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Wheel art


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I manged to get most of the Future pinball wheels from ZeroJay. I hunted down multiple sites and found very limited wheel art for visual pinball, I managed to get over 630 wheels from various sites such as

the Spanish forum you can't link to.

The PinballX front end FTP

VP forums.

I replaced allot of the low quality and incorrectly labeled wheels with some wheels I was able to make such as this

I was uploading my wheels to the VP forum site but I got lazy, I'm not going to upload a file at a time.

With so many Pinball communities I figured that Visual Pinball art would be more easily attainable ,

so my question is where is everyone getting their wheel art from?

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Yay for high quality VP wheels! Really great job trekking across the internet to find these. If you want you could just throw them on the FTP, or even submit them to the Downloads section. I've created a few new wheels for my FP XML, but I think I've mostly been using Zerojay's set across both FP and VP. Feel free to grab any wheels that you might not have from /Upload Here/MacklinB/Future Pinball/. The number of games without wheels in my Visual Pinball system is saddening at the moment though, so I can't wait to get my hands on this. :D

Apart from the set I already have, I usually get new VP wheels from already-existing FP tables (most tables listed on Pinsimdb provide wheels), either that or just create it from scratch if I'm bothered.

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I also got a chance to go through your wheels, used a few replaced a few.

I also got the flyers and I have extended the flyers collection to over 750 from this two sites


and this arseholes who find a need to add their web address to each flyer:thefinger:


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The flyers I've collected only cover tables that currently exist in Future Pinball, not Visual Pinball - which is why I don't have every flyer available. Although that could be a neat addition =D.

The amount of websites that do that... ugh.

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  • 2 years later...

I manged to get most of the Future pinball wheels from ZeroJay. I hunted down multiple sites and found very limited wheel art for visual pinball, I managed to get over 630 wheels from various sites such as

the Spanish forum you can't link to.

The PinballX front end FTP

VP forums.

I replaced allot of the low quality and incorrectly labeled wheels with some wheels I was able to make such as this


I was uploading my wheels to the VP forum site but I got lazy, I'm not going to upload a file at a time.

With so many Pinball communities I figured that Visual Pinball art would be more easily attainable ,

so my question is where is everyone getting their wheel art from?


Hi Assassin, 


Sorry to dig up an old thread, but are these Future Pinball wheels you reference available to download anywhere? I'm not seeing them in HyperSync / Download section.

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a hyperspin ready future pinball set is in the works,  over 600 at last count and their are ZERO!!!!!!!  wheels missing.  all the crap quality wheels have been redone.



I have no control over the release date on that so you have to wait for everything to come out.



and the hyperspin ready Visual Pinball set is also in the works with 1400 plus (MOST CURRENT) tables.


the wheel set for VP is at over 1200,  all the high quality( popular tables)  have high quality wheels.  (High quality wheels might not fit the description to all images but they are defiantly not low quality)


the only missing wheels are for low quality tables.  Tables you probably will not want to play.

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