Custom marquee collection for PC
For use with Hypermarquee
Anno 1602
Aboslute Drift
Ace Combat Assault Hozizon
Alien Isolation
Age of Empire 2
Age of Empire 2 : The Conquerors
Ape out
Assassin's Credd
Autocross Madness
Alien vs Predator 2
Axiom Verge
Baldur's Gate 2
Ballistic NG
Bajeweled Twist
Beyond Good and Evil
Blue Estate
Blaxk & White
Caesar III
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
Chaos Control
Colin Mc Rae Rally 2
Commandos 2
Crime Patrol
Crime Patrol 2 : Drug Wars
Counter Strike
Crazy Taxi 3
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dimension Drive
Dead Cell
Dead Space
Deus Ex
Diablo II
Dragon's Lair
Doom II
Doom III
Drifting Lands
Driver San Francisco
Duck Tales Remastered
Duke Nukem 3D
F1 2017
Fallout 2
Fast Beat Loop Racer GT
The Forest
Grim Fandango Remastered
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto London 1969
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV : Episodes From Liberty City
Ghost Of A Tale
Half Life
Hyper Light Drifter
Hollow Knight
Horizon Chase Turbo
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2
Into The Breach
Joe Danger
Lego City Undercover
Lemans 24h
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Midtown Madness
Midtown Madness 2
Mirror's Edge
Micromachines World Series
Mobil 1 Rally Championship
Monkey Island Special Edition
Motocross Madness
Motocross Madness 2
Moto GP 2
Moto GP 3
Moto Racer
Moto Racer 2
Moto Racer 3
Mr Shifty
Neon Drive
Need For Speed III : Hot Pursuit
Need For Speed IV : High Stakes
Need For Speed V : Porsche Unleashed
Need for Speed VI : Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Most Wanted
No Man's Sky
New York Race
Oddworld Abe's Odyssey
Outrun 2006 : Coast to Coast
Pacman Championship Edition DX
Papers Please
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Quake 2
Quake 3 Arena
Radikal Bikers
Raiden III
Raiden IV : Overkill
Raiden V Director's Cut
Rayman Legend
Redline Racer
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 4
Resident EVII. Biohazard
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Return to the Obra Dinn
Road Redemption
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Screamer 2
Screamer Rally
Sega Rally Revo
Sega Tourning Car Campionship
Serious Sam
Serious Sam II
Sim City 2000
Sim City 3000
Sim City 4
The Sims
The Sims 4
Soldier of Fortune
Soldats Inconnus (Valiant Hearts)
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Mania
Sonic 4 Episode 1
Soul Reaver 2
Space Ace
Star Wars Dark Forces
Star Wars Rebel Assault
Star Wars Rebel Assault 2
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
Star Wars Force Commander
Star Wars Episode 1
Star Wars Episode 1 : Racer
Star Wars : X-Wing Alliance
Street Fighters IV
Strike Suit Zero
Sudden Strike
Tetris Ultimate
Theme Hospital
Theme Park
Theme Park World
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD
The Binding of Isaac
The Nomad Soul
Titan Soul
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Trackmania Turbo
Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2004
Urban trial Freestyle
Versailles : Complot à la cour du Roi Soleil
Virtua Tennis 4
Warcraft II
Warcraft III
Warcraft III : Frozen World
Western 1849 Reloaded
Wolfenstein 3D
Worms Armageddon
Games for Windows / PC Games Pointer. This is made for a 16:9 Hyperspin, you'll need to expand width by 125% if you have a 4:3 front end
pc pointer
The 308 PNG's are in Resolution 600 x xxx Pixels
There are some German Titles of Games in the Pack.
you can use them for other Systems too if you want
Size: 31,6 MB
The crew at Huracan Studio just released a new version 2.10 of this fantastic game on Halloween. I've had this set up in my Hyperspin Main Menu for quite some time now and wanted to share it with you all. I did not create the menu graphics but collected them from around the web and thought there needed to be some easy place to find them. I am uploading the XML I created, the main menu graphics from sinistersix, the main menu wheel art, and the gameplay video. Please contact me if you need help getting the game to work correctly. Hope you enjoy!
This File Contains over 380 Original written Game Names for PC Games.
This cames from my own Games.
Black written Letters have white Shadows , and vice versa.
Some are in German Language written.
But most of them are in English.
Dimensions are 600 with to 2xx Height ... depends on the format of the Letters
You can use them on your own Backgrounds ....
Have Fun.
Here are some cases that I made for my collection. You may need to change some of the names to match your files. Thanks!
Here is a main menu wheel for Shovel Knight.
Doujin Soft System Pointer
Pointer for Locomalito Games
pc alt pointer
Main Menu and Default Theme + Video + Wheels + Letters + Pointer + Bezel + Fade of the System Java Games (16:9)
Quelques fondus pour Jeux PC à placer dans le dossier HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade
Hey All - I whipped this up in like 10 min, because i couldn't get the window to full screen properly and didn't want to mess with it anymore so I made this bezel, thought it looked pretty sweet so thought i would share it out, Enjoy!
Squared main menu wheel image (16x9) for Super Mario War
Freedom Planet PC Game Wheel
I'm using squared main menu wheel images and decided to move Fix it Felix Jr. to my main menu wheel... it needed a decent squared image, so I created one. Enjoy!
I Decided to upload the sound pack for Hyperspin's Ultimate DooM Single player Collection:
it contains sounds to be played when ever you skip to the next wheel.
Forum : link to the forum thread with more goodies
Edit 17-11-2016
As of Today , ZeroJay's Ultimate doom single player collection will be known as Hyperspin's Ultimate Doom single player collection. please give ZeroJay a Beer for his hardwork!
Database :
Letter pack :
Sound pack :
Wheel pack :
Flash Games Pointer
Wheel art for Streets Of Rage Remake
Wheel personalizada do sistema Locomalito (16:9) (4:3)
This File Contains over 490 Original written Game (Logo) Names for PC Games.
(New Version is at the bottom)
This cames from my own Games.
Black written Letters have white Shadows , and vice versa.
Some are in German Language written.
But most of them are in English.
Dimensions are 600 with to 2xx Height ... depends on the format of the Letters
PNG Format
You can use them on your own Backgrounds ....
Have Fun.
I Decided to upload the wheel pack for Hyperspin's Ultimate DooM Single player Collection:
This pack contains Cacoward winners of the past years and popular Gameplay mods for DooM
This pack contains 2 versions of the same wheels, Standard and widescreen.
Forum : link to the forum thread with more goodies
Edit 17-11-2016
As of Today , ZeroJay's Ultimate doom single player collection will be known as Hyperspin's Ultimate Doom single player collection. please give ZeroJay a Beer for his hardwork!
Database :
Letter pack :
Sound pack :
Wheel pack :
Fade do sistema Locomalito
Quando você está determinado a faze algo, a crítica negativa se torna um fator de motivação.
Main menu wheel art for Microsoft Windows 3.x.