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ps2 videos ,themes or boxes in hypersync


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hello i cant find ps2 videos ,themes or boxes in hypersync. have they been deleted or not surported thanks

Circo has 900+ videos on his FTP. I personally pulled several through HyperSync, but no wheels or boxes were downloaded.

I have seen several boxes on our FTP, but I can't recall what folder they were in. They are out there though, unless they've been deleted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PS2 seems like it should be removed as an option in Hypersync as I tried it again over the wkend and not only is there no media for it but downloading the XML using hypersync breaks the 2nd wheel. At least for me. I had to get it again off an old dropbox link.

Does anyone else have this problem? Considering just how useful hypersync is I think systems like this that don't work should be hidden/removed to avoid confusion.

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The XML is one I got from here a number of months back. I honestly couldn't point you to it as doing a search for "Playstation 2 xml" only searches for "playstation" but I can load games off it fine through Hyperspin.

Interesting it syncs for you and not for Juicelee and myself. I would suspect it doesn't like the naming of my set (how many of these sets could their be anyway?) but the games (I've tried) work fine in Hyperspin so it must be something else. Unless it isn't saving my sync settings as I did have to turn everything on when I tried it again. I didn't go back and check if they have reset to off.

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PS2 seems like it should be removed as an option in Hypersync as I tried it again over the wkend and not only is there no media for it but downloading the XML using hypersync breaks the 2nd wheel. At least for me. I had to get it again off an old dropbox link.

Does anyone else have this problem? Considering just how useful hypersync is I think systems like this that don't work should be hidden/removed to avoid confusion.

did you sync any media for the .dot hack games? Because I had to completely rename all of their xml entries because they were using characters that crashed my wheel.

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my xml matches all the media in the PS2 Source Art folder on the FTP and the 900+ videos on emumovies ftp. I currently making a USA only wheel (using only games listed as compatible on pcsx2 website) I'm slowing filling in all missing wheels, boxart, and videos. I'm only up to the letter "g" but I had to do a lot of work to get there. I want to share the work but Ive never been sure if my xml is proper.

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Mine is named Sony PlayStation 2, same as in HyperLaunch HQ.

I just removed it from the list and re-linked it and started a new sync. It skipped everything until it got to guitar hero videos and starting downloading them and now seems to be grabbing the odd game video here and there.

I'm not worried about it to be honest as this system is a little slow to run PCSX2 great so its for another time on another build. I was just surprised it was syncing for some people.

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*grins* Videos should be on EmuMovies FTP will check that as I'm pretty sure I have them. Actually I'd prefer the XML that works and see what happens. I haven't tested this yet. Technically if you have them then we should all be able to get them. And since I haven't completed my setup of it yet I should be able to step by step this and make sure I can pass on perfect info to the people and compare notes with what you already have. Currently at work though so will be a few hours.

Yep just confirmed that the Sony Playstation 2 folder I downloaded from EmuMovies official folder 480p has 930 files in it of PS2 goodness.

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you don't have access to view this but I completely rebuilt the PS2 wheels in the FTP last month


I deleted the default PS2 theme, to have all the wheels up against a black background and found wheels that looked like this

I found a few of this files but the good things is that they where all good quality. I was able to repair them all.

you should repalce your entire wheel folders with the most recent wheels I uploaded as of 10-18-2013

The "wheel and box progress 10-18-2013" wheel tell you what is completed and missing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I upload some wheels and boxart to the ftp. I've been working on all us games that are listed as compatible in pcsx2. So far got #-G. Included system/default themes.

Your double working. Please send brolly a request to be on hyperspin project team. These are being worked on already I'm pretty sure.

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you really should and please only keep the files that you make on your folder, Not that I care but and you have allot of the old outdated files.

their is at least 3 folders in the FTP, members that that uploaded the wheels that they are using, but don't seem to replace old bad quality wheels when better ones are available.

files I found in your folder

all those files have been updated

I download all your wheels to see if I could any of your wheels to the PS2 source art, (Since I just updated it on 12-11-2013) more than 30 wheels added.

I found wheels that you made but are already done.

read this


then ask to be part of the PS2 wheel making crew that way you don't make wheels that have already been done.

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