at my signature)...

Will make a new one to show some things I have done.

The main menu changer for example is an app I made that filters your main menu (from within HS) based in data I add to the main menu XML and restarts HS tho show the changes.

Is on my ftp folder but don't have time to make a post and explain everything yet.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 520 using Tapatalk


I haven't tried this yet but it sounds like I could use this to switch between 4:3 and 16:9 setups for a cabinet connected to the TV. Oh the fun I'll have!

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


Multiple Installs of Hyperspin??

I think this is overdo, I already did it without issues or installing more and more things. Works a treat.


I'll work on fuller instructions at some point today. Might not get finished until tomorrow. I'll post here and throw everything on my FTP folder when I'm done.

hey dog can you show us how you did it thanks regards relic

Search in my latest posts, I explained there. You basically substitute the genre subwheels "Sports", "Fighters", "Adventures", etc with subsystems.


We cant wait.. me and Relic........ Cheers

Zerojay where are you man.....

I'll work on fuller instructions at some point today. Might not get finished until tomorrow. I'll post here and throw everything on my FTP folder when I'm done.

I'm knee-deep into week 3 of 60+ hour crunch time on a game I'm finishing, that's where I am.

Most of what you need to know is in the OP, just not spelled out for you on a step-by-step basis. When I can, I'll update with more, but it's basically rewriting the OP, really.

Something I would suggest you do is that you create a stripped Hyperspin installation that has all but one system removed (as HS and HyperHQ don't like zero systems), remove all the media, etc... Once you have a super clean install of HS, zip it up and use it as a basis for creating your subwheels.

Yes, you can use genres too if you don't mind losing the functionality of genres.


Good Morning Zerojay..any news about it?

I'll probably work out some more exact instructions in the near future.

As I said before, everything's in the OP. If you have trouble with anything, let me know and I'll help you out. I don't have the time to write precise step-by-step instructions now, but everything's already in the OP anyways.


Me and Relic try it many hours together out but dont work....But my English is to bad to say you the problems that we have with it.

Maybe relic can write you better whats the Problems are....


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