Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Don't worry, now sorted 👍
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 8 replies
Does anyone know how to fix this cfg file (see attached) so it works with MAME 0.252 ? All working fine for previous MAME builds all the way up to MAME 0.251, but now Start + Select not working (lots of changes were done on MAME 0.252) Tried fixing, but can't find the right button combination that works. I am hoping the person that created it all those years ago will see this post (or someone with the skills to fix it obviously) 😉 Thanks in advance 👍 ps, All working fine once Coin + Start pressed on keyboard. XARCADE_XBox360x4.cfg
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 0 replies
I have a HS and run MK games focus the 1first Game ando load correct but in Game is see Low the gameplay. Can help me please. Im a new, on config. VID_20230305_141323811.mp4
Last reply by dragonx13, -
- 0 replies
rocketlauncher is looking for "supermodel/supermodel-r271-x64/supermodel.exe" I have pointed the ui to the exe file but the ahk is looking for a diffrent version i cannot find on the net. lil frustrated at trying to hunt down the ui for sega model 3 but have had no luck other than virus ridden files any help would be awesome for this old man.
Last reply by Robbwoy, -
- 8 replies
Hello all, So... Another odd problem. Running the Stella Atari 2600 emulator. I can run it just fine from RocketLauncher or standalone, but when I try and open it from Hyperspin the spinner does not work. Thoughts or suggestions?? Thanks!
Last reply by SidneyAtl, -
- 0 replies
Just currently moving through setting up Taito Type X and after a bit of faffing with the control system (did anyone else notice that some of the pad-configs or controller configs dont allow arrow keys or number keys, some did, some didnt. I thought it was odd but worked around it anyway with a combination of joy2key and some rocketlauncher fiddly aboutery). Anyway, I have come to setting up Raiden 3 which is clearly a 2 player game and yet no matter what I do I cant seem to get player 2 inputs to be recognised. Im wondering if anyone else has this issue (like its the game itself and no one really bothers setting that up). After trying many different things and doing…
Last reply by Hyperspinner5000, -
- 1 reply
Hello Everyone again, My 2nd question for the newest newbie to this site would be about the Atari 2600 Emulator (Stella) So... when I launch certain games through the Hyperspin / RocketLauncher combination, some of the games in Stella show up in Black and White (or greyscale if you want to be specific) It happends with several games and two of them are Kaboom and Adventure. The strange thing is that if I go directly to the emulator and launch these games from there, they are in color as expected. It's only when I'm using Hyperspin front end and RocketLauncher as the brain. It used to work fine but not anymore. I recently installed LEDBlinky and thought th…
Last reply by SidneyAtl, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I bought the amazing TOS GRS switcher (4 / 8 way) for Sanwa joysticks, which moves the restrictor plate between the 2 positions. Has anyone been able to configure HS to automatically detect whether the MAME game is 4 or 8 way, and then send the command line to the switcher motor? On retropie apparently it's plug and play that way. https://thunderstickstudio.com/products/tos-grs-4-to-8-way-restrictor-extension-kit?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI387s4J_k_AIVU5JbCh2puwv6EAAYASAAEgJZMfD_BwE
Last reply by justintime, -
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I was just wondering if anyone knows what Bad Drive error in Archimedes Arculator means. When I run a game in drive 0, it tries to load game !blitz etc then tells me *Bad Drive, I have been trying for ages to get this to work, but have no idea what is going on. Searched for a solution to no avail.
Last reply by matabhaine, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello, I am brand new at this and working on setting up HyperSpin. I have gotten to the point where I can launch games and gotten past many errors but I am currently stuck. When I launch a game it tells me my libretro (game system) dll is set to something else but could not locate the file. It then gives me a file path but the dll is not there.
Last reply by floatingyeti, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, I made a trackball game only machine a few years ago and I want to make and updated trackball machine. I want to use mame 249 but cannot figure out how to make/get a compatible mame.xml file or mame module for mame 249. The modules I have are for mame 140 and 157. the xml I have is for 160 If I use listxml the resulting file doesnt seem to be compatible. I cannot find module file for mame 249 Any help would be greatly appreciated! MisterArcade
Last reply by Andyman, -
- 1 reply
Hi not sure if this has been asked before? Have tried finding in forum topics with no success. Is it possible to add Nintendo Switch to hyperspin, have searched online for setup guides but couldn't find any? Thanks in advance for any help given.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Trying to change over from XBOX 360 to XBOX One controller and everything working EXCEPT the global exit setting in RocketLauncher. Works perfectly fine with XBOX 360, but not working when using XBOX One Controller. Has anyone managed to get this working or am I just wasting my time ? Any help appreciated.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 2 replies
hi friends, hoping someone to help when I try to play PS4 games , it shows a message showing cannot find ...emulators\pclauncher\palauncher.exe how can I solve? thanks
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, I'm new to the scene, and was just wandering how to access/manage my M-Dos games within the file system directory of hyperspin, and whether I can add/remove more titles? When I go into roms or emulators in the file system, I can't seem to find MS-Dos anywhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 0 replies
Hi All This may sound like an odd request at this time and I know it's a very out dated version but I just can't find it on the net and I have it all set up and don't really want to redo all the links, roms, etc. All the games I love to play is working and I don't need the latest mame version! If anyone has a no nag compiled version of mame 0.139 please can you share it or provide a link. Thanking you in advance!
