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Help me name my cab!


Help me name my cab!!  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What name do you think best captures the arcade spirit!?

    • Capcom vs Taito
    • Platform vs Fighter
    • Battle Bobble
    • Sprite Fighter
    • Bubble vs Trouble
    • Bobble Squabble
    • Sweet Fighter
    • Other (please add a suggestion below!)

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So i've started my project over... I'm leaning towards a Bubble Bobble / Street Fighter theme, with perhaps a few other characters in there... initial proof of concept of the mock is here:



Plan is to have one side be Bubble Bobble side art (or a combination of 'cuter' characters) and the other Street Fighter (or a combination of fighters)


So... what do people think?!


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What i think on the art, stay on 1 type of style, so or vector only or digital only. you now have digital street fighter images and vector bubble bobble images. it would look much better to have them all in vector but hey it's you cab at the end of the day. for the name Battle Bobble  or Sweet Fighter or Super Bobble Fighter or Super Battle Bobble will be nice names to go along with the games you choose. you can go crazy on this themes stuff

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I like the idea of using Puzzle Fighter art to represent Street Fighter.

I like the name Platform vs. Fighter


I also like Battle Bobble, but it doesn't match the theme. Bobble Fighter would be better.


Super Bobble Fighter Alpha Rainbow Turbo Remix

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Lol that last one is epic! use that


just a trick to combine the art as one. add one more shading to bub and bob. like the puzzle fighters have 3 shadings of shadows, bub and bub only have 2 also make bub and bobs eyes the same as the puzzle fighters (same style but keep it black grey/blueish) then your art is combined and look lik its from one artist, i would do a redarw on bub and bub if i where you to get them into that state

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you are getting some where, edit one of the bubble bobble pictures i gave you the links make it pink then you have the girl version so you have three just like the street fighter ones. then make them the same height as the sf ones and the have your base 




I would gave you a hand with the art part but i am buried in projects atm. i see if i can squeeze it in somewhere this is an easy project and fun


send me that psd

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Making some progress with my CP design... toying between lightning or not... thoughts? I like the clean lines without it, but I like the theme separation with it... I need a graphic designer to tell me  ;)






I'm also wondering on whether to move some of the admin buttons (specifically the Exit / Pause to the front...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would leave the admin buttons up there as you may bump into them while playing

Yeah, I made the same decision... Also have levelled the pause and exit buttons - like the design with them at an angle, but feel there is too much chance of P1 hitting them in play, and play has to come first!!

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