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How do I hide windows 10?


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Custom boot logo

customizing your login screen:

automatic logon to windows 10 

customizng windows shell 

Disclaimer: I have not tried these personally

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I'm seeing that, richie.

  • I can autologin, and disable the lock screen, check
  • Installing and alternative shell does not seems to work on Windows 10, fail.

I was using Windows XP previously but the MB died and new boards aren't compatible. Hence the Windows 10 upgrade. What a pain. 

What is the state of mame on linux these days? Might prefer that to another old Windows OS. :0









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"If you have the pro version of Windows 10 you can do this with group policy.


Open the group policy editor and find the Custom UI policy.  Enable it and set the path to your hyperspin.exe file.  When you reboot hyperspin.exe will launch instead of explorer.exe.


If you also use netplwiz in Windows you can also enable auto login, so you don't have to type a password to login to Windows."

run  gpedit.msc 

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The fact there's no easy way to change the default search engine from using bing..
Torrents refuse to download even legal ones.
Google Chrome browser mysteriously stops working even now and then and I have to reinstall.
The ridicules over the top privacy shit you have to agree to before using it..
Microsoft are fast going down the pan in my opinion,..

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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14 minutes ago, richie_jones said:

The fact there's no easy way to change the default search engine from using bing..
Torrents refuse to download even legal ones.
Google Chrome browser mysteriously stops working even now and then and I have to reinstall.
The ridicules over the top privacy shit you have to agree to before using it..
Microsoft are fast going down the pan in my opinion,..

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I have no such issues :S did you upgrade or perform a clean install? 

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an upgrade is what you do for your parents, always go for a fresh install yourself ;)

Pro tip: use the free Macrium Reflect to make an image of your OS drive in case do mess something up, also do the same once you do a fresh OS install with all basic programs etc you always want to have installed. Then you can always revert back instead of having to do a fresh install or system recovery.

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2 hours ago, richie_jones said:

The fact there's no easy way to change the default search engine from using bing..
Torrents refuse to download even legal ones.
Google Chrome browser mysteriously stops working even now and then and I have to reinstall.
The ridicules over the top privacy shit you have to agree to before using it..
Microsoft are fast going down the pan in my opinion,..

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I haven't had single issue with any of those things. 

Honestly Win 10 has been perfect since upgrading my cab and i definitely prefer it over 7 which i was running before.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/16/2016 at 1:13 PM, richie_jones said:

The fact there's no easy way to change the default search engine from using bing..
Torrents refuse to download even legal ones.
Google Chrome browser mysteriously stops working even now and then and I have to reinstall.
The ridicules over the top privacy shit you have to agree to before using it..
Microsoft are fast going down the pan in my opinion,..

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

just wait until windows forces a restart (for updates) while you're doing something and you lose hours of work.. :shok:

the only way i've found to stop this on the home versions is to hack the registry to change the Ethernet connection so windows thinks its a metered connection.

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yes that is annoying, however windows updates are not here to annoy you, they're being deployed to maintain en secure the operating system. Closing potential security issues, updating malware signatures, fixing bugs and occasionally add new functionality. 

now if you want get some handle on the maintenance windows you could follow this guide: 

Good registry hack though :)

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On 16-12-2016 at 2:13 PM, richie_jones said:

The fact there's no easy way to change the default search engine from using bing..
Torrents refuse to download even legal ones.
Google Chrome browser mysteriously stops working even now and then and I have to reinstall.
The ridicules over the top privacy shit you have to agree to before using it..
Microsoft are fast going down the pan in my opinion,..

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I have exacly NONE of these problems. I've never come across bing.... Torrents are not a problem whatsoever, Chrome works unless it's a know stupid chrome issue that happens on other OS's as well. You have to agree to nothing, just turn everything off, if you don;t want to be tracked, what are you doing on the internet? MSoft and every other OS builder has been crap forever.

Also yes, who uses the home version? are you a console peasant or something?! :P

At least I don't have that stupid Tapatalk spam at the bottom of my post ;)

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I spent most of one weekend working on this and have ended up "mostly" successful.

It took a long time to hide notification but there are good registry hacks searchable on tenforums. Disabling cortana / bing was not that difficult. I've then disconnected the lan port as other have suggested.

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts that need to be disabled, everything from sticky keys through to the intel display drivers rotates. display.

Now after installing hyperspin a the shell windows is mostly transparent. I still see the login screen during autologin. 

I still would have preferred a more moddable OS but mame just runs better on Windows vs linux IMO.




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Wow. A lot of work. If you 'shell' windows properly there's no need for any of that what so ever.

Windows supports loading a different UI (shelling) through group policy and has done for years. You want the 'Custom User Interface' group policy - enable and set to you front end exe. When windows boots it loads the front end instead of explorer.exe.

Changing this group policy does require a professional copy of Windows - but even without that, there are programs that will effectively imitate this.

Also, without explorer.exe - there is no cortana, task bar, bing, keyboard shortcuts and a bunch of other things.

Way, way easier, safer and more convenient than messing with the registry.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well said tonesmalone,

I was occasionally launching explorer.exe to do maintenance work. I noticed notifications etc then but you're probably right not when hyperspin was running as the shell.

Good tip for future builds, thanks.




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Well said tonesmalone,
I was occasionally launching explorer.exe to do maintenance work. I noticed notifications etc then but you're probably right not when hyperspin was running as the shell.
Good tip for future builds, thanks.

You can't get notifications or any other of the features you mentioned without explorer.exe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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