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About brudibru

  • Birthday 12/06/1967

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    Biarritz, France
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  1. Qaz, can you explain a bit more ? I am not sure to understand what you are looking for. In the meantime, my own preferences are like that: screen dga/1024/768 windowmodes 3 screenmodes 63
  2. Qaz, if the game you are trying to launch is "fair then partly piggy" (what a name !!) you have to double click on the icon on the top right with all the strange caracters and then enlarge the new window that has opened, to finally double click on the icon called "hare" to start the game. If it's an other game you still have to click on the same top right icon and navigate until you find the game icon. Depending on the games, the navigation up to the game icon can be quite easy or can necessitate to open multiple windows. I have not found how to improve that. Sheepshaver can be a little tricky sometimes and I had to write protect some of the game files, otherwise the contents of the games were deleted. That means the emu cannot save the configuration of the windows when we quit.
  3. Which game are you trying to launch Qaz ? Have you tried to doublle click on the strangely named drive on the top right ?
  4. Sorry, I knew I was missing something ! It's available in the downloads now. Apple Bandai Pippin.xml
  5. Version 1.0.0


    To make it clear right away, I have not found or written a Pippin emulator out of the blue. To my knowledge, the Pippin system remains largely unemulated. I have been able to create this setup because most of the Pippin library of games was compatible or had a version for Mac PPC's. So I have been able to use the Emulator Sheepshaver which works quite well with those games. That means that, despite the Pippin opening splash screen and sound, it doesn't really acts like a Pippin console as it starts in a Mac OS environment and we have to use a mouse to browse through folders and start games (and sometimes browse through multiple folders). Talking about games, they are mostly kiddie FMV stuff, a lot of them from Bandai, interactive videos or educational. Only a few games stand out but the keyboard and mouse controls are not always great compared to today's standards. So why bother ? The Pippin ended up an abject failure but is still an important part of the videogames history as it was the first and only attempt from Apple to make a gaming device. It had a very limited success in the US and fared just a little better in Japan, thanks to Bandai's lineup of games for the young ones. Back then, Apple probably thought that the CD player and FMV capability, and their name, would be enough to appeal to everybody but obviously it was not (same happened to the CDTV and many other CD based consoles of course). The setup is prepared for what we have to call Hyperspin 1 now. I don't know about a Sheepshaver module for Rocketlauncher so I have used the capabilities of PCLauncher and each games are launched via .bat files (Instructions in the downloads). I have included a Pippin.txt file with all the lines you have to copy/paste to your own PCLauncher.ini. If you don't do that, you will have to point out each games manually in the PCLauncher settings in Rocketlauncher. I don't know about the compatibility with HS2. It can probably launch bat files too but I have not tried myself. I had this system unfinished for a long time and Floatingyeti helped and motivated me to finish it. Floatingyeti also created the main and default themes (and a beautiful pointer) and was generally a great help to refine my project. The boxes have been created from a standard cd case and real covers and cd images from a template. Hope you will enjoy it. PIPPIN main.mp4 Pippin Default.mp4
  6. I want to add to Floatingyeti's post that we have simplified the names of the roms from the TOSEC set for obvious reasons and the roms must also be unzipped before being launched in Retroarch to be playable. It has to be taken in account if you want to play them in HS2.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Wheels for the Enterprise created by floatingyeti and me (and a few already existing ones). You can find the whole setup here:
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Standardized cassettes for the Enterprise setup. Thanks to floatingyeti for providing the template. There are two sets in the zip file: One with squeezed images, so they fit correctly for a 16:9 screen and one with original sized images. The complete setup can be found here:
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Full set of cassettes cases for the setup we have created with Floatingyeti for those who only want the artworks. Some of them were already existing, so credits goes to whoever created them. I had to create around half of them from covers or screenshots. You can find the complete setup here:
  10. Shredder and Dazz, I am sad to hear about your bad professional experiences, I hope the situation will improve or continue to improve for you. We live in an era where money dictates everything and human relations comes way behind. I worked myself for 20 years in the aeronautic business, had a great job directing a factory plant, which became increasingly toxic because of the pressure to produce always more, always quicker with less and less direct human relations. When I said I would leave because I couldn't stand it anymore, I became a nobody instantly in the company, like I was radioactive or contagious. The time where human relationships could solve many problems was over and nowadays it can be tough for guys our generation (sorry Shredder, you are much younger :). Dazz, I appreciate how you have presented the situation in your latest post here and I thank you for that. It's much better than: "hey, we are back with the new version you were waiting for ! By the way you will have to start from scratch, but it is not a problem because what had been done before, especially the last few years, was crap". At least that is the way I interpreted what I read. I may be too sensitive about the subject but I love Hyperspin, I have spent sooo much time working on my setup like everybody else, I loved Hyperspin back when it started and the years afterward, and the last few years I enjoyed tremendously the work of guys like floatinyeti, hoscarconh, mackano, emanu, andyman, espartano, publio, jesfrnkys, dark13, Nanometrovo, creez, pademonium, johnfreitassousa and so many others who have kept Hyperspin alive. But I will stop complaining and try to be helpful with the new version, if possible, with my modest skills. I am old enough to remember the first months/years of Hyperspin and the fantastic work you produced Dazz, along with BBB and the other original devs and media creators. I remember the problems, the controversies. Back then, the other frontends were so poor, graphically and features speaking. I was using Gameex before, so you can imagine the revolution when Hyperspin arrived. The themes, and in particular the game themes were and still are what makes Hyperspin stand out from the crowd for me. It can be messy but I love the colours, the animation, the sounds, much like the arcades of our youth ! I will have a few questions and eventually propositions to raise but I will open separate topics for that. Long live Hyperspin !!!
  11. Thanks for the answer. I'll be patient.
  12. Can you tell us a bit more thatman ? I am getting a bit nervous here...
  13. John, I'm afraid there will be no coming back to normal. We have a new normal now. But you are raising a very good question. Are we still allowed to post stuff in the forums for the "old" Hyperspin ? If yes, for how long ? Do we need to have a special section for us, ungrateful people who wants to keep their old meticulously crafted Hyperspin setup instead of starting over with the new one ? And by the way, how should we call the old Hyperspin now ? The legacy Hyperspin or maybe the Stupid Hyperspin ?
  14. I am afraid it might be difficult to reconcile the opposite conceptions of what Hyperspin should be. On one side the devs and the trusted creators who are trying to resurrect the original model of Hyperspin/Platinum accounts/official Hypersync media, but in a much more integrated, modern and controlled environment. And on the other side, long time or ardent users and unofficial creators who have taken over when the old model started to die and who have learned to enjoy the new, completely opened and uncontrolled, Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher/forums unofficial media model. On both sides people who are legitimately proud of what they have accomplished. On one side talented people who are willing to start over to make everything better, on the other people who have spent way too much time, energy and talent to start over. I really hope solutions will be found to content both sides but I wouldn't bet on it, sadly enough.
  15. It is not really a 180 degrees turn. You probably remember back in the days when there were creators working on the official media and the simple people posting low level stuff on the forum. After almost all the creators left Hyperspin it was down to the low level stuff on the forum. All the stuff we should forget about now. And also it seems we should stop asking stupid questions about it ...
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