Last reply by Slick8, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Long time since I have done a setup and natural instinct to quickly put me on the best pick emulators for current day is the NonMAME site. The one thing I noticed is that the recommendations now seem to lean more towards using the standalone emulators more than the Retroarch cores when it use to be more the ladder. Can anyone shed some light on why the switch?
Last reply by floatingyeti, -
- 2 replies
How do I fix / configure my Hyperspin arcade machine using the Daphne.loader emulator? The joystick and the start button to play Dragon's Lair for example work fine. The sword button and coin button do not work. I am able to assign them on the Daphineloader.exe but when trying to play the game, those buttons don't work. I'm not sure why that is. (Those 2 buttons that don't work on Daphne work fine when playing MAME for example) Its not a button/wire connection issue. Thoughts?
Last reply by jamieshah24, -
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Bonjour les passionner je suis a la recherche d'un endroit comme le titre l'indique pour héberger les nouveaux modules mise a jour retroarch cemu dolphin tout ce qui mérité une attention particulier car les émulateurs évolues mais les modules reste très difficilement récupérable ou inexistant a mon échelles de compétence merci encore pour votre écoute
Last reply by Bliberche, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to get a dragon's Lair cab finished off. Everything seems to work fairly well. I have the guts of a PC in the cab, and ultimarc arcadevga card feeding into a standard res CRT arcade monitor. To be able to see anything on the screen, it has to be set to pretty low resolutions which make working on this fairly difficult, as an LCD monitor won't run. I have it set to 640*288. When windows runs, it's offset to the right a bit which doesn't matter as it boots right into hyperspin. HS looks fine, and fills the 4:3 monitor perfectly, and only shows Daphne games. However, when a game is run, they are in more of a 16*9 mode with black bars at the top and bottom of the s…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I've got an arcade cabinet setup with Hyperspin and recently noticed the player 2 controls (keyboard mappings) weren't working anymore. All other emulators on the arcade cabinet work fine for both players, but in Dolphin (GameCube) it does not. I've tried remapping the keyboard keys myself in Dolphin but still not working. I am surely missing something, but can't figure out what? Any ideas? thanks MajorWeirdo
Last reply by MajorWeirdo, -
- 0 replies
Hey all-- First, amazing community--you all have been a great help, and even when I haven't posted I've learned so much from this forum. A great resource! A few random questions that have come up in my experience with my arcade cabinet the last few months, hoping someone can help: 1) I have a 4 player, 7 button setup at each spot (plus the start and select buttons and a joystick). My buttons are 2 rows of three and then a third row with just one button. One glitch I've noticed is that when I try to map buttons, some emulators will not recognize a key and won't let me map it, whereas another one will just fine. So for example, using SNES9x emu, the top row M…
Last reply by drjea2010, -
- 1 reply
I thought I had this working but apparently not. Using Fusion to play Sega CD. Outside of HS/RL it loads the Sega CD title screen, asks me to push "start," and after I do that the game loads. However, if I launch the game through RL or in HS I get the same Sega CD title screen but it says to push reset to open and close the drive, and if I push "start" I get the CD player. I've googled this and not found anything helpful. I did select in Fusion under "options" and CD drive my SCSI Daemon Tools drive, despite not using that to load any files. I'm using .bin/.cue files. Unzipped. File is good since it works outside RL/HS. Name matches exactly according to the games tab…
Last reply by drjea2010, -
- 17 replies
Hi all, I'm trying to add Bizhawk as the default emulator for Mattel Intellivision because I find the controls map the best with that emulator for that system. Anyway, it wasn't an option in RL for me, so I edited the bizhawk.ahk, line 9 adding "Mattel Intellivision." After that, it showed up fine in RL and I was able to select it as the default emulator. However, when I attempt to run a game in HS I get the following error pop up message: "it is not one of the known supported systems for this bizhawk module".... I've googled like crazy and not come up with a solution to this. What else do I need to do to get this to actually work? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by drjea2010, -
- 166 replies
STORY : I've created an Electronic game launcher for my personal hyperspin configuration since december 2013 , now i attempt to setup my launcher to be fully working for all Hyperspin community. At this time 458 electronic games can be fully played with an Xbox 360 controller or others controllers or arcade stick (X-Arcade). This launcher and all emulators included on this pack are free. My website to download package: http://r0man0.free.fr Please do not share my files without this link. It is necessary to keep alive and free the development of all my projects. If you want help me : You can donate by Pa…
Last reply by r0man0